Cleanzym — 17 pH balanced enzymes, plus herbs and botanicals that improve digestion.

Cleanzym: Your Gateway to a Healthier Life Through Optimal Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
What Our Cleanzym Supplement Is:
Cleanzym, developed by Dr. William R. Kellas, is a meticulously crafted supplement designed to promote complete digestion, reduce metabolic stress, and support overall well-being
- Comprehensive Enzyme Blend: contains 17 pH-balanced enzymes to aid in fully digesting food so as to not miss getting every bit of their nutrition and to prevent undigested particles from lingering in the body, thus reducing toxicity and metabolic burden.
- Phytase for Mineral Absorption: The formula includes phytase, an enzyme that breaks down phytates (phytic acid) found in legumes, seeds, tubers, and grains. By reducing phytates, Cleanzym enhances mineral absorption not only from these foods but also from others consumed simultaneously.
- Botanical Support for Digestive Function: Cleanzym features botanicals that stimulate the stomach, liver, and pancreas to produce essential enzymes and digestive juices, further improving the digestive process.
- Defense Against Harmful Bacteria: Important botanicals in Cleanzym help suppress the growth of harmful bacteria in the stomach, contributing to a healthier digestive environment.

Optimal digestion is vital for overall well-being. Yet, digestion declines with age. Less absorption of nutrients and greater toxicity from undigested food is a primary driver of aging. Dr. Kellas emphasizes that taking Cleanzym with meals is one of the most important health habits you can adopt.
Why You Should Consume Our Cleanzym Supplement:
Observing this chart on enzyme decline with age, it becomes clear that aging is closely linked to the gradual loss of enzymatic vitality. Enzymes are not only essential for digestion but also play a critical role in maintaining cellular function, tissue integrity, and overall metabolic efficiency. As enzyme levels diminish, the body's ability to repair, regenerate, and sustain youthful function declines. Without replenishing these vital catalysts—whether through diet, lifestyle, or supplementation—one risks accelerating the aging process at every level
Everyone needs Cleanzym to neutralize phytase and to ensure their digestive tracts extract all possible nutrition from the food they eat.
Extracting nutrients from food is quintessential to health. If digestion and assimilation of nutrients doesn't happen correctly, the nutrients in the food one eats are wasted, ending up as a toxic burden in the body, or going into the city sewage system instead of into one's cells.
Anyone eating tubers, legumes, seeds, or nuts, needs Cleanzym to neutralize phytic acid (phytates) that is present in those types of foods. If this isn't done, then the phytic acid will block the absorption of minerals into one's body, both minerals that are in the foods just eaten and the foods already in the stomach and bloodstream.
People over the age of 30 no longer make enough enzymes in their livers, pancreas, and stomachs and, therefore, no longer digest digest food completely. Further, most people eat too much processed food, not enough fermented foods or sprouted foods, don't do proper food combining, don't eat enough raw food (with its natural enzymes), and as a result their digestive enzymes are insufficient to digest their food well, and so they are inextricably on a downhill course into poorer and poorer health.
The easy way to reverse that direction is to take Cleanzym whenever one eats. Taking a Cleanzym capsule with meals is a small and simple habit that is a must for anyone planning to live in good health for as long as possible.
Cleanzyme was created by Dr. William R. Kellas of the Center for Advanced Medicine, and he considers it to be his greatest supplement achievement. Through 30 years of patient feedback, Dr. Kellas optimized the formula of enzymes, digestive bitters and botanicals until the patient results were outstanding. His formulation works in any pH environment and helps the stomach and intestines to efficiently digest food and maintain a healthy stomach environment.
Most people's enzymes are insufficient to do the job of breaking food down into assimilable nutrients so that they can get into the bloodstream and incorporate into our bodies. When enzymes are insufficient, a person still gets all the calories from food; but doesn't get the nutrients. The food that isn't digested and assimilated becomes a toxic burden. So, after the age of 30, when enzyme production goes down, people start to gain weight and become toxic. All that can be avoided with Dr. Kellas's amazing Cleanzyme product.
Cleanzym has several important component categories as follows:
- Digestive bitters that stimulate production of gastric juices and enzymes in the stomach, liver and pancreas.
- Enzymes (17 enzymes) that assist the body to break incoming food down into usable nutrients, deactivate phytic acid, and to help the body to dissolve non-functioning tissue in the body such as fibrin, fibroids, mucoidal gel, etc. These enzymes are provided in pH balanced formats to work in anyone's stomach.
- Botanicals that help the body in stopping microorganism fermentation in the stomach.
- Herbs that help the body to boost liver strength (the liver is one of the main organs that supports the manufacturing of enzymes).
- Probiotics that are helpful to the body in it being able to maintain the good protective bacteria in the gut (which extract the last bit of nutrition from food).
You may have heard that you are what you eat. But, that isn't true. The truth is that "you are what you assimilate". Eating foods or supplements means nothing if you don't assimilate the nutrients so that your cells can eat, too. In fact, eating and not assimilating means you have put a lot of material into your body that becomes a burden to be eliminated — and possibly, will toxify you!
That's why Dr. Kellas considers Cleanzym to be the most important of all the products he has ever brought to market! Without taking Cleanzym along with your food, you may likely be wasting much of your grocery and supplement money because you aren't extracting all the nutrients from the food and supplements.

Taking Cleanzym Daily is Important to Avoid Having a Tired and Degenerating Body
Your body has to make 5,000 plus enzymes/chemicals to maintain itself. When it doesn't extract those from food because of inadequate digestion, you get the following bad results:
- You will become tired and your muscles and organs will unavoidably degenerate. That is the result of a body that is assimilating less and less nutrients from the food being eaten so that mitochondria, cells and organs and systems cannot maintain themselves optimally.
- Undigested food entering the blood stream will become a toxic burden. Accumulating toxins create confusion in the body, activating immune responses and liver responses to clear those toxins out. This will sap your precious energy that could be used for other things.
- You will begin to smell bad because the body imprisons improperly digested foods (toxins) in joints, fat and water (next to the skin). Stored toxins make a person smell unhealthy or old — like a garbage can.
Henry David Thoreau once said: "For every thousand hacking at the leaves of a problem, there is one getting at the roots."
Cleansing Enzymes is one of those few things that
gets at the roots of wellness.
Cleanzym (Cleansing Enzymes) took years to develop.
Dr. Kellas considers it be his most important supplement, and the one that took the greatest effort to perfect.
If you will take up the daily habit of taking Cleansing Enzymes you can help keep your digestive system from losing its digestive powers. This will significantly increase your body's ability to stay biologically young.
Read below to learn about Cleanzym's six-faceted digestion boosting actions!
Cleansing Enzymes contains 17 pH balanced enzymes (so it works in anyone's stomach pH) to help digest foods and clear away non-functioning protein debris from the human body. Included is serratia peptidase from silkworms that helps digest away fibrin and cholesterol from arterial walls.
Cleanzym contains an enzyme called Phytase that breaks up phytic acid. This is important because phytic acid (or phytate) prevents minerals from being extracted both from phytic-acid-containing-foods (vegetables, seeds, nuts, and green leafy vegetables) and also prevents minerals from being extracted from foods that are in the stomach at the same time as phytate. Breaking apart phytic acid is, therefore, extremely important.
Enzymes initiate the formation and/or breakage of chemical bonds and are vital to our body in numerous ways, just one of which is transforming our food into cellular building blocks. Like chemical lasers, the enzymes in Cleansing Enzymes cut up our foods and stored proteins into tiny molecules that the body can use. Cleansing Enzymes is balanced for use in all pH environments (acidic and alkaline), so no matter what the current status of our digestive organs, it will work.
- Cleansing Enzymes contains special liver strengthening foods that boost the liver’s performance in producing the approximate 5,000 enzymes and catalysts that our body uses to change food into nutrient molecules and to detoxify the blood of impurities. The liver is the largest organ of the body (except for the skin, which some people classify as an organ). It has more jobs to do than any other organ of the body. Keeping the liver strong is essential to good health.
- Cleansing Enzymes contains a digestive bitter that stimulates stomach acid production. Stomach acid is essential for breaking down foods so that they can be digested.
- Cleansing Enzymes contains an herb that stimulates bile production. Bile helps extract nutrients from partially digested food (chyme) as it passes through the small intestines.
- Cleansing Enzymes contains botanicals that help prevent fungal and helicobacter bacteria activity in our digestive systems. This reduces the implantation of bad microorganisms in our intestines. These harmful microorganisms are responsible for such things as ulcers and increased toxic load.
- Cleansing Enzymes contains a species of protective bacteria (lactobacillus sporogenes, literally encased in a protective spore) that survives stomach acids/bile and reaches our small and large intestines safely where the protective bacteria will populate our colon and help prevent pathogenic bacteria from gaining a stronghold
When Dr. Kellas answers the question of what to do to maximize a healthy, human life span, he always includes taking Cleansing Enzymes as a key daily habit.
The reason is that the status of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the single most important determinants of overall health. If we have impaired digestion and elimination, including an overgrowth of harmful microorganisms, we will function less efficiently and our longevity and wellness will be impaired.
Cleansing Enzymes helps in a huge way so that gastrointestinal efficiency can remain high for as long as possible. The goal of Dr. Kellas is for people to remain “young” biologically as late in life as possible. As we have all been taught from our earliest years, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
With today’s dietary predominance of cooked and processed foods, which take a huge toll on a person’s enzyme capacities, by the time most people reach their late twenties, they are in enzyme trouble!
Creating enzymes takes a large toll on the body’s capacity for chemical production. Since cooked and processed foods don’t provide any needed digestive enzymes within the foods themselves, as raw foods do, most people, by the time they have reached their late twenties, are in enzyme trouble as the body drastically slows the release of its protein-cutting enzymes (the most important ones), and begins to dole them out in eyedropper amounts instead of tablespoon amounts as it did in earlier years when there was no lessened capacity or perceived shortage of enzymes. With fewer enzymes to process the food we eat the more our food remains partially digested and therefore either unusable or TOXIC.
Cleanzym is not just for digestion. Look at these critical staying young processes with which enzymes help:
- Defense against inflammation. When you were a kid, you shrugged off injuries that later in life can lay you up for a week.
- Enzymes control the rate and accuracy of healing. Again, think of your speed healing when you were a kid. Think of the wounds that healed when you were a kid, with their thin, strong pliable, almost invisible scars. Now, think of your thick, knotty, scar tissue from wounds of later years.
- Protein cutting enzymes eat away at fibroids helping to prevent or dramatically lessen such things as Fibrocystic Breast Disease, uterine fibroids and endometriosis
- Enzymes clean away the protein coating that otherwise builds on protein tissue under the skin (polymerization). This is what prevents wrinkles. So, how do you know if you have too few enzymes? You’ll have wrinkles!
- Enzymes regulate immune function — preventing it from other under-acting or overacting. If the system is run-down, enzymes will increase the cleaning/killing action of the white blood cells on bugs and increase the production of Natural Killer cells. If the immune system is running too high and creating auto immune conditions such as MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc., then the enzymes will downshift the immune system, control inflammation and eat the antibodies that the immune system is creating to attack its own tissue!
- Protein-cutting enzymes clean the blood of all the debris the liver can’t manage to clear out of the blood on the “first pass”.
- Enzymes strengthen blood vessel walls and open micro circulation passages clogged with fibrin, improving circulation overall.
Cleanzym Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $59.95
Our Price: $44.95

How to Use
Normal Adult Use for Improved Digestion:
- Take three to six capsules daily with meals.
- One capsule per meal with small meals.
- Two capsules per meal with medium sized meals.
- Three capsules per meal with large sized meals.
Normal Adult Use for Internal Body Clean-up:
- Take one capsule per hour (up to 15 per day)
Videos and Audios about Parasites and Cleanzym
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