ACE Ormus (Alternative Cellular Energy)

ACE — Alternative Cellular Energy, from Ormus Mineral Water (Orbitally Re-Arranged Mon-atomic Elements).
What Ace Ormus Is:
Ace Ormus is mineral-rich water that has been electrically charged in order to raise its minerals to a high-spin state, meaning that its electrons are orbiting the mineral nucleus with greater than normal energy and velocity at higher than normal orbits.
Each batch of ACE takes 13 months to prepare. Electrical energy is continuously added to the source mineral-rich water in order to raise the electrons to higher transitional orbits, or to a higher spin-state. It is believed that this allows those mineral elements to transmit their energy to other molecules and atoms and to assimilate into tissues and enter into chemical reactions and combinations that otherwise would not readily occur.
Why You Should Consume Ace Ormus:
You should consume Ace Ormus in order to incorporate its minerals, trace-minerals, and energy into your body, and to discover if the high-spin state of ACE Ormus minerals will allow your body to receive benefits that ordinary minerals cannot furnish. Kent and Melony have found this to be the case for our bodies.
More About the Ingredients and Process for Making ACE Ormus
ACE Ormus begins as mineral-rich water taken from the north edge of the great Salt Lake in Utah. This "mineral and trace mineral rich" water is "charged" for 13 to 18 months to re-arrange the elements into a high spin state. It contains all of the naturally occurring mineral elements known on earth.
- It is particularly high in the trace elements Boron and Lithium, which are known for enabling intracellular signaling. This, along with the higher energy state made be responsible for much of the benefits.
- Also, it is very high in elemental magnesium, which helps the body detoxify.
ACE Ormus has been spectrographically tested for the presence of minerals and trace minerals. These include, in addition to what is listed on the label: Calcium, Iodine, Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus, Chromium, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Antimony, Arsenic, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Scandium, Tin, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Barium, Silver, Uranium, Gallium, Zirconium, Vanadium, Beryllium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Hafnium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Samarium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Lutetium, Thulium, Erbium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Cesium, Gold.
ACE Ormus source water is tested regularly for and rejected if it contains above 1ppm of organic and petroleum chemicals, agriculture chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals.
Potential Benefits of ACE Ormus
Please note that university level ACE Ormus research is nonexistent. Therefore, everything about Ace Ormus can be summarized as perceptions of benefits from devotees.
Without university studies, we do not know if this product works for everyone or just those who have described the benefits they believed that they received.
Melony and Kent like it, which is our endorsement. We feel more energized and capable with it in our daily lives than without it.
Most Often Touted Benefits Cited by Ace Ormus Devotees
This is an unusual product for us to carry because there are no scientific studies available. But, the number of people finding benefit, including ourselves, is amazing to us.
- More Physical Energy and Health - devotees believe that the high spin electrons of ACE minerals allow them to more readily interact with and integrate into the body's trillions of cells and mitochondria and such mineral enhancement of tissues is believed to enable better cellular health and function.
- Improved Mental Function and Increased Learning Ability - devotees believe that high spin electrons of ACE minerals may enhance brain chemistry transfer rates and functions, giving enhanced theta brain states, higher learning and retention ability, and can improve psychic functions such as telekinesis, ESP, lucid dreaming and telepathy.
- Increased relaxation - devotees believe that high spin electrons of ACE minerals generally may help the nervous system synapses to function more efficiently as the minerals more readily integrate into the nervous system and as chemical messengers are more readily sent and received. This is believed to help one to function in a more relaxed state.
- Boosted neurotransmitter production - devotees believe that consumption of high spin Ormus electrons may help the tissues produce healthier neurotransmitters and to produce those neurotransmitters more readily.
- Alkalizing and immune boosting - devotees believe that it has an alkaline effect on the body. Devotees believe that the high spin electrons of ACE minerals have an alkaline effect on the body (increasing tissue pH). Alkalinity is believed by many to protect against free radicals. Many believe believe that being lower pH in tissue drives deterioration to the body and can be the source of aging, cardiovascular problems, and degenerative diseases. Devotees thus believe that Having extra high-spin electron minerals helps protect our body by increasing alkalinity.
- Anti-aging properties - devotees believe that consumption of high spin Ormus electrons helps in all aspects of anti-aging by enabling more production of endogenous antioxidants and avoidance of cellular deficiencies. Absence of cellular deficiencies means that repair and replacement of older cells can occur more readily.
- Spiritual Energy - devotees believe that consumption of high spin Ormus electrons can help create a heightened sense of awareness, improved emotional stability and a connection to one's higher or spiritual self and to dream more lucidly.
- Accelerated or even miraculous healing - devotees believe that consumption of high spin Ormus electrons has brought about hastened healing.
ACE Ormus Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $60
Our Price: $56.95
Ace Ormus - Alternative Cellular Energy

How to Use
- Take up to 30 to 60 drops daily.
- Start at 5 drops once a day.
- Increase gradually until taking as many as 10 to 20 drops two or three times daily.
- Do not exceed bowel tolerance.
Videos and Audios about ACE Ormus
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.