CellFood™ is so powerful that for 50 years it was a government top secret!
- For 50 years, up until 1995, CellFood™ was classified by the government as an experimental drug and it was available only to researchers.
- In 1995, however, it became classified as a natural supplement and the original Everett Storey redox formula was released to the public.

Cell Food is a Redox Product!
REDOX (Reduction and oxidation) is the key to cell signaling and mitochondrial energy production, IE, biological life. Redox means the transferring of electrons in biochemical reactions. Redox commonly occurs via atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
CellFood™ splits water inside the human body into hydrogen and oxygen atoms enabling them to be used in redox mitochondrial energy creation, cleanup of coincident free radical production, cell signaling, renewal of cells, and greater utiliztion of oxygen and hydrogen everywhere in the body.
- Dr. H.M. Bodner, D.C., says, “I’ve utilized many vitamin/mineral, herbal and homeopathic supplements personally and professional during my 25 years in practice. I have never had one product impact so successfully as CellFood™.”
- Dr. Harry Aisleben, M.D., says, “CellFood™ contains many of the elements necessary for the construction of life. It creates a reaction that escalates the body’s ability to correct its own problems”.
- Peter Moscow, PhD., MDSRad, says “I’ve been in practice for over 25 years and during that time have recommended a wide variety of supplements-- and c one of them can match the effectiveness of CellFood™. Calls come in every day reporting the profound changes that people are experiencing and often within a week of starting the supplement. What’s even of greater importance is that the improvements are often sustained over lengthy periods of time. Patients with the widest range of health conditions have all reported significant changes for the better. Equally fascinating have been numerous cases of improvement from athletes and other elite performers. CellFood™ is simply unique and superb.”
- Michael Coyle, Director of Research and Education, NuLife Sciences, describes “The therapeutic effects of CellFood™:
- CellFood™ assists in providing a steady flow of both oxygen and hydrogen, by splitting water molecules, to all parts of the body, thereby producing simultaneous oxidation and reduction.
- It helps the blood stream to deliver a minimum of 78 assimilable trace minerals and elements directly to each cell for complete and direct nutrition.
- It helps in the digestive process by providing enzymes and also is catalytic to the activation of those enzymes.
- It assists in the cleansing of upper and lower intestines, and in restoring normal bowel functions. This effect is sometimes noticed within only 24 hours.
- Dr. Linet Stockdale, Hematologist, says “It doesn’t matter what type of health issue a person has. The addition of oxygen in the bloodstream, with the hydrogen molecule—which CellFood™ provides—will definitely help to create a healthier cell.
- Dr. Iain Johnson, DPM, says “I’m a podiatrist specializing in patients who have poor blood circulation. I’ve been successfully using CellFood™ with my patients for several years, and prescribe them for almost all my patients.
- Excerpted from CellFood™: Vital Cellular Nutrition for the New Millennium (download and read in pdf format) by David S. Dyer, ND:
- “All the ingredients in CellFood™ are natural substances. CellFood™ has no alcohol, no glucose, and no ingredients that are on the list of banned substances regarding international, professional and amateur athletic associations. CellFood™ is made from the finest natural substances, which are cryogenic-ally (extreme cold) and not chemically extracted—and are totally nontoxic.
- The nutrients in CellFood™ are both ionic and colloidal in form. Colloidal particles are minute (4-7 nanometers in diameter), and because of the Brownian Movement Phenomenon, they take on a negative (ionic) charge and remain suspended in liquid. Because most bodily fluids (like blood and lymph) are colloidal and negative charged, the body perceives CellFood™ as normally healthy body fluid, and allows the nutrients in CellFood™ to pass immediately through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat, esophagus directly into the bloodstream.
- The extremely efficient Micro-activated delivery system provides for over 95% bioavailability (rapid, usable absorption at the cellular level) of CellFood™’s 129 nutrients. This is very high, compared with the low absorption rates of tablets (25%) and gel caps (30%), due to the fact that tablets and gel caps are absorbed through the digestive system after various acids have broken them down. Furthermore, because CellFood™ is ionic/colloidal, the similarity between it and bodily fluids increases the bioavailability of nutrients in CellFood™ to every cell in the body. This increased availability of nutrients, and enhanced nutritional biochemical activity, enables the body to function optimally.”
- Powerful Free Radical Scavenger - Through its "water splitting" technology CELLFOOD enables nascent oxygen to be generated. Nascent means newly born; and, in biochemical terms, a newly born singlet atom of oxygen is negatively charged (0-). Free radicals (which many biochemists believe are one of the primary causes of the aging process and degenerative disease) are positively charged singlet atoms of oxygen (0+). The nascent oxygen atom (0-) is attracted to the (0+), forming a molecule of pure oxygen (02) at cellular level where it is needed, for processes such as cleansing cells, e.g. combining with a single carbon atom to form carbon dioxide (C02), which is expelled through the respiratory system. This is especially noticeable, for example, with athletes where Cell Food results in higher VO2 and with patients who use it when they require chemotherapy and/or radiation. These patients report that they have fewer or no side effects. The results are especially good with nausea, weight loss, and hair loss.
- Increases Cellular Respiration - When CELLFOOD is mixed into water, an exothermic reaction takes place furnishing oxygen and hydrogen to the individual cells of the body. The steady flow of oxygen and hydrogen to all parts of the body allow for simultaneous oxygenation and reduction within the cells.
- Energy Boosting Properties - With the increased energy reserves that CELLFOOD imparts, there is a gradual but significant detoxification of cellular wastes, allowing the body to function clean and efficient, further increasing energy levels over time. The trace elemental support of the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems, also contributes to overall increased energy, relief from allergies, and decreased sleep requirement reported by many people using CELLFOOD.
- Metabolic Efficiency Catalyst - CELLFOOD enhances nutrient absorption and increases metabolism. CELLFOOD users absorb more nutrient value from the foods and supplements they consume, because the trace mineral activated enzymes (both digestive and metabolic enzymes) work more efficiently. The strong catalytic activity of CELLFOOD allows for dosage reduction with drug therapy and promotes greater nutrient absorption and availability of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrient factors.
- Balances the Body Metabolism - CELLFOOD is highly charged electrostatically and its dibase solution has a bipolar valence, creating a dualistic healing approach to tissue imbalances. Meaning that whether there is an anabolic or catabolic imbalance, the CELLFOOD can bring about an appropriate balance and activate the body's rapid healing response.
- Detoxifies the Body Deeply - After the energy potential in the body is increased, the natural mechanism in the body increases metabolism of waste material eliminating built-up toxins and poisons out of the body.
- Natural Antibiotic - Helps to kills (anaerobic) infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, without harming beneficial microorganisms needed for your body.
- Recover Faster From Injuries - CELLFOOD acts as a free electron donor, repairing tissue on contact at the cellular level and decreasing inflammation. People using CELLFOOD topically report very satisfactory results with warts, moles, other skin anomalies, athlete's foot, fingernail and toenail fungus, diabetic ulcers, and skin cancer. It cauterizes and disinfects wounds instantly. Painful paper cuts heal in hours.
- Generally Nutritive - There is no secret behind the value of trace minerals and micro nutrients. One of the reasons behind the effectiveness of CELLFOOD is the combining and concentrating these elements into one easy-to-take drop in a glass of water. The elements in CELLFOOD are already in an ionic form and help to replenish blood levels of these nutrients and enhance the assimilation of other supplements and nutrients.
- Balancing The Body's System - When we speak of balancing a person, we refer to all the systems, such as physical, electrical, chemical, biological, intellectual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, ethereal, metaphysical, and so on. CELLFOOD is remarkable because it works at balancing a person on all these levels. Examples of this are: CELLFOOD works at the physical level by providing the body with essential minerals for the constitution of the physical body; it works at the electrical and electromagnetic levels by increasing the vibrational frequencies of all the body organs, boosting the immune system, and enabling the nervous system to function more effectively; it works at the biological level by enhancing natural biological processes, e.g. digestive and metabolic processes in the body (because of enzymatic action); and it works on the chemical level by supplying amino acids to the body for building protein.
- Helps balance pH - as soon as CellFood makes contact with the enzymes in the saliva, it begins to convert saliva pH to ab out pH 7.0. Tests with litmus paper have shown that whether one is acidic or alkaline, CELLFOOD immediately balances and normalizes that pH.
- Strengthen The Immune System - Apart from assisting with the cleansing of cells, CELLFOOD raises the frequencies of all organs, making them more resistant to the lower frequencies of viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. When the "water splitting phenomenon' takes place, the nascent hydrogen atoms contain enormous supplies of positively charged electromagnetic energy. One drop of CELLFOOD produces 77,000 angstroms of energy. The body is encharged by this hydrogen. In 1991, Dr Aristo Vojdani, Vice-president of Immunosciences Laboratories Incorporated U.S.A. reported, "significant increases in T-cells with increasing dosages of CELLFOOD". This means that as the immune system is being progressively boosted, it makes the body more capable of dealing with microorganisms that could be detrimental to one's health.
- Animals - There are many reported cases of animals benefiting from CELLFOOD. Everett Storey himself put a couple of drops of CELLFOOD into the bowl of water for his dogs. He withdrew all other sources of water. He did this for four days. Thereafter, he supplied his dogs with two bowls of water, one with CELLFOOD and one without. The dogs always went to the bowl with CELLFOOD added, and lived very healthy lives.
- Plants - One individual implemented what Everett Storey had said in 1978 about CELLFOOD being excellent for plants. "I experimented with CELLFOOD on lettuce plants. I planted 100 lettuces in 20-liter plastic bags filled with organic compost and soil. I used only bore hole water, and no artificial fertilizers or insecticides were used. Every Monday I put 50 drops of CELLFOOD into 12 liters of water, and watered 50 plants. Every Wednesday and Friday, I watered these plants with water only. For the other 50 plants, I watered them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with water only. After 60 days, the plants that had received CELLFOOD were big, crispy, healthy and ready for eating. The other 50 plants only formed heads after 85 days. It usually takes 105 days for a lettuce to mature."
CellFood™ is for EVERYONE!
Top sports people who have tried out CellFood™ report that they feel more alert, play a better game (e.g. tennis), are less out of breath, recover more quickly after sports, and generally feel more positive.
Mr. Grenville Scullard appeared on the SABC TV3 "Options" program, and said that CellFood™ had helped his performance. As a gold medal cyclist who holds three South African records, Grenville broke one of his own national records as the fastest track cyclist in South Africa after taking CellFood™ for just a few weeks.
For Couch Potatoes
On the other end of the health spectrum, those who do not eat properly, smoke and drink alcohol excessively, do not exercise, have no get-up-and-go in the morning, always feel tired and run down, can't get a good night's sleep, want more vitality and energy, and generally want more out of life, will greatly benefit by taking CellFood™.
Students, Teachers and Workers
With more oxygen and minerals in their systems, children, students, teachers, and workers (especially night shift), have reported back that the increase in their alertness level and attention span, as well as their ability to deal with stress and pressure, has amazed them.
Anyone Taking Other Supplements
Knowledgeable doctors have begun advising their patients to take CellFood™ as supplementation to other medications, remedies or supplements they may be taking. CellFood™ makes the other preparations more bioavailable in the body.
Those Wanting to Shorten the Duration of Colds
People report that a "cold" only stays for a day or two compared to previously, before using CellFood™ when it would linger on for over a week. Remember, CellFood™ is not a medicine; it merely provides the body with all the building blocks in order for it to function more effectively. Because this often results in a stronger immune system, a previously sick person now has the strength to resist the said disease.
Anyone with a health challenge - There are thousands of testimonials worldwide about the benefits of taking CellFood™. People who seem to have an immediate response from using CellFood™ are those who have been suffering from arthritis. Some have reported the disappearance of pain from their joints within a few days of taking CellFood™ and later reported that their swollen joints were gradually reducing in size. There are numerous testimonials from people with diseases like cancer, AIDS, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, back pain, body pain, fatigue, cramps, skin problems, pneumonia, high blood pressure, stress, seizures, edema, tuberculosis, poor circulation, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, and more.
Quick Summary of Cellfood's Mechanisms of Action:
- CELLFOOD causes a chain reaction of water splitting action that results in oxygen and hydrogen atoms being formed throughout the body.
- The nascent hydrogen reduce reducing singlet free radicals throughout the body into water (H2o) while the nascent oxygen also reduce free radicals combining to create more oxygen for the body to use.
- Lastly, CELLFOOD furnishes 129 nutrients to the body.
Absorption of CELLFOOD Into The Body
The nutrients in CELLFOOD are of colloidal form. Colloidal particles are very small (4 - 7 nanometers in diameter), and because of the Brownian Movement Phenomenon, they take on a negative charge, and remain suspended in liquid. Because most bodily fluids (like blood and lymph) are colloidal and negatively charged, the body perceives CELLFOOD as normal healthy body fluid, and allows the nutrients in CELLFOOD to pass immediately through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat and esophagus, directly into the blood stream.
The minute size of particles, negative charge and acceptance of the body to CELLFOOD enables over 95% of the nutrients in CELLFOOD to be rapidly absorbed and usable at cellular level. This is very high, compared to the low absorption rates of tablets at 5% to 25% and gel caps at 30%, because they are absorbed through the digestive system after various acids have broken them down. Furthermore, because CELLFOOD is colloidal, the similarity between it and bodily fluids increases the bioavailability of nutrients in CELLFOOD to every cell in the body. This increased availability of nutrients, and enhanced nutritional biochemical activity, enables the body to function more normally.
Supplying The Body With Oxygen Via CELLFOOD
CELLFOOD enables oxygen and hydrogen to be generated by the splitting of water molecules in the body into atoms of nascent oxygen and hydrogen. Nascent means newly born in atomic form; and, in biochemical terms, a newly born singlet atom of oxygen is negatively charged (0-) and the two atoms of hydrogen are also negatively charged (H-). Free radicals (which many biochemists believe are the primary cause of the aging process and degenerative disease) are positively charged singlet atoms of oxygen (0+). The nascent oxygen atom (0-) is attracted to the (0+), forming a molecule of pure oxygen (02) at cellular level where it is needed, or combining with a single carbon atom to form carbon dioxide (C02), which is expelled through the respiratory system. Finally,, the nascent hydrogen can combines with O+ to create water (H2O).
Balancing The Body's System with CELLFOOD
When we speak of balancing a person, we refer to all the systems, such as physical, electrical, chemical, biological, intellectual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, ethereal, metaphysical, and so on. CELLFOOD is remarkable because it works at balancing a person on all these levels. Examples of this are: CELLFOOD works at the physical level by providing the body with essential minerals for the constitution of the physical body; it works at the electrical and electromagnetic levels by increasing the vibrational frequencies of all the body organs, boosting the immune system, and enabling the nervous system to function more effectively; it works at the biological level by enhancing natural biological processes, e.g. digestive and metabolic processes in the body (because of enzymatic action); and it works on the chemical level by supplying amino acids to the body for building protein.
Furthermore, CellFood converts and neutralizes the fluids in the mouth into about pH 7.0. Tests with litmus paper have shown that whether one is acidic or alkaline, CELLFOOD immediately balances and normalizes the body pH.
The Function Of The Nascent Hydrogen, Released via CELLFOOD
The nascent hydrogen atoms are used by the body for many functions, such as irrigating, building and strengthening cells and organs; preventing inflammation, promoting osmosis; moistening lung surfaces for gas diffusion; and regulating body temperature. Hydrogen is essential for the processes of digestion, assimilation and elimination; and for transporting nutrients through the arteries to the brain and all body tissues. A person who weighs 150 pounds has about 14 pounds of hydrogen in his body.
The body normally obtains hydrogen from water, other liquids, fruits and vegetables, and probiotics. Lack of hydrogen leads to dehydration from inside and outside the cells; and extreme dryness and abnormal nerve heat are generated in the body. Because of dehydration, moisture and fatty nutrients are not well assimilated, which could result in the brain shrinking, face furrowing, drying of mucus, cramping of tendons and nerves. A lack of hydrogen can result in conditions such as gout, muscular rheumatism, mental confusion and inadequacy, neck stiffness, skin itch, sore joints, chaotic heat fluctuations, thick and un-uniform nails, cramps in calves, extreme desire for heavy work, overpowering desire for narcotics or alcohol, inability to hold urine, predisposition for epilepsy, emaciation, ringing or buzzing in ears, weakened sense of smell, hard and fissured tongue, lack of perspiration, loss of thirst and strong preference for salty foods.
CELLFOOD Is Different Than Other Oxygen Products
Many oxygen products tend to flood the body with oxygen, often creating harmful oxygen free radicals. "The release of these reactive oxygen species results in oxidative injury to biologic systems such as lipids found in cell membranes, and proteins found in blood vessels and myocardial tissues" (Professors Ashim Ghatak and Mahesh Chandra: Complementary Medicine, Page 13, Volume 4, Number 1, 1998). This is why athletes tend to have very high CARR (free radical activity) ratings.
CELLFOOD is totally different, because it scavenges and bonds with dangerous oxygen free radicals, supplying the body with usable oxygen in a controlled and time-released manner, at cellular level. CELLFOOD therefore, in no way creates free radicals, but instead removes free radicals from the body causing the oxygen radical load in the body to go down significantly as evidenced by the reduction in the CARR rating.Another defense mechanism against free radicals is the enzyme catalase. "Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic waste product in the body, and liberates oxygen for the body to use" (James F Balch, M.D. & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Page 47, 1997). CELLFOOD contains the enzyme catalase.
If people use other oxygen products, such as ozone and stabilized oxygenated water, they should use antioxidants to minimize the free radicals that can be caused by the flooding effect of too much oxygen too quickly in the body. Obviously, CELLFOOD would be ideal in this situation for normalizing and balancing the system.
In order to assure its potency, effectiveness, and reliability as a first line approach to overall wellness, Cellfood undergoes an ongoing regimen of rigorous laboratory testing, University research and other studies.
The following PDFs, highlighting a number of such research results, are available for reading, downloading, and/or printing:
Biological Antioxidant Potential Study
Darkfield / Brightfield Microscopy Report
Clinical observations of Cellfood's efficacy utilizing blood analysis procedures.
Dissolved Oxygen
Electrolyte Test
A test that demonstrates Cellfood's ability to conduct electrical impulses.
University of Pretoria / Blood Profile Test
Surface Tension Study
A laboratory study on the effect of Cellfood on the surface tension of water, indicating a shift toward the same surface tension as extracellular body fluids.
USP Challenge Test
A laboratory test showing the ability of Cellfood to retard the growth of tested pathogen.
Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness Test
Tests for a product's ability to kill organisms in drinking water.
Microbial Test for Log Reduction
Demonstrates the effectiveness of Cellfood- when used as a preservative or additive- to stop the growth of pathogens.
Free Radical Study
A study to measure the reduction of excess free radicals in the blood stream using Cellfood.
Zeta Potential Analysis
A study to determine the colloidal nature or behavior of Cellfood; an analysis of the extent to which Cellfood functions in a manner similar to, and compatible with, body fluids.
Acugraph Study
A study of eight test subjects measuring the effects of Cellfood on meridian imbalances, utilizing the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging System. An additional case study- on one subject- is provided.
CellFood™ Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $36.00
Our Price: $26.95

How to Use
Take 8 drops in any amount of water or other liquid, three times daily.
Videos and Audios about CellFood™
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.