Organic Sulfur is an Ultra-Pure Methyl Sulphonyl Methane Powder
What Organic Sulfur Is:

Organic Sulfur provides the mineral sulfur in an organic compound that the body can use extremely well to improve its health and function.
Why You Should Consume Organic Sulfur:
- To Have Healthier Lung Tissues
- To Improve Stomach and Intestinal Tissue Health
- To Increase Enzyme and Antioxidant Production in Cells
- To More Plentifully Produce Collagen and Keratin
- To Increase Elasticity and Suppleness in Ligaments
- To Reduce Muscle and Tendon Inflammation and Soreness
- To Reverse Several Symptoms of Old Age
- To Have Healthier Skin & Less Wrinkles
- To Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar
- To Help Improve Blood Circulation in the Brain
- To Remove Toxins from Body
- To Reduce Gastrointestinal Cramping
- To Improve Nutrient Delivery to Cells
Sulfur is the third most prevalent mineral in the human body (right after calcium and phosphorous). It is essential to regeneration and formation of all collagen tissues. Collagen formation requires many steps and sulfur is crucial for the stabilization and cross-linking of collagen fibers.
Amino acids require sulfur in order to make collagen and thus are vital to the structural integrity and elasticity of tissues. Disulfide bonds, which help maintain the strength of collagen fibers are absolutely imperative to maintain youth. Apart from collagen formation, sulfur is required to make many of the enzymes that enable human life. So, if you want a young, strong, and healthy body, you need to ensure optimal sulfur intake.
Sulfur Has So Many Benefits and Costs So Little That it is in our Top Ten Supplements that Virtually Everyone Should Utilize
- Organic Sulfur helps to remove toxins from the cells. This ability to remove toxins from the body helps human health at a fundamental level.
- Organic Sulfur increases enzyme and antioxidant production within the cells of one's body, substantially increasing overall resistance to illness and tissue breakdown. Enzymes are catalysts that enable biochemical processes. Antioxidants are free radical quenchers. As people age, their production of enzymes and antioxidants goes down. Organic Sulfur is one way to turn the clock back on aging and loss of enzyme and antioxidant production.
- Organic Sulfur furnishes the sulfur needed to produce collagen and keratin. If dietary sulfur is lacking, collagen production is much reduced. Consuming Organic Sulfur, therefore, contributes significantly to improving strength and thickness of hair, nails, skin, muscles, and ligaments, which can be noticed in just a couple weeks of consistent use.
- Organic Sulfur increases elasticity and suppleness in ligament and skin tissues of the body. Flexibility is a hallmark of youth. So, this is another way to turn the clock back on aging or to age more slowly.
- Studies have demonstrated that the consumption of Organic Sulfur can help reverse several symptoms of old age, including symptoms similar to osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
- Organic Sulfur aids in helping to regenerate healthy skin production and to reduce "wrinkles". It is one of the main ingredients in moisturizing creams and when consumed and circulated through the blood stream, sulfur increases the skin revitalization afforded by skin creams.
- Organic Sulfur has been shown to help in maintaining normal, lowered levels of blood sugar and also help prevent blood sugar swings.
- Organic Sulfur improves blood circulation to the brain and thereby helps alleviate chronic headaches.
- Organic Sulfur helps the body to manufacture healthy lung cells helping one to breathe more easily.
- Organic sulfur helps reduce muscle inflammation. It also promotes healing in the muscles and helps prevents them from becoming sore. It hastens the recovery and return to normality of muscles. Athletes, in particular, find great rewards from sulfur supplementation as the intake of additional Organic Sulfur dramatically reduces their recovery time after workouts.
- Organic Sulfur has been shown to help reduce cramping associated with PMS and menstrual cycles, as well as help reduce nausea.
- Organic Sulfur helps improve nutrient delivery to the cells by carrying the nutrients more effectively through cell membranes. This means that a person can be better nourished with consuming Organic Sulfur as a daily routine.
- Organic Sulfur helps with intestinal health. It helps by assisting in the removal of fecal material that is sticking to intestinal walls. Parasites living in the colon are unable to remain attached to the colon walls because of the smooth that Organic Sulfur helps to form — hatching parasites, having nothing to grab on to, and are easily flushed out.
You Are What You Eat — Which is Why We Recommend Organic Sulfur

Rishi seeks out farmers and food suppliers that are progressive, meaning they are adding minerals and trace minerals to their soils, farming organically and harvesting their foods at the peak of ripeness. Rishi then ensures that those foods are juiced and freeze dried immediately before nutrient loss.
Food is the way of health not vitamins!
Organic Sulfur fits with the “first rule of health” which is that food should be our medicine. Organic Sulfur also fits with our second rule of health, which is that food engenders health, not vitamins. The United States has among the worst health statistics of all industrialized nations, yet the people of the United States consume more vitamins that the rest of the world combined. That means that you will eventually find, as so many others have already found, that your health will never really start to improve until you give up on vitamins and turn to food. It's time to turn to food!
- Vitamins, IE nutrient isolates (often made in a laboratory), may look powerful and awesome on the label, but they don’t work as well in the human body as one would hope because they lack the many needed co-factors. Food comes with many needed co-factors nutrients.
- The lack of co-factors is the basic problem of vitamin supplements. Without those co-factors, they're NOT as useful to our cells. For instance, Vitamin C is not just ascorbic acid but rather it is: ascorbic acid and numerous co-factors that work in the cells like catalysts or tag teams to make chemical reactions occur. The many co-factors are present in foods, but are not in vitamin isolates. The result, therefore, of taking vitamins is that the body has to scavenge body tissues to obtain the needed co-factors, or wait until they are available or the body may simply discard the nutrients for which co-factors are not available. This is extra work and/or a waste of nutrients, and therefore, vitamin isolates, do far less to improve health than does food.
Organic Sulfur Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $49.95 per pound.
Our Price: $35.95 per Pound
Organic Sulfur

How to Use
- Normally, take one teaspoon one, two, or three times a day. The dosage can be increased to a tablespoon two times a day for quick revitalization of the body.
- We suggest putting a teaspoon amount directly in mouth and chasing it down with water or other liquid.
- For larger doses, you may wish to dissolve it in warm water and drink.
Please note that Organic Sulfur is water soluble (like B-Vitamins) and so it's better to take it two or more times daily, as whatever sulfur isn't used immediately will quickly leave the body in the urine.
Videos about Ingredients the Benefits of Sulfur
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.