Body Genesis — Liquid Humic Fulvic Minerals

Body Genesis™ Trace Mineral Complex — 100% Bio-available Liquid Minerals — Pure Plant Derived Humic/Fulvic Trace Mineral Blend
What Our Body Genesis™ Is:

Body Genesis™ is a premium colloidal suspension of trace mineral-rich plant material that has decomposed over millennia into the ultimate biological food. Packed with fulvic and humic minerals, along with other essential nutrients, it offers a highly bioavailable source of nourishment. This virtually tasteless liquid is sourced from an ancient humic deposit in New Mexico, carbon-dated to billions of years old. Unlike humic mineral deposits in Southern Utah, which contain heavy metals, our New Mexico source is free from such contaminants, ensuring purity and safety.
Body Genesis Is One of the Very Best Trace Mineral Supplement(s) On the Market!
Humic substances originate from the earth, while fulvic substances are acidic, naturally occurring compounds found in humus—a vital fraction of soil organic matter. These substances are derived from decomposed plant material and soil, forming a rich source of essential minerals. The root of the word humic (or humin) in ancient Greek refers to the earth itself, much like the word human, which signifies being formed from the earth.
Why You Should Be Consuming Our Body Genesis™:
- The key reason to incorporate Body Genesis™ into your routine is its uniquely small molecular mineral complexes, which enable your body to absorb over 90 essential nutrients from Humic and Fulvic complexes directly into your cells. These nutrients serve as the fundamental building blocks for optimal cellular health, supporting the entire framework of well-being. We believe no other product delivers these vital elements as effectively as Body Genesis™.
- Additionally, Body Genesis™ enhances the absorption of other nutrients and foods consumed alongside it, maximizing their effectiveness.
- Finally, Body Genesis™ is rigorously tested for purity. Every batch undergoes comprehensive pre- and post-production testing to ensure it remains free from heavy metals and contaminants—a standard we’ve upheld since 1995.
Why Are Humic and Fulvic Substances So Important?

No known substances short of oxygen and water are more important to life itself than the ultimate aerobic decomposition biologic compound of all living matter called humin. Humins are "food" for microorganisms living in the soil. Soil Based Organisms (SBOs) break down humin substances into smaller units of high energy, mineral-rich substances called Fulvic Acid and Humic Acids which then feed plants.
Watch our four videos to help you understand that Humic/Fulvic mineral complexes are the smallest, naturally occurring water-soluble, mineral and nutrient-rich substances on earth. The molecules of humic and fulvic acid are so small (many times small r than a blood cell) that they are easily able to enter into human cells. They come from very old deposits of organic matter, refined and dissolved in purified water for human use. Body Genesis™ remarkably transforms the molecular structure of water, making it intensely more active and penetrating. Thus Fulvic/Humic matter dissolved in water easily enters into cells — bringing nutrients and carrying away waste products.
If Fulvic and Humic Acid weren't created by action of SBOs on humic substances (soil and decomposed organic matter) then plants would not be able to obtain nutrients from the earth. The result would be that plant, animal and human life would not be able to exist. Fulvic and Humic Acid, along with sunshine, air and water are the wellsprings of life
Because Fulvic and Humic Acid Liquid Minerals are the foundation of life, we recommend that everyone makes sure that their bodies have frequent access to Fulvic/Humic Acids. This used to be the case when people ate from their own gardens, with much of the humic and fulvic acids still clinging to the vegetables, but today one has to supplement to ensure that one is getting these vital foundations to life.
“If I had to choose between fulvic acid(s) and electricity, electricity would have to go.” — Dr. Clyde Sandgrin, leading University of Boston research scientist
Benefits from Body Genesis Fulvic/Humic Minerals
- Body Genesis primary benefit is in regard to giving your cells the minerals and trace minerals they must have to be optimally healthy.
- Body Genesis is a 100% bio-available form of minerals and trace elements and other nutrients that your body can use to maintain cellular integrity and ten of thousands of life-sustaining chemical processes in your body.
Modern people don't have enough nutrients inside their bodies.
In the past, people got plenty of humic and fulvic acid mineral and other nutrient complexes merely by eating from their vegetable garden and eating animals that ate nutrient rich wild food grown in the earth
Unfortunately, this isn't the case for most people today
- Many foods (plant and animal) have as little as 5% of the nutrient content they had a century ago.
- Even for people eating from their gardens, most modern people wash their nutrient-deficient produce so well that no humic or fulvic acid is still clinging to the vegetables they take from their garden.
- And, so our bodies are deprived of nutrients... and unless we supplement, we will forever be in a downward cycle of health after birth because our bodies won't get sufficient of the nutrients they need to build strong and healthy cells.
What Are the Nutrients in Body Genesis?
They are the naturally occurring humic/fulvic minerals, amino acids and vitamins as identified below:
Minerals in Body Genesis
Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Cesium, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Fluorine, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Holmium, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Iron, Lithium, Lutetium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Niacin, Nickel, Niobium, Osmium, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Praseodymium, Rhenium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Tantalum, Thorium, Tellurium, Terbium, Thulium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zinc, Zirconium
Amino Acids in Body Genesis
Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine
Vitamins in Body Genesis
Vitamin A (Acetate), Vitamin B (Thiamine),Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Cells Eat (Not our Mouths or Stomachs)
To begin, it is critical to understand that the total metabolism of the body can only be equal to the sum of the metabolic operations carried on within each and every individual living cell. It is also important to understand that individual cells eat, not one's mouth or stomach. All that a mouth or stomach does to help cells is to break down food into smaller pieces, small enough for cells to "grab". Then the cells eat that food, IE, take the nutritive components and fuel inside themselves to be used to grow, maintain and operate. Unless cells get everything they need in terms of minerals, amino acids, etc, they cannot operate optimally.
Each cell contains nearly one quadrillion molecules. Each cell, therefore, contains 10,000 times as many molecules as there are stars in our Milky Way galaxy. A human body has approximately 60 trillion cells. The math is staggering, but the fact remains that proper nourishment of each individual cell is a matter of galactic proportions.

Each cell needs to:
- produce many of its own amino acids
- burn its own energy
- manufacture its own enzymes
- create its own proteins
- duplicate itself
Our health and energy are dependent on constant availability the components required to form those quadrillions of molecules and cells! We are literally what our cells eat! And Body Genesis gives your cells more of what they really need than any other food you could possibly provide to them. So, if you love your cells give them Body Genesis. It is the number one supplement you should consume each day!
Humic and fulvic acids act as ion exchangers and may release metal ions of low mass and chelates heavier metals which may be able to add energy to the body and detoxify the body. For instance, Humic acid has been shown to help decrease the absorption of Cadmium and also help block viral replication.
Humic/Fulvic Supplementation Makes a Big Difference in Cellular Health
Due to modernized agricultural processes and the addition of chemicals/pesticides for rapid growth and extended shelf life of our fruits and vegetables (without adding needed nutrients to soils) our food quality is being sacrificed for ease of food production. Since the farmer is paid by the pound, crop yield is paramount to its nutritional content. The farmer, in his frantic effort for yield and preservation of his land, has perhaps inadvertently succumbed to the agro-chemical companies who advocate the application of excessive amounts of nitrate fertilizers to the soil. Such practices stun and destroy the indigenous microbial life within the soil. Thus, food has only about 5% of the mineral content it did a century ago. Unavoidably then, cells have less minerals to work with and lessened health as a consequence.
Of all the things you supplement with Body Genesis's Humic/Fulvic Acids need to be near the top of your list, as shown in the scientific studies below:
- Unabridged Excerpt from Senate Doc. No. 264, 1936, 74th Congress, 2nd Session
- Frimmel, F.H. and R.F. Christman, eds. Humin Substances and Their Role in the Environment. 1st ed. Vol. 1. 1988. Wiley-Interscience Publication: New York.
- Lind, Y. and A.W. Glynn, The Influence of Humic Substances on the Absorption and Distribution of Cadmium on Mice. Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1999. 84: p. 267-273
- Visser, S.A. Effect of Humic Substances on Mitochondrial Respiration and Oxidative Phosphorylation. The Science of the Total Environment. 1987, 62: p. 347-354.
- Principles of Biochemistry. 2nd edition., A. Lehninger, D. Nelson, and M. Cox. 1993, New York, Worth Publishers.
- Shils, O., and Shike, ed. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th Ed., Vol. 2. 1994, Williams and Wilkin: Baltimore.
- Hudak, A., et al., Effect of the consumption of humic acid with bound complex micro elements in cases of occupational cadmium exposure. Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 3(3): p. 175-186.
- Shauss, A., Minerals, Trace Elements, and Human Health. 3rd Ed. 1998, Tacoma: AIBR Press
- Shankel, D.M., et al., Extracellular Interception of Mutagens. Basic Life Science, 1993. 61: p. 65-74.
- Sato, Tl, et al., Adsorption of mutagens by humic acid. The Science of the Total Environment, 1987, 62: p. 305-310.
- Mineralab, Il, A Clinician's Guide to Toxic Metals, 1979: Hayward. [12] Klocking, H. P., Influence of natural humic acids and synthetic phenolic polymers haemostasis. Archives of Toxicology, 1991, suppl 14:p 166-169
- Riede, U.N. et al., Humate-induced activation of human granulocytes. Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathol, 1991, 60: p. 27-34.
- Humin Product Documentation and Technical Information. Horizon Multiplan LTD, Budapest 1999
Body Genesis Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $49.00
Our Price: $36.00
With Additional Quantity Discounts as You Add More Items to Your Order
Body Genesis Supplement Facts
No salt, no sugar, no additives, no preservatives, no wheat, no gmo, no animal by products, no soy.

How to Use
Maintenance Dose
One ounce daily of 32-ounce bottle, or 54 drops (3 dropperfuls) from 2 ounce concentrate bottle) mixed into a large glass of non-chlorinated water or fruit juice.
Store away from heat and sunlight. Refrigeration optional.
Videos and Audios about Body Genesis
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.