WARNING AND DISCLAIMER for You, the reader.
The information in this web site concerns foods, supplements, studies, opinions, ideas, experiences in the area of internal body cleansing and nutrition. You should not construe this as medical advice. There is a huge difference between offering discussion of products and ideas and offering medical advice. Medical advice can only be given by a (licensed) healthcare professional who has had a chance to personally observe you and understands your problem, issue or objective.
The information presented discusses health issues and disease in general, for a ‘statistical’ user, not you as a specific user, and is not referring to your particular healthcare issue. This information is for you to consider and research further. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled that only a healthcare professional can diagnose a medical problem – and, from their prospective, that may include you, the person who actually has the problem. Unless otherwise stated, the FDA has not approved the information on this web site. Therefore, this information, and any products presented along with it, should be used only to inform yourself about available choices in conjunction with consultation of a healthcare professional. In the event you choose not to consult with a healthcare professional and self-diagnose and/or self-treat yourself, using this information or these products, neither this web site, its owners, promoters, manufacturers, or distributors, can, nor will, assume any responsibilities for the results. No matter what testimonials say, no matter what studies say, no matter what opinion says, even the most benign product that 99.999 times out of 100 produces great results, may, in your case, have either no effect on your health or may produce rare negative consequences for you and the product promoters assume no responsibility for any reason and to any extent because we are not health care professionals and we do not know your complete medical history nor is the information presented intended to be a diagnosis or treatment plan for YOUR health problem. We urge you to implement any ideas discussed here only after consultation with a healthcare provider who monitors your condition and treatment program. However, as an adult, you have the lawful right to buy this product from us, whether or not you consult with a healthcare professional, and we have the right to sell it to you. However, by virtue of this warning and disclaimer, you may not hold us responsible for any adverse effects you suffer and you may not look to us to indemnify you from your own decision to use this product without checking with your healthcare provider.