
Great Health Practices
The Wise Do “Sooner” What Others Do “Later” (Or Never)
The most common story of Americans is the procrastination of essential good practices, such as saving money, maintaining one’s possessions, preserving of relationships with loved ones. Since, we are talking about health:
Here’s some health practices we suggest be implemented now (not later)!
Under Eat Calories - Over Eat Nutrients
The most proven health practice for a long life — is to eat nutrient dense food meals while simultaneously under eating calories.
The proof that under eating calories is the most valuable practice possible in life extension comes from numerous laboratory tests in which test animals were divided into several groups. Some test animals were allowed to eat all they wanted, while in other test groups the animals were limited in the amount of food they were provided. Life extension was observed to increase all the way down to groups that ate only 40% of the amount eaten by the unrestricted groups. In fact, at both 50% and 40% of the calories of an unrestricted diet, the life-span of the test animals was doubled over the unrestricted calorie group.
Three theories currently try to explain the increase in longevity that results from eating less calories.
- The first theory that was devised to explain these results is that metabolism (producing energy from food) is destructive to the mitochondria. Therefore, fasting means less mitochondria destruction “wear and tear”. So, the more hours of the day we are fasting the better.
- Another theory that was conjectured was that periods of fasting allow the mitochondria to self-heal from previous free radical damage. Meaning the more repair time we have each day the better.
- Another theory is that under eating results in less body fat, which means less leptin production which turns on the longevity switch that normally turns off when one reaches reproductive age and has ample amounts of food. Removing one part of this dual test (ample food) turns back on the longevity switch. The point is to keep your leptin levels so low the cells think they you are starving, but to also keep the incoming fuel and nutrients high enough that no actual damage to one’s body is done.
The practice of under eating has one essential discipline, which is to train your brain buds to overrule your taste buds. Food preferences are able to be learned. Whether one enjoys hot dogs, kimchi, potato chips, curry, pie and ice-cream, etc. is a matter of what one associates with good times. People, for the most part, enjoy the foods that are eaten at parties and social gatherings. So, changing our party foods to emphasize nutrient dense foods is a step in the right direction.
Another beneficial practice which doesn’t require calorie restriction per se, but it does fat burning to be maintained along with 13 hours per night of no incoming food. Fat burning produces fewer free radicals than sugar burning. 13 hours per night allows mitochondria repair work to be completed each night and metabolic processes for the next day.
The next most health beneficial practice we can implement is to regularly focus our attention on clearing the body of free radicals and other deleterious substances or microorganisms. This would include the Eight Day Cleanse every few months and a daily practice of taking Cleansing Enzymes and Aloe Vera concentrate.


Successful people do what unsuccessful people won’t do!
The smart people of the 21st century will be those who live in good health to their last telomere. They, can thus “die young”, very late in life.
But, as with every success, there is a discipline to be followed. For instance, rich people invest their time and their money by foregoing spending their time and money on “things”. Poor people accumulate stuff, instead of investments.
Healthy people choose to eat healthy foods and exercise their bodies. Unhealthy people do/eat what they feel like doing/eating without override their feelings with their brain.
By understanding the disciplines or practices that most surely yield health, you can choose the health practices or disciplines you will follow.