Live Pine (Red Pine Needle Oil) — Opens Numerous Intracellular Pathways for Improved Metabolism, Detoxification and Hormonal Messaging!
What Our Livepine Oil Is:

Livepine Oil is extracted from Red Korean Pine Needles (Pinus Densiflora), and is also known as Japanese Pine Oil. The Pinus Densiflora tree is found in the mountains of Korea and Japan. Our oil is imported from Korea.
Why You Should Consume Our Livepine Oil:
The significant results that may be derived from consuming Livepine Oil include:
- boosting the immune system
- opening metabolic pathways
- cleaning the vascular system, lymph system, pulmonary system, endocrine systems, and detoxifying individual cells.
The most quickly observed results have to do with improved skin and mental function.
But, it's greatest help is in regard to glandular health:
Often, the hypothalamus, pituitary, and Pineal glands have an accumulation of fluorine and bromine compounds that inhibit optimal intracellular communication. Because of its detoxifying properties, and a specific ability of Livepine Oil to remove fluorine and bromine, consuming Live Pine Oil helps detoxify these and other hormone producing glands, helps balance hormones, and helps significantly increase glandular energy.
Our Livepine Oil is one of a only a small handful of edible pine needle oils. It is edible due to our multi-step distillation process. Pine oils generally contain both beneficial monoterpenes and harmful monoterpenes that can cause liver damage. Our Livepine oil can be utilized internally without any concern because it doesn't contain the monoterpene chemicals that are harmful to the liver.
- The first reason that Livepine Oil is so low in such harmful monoterpenes is that the Pinus Densiflora pine trees from which the oil is extracted are naturally low in the harmful monoterpenes (as opposed to other pine trees that are much higher).
- The second reason Livepine Oil is safe is that the oil undergoes a special distillation technique that avoids having harmful monoterpenes coming through into the final oil (this is similar to the technique used with Mal-X). When all the harmful monoterpenes are eliminated, Livepine Oil can be consumed internally without concern.
"Live Pine" = "Live a Long Time"
- The genus or botanical name of the source of our Superior Red Pine Needle Oil, AKA, Korean Pine Needle Oil, AKA, Japanese Pine Needle, is Pinus Densiflora.
- Livepine Oil contains natural shikimic acid which has received a lot of attention in the past few years for its ability to suppress viral activity. Studies show that it can reduce inflammation, improve digestion, reduce blood cell clumping, and generally boost the immune system.
- Among its other 65 biochemicals nutrients and phytonutrients (made from sun energy), are water-soluble Vitamin C, followed by fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and Phenolic Compounds, Proanthocyanidins, Rutin, Procyanidins and Catechins, and many more.
What makes Livepine Oil different from other pine oils is that it is an edible version of Pine oil, rather than an aromatic oil or an oil for external application only.
One of the most desirable benefits that has only recently been uncovered via research studies is the ability of Livepine Oil to help prevent cognitive decline.
Here is a list of what you need to know about our Livepine Oil - Red Korean Pine Oil:
Useful for:
- Cleaning the vascular system
- Cleaning the endocrine system
- Boosting the Immune system
- Cleaning toxins
- Removing viruses and bacteria from the blood stream and gut (but doesn't affect beneficial bacteria)
- Nourishing the cells and tissues of the body
More About How it Works:
- Detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, chemically neutralizing various environmental pollutants including radiation, nano plastic particles, and protects the blood.
- Strengthens the cells.
- Anti Fungus, Anti Yeast, Anti Microbial, Anti Viral, Anti Parasitic, Anti Mold.
- Anti Inflammation, Anti Tumor, and Anticoagulants.
- Creates nitric oxide inside the blood vessels, making the blood vessels more elastic and supple, while helping clean out plaque buildup.
- Neutralizes toxins (without the side effects of further toxicity as occurs with drugs).
- Neutralizes and digests toxins from cells, including cadmium, nicotine, strontium, polyvinyl chloride and mercury.
- Effectively helps transport nutrients into every cell of the body.
- Helps decalcify and open the pineal gland.
Livepine Oil Properties:
- Analgesic
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- Anti-Parasitic
- Antiseptic
- Antitumor
- Antitussive
- Antiviral
- Astringent
- Decongestant
- Detoxifying
- Disinfectant
- Diuretic
- Expectorant
- Improves circulation
- Invigorating
- Lymphatic
- Relaxing
- Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue
- Restorative
- Tonic
Safety and Absorbability of Livepine Oil
Our Livepine Oil has been in use since 2004 with no reported safety issues. It is easily absorbed through the skin, mucosa of the mouth, via nebulizing, or through normal digestion when taken orally.
Livepine Oil Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $90
Our Price: $85.00
Livepine Oil

How to Use
Most people take 6 drops a day. Start with 1 or 2 drops per day, either directly in the mouth or in any liquid or food. You can also rub into the skin. You can increase your dosing gradually up to potentially several dropperfuls daily to totally cleanse body tissues and open hormonal and metabolic pathways. Does not need to be refrigerated.
Not to be Used by the Following:
By persons attempting to become pregnant, pregnant, or lactating, or by children under the age of two. It is always wise to consult your physician when beginning a new supplement regimen, and particularly so with children.
Videos and Audios about Livepine Oil
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, enlightenment, education, and entertainment only.