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The key to health is eliminating toxicities and deficiencies! - Dr. William R. Kellas

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Six Habits of Health

Your Body is Like a Car or Household Appliance

It Needs Maintenance


If you could only have one car or one particular household appliance to last your entire lifetime, what good maintenance practices would you establish to make it last your whole life? More importantly, with the one and only body you will ever have, what maintenance practices are you implementing so that your body will stay optimally healthy through a long life?

Six Habits of Health

  1. Maintain a Fat Burning Mode
  2. Detoxify Continuously
  3. Have No Nutrient Deficiencies
  4. Keep Cellular Oxygen and Hydrogen High
  5. Maintain an Optimal Daily Schedule of Sleep and Activity
  6. Stimulate DNA Repair and Survival Mechanisms


We Think Everyone Should Stay Want to Stay Biologically Young — For As Long As Possible!

A fundamental goal should be to maintain biological youth for as long as possible. Biological youth means that one's cells, tissues, organs and systems function optimally enabling one to be free of stiffness, pain, or physical or mental decline.

  • Today, reaching 90, 100, 110, or even 120 years while remaining biologically young is a real possibility. Advances in modern medicine have virtually eliminated premature death from bacterial infections and trauma, which once claimed most lives.
  • With the knowledge provided by modern nutritional science, individuals now have the power to age biologically at vastly different rates. A person who is chronologically 100 years old can maintain the biological health of a 50-year-old, or vice versa — depending entirely on their lifestyle and health maintenance choices.
  • Prior to the invention of antibiotics, medicines, and surgeries, people routinely died at young ages (often before 50) from injuries or bacterial infections (especially gastrointestinal infections) that commonly killed most people.
  • In our modern era, life-ending “past probabilities" of dying from trauma or infection are removed, so most people today can live for as long as the quality of their self-maintenance permits.
  • Recently gained scientific understanding regarding methods for opposing and reversing aging are so significant that nearly every person being born today could live to 120 years of age and beyond if they applied this new knowlege to their lives.
  • Unfortunately, most people are completely ignorant (including most doctors) of what to do to stay biologically young.
  • Therfore, most people suffer from poor health and exit mortal life decades sooner than could have been the case.

To stay biologically "young" for up to decades longer than most people do, a person needs to adopt lifestyle practices that will allow him or her to minimize glycation , oxidation, interruption in micro-biome and, cellular-communication-processes that damage most people's potential health-span and longevity.

One's goal must be to implement what sages and scientists have learned about eliminating these anti-aging factors. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to carry out effective lifestyle and dietary habits in their daily life for stopping these processes. As a result they grow old, and suffer and die long before what might have been.

Even though it's possible, few people know how to rejuvenate old cells and tissues and make them young again.

That's why we teach these important methods for maintaining and rejuvenating the human body to a state of optimal functioning. As you study the six habits of health you will learn what practices can permit you to age much more slowly.

Once you know, it is up to you to implement the Six Habits of Health in your daily living. If you fail to implement the habits of health, you will continue aging at fast, life-shortening rate. You will suffer poor health for many years — prior to dying too soon. On the other hand, if you do embrace these habits in your life, you will stay young for decades longer, or possibly reverse the aging process and become biologically younger, mentally and physically.

Take Care of Your Body — It's the Only Place
You Have to Live

only place to live
Habits of Health

What You Don't Know About Health Preservation Can Destroy You 50 Years Before Your Time

The average person lives to age 78 and starts to experience poor health between at age 63, and many people experience poor health and die before that average age. Things could be different for you. You could live in youthful good health age 100, 110, 120 or more, depending on whether you do the things described in our 6 Habits of Health.

Statistics tell us that most people spend at least 15 years in a poor quality of health before they die and most people die 20 to 50 years sooner that could have been.

So, learn and begin to live and implement the six habits of health now, because it can make all the difference!

FYI about when how people die:

  • 60s-70s → The majority of deaths occur in this range due to heart disease, cancer, and chronic illnesses
  • 80s → The most common age range for death due to natural aging and common degenerative processes.
  • 90s+ → Fewer reach this range, but those who do tend to have strong genetics or excellent lifestyle habits.

The truth is that lifestyle determines longevity much more than genetics.

Question of the Modern Age:

100 year old man
If you could maintain excellent physical and mental health to 120 plus years of age, would you like to live that long?

It’s a fascinating question especially since with the right diet, lifestyle, and commitment to healthy habits, thriving well past 100 is not just possible but increasingly achievable (there are now over 100,000 people who are 100 are older in the USA alone).

  • Centenarians are the fastest-growing age group both in the United States and globally — and their numbers are expected to quadruple over the next 30 years..
  • Of course, the real focus shouldn't be just living longer — it should be living healthier. One's goal should be having both a long lifespan and a long healthspan. Helping make that goal happen for people is the precise reason for this website. Extra years on earth mean little if they are punctuated with poor health, physical decline, and cognitive deterioration.
  • Unfortunately, most people don't give more than lip service to their own possibility of a long life. Studies show that most people "subconsciously plan" that between 50 to 65 their health will decline. That's their inner belief system and true to that belief system, by age 63 almost 95% of Americans have symptoms of one of the major chronic diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, Alzheimer', etc.).
  • It is ironic that while the number of centenarians is going up, average longevity peaked nine years ago and is now going down (as shown in this chart).
  • The reason average mortality is going down is because:
    1. toxicity in the human body is going up
    2. and optimum nutritional status is going down
  • At the same time as most Americans are doing worse with longevity and healthy, anti-aging science is real. There are now many people with biological (markers) ages that are 25 years less than their chronological age (IE 40 years old biologically while 65 years old chronologically). Many anti-aging experts say they are aging backwards (getting younger) and that people have the potential to live to 140 or beyond.
  • Despite such anti-aging successes, most people die in their 70s or 80s from a lifestyle caused disese such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, kidney disease, and most people begin to feel old in their fifties or sixties, making it difficult for them to imagine even wanting to exist for 40 more years in discomfort.
  • At the same time that the number of centarians is increasing, longevity for the average person is not. It is actually decreasing.
  • The reality is that most people will never become centenarians — not because it's impossible, but because most people aren't willing to choose the type of diet and lifestyle that supports either longevity or sustained vitality. Even medical professionals, despite their medical knowledge, die at the same average rates as the general population.
  • Just taking vitamins won’t get you there. The United States consumes more vitamins than the rest of the world combined, yet has some of the worst health statistics. Clearly, vitality and longevity isn’t found in taking a few pills which is why most Americans are happier to suffer poor health and die 30 to 40 years too soon rather than adopt a diffent lifestyle.
  • The truth is living a long, healthy life requires a different approach than vitamins. It requires a lifestyle of ensuring no toxicities (fasting, sweating, and not partaking of damaging substances and energies), ensuring no nutrient deficiencies (by eating a wide variety of foods, supplementing intelligently), and a lifestyle of demanding performance from one's cells (exercising the body and mind). It also requires being willing to appear "weird" in the eyes of others by choosing a lifestyle that deviates from societal norms. The truth is that most people would rather lose decades of potential healthy life than deviate from societal norms.
  • This website is for those who are willing to be different. We teach how to slow down aging and preserve both the body and mind through lifestyle and nutrition. Longevity isn’t about luck or good genes — it’s about strategy. And if you’re ready to embrace a new way of living, the potential for a longer, healthier life is within reach.

The dietary and lifestyle diseases that kill most people and or cause people to suffer in poor health needlessly for the last 20% of their life are shown in the graph below. Virtually all of these could be prevented through an understanding and application of optimal lifestyle and diet.

morality rate 2019

While the average human lifespan currently ranges between 75 to 80 years, the possibility of extending life to 120 years or beyond has been a topic of scientific exploration. Several reputable scientists suggest that, with appropriate lifestyle choices, achieving such longevity may be feasible.

Scientists Who Believe in the Possiibility of Extended Lifespans

  • Dr. David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, has conducted extensive research on aging. He posits that it's possible to reset the body's age and potentially extend human lifespan significantly. In a 2023 interview, Sinclair stated, "In this paper, we're showing it's possible to reset the age of the body up to as much as 50 percent." (Source)
  • Dr. Steven Austad, an expert in aging, believes that living beyond 120 years is attainable. He has engaged in academic discussions about the potential for humans to reach 150 years, citing ongoing research and advancements in understanding the aging process. (Source)
  • Dr. Ernst von Schwarz, a cardiologist and stem cell researcher, has expressed optimism about extending human lifespan through medical innovations. He suggests that, thanks to stem cell research, humans could potentially live up to 150 years by the end of this century. (Source)

While these perspectives are promising, it's important to recognize that extending human lifespan to 120 years or beyond involves genetics and environment plus lifestyle and diet. Achieving such longevity awaits pioneers and many years before acceptance of the necessary course by the masses.

Body Maintenance is a Choice

Why is dying at 75 to 80 the defacto choice for most people? And why is it that highly educated people and wealthy people tend to add a decade to those numbers?

  • Studies have found that the richest American men live approximately 15 years longer than the poorest men, while the richest women live about 10 years longer than their poorest counterparts.

The answer is lower rates of smoking and healthier dietary habits. In other words, they do a better job at keeping their bodies from being deficient in nutrients and filled with toxins. Health always boils down to being free from toxicities and deficiencies.

  • For instance, there are 47 years with the biological age of 18, 65 year olds with the biological of 40.
  • Unfortunately, normalcy bias is so powerful that virtually everyone plans for most of their life to die between 75 to 80 years of age.
  • They think of 90 year olds as being anomolies.
  • And, as with everything in life, what you believe, IE, whether you believe you can or can't, you're right.

We do know that what kills the majority of people in our modern era are diet and lifestyle caused diseases (cancer, heart disease, respiratory diseases, strokes, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, and kidney disease).

So living the lifestyle that creates those lifestyle diseases is just about as stupid as allowing car to stop working because one doesn't believe it's important to change engine oil or maintain correct tire pressure.

Worse than early death, lifestyle-caused diseases cause the majority of people to experience a very low quality of health for the final twenty percent of their years of life and lose the splendit joy of the retirement years when they could be enjoying their lives without the pressure of work.

Suffering and dying of those diet and lifestyle caused diseases is becoming totally optional for people alive today because each person could choose a lifestyle and diet that would give a different outcome. It is ignorance of what are those better lifestyles and diets (as Hosea in the Bible said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".

And, as always is the case with new paradigms, don't let the nay-sayers stop you from doing what many others are doing, IE, living in perfect health into their one hundreds.

Do You Want to Choose a Different Way?

The truth is that many anti-aging experts are aging backwards, that is getting younger biologically, not older. Many believe that they will live for many hundreds of years, but they are very strict about a couple of things:

  • Sleeping eight hours every night
  • Maintaining very low blood sugar
  • Having an eating window of less than eight hours a day so that their body can detoxify itself and repair itself optimally daily
  • Maintaining excellent muscle strength
  • Utilizing supplements to ensure that they have no nutrient deficiencies

Everyone has to determine for themselves if a long and healthy life is worth the discipline it will take to achieve, or if they want to get chronically ill and die at a normal age like most everyone else.

We hope that your goal is to live in a biologically young body for a very long time — for your body to work the way it should, without pain and without lack of energy, all the way to your last telomere. The way to achieve that goal is to implement the Six Habits of Health.

Don't Delay to Implement the Six Habits of Health
  • Unfortunately, for every month you delay to implement these six habits of health you will likely be losing from 2 to 7 days of healthy life that you could have had, but will forfeit.
  • Those forfeited days just keep adding up. After just 5 years of delay, that's from 120 to 420 healthy days of enjoying life to the maximum that you'll never be able to get back.
  • or if you wait 10 years to implement better lifestyle choices that's 240 to 840 healthy days that are gone from your future. In your later years, you would pay almost anything to get just a few more weeks or months of healthy living.

If you're on the road going to pain, suffering, and early death, we suggest that you back up fast! Once your health starts to diminish, you could take that as a wake-up call that if you don't turn around, you will have the regret of knowing your life and health could have been different if you had chosen to take better care of your body. Again, if you don't like the end of the road you're on, it's time to backup fast and choose a different road.

Although, accidents cause pain and there are never any guarantees in life, longevity and nutritional scientists have proven that slowing aging is possible for virtually anyone, at any age. Thankfully, the same lifestyle and dietary habits that slow aging also slow the onset of poor health and pain and suffering that go with poor health. So, instead of saying we want to live longer, our goal is really to live healthier.

Good Health Exists Where People Live the Six Habits of Health

There are many places around the world where people do not suffer the health problems that are common in industrialized countries. None of the causes of death listed above are known there. Instead, they simply die in their sleep, very late chronologically in life. The kind of health problems most people have really boil down to not having healthy cells, tissues, and organs.

dr ron rosedale - longevity

Ron Rosedale is an Internationally known expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose work with diabetics is truly groundbreaking. Very few physicians have had such consistent success in helping diabetics to eliminate or reduce their need for insulin and to reduce heart disease without drugs or surgery.

Dr. Rosedale was founder of the Rosedale Center, co-founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine (Boulder, CO USA) and founder of the Carolina Center of Metabolic Medicine (Asheville, NC). Through these centers, he has helped thousands suffering from so-called incurable diseases to regain their health.

One of Dr. Rosedale's life goals is to wipe out type II diabetes in this country as a model for the world. He also has written a book,"The Rosedale Diet", covering his proven treatment methods for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases of aging.

Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.

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