Body Biotics - Soil Based Organisms Probiotics

Body Biotics™ The Power of Soil Based Organism Probiotic Consortia: Stronger, Smarter, and More Effective Than Ordinary Probiotic Blends!
What Our Body Biotics™ Is:
- It is an Encapsulated, Shelf-Stable Probiotic Powerhouse – Body Biotics® contains billions of viable Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs) that require no refrigeration and can be taken on an empty or full stomach.
- It is the Oldest Known SBO Consortia – unlike isolated probiotics, Body Biotics® features a naturally co-existing consortia of SBOs that have grown together since birth, forming a synergistic team that re-engineers your gut flora for optimal health.
- Proven & Trusted for Over 30 Years – Originally available only through alternative health practitioners, this powerful probiotic supplement is now accessible to everyone seeking to restore a healthy gut microbiome.
- It stimulates Beneficial Gut Chemistry – Body Biotics® enhances the production of hydrogen and other beneficial compounds that support a balanced digestive environment.
- It supports Immune Defense & Gut Protection – By fostering a strong community of symbiotic SBOs, Body Biotics® actively competes with harmful yeasts, bacteria, and viruses, preventing pathogens from gaining a foothold and disrupting your digestive health.
Why You Should Consume Our Body Biotics:
- You should consume Body Biotics in order to have the best gastrointestinal health possible because the condition of your sewerage system (your gut) is a large determinant of your overall health. Many toxins get into the blood stream through a leaky, dirty gut, and Body Biotics is the best way to help your intestinal tract to stay healthy.
- Body Biotics is a naturally grown consortia of the most important probiotic organisms grown in soil not a milk environment, IE, they are SBOs (Soil Based Organisms). The reason to consume a natural soil-based organism (SBO) consortia rather than laboratory-grown dairy probiotics is their resilience and effectiveness in the gut environment.
- Unlike dairy-based probiotics, which often struggle to survive stomach acid and bile, SBO consortia are naturally hardy and stable, mimicking the ancestral way humans consumed beneficial microbes through contact with soil. SBOs colonize the gut more effectively, work synergistically as a living ecosystem, and restore microbiome balance more efficiently than isolated strains grown in a lab and encapsulated later.
- Additionally, SBOs do not require refrigeration, making them more potent and practical, and they are dairy-free, making them suitable for those with lactose intolerance or dairy sensitivities.
More General Information About the Value of Body Biotics
- A host of wellness professionals declare the health of the gut (small and large intestines) to be the most important factor for determining long-term, overall health. They further state that at least four pounds of beneficial, probiotic bacteria need to inhabit an adult's gut in order for that person to stay healthy.
- Our probiotic bacteria continuously release beneficial hydrogen molecules and protective chemicals into the body. Without them the intestines become overrun with pathogenic bacteria, virus and/or fungi, which instead of releasing hydrogen and beneficial chemicals, add toxic material to the body. Without the good bacteria, one will unavoidably experience declining health as the body is toxified and damaged.
- In helping to ensure that one has a healthy gut populated primarily by beneficial probiotic organisms, there is no equal to Body Biotics®.

Depiction of Intestinal Cross-Section and Effect of Body Biotics on Mucoidal Plaque/Pathogens
Before Body Biotics

After Body Biotics

The main benefits of Body Biotics® include:
- Helps keep intestinal walls clean by colonizing the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract and then digesting, and dislodging mucoidal gel and putrefactive material.
- Assist one’s body to better assimilate essential nutritive elements, by breaking down all hydrocarbons (foods) to their essential elements, giving almost total absorption of nutrients and fuels. This can double nutrition absorption and add 5 to 10 percent to assimilated fuel.
- Helps to create beneficial Hydrogen molecules, B-Vitamins, antigens, neuroprotective, tumor dissolving biochemicals and mood enhancing biochemicals — including Interferon and Serotonin.
- Helps prevent and reduce toxicity caused by harmful bacteria by consuming and rendering harmless their wastes, and also by engulfing, consuming and reducing pathogens to nutritive elements. They are highly active against microbes such as Candida Albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Penicillium frequens, Penicillium notatum, Mucor racemosus, Aspergillus niger and many others which would otherwise infect the body.
- In addition to directly fighting microbes, SBOs improve the functioning of the immune system by helping to stimulating the immunological activity of the Thymus and Spleen and by increase the numbers of B-Lymphocytes, T-Lymphocytes and T-Cells.
The Soil Based Probiotic organisms in Body Biotics® are:
- Grown together as a community of organisms in humic/fulvic soil rather than as bacterial isolates in corn, soy or milk sugar
- Body Biotics soil based organisms function together in the human body (as a tag team) in a far superior way to lesser quality probiotic organisms that have been grown as "isolates" and combined only in the final packaging.
More Specific Body Biotics® Benefits
- Body Biotics®™ helps dislodge accumulated decay on the walls.
- Body Biotics®™ breaks down hydrocarbons - a unique ability to split food into its most basic elements, releasing hydrogen, improving absorption through the digestive system.
- Body Biotics™ dramatically increases overall nutrition, enhances cellular growth and helps to alleviate constipation issues.
- Body Biotics®™ produces specific proteins that act as antigens. These antigens then stimulate the immune system, which may help prevent disease and illness.
- Body Biotics®™ is extremely aggressive against pathological molds, yeast, fungi and viruses.
- Body Biotics®™ works in symbiosis with bodily cells to metabolize proteins, and help eliminate toxic wastes.
- Body Biotics®™ stimulates B-Lymphocyte and related anti-body production. It produces huge pools of extra anti-bodies that are not "pre-programmed" by the immune system for any specific disease. Instead they are kept in reserve in the body to use to fight any pathogenic organism.
- Body Biotics®™ provides critical Lactoferrin supplementation. The SBO's produce Lactoferrin as a by-product of their metabolism. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein. It is used to retrieve iron from the foods we ingest and then deliver the iron wherever it is needed in the body or eliminate it if not needed.
- Body Biotics™ helps to kill parasites
- Body Biotics™ stimulates the body's production of its own natural alpha-interferon. This dramatically enhances the immune system's ability to ward off illness and disease.
What Else Is Unique About Our Body Biotics Product?
- It does not require refrigeration.
- It has a shelf life of more than five years.
- It is encapsulated in a proprietary natural food source (so that it quickly grows in the intestines).
- It contains both Prebiotics and Probiotics.
- It is dormant, yet alive and thriving.
- It is carefully and slowly dried, not quickly, freeze-dried.
- It is NOT isolated probiotic organisms mixed together when packaged. Instead, they are grown together and are symbiotic, meaning that these different species feed and strengthen each other.
- It is the best single supplement you can take for: Digestive Distress, Auto Immune Disorders, Allergies and Lung Disorders, Anti-Aging, Mental Health, Hormonal Balance
- It is able to boost your immune system and enhance your absorption of nutrients by up to 40% to 50%
- It has a long track record — for the past 40 years.
How Was Body Biotics® Discovered?
The original discovery was made by observing above ground plant growth. Investigation indicated that the unusually healthy plant growth was owing to the organisms in the soil. Soil samples were tested and the organisms were identified, isolated, and bred to a point of purity and contaminant free strains and those laboratory pure strains were and are used to cultivate today's product. Body Biotics® came into existence due to American research scientist Peter Daubner who began conducting studies in the late 70s on colonies of soil-based organisms (SBO's). His three-phase studies allowed him to identify and a process for breeding superior consortiums of SBO's, that feed and strengthen each other. Through his research he proved that this particular consortia of soil-based organisms produced very specific immune system responses, with no toxic side effects. The result of his research is Body Biotics®.
For Whom Will Body Biotics® Help Improve Health?
We are 100% certain that Body Biotics® will benefit any individual. Wellness experts believe that inadequate levels of beneficial intestinal microorganisms (probiotics) are directly associated with the following ill-health conditions (among others) and are especially important for persons with these conditions:
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Frequent Diarrhea
- Environmental Allergies
- Poor Immune Response to Modern Day Illnesses
- Heartburn
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Low Libido
- Menstrual Cramps
- Sinusitis
- Candida
Why Do We Need Body Biotics?
With “nutrient-depleted soil conditions” that exist virtually everywhere today and with the overuse of chemicals, fungicides, and herbicides, and the extensive washing of produce that most people feel is necessary, and, also, due to the very infrequent consumption of raw vegetables, friendly soil-based organisms have essentially gone out of our modern diet. This allows contagion to damage and destroy our internal digestive system, robbing the body of natural digestive nutrients that are essential to maintaining good health.
Body Biotics Has No Toxicity
Body Biotics® has been extensively tested and is completely nontoxic. One can have detox reactions with it, however, which are situations of retracing past health challenges or a temporary increase of exiting toxins. For instance, Body Biotics® users report that the Body Biotics® is able to help resolve past, unresolved illnesses (retracement) going back even to early childhood. This can cause a temporary, mild re-occurrence of the condition which normally, quickly resolves leaving the subject feeling much better.
Body Biotics Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $56.95
Our Price: $38.95
Body Biotics

How to Use
- Start by taking one capsule of Body Biotics® daily, 30 minutes before a meal with 6-8 ounces of water.
- Each week add another capsule daily until you are taking 6 a day.
- Continue this dosage for 4 to 6 months.
- Then drop to 3 capsules a day for life.
Videos and Audios about Body Biotics
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.