Paragon - Parasite Killing Formula

Paragon Is A Powerful, Proven Formula for Eliminating Parasites
What Paragon Is:
It is an encapsulation of 25 anti-parasitic, botanical ingredients, formulated by Dr. William Kellas (of Center for Advanced Medicine fame), that helps expel or destroy parasites and their larvae, and eggs.
Why You Should Consume Paragon:
The reason to consume Paragon is to avoid having a body that is weakened and toxified by parasites.
- Parasites sap one's energy and constantly deposit their excrements and toxins into one's bloodstream, creating a constant burden on one's immune system and detoxification systems.
- Parasites undermine one's health by directly damaging tissues, including brain and nerve tissue that can result in tinnitus.
- They take food and energy from the tissues where they coexist, and release toxic wastes that further weaken, toxify, poison, and burden cells individually and the body as a whole.
More About Paragon
Created by Dr. William R. Kellas of the Center for Advanced Medicine, Paragon is the most effective anti-parasite formulation ever created. Paragon was created through numerous iterations from thousands of patients' feedback. In its final form, Paragon is the combination of several anti-parasite products, combined into one product — those other anti-parasite products being forerunners and having been utilized previously by Dr. Kellas at his wellness clinics while he was obtaining feedback and developing Paragon.
Paragon has evolved into a mixture of 25 anti-parasitic herbs that accomplish the goals of several previously clinically, utilized formulations. It is a powerful way to expel and destroy parasites in the human body. It is also nourishing, and preventative so that parasites are discouraged from finding a home in your body. There is nothing better on the market than Paragon for having a body free of parasites.
The Job of Parasites in Nature is to make fertilizer.
The job of parasites is to return organic tissue to the state of being fertilizer, compost, or soil amendment so that the electrical energy and minerals can be reused. We just prefer they do that job with our bodies after we have died. Parasites that get inside you (which they will certainly do) are going to find the most “weakened” place in the body to live, IE, those locations where they have the best chance of decomposing that tissue. In other words, like any "smart" enemy, they will go to where your defenses are the least and attack you there. Parasites can do considerable damage... so the best plan is to quickly destroy the parasites and then increase nutrition (to fortify against future attacks)
Parasites Are a Significant and Under-Recognized Human Problem
At least 80% (and most likely 90%) of everyone has numerous parasitic microorganisms living in their bodies without realizing it
- The presence of parasites within the body is not limited to those in developing nations with poor sanitation.
- Common lab tests screen for only forty of the hundreds of parasites that can live within the human body.
- In addition, most tests are performed on stool samples only, while only a few parasites live exclusively in the intestinal tract.
- Parasite eggs are released in cycles, so that one may test negative on a particular day and test positive just a few days later as eggs are released. Thus, many people can test negative when in fact they do have parasites. Getting a good parasite test requires stool samples from multiple days, as well as saliva samples, and costs upwards of $500 (not covered by insurance unless one is very sick).
Parasites spread:
- through casual contact with infected people and animals
- by eating undercooked meats
- or unsanitized salads
- by walking barefoot, either outdoors, or indoors, where animals, including dogs, cats and birds co-inhabit or, also, where other parasite-infected people are.
Parasites can be present in:
- your blood
- your lungs
- your eyeballs
- inside your intestines and organs
- or in virtually any part of your body
How Many Kinds of Parasites Are There?
There are over 1,000 species of parasites. Parasites are living organisms, brutal scavengers that invade the human body.
- Parasites secrete toxins that poison our cells.
- They create biofilm masses and mucoidal gels to protect themselves from the immune system.
- Once inside the body, parasites can produce up to 200,000 eggs everyday if allowed to thrive.
- Often these invaders go undetected, robbing our body of nutrition, the aging process accelerates, creating multiple symptoms that range from restlessness and fatigue to severe, degenerative conditions.
Meet Some of the Bad Guys
Liver Fluke

Tape Worm

Hook Worm

Candida Albicans


Pin Worm

How People Come in Contact With Parasites?
- The most common method of transmission is through pets.
- You can get parasites by not washing your hands after petting your dog or cat or handling your scaly or feathered friends, or by touching their litter box, bedding or food dish or sitting on couches or walking barefoot where they have been.
- This is the reason why women are well advised to stop emptying the cat litter box while they are pregnant and everyone should de-worm their pets regularly.
- The next most common way to get parasites is by eating undercooked meat or fish.
- The popularity of raw or undercooked meats and fish is a significant modern issue.
- Until recently, the US government had banned the import of Italian prosciutto because the traditional method used to cure the pork did not involve heat of any kind.
- Another common way of getting parasites into one's body is from children.
- Children are constantly sticking their fingers into their mouths after playing outside near pets and other animals or other infected children.
- Once a child is afflicted with a parasite, the child’s whole family in danger, beginning with the mother or grandmother who hugs, kisses and bathes her children or grandchildren.
- In day care centers, all the children and adults are in danger of being infected from other infected children.
- Swimming in lakes and beaches exposes people to parasites, especially after heavy rains when bacteria and parasite levels rise due to run-off.
- Parasites also spread because of increased numbers of commerce and travelers coming from countries with greater prevalence of parasites.

True Story About Parasites
A 46-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of swelling of her left breast. An X-ray examination revealed that 2 x 2 cm nodule was noticed in subcutaneous tissue. Breast cancer was suspected and the resection was performed. When her breast skin was cut open, a white string like parasite ran out.

Both in war and in health, a winning strategy is to attack the bad guys, then hold the new position and bring up reinforcements to permanently retain and improve the situation. That's what Paragon does.
Paragon Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $80.00
Our Price: $59.95 Quantity discounts at 3, 6 or 9 units.

How to Use
To Do Battle With Existing Parasites
Take six to ten capsules daily, with or without food, for 30 to 90 days.
Simple dosing: Either 2 capsules three times daily or 3 capsules twice a day. Continue for one, two or three months.
Complex dosing: Either 3 capsules 3 times daily for 10 days or five capsules twice daily for nine days. Then wait for an equal number of days, either ten or nine and repeat. For best results, repeat a total of six times, which would use up three bottles.
The complex method can be more effective but is more difficult to "remember to do" with all the start and stopping.
For Nutritional and Problem Prevention Benefits
One capsule three times daily, with or without food, especially for times when exposure to parasites is expected.
Videos and Audios about Parasites and Paragon
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.