OysterMax® Capsules - Healthy-Living

Oyster Max: Premium Oyster Extract for Vitality & Immune Support | Healthy-Living.org

What Our Oyster-Max® Tissue Extract Is and Why it is Unique:
Oyster Max® (OysterMax) is encapsulated, dehydrated, pure, organic, oyster extract tissue (shells are removed), with maximum zinc content. The oysters are wild-harvested in open Atlanctic waters off the coast of Ireland and dried at low temperatures. There are no other ingredients. Each batch is carefully tested for pathogens and contaminants and rejected if any are found. Our oyster tissue is high in the assimilable minerals zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, and numerous other nutrients and contains no heavy metals. Each capsule of our highest potency oyster extract contains the oyster tissue of half of an oyster. The capsules are small and super convenient to take.
Why Should You Consume Our OysterMax® Capsules:
The main reason to consume OysterMax® Tissue Extract Capsules is that they contain significant amounts of the super-important minerals for the immune system, zinc, copper, selenium, and iodine in the most bioavailable form that exists. Beyond that, OysterMax® contains all the trace minerals of the ocean, and a full spectrum of vitamins and amino acids — all naturally occurring and highly assimilable. These nutrients incorporate into your blood and cells to a much higher degree than occurs with other foods or supplements giving you better health outcomes.
- Recent studies show that supplementing with OysterMax® for just eight days can reduce free radical loads in the blood by upto 90%, and upto 40% from just one day of Oyster Max consumption.

The oysters from which OysterMax® tissue extract capsules are made are harvested from specific, deep ocean regions off the coast of Ireland.
These oysters contain the maximum possible amount of trace elements and no toxicity. Each batch of OysterMax® is analyzed for heavy metals, microbiological profile, and other listed analytical constituents so that you can be assured what the label says is accurate 100% of the time. OysterMax® contains no pathogens, mercury, or other heavy metals!
Oysters are the highest natural source of zinc, 10 times higher than the next highest source, grass-fed beef (grain-fed beef has half the zinc as grass-fed beef).
The minerals in Oyster Max® are naturally bound to free-form, amino acids that transport the minerals into the bloodstream without the need for digestion.
Laboratory studies have shown perfect assimilation of the minerals and amino acids in OysterMax®. And, happily, OysterMax® contains all essential amino acids, numerous vitamins, fatty acids, 59 trace elements and much more. It's truly a surefire way to help avoid nutrient deficiencies.
Oyster Max® does not contain any fillers or excipients. Because it is a naturally balanced food, there is no danger of becoming unbalanced if one takes higher doses than normal to replenish a low level of cellular zinc (which is common in North America). Each bottle of OysterMax® contains 120 Capsules.
OysterMax® is approved under Ireland's Sea Food Protection Authority (SFPA), and Health Executive Authority (HSA), and is registered with the Financial Services of Ireland. It is compliant with Commerce and Foreign Trade regulations for export to the USA (under the FDA).
Check out our article — "Ten reasons why OysterMax® is a superior Zinc supplement".
OysterMax® — Begins With Superior Oyster Harvesting

The Oysters in OysterMax® are harvested wild from deep ocean regions that produce hardier and more nutrient-dense oyster tissue than shallow regions or farmed oysters — using techniques perfected by Stephen Kavanagh's family, who have harvested wild oysters for the past 100 years. Such oyster tissue is naturally high in zinc and the other co-factors that help wild, deep-ocean oysters to have powerful immune systems. Oysters from these North Atlantic locations are also free of heavy metals and man-made pollutants (as proved by continuous assays).
Supplementing the diet with a specific food that contains a high level of natural organic zinc can be an extremely valuable part of your overall health regime since 80% of everyone is deficient in zinc. OysterMax® also has important zinc co-factors such as copper, iodine, and selenium. The trace elements in OysterMax® are balanced with each other as nature intended, because they come from a natural living source, not from a chemical factory. Together these elements along with many of the other micro-nutrients in OysterMax® provide many health activations/benefits in the body, including superior free radical quenching, as discussed at this web page. Please keep reading.
Ten Reasons Why OysterMax® Capsules Are a Superior Zinc Supplement
— by Stephen Kavanagh, Marine Biologist
Zinc deficiency affects over 80% of the adult population. It is a vital trace element required in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Athletes, pregnant and lactating women, sexually active males and anyone feeling the stresses and strains of modern life all have increased demands for zinc. The clinical range of the symptoms of zinc deficiency includes decreased immunity, low libido, poor skin, hair and nails, macular degeneration, prostate health issues, and hormonal imbalance.
For those of us who feel they need more zinc than our diet provides the job of choosing the right zinc supplement can be daunting as there are so many brands and stories on the market. Choosing oyster capsules is not something many may have considered, but as nature's highest source of naturally occurring zinc, they are certainly worth a try. The rest of this article will give you ten reasons why oyster extract capsules are the superior zinc supplement on the market today.
- Oysters are the highest NATURAL source of ZINC, ten times higher in fact than the next source which is wild-range, grass-fed beef.
- Oyster capsules not only contain zinc, but they also contain all of the 59 TRACE ELEMENTS our body needs for the correct physiological functioning of all the biochemical pathways.
- The zinc in oyster capsules is naturally bound to amino acids which makes it very BIO-AVAILABLE. This is more effective than chelated zinc supplements and far superior to synthetic zinc supplements.
- The zinc in oyster capsules is BALANCED with other key co-factor elements such as copper, manganese and selenium in a way that makes them work better together. This balancing is done by nature, as nature intended. No other zinc supplement can boast this fact.
- Oyster capsules are not only high in zinc, but they also contain MANY OTHER INTERESTING COMPOUNDS which benefit general health. Studies have shown that these other compounds can increase Glutathione levels, counteract fatigue, increase immunity and improve sexual health.
- Oyster capsules are classed as a Superfood. Because they are not synthetic there is NO DANGER OF UPSETTING the body's biochemistry by taking more than 4 capsules a day. People taking 12-16 capsules daily have reported zero fatigue. Many athletes take higher doses due to their increased demands with amazing results.
- The holistic effect on the body's biochemistry of using oyster capsules has been well-documented since ancient times. In traditional Chinese medicine, oyster extract has been used for centuries for LIVER CLEANSING and SEXUAL HEALTH.
- Oyster capsules are CUTTING-EDGE NUTRITION. Research is currently being carried out in several institutions around the world to investigate what other bio-active compounds they contain and to better understand the positive health benefits users report.
- Oyster capsules are COST-EFFECTIVE. Taking them ensures your body's biochemistry is well balanced. Taking lots of synthetic, elemental trace element supplements in the hope of achieving the same result is far more risky and more expensive.
- The production of oyster capsules is sustainable and because the oyster shells lock carbon out of the atmosphere there is a net REDUCTION IN ATMOSPHERIC CARBON from the process.
A cautionary note: Not all oyster extracts are the same. Some oysters can be up to 20 times more potent in terms on zinc concentration than others. This is due to differences in region and seasonal harvesting applied by the different manufacturers. This difference is also usually reflected in the price. Our oyster tissue does not include the shell as do some other manufacturers.
Some People Needlessly Avoid Oysters

There’s a common misconception that oysters, as bottom feeders, inherently accumulate pathogens, sewage, heavy metals, and other contaminants. While this concern may be valid for certain operations, it does not apply to our oysters. Our wild oysters are harvested from pristine, deep ocean waters far from man-made pollutants, ensuring they are exceptionally healthy and completely safe to eat. Moreover, we rigorously test every single batch of our OysterMax® product to guarantee its safety and purity.
- Oysters harvested from deeper ocean depths and away from modern pollution are among the healthiest food on earth. Deep ocean oysters have greater access to expired plankton and seafoods that gravitate toward deeper ocean. Deep water oysters, therefore, are
able to greatly concentrate zinc, selenium, iodine, copper and other minerals and immune boosting complexes. It is these minerals and immune boosting complexes that make wild, deep-ocean oysters able to quickly destroy pathogens. Because oysters are open to the sea, their immune systems are extremely powerful and robust. The powerful, immune strengthening compounds in oysters can assist you to have a stronger immune system when you consume OysterMax®.
- Most people don't know that oysters were vital to America’s history. The abundance of oysters in coastal regions of the United States played an indirect but notable role in shaping the immigrant experience for many Europeans arriving in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Oysters were the most affordable and nutritious food available in burgeoning American port cities. For newly arrived immigrants, who often faced economic hardships, the plentiful supply of oysters provided a reliable source of protein and essential minerals. This ready access to low-cost, nutrient-dense food helped many immigrants stretch their limited resources while maintaining their health during a challenging transition from leaving their life in Europe and finding jobs in America.
Oyster Max® and Avoiding Fatigue

Undoubtedly to give themselves superior pathogen fighting powers, oysters take zinc from ocean water and concentrate the zinc into their tissues. That's why OysterMax® has a high level of organic zinc. When consumed by humans this will enable people's cells to create more endogenous antioxidants, especially, super oxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione. Not only will these antioxidants help boost the immune system but will also help quench free radicals within the mitochondria and help prevent mitochondrial free radical overload which is a main cause of tiredness.
In general, Oyster Max® helps protect the body from oxidative stress. Studies show that consuming OysterMax® for just eight days reduced free radical blood stress by 90%. Endurance athletes, stressed out professionals working long hours, individuals exposed to environmental stresses such as UV light, smoking, excess alcohol consumption, may all suffer from higher than normal levels of oxidative stress and free radical build up. OysterMax® protects from the fatigue and tiredness associated with this oxidative stress. The bottom line is that you will be able to function optimally, longer, and under more stressful situations, which is why OysterMax ® is used by French Military Special Forces to increase the survivability of their troops.
Oyster Max® and Increasing Immunity

- Oyster extract powder can boost the immune system.
- Oyster extract powder can help ensure normal functioning of the immune system.
- OysterMax® contains a minimum of 3.0 mg of natural organic zinc per 4 capsules (trace element concentrations in natural products can vary considerably). This is a safe amount of natural organic zinc to supplement your healthy varied diet. It also contains significant amounts of selenium, copper and iodine that all support the immune system.
Oyster tissue contains ten times more zinc than any other food/animal. Scientists believe the reason for this is that their system is "open" to the sea, allowing seawater (and whatever is in it) to freely enter inside them, including pathogens. Therefore, they need to have a very strong immune system in order to kill the harmful bacteria that enter. The process by which oysters kill those bacteria involves sending out large amounts of free radicals to attack and destroy the harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, those free radical attack forces will do collateral damage to the oyster's own tissues unless the oyster's own tissues can protect themselves. In order to protect themselves, oysters intake large amounts of zinc from the ocean water in order to produce large amounts of the fastest-acting antioxidant, namely, super oxide dismutase, which can neutralize immune system generated free radicals. The nice part for us that that eating Oyster Max® allows us to have more zinc and more super oxide dismutase inside us, as well as many other trace minerals and nutrients that boost immune function — so that our immune systems react quickly and powerfully to pathogens. This is a powerful reason to consume OysterMax®.
OysterMax® and Healthier Pregnancy

Pregnancy dramatically increases nutritional demands for expectant mothers. If a pregnant mother isn't eating enough of a particular nutrient to supply both her own body and the developing baby's body, nature favors the baby. That nutrient will be taken from the mother's own body and be supplied to the baby. The mother's health will decrease as a result. Of course, if a nutrient low supply in the mother's body, it is possible that neither the baby nor the mother will have enough of it for optimal health. That's why all pregnant mothers are encouraged to eat as nutritiously as possible, so that neither their own health or the health of their baby suffers.
Because OysterMax® is natural and contains all the nutrition of the sea (all the essential amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, trace minerals and vitamins) it is the perfect supplement to help meet those increased nutritional demands during pregnancy so that both the baby and mother can be optimally healthy and the baby can grow perfectly. Unlike raw oysters, it is also completely safe for pregnant mothers. Check out this articles regarding healthy pregnancy:
- Why Zinc is My Favorite Prescription During Pregnancy!
- Zinc Depletion Causes Multiple Defects...
- Rationale for Zinc supplementation during pregnancy
OysterMax® for Beautiful Hair and Skin

OysterMax® nutrients help significantly:
- Zinc and Iodine contribute to the maintenance of beautiful hair, nails and skin.
- Copper contributes to beautiful hair and skin pigmentation
- Copper, Zinc and Selenium contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
- OysterMax® contains high levels of amino acids. Free amino acids are very useful as they do not need to be digested and they enter the blood stream directly and go to where the body needs them most. Three of these, Glutamic acid, glycine and Cysteine are the building blocks for collagen. Free Cysteine is normally toxic to the body and having a non-toxic source of bio-available Cysteine is very advantageous for collagen production in the body. The rest of the amino acids in OysterMax® are involved in the manufacture of enzymes, antioxidants and structural proteins such as keratin.
OysterMax® and Delayed Aging

- OysterMax® oyster supplement contains many of the building blocks for the body’s antioxidant defenses. Free radical damage is one of the major causes of premature aging in tissues, especially the skin, where wrinkles and damaged skin often result as one ages.
- Also, free radicals attack joints and create joint stiffness and pain. Free radical damage in the mitochondria reduces the mitochondria's ability to produce energy and leads to overall loss of vitality and endurance.
- Skin aging, joint stiffness and loss of energy are three of the most noticeable and unwelcome aspects of aging. OysterMax® helps combat all of these, helping one to stay "young" much later in life.
OysterMax® and Better Sexual Health

OysterMax® nutrients support the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. High levels of zinc are found in sperm and the prostate gland. Sperm contain 700 times more zinc than is found in blood plasma. The prostate contains more zinc than any other organ in the body. Therefore, it is extra important for men to seek good dietary sources of zinc. Oysters are the single best source of zinc (much better than chelates or any other laboratory produced form of zinc supplementation). Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido and sense of well-being in both men and women.
OysterMax® and Better Cardiovascular Health

OysterMax® nutrients help maintain the metabolism of fatty acids, which fatty acids are essential to cardiovascular health. Also, its zinc and copper content help form antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system from damage. Finally, copper is essential to the integrity of cardiovascular linings. Oysters are also high in potassium and magnesium which can help reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke and lower blood pressure. A study done by the University of Washington found that eating oysters can help raise the HDLs (good cholesterol levels) and lower the LDL’s (bad cholesterol levels).
Oyster extract is the dried flesh of the oyster

Oysters are harvested, opened and their flesh is removed and powdered through a drying process that kills all bacteria. One of the secrets of OysterMax® is that they are harvested at those seasons when zinc content is its highest. Oyster powder is mineral rich — it contains all minerals and trace minerals needed by the body (because they are present in the ocean and concentrated in the oyster flesh) as well as vitamins, amino acids, taurine and omega oils. Oysters have the highest natural source of the trace element zinc. Only oyster extract harvested at times of the year when zinc potency is highest can boast this claim, and very few of the companies making oyster extract recognize this.
Why Oyster Max® Concentrates Zinc, Copper, Selenium and Iodine Within Itself
Our oyster powder contains natural, organic, bio-available zinc in greater amounts than any other food on planet earth. The oyster accumulates zinc to much higher levels than any other animal known. The reason for this zinc accumulation surely has a lot to do with the oysters immune system. The oyster operates an open circulation system and when invading bacteria enter the oyster, the oyster’s immune response must immediately spring into action. During this defense a process called the ‘metabolic burst’ occurs which results in the destruction of the invading pathogen but also results in the release of large amounts of free radicals which could harm the oyster's own tissues and organs (a type of collateral damage) if the free radical burst were not eliminated. To mop up the excess burst of free radicals the oyster produces large quantities of an anti-oxidant called SOD or superoxide dismutase. However to make SOD the oyster needs large amounts of zinc, and this is considered to be the most likely reason why they have such high levels of zinc in their bodies.
The good news for us is that since most of us are very low in zinc, eating oysters allows us to also have a very significant benefit to our own immunity and free radical defense systems. The zinc in OysterMax® comes bound in transport molecules that will make it highly bio available as opposed to the synthetic and chelated alternatives that aren't so bio-available.
You Are What You Eat — Which is Why We Recommend Oyster Max®

Stephen Kavanagh is the marine biologist who is responsible for bringing OysterMax® to the market. He has 30 years experience in marine science and is passionate about human health. Here he is pictured at his restaurant, the Temple Bar Food Market, in Dublin.
How he got started with OysterMax in his own words: "I’ve always loved the sea. My father was a master mariner so growing up in Arklow, you could say [my brothers and I] had salt water in our blood from an early age. I spent a few weeks on the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) research vessel on the Irish Sea and then studied for a year at NUI Galway. After finishing my degree at the School of Ocean Sciences in North Wales I worked in London, then later in the oyster business on the West Coast.
When I came back home I started my own company processing oysters. I always tell people my business is really about four or five businesses — as I started as an artisan producer processing oysters and then we evolved into extracts and other activities.
When it comes to health the best way to eat oysters is fresh, but not everybody can get fresh, safe oysters, so for anyone worried about nutritional deficiencies, oyster extract capsules are a good way to go. While we still supply restaurants and delis with smoked oysters we’re also supplying integrative doctors in France and the US with products which they use in their work of helping people to be healthy."
Food is the way of health not vitamins!
Oyster Max fits with the “first rule of health” which is that food should be our medicine. Oyster Max also fits with our second rule of health, which is that food engenders health, not vitamins. The United States has among the worst health statistics of all industrialized nations, yet the people of the United States consume more vitamins that the rest of the world combined. That means that you will eventually find, as so many others have already found, that your health will never really start to improve until you give up on vitamins and turn to food. It's time to turn to food!
- Vitamins, IE nutrient isolates (often made in a laboratory), may look powerful and awesome on the label, but they don’t work as well in the human body as one would hope because they lack the many needed co-factors. Food comes with many needed co-factors nutrients.
- The lack of co-factors is the basic problem of vitamin supplements. Without those co-factors, they're NOT as useful to our cells. For instance, Vitamin C is not just ascorbic acid but rather it is: ascorbic acid and numerous co-factors that work in the cells like catalysts or tag teams to make chemical reactions occur. The many co-factors are present in foods, but are not in vitamin isolates. The result, therefore, of taking vitamins is that the body has to scavenge body tissues to obtain the needed co-factors, or wait until they are available or the body may simply discard the nutrients for which co-factors are not available. This is extra work and/or a waste of nutrients, and therefore, vitamin isolates, do far less to improve health than does food.
Oyster Max

How to Use:
Take 4 to 8 capsules daily, with or without food.
Videos about Oyster Max®
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