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Advanced Immune Defense (AID)

Our Advanced Immune Defense™ May Not Impress a Non-Immunologist, Yet It is one of the Most Advanced Immune Dr. Robert H. Keller - creator of Aid Advanced Immune DefenseProducts on Earth.

Key Benefits of the RKMD Advanced Immune Defense (AID) Supplement

  • Strengthens immune response
  • Promotes antioxidant activity
  • Supports energy and vitality
  • Enhances overall well-being

It was formulated by Dr. Robert H. Keller, with Triple Certifications in Oncolology, Immunology and Hematology.

  • Dr. Keller created AID - Advanced Immune Defense™ for his immunocompromised patients, many of whom were on disability. He wanted them to take 24 important immune supporting ingredients that his research showed were essential (not just four, five or six ingredients like other formulas). So, he created an affordable, comprehensive mixture of key, immune system supportive nutrients.
  • Each of AID's (Advanced Immune Defense™'s) 24 ingredients, were fine-tuned by Dr. Keller through more than 100 iterations of formula testing. Interestingly, Dr. Keller created and patented a lymphochyte testing that allowed full testing of each new interation in only 6 hours instead of 30 weeks as required by other immune testing procedures (through many iterations of formula testing), to work optimally together.
  • Dr. Keller proved the efficacy of the AID - Advanced Immune Defense™ formula with patient outcomes on top of lymphocyte testing. Using his in-house testing facilities, Dr. Keller was able to very accurately determine patient outcomes, and perfect the formulation for best overall performance with lymphocytes and real world results. In other words, there isn't a better immune product.

When the best immunologist in the world creates an immune support formula, you should pay attention.

The main benefits of AID - Advanced Immune Defense™ include:

Why Advanced Immune Defense™ by Dr. Robert H. Keller, M.D. Powerfully Enhances Immune Function

Advanced Immune Defense™ (AID) is not just another supplement—it is the result of meticulous clinical refinement by Dr. Robert H. Keller, M.D., a pioneer in immune system research and integrative medicine. What sets AID apart is the evidence-driven approach behind its formulation, designed to provide maximum immune support without unnecessary ingredients.

AID’s Strength Lies in Its Clinical Rigor

Dr. Keller formulated AID after working hands-on with patients suffering from serious immune challenges. Unlike many “kitchen sink” formulas that include trendy or redundant ingredients, every component in AID had to prove itself through real-world clinical outcomes.

  • Ingredient-by-ingredient validation: Only ingredients that demonstrated measurable improvements in immune response were included. If a nutrient didn’t yield consistent patient benefits, it was excluded.
  • Refined through over 100 iterations: AID was perfected through more than 100 clinical refinements to maximize immune resilience, reduce inflammation, and boost overall health.

Comprehensive Yet Cost-Effective

AID offers the rare combination of broad-spectrum immune support and cost-effectiveness:

  • Synergistic blend: A targeted combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals designed to work together to protect cells and fortify immune defenses.
  • No excess “fluff”: Every ingredient is clinically validated, ensuring maximum efficacy without bloating the formula.
  • Streamlined dosing: Get concentrated immune support without the need for multiple separate supplements.

Scientifically-Targeted Immune Modulation

AID addresses core mechanisms behind a healthy immune system:

  • Supports detoxification & antioxidant protection: Fights oxidative stress and shields cells from damage.
  • Balances inflammatory cytokines: Modulates immune activity to avoid under- or over-stimulation.
  • Boosts glutathione production: Enhances levels of the body’s master antioxidant for optimal immune efficiency.

AID - Advanced Immune Defense™ - is both comprehensive and cost effective.

Each and every ingredient in AID was added by Dr. Keller because patient outcomes showed immune function improved with the inclusion of this ingredient. If patient outcomes with their serious immune disorders didn't improve with inclusion of an ingredient it was left out in order to make the formulation as cost-effective as possible.

The Antioxidants in AID - Advanced Immune Support™ not only improve immune function, but also increase anti-oxidation (in order to resist aging).

Antioxidants for boosting immune function are included in AID because antioxidants are needed to protect immune soldiers from the free radical weapons they employ against pathogens.

  • Lymphocytes generate huge amounts of free radicals as they fight to destroy pathogens. Immune system generated free radicals is one of the major ways that viruses can cause human death (through immune system generated free radicals required to kill viruses).
  • Without antioxidants nearby the free radicals would damage self-tissue, too.
  • Additionally, antioxidants improve virtually every other marker of health, including slower aging, less chronic disease of all types, less pain and stiffness, etc.

Another welcome benefit of taking AID - Advanced Immune Defense is in regard to blood sugar.

Stress always elevates blood sugar and since the formulation of AID lowers free radical induced and inflammatory stress of virtually all types, this may have a good effect for stress related elevated blood sugar. Also, when Vitamin C levels are low, cells intake extra sugar. Since AID contains Vitamin C, it helps avoid this problem, too.

The liver uses many of the ingredients in AID - Advanced Immune Support™ in order to perform its detoxification functions

Virtually every ingredient in AID is also a liver support ingredient

Although OGF is the premier mitochondrial function support product, AID is very supportive.

Virtually every ingredient in AID supports mitochondrial energy production and free radical cleanup, but especially supportive of mitochondrial function are: zinc, copper, selenium, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B12 and Manganese.

Many of the ingredients in AID - Advanced Immune Support help lower stress and inflammation or support cognitive function and blood sugar stabilization

All of this helps with maintaining a good mood and emotional stability.

Since cholesterol levels begin with liver function and since AID supports liver function, it follows that AID will be helpful in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Especially helpful in this regard are the AID ingredients: Hawthorne Berry and Mulberry Extract .

AID’s purpose is to help you maintain optimum health and quality of life for as long as possible.

AID contains 24 ingredients that improve immune response.
It is the lowest priced supplement on the market with all of the following:

  • Betaine (Tri-Methyl Glycine) helps in lowering damaging LDL cholesterol levels and homocysteine levels while increasing the “happy feeling” molecules Sam-E and Methionine. You may have heard that "laughter is the best medicine". This component increases your ability laugh, feel good and have a strong immune system.
  • Mulberry includes natural Vitamin K and the phytonutrients: Zeaxanthin, Resveratrol, Anthocyanins, Lutein, and various other polyphenolic compounds that are fantastic for scavenging dangerous free radicals. Not only does mulberry help your body when faced with infection, but also it helps you with allergies.
  • Hawthorne Berry is not only boosts heart function and strengthens blood vessels, but it also boosts immune function.
  • Korean Ginseng is great for fighting stress, infection, fatigue and improving strength and resilience at all levels.
  • Resveratrol is widely acclaimed as a powerful inflammation blocker and protector of endothelial cells (arterial linings). It also boosts the number of T-cells employed by the immune system.
  • PABA is especially beneficial for avoiding fatigue, irritability, skin deterioration (eczema, scleroderma, fibrotic skin, etc.) and boosting immune responses.
  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid - all essential for a well functioning body and immune system.
  • Minerals: Zinc (12.5:1 ratio with Copper), Selenium, Copper (1:12.5 ratio with Zinc), Manganese, Chromium and Molybdenum - which are the most important minerals for detoxification, anti-oxidation and enzyme processes in the body. These minerals are essential to a well functioning immune system.

Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID - Ordering Form

Comparative Retail Price: 45.00
Our Price: $31.95 — when ordered on auto ship or with two units or more in one order.
Or $34.95, if only unit unit ordered, and not on auto ship.


Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID

advanced immune defense supplement facts
advanced immune defense (aid)

How to Use:

Take one daily per 120 pounds of body weight.

Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Suggested Dosing for AID - Advanced Immune Defense™?

Answer: The dosage for a 120 pound person is 1 capsule daily. Add 1 capsule daily for every additional 60 pounds that you weigh over 120 pounds, meaning a 180 pound person should take 2 capsules daily and a 240 pound person could take 3 capsules daily. AID can be taken as two capsules in the morning or even better, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with or without food, but accompanied by one or more glasses of water.

Will Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID™ interact with medications or supplements?

Answer:  No. There is no evidence that AID™ has any negative interactions with other medications or supplements.

Should Healthy People Take Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID?

Answer: Yes. AID was designed as an inexpensive and practical way to maintain a healthy immune system throughout a lifetime.

Should Un-Healthy People Take Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID?

Answer: Yes. Even more than healthy people, unhealthy people need to take AID... perhaps at even a double or triple higher dosing than healthy people, in order to bring nutrient reserves up more quickly into healthy and optimum functioning levels.

How Do We Know that Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID Actually Works to Improve the Immune System

Answer: Dr. Keller's decades of research show that it works. Dr. Keller worked tirelessly for his patients, and constantly monitored the "chemistry" of his patients with the help of an in-house, state of the art medical laboratory. With this laboratory, he was able to do patient testing that other doctors simply could not afford to do. He worked on his nutraceutical formulas until he could not improve the results any more. His formulations how the best outcomes of any nutraceuticals on the market, proven by his patient outcomes.

How did the AID - Advanced Immune Defense™ come about?

Answer: through through efforts of Dr. Robert H. Keller. Dr. Keller is the kind of doctor everyone wants. He looks at root causes of health and finds the underlying causes of poor health and the ways to bring health to the point that one feels great. The formula iterations were perfected over decades of tweaking the formula and noticing the outcomes of his patients. Finally, the formula couldn't be improved as demonstrated by the final patient outcomes.

Other Internet Resources and Web Sites Regarding the Potential Benefits of Advanced Immune Defense™ - AID Ingredients

Betaine (Trimethyl Glycine)
Korean Ginseng

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.