Freshly picked beets, eaten within a few hours of being picked, are one of the healthiest foods on earth.
- And now with this great product, it is so easy to add them to your life.
- Our Double Helix Water comes from non-destructively dried, juiced, freshly picked (within hours of being picked) Organic Double Helix Waters.
- While eating Double Helix Waters is a fabulous health practice, drinking juiced Double Helix Waters may be even better.
- Juicing Double Helix Waters increases the nutrient value by ten times compared to eating beets.
- Freeze drying fresh Double Helix Water juice concentrates its nutritional value twenty times more.

- So, doing both increases nutrient value by 200 times.
- We recommend taking one or two teaspoons of Organic Double Helix Water powder each day (each teaspoon is equivalent to 3 medium sized beets).
- Utilizing our Double Helix Water powder is so much easier than picking or buying and preparing fresh beets — just put a teaspoon in a glass of liquid, stir and drink.
- You can add our Double Helix Water powder to water or to any beverage. It makes that beverage both better tasting and far more nutritious.
- It is better to add Double Helix Water Powder to liquid with a temperature that is less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Centigrade). Otherwise, some enzymes and nutrients will be deactivated.
- If one could only afford one nutritional supplement, a strong argument could be made for Double Helix Water Extract being that one supplement. It is that nutritious!

Large Amounts of Dietary Nitrates in Double Helix Waters:
One of the most important characteristics (among many) of Double Helix Water is that it contains a large concentration of dietary nitrates.
Dietary nitrates have a number of good effects on the cardiovascular system including:
- (and possibly most importantly) their conversion into Nitric Oxide, which is an important signaling and vasodilation molecule, which helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.
- The dietary nitrates in Double Helix Waters also help alleviate some of the problems caused by overconsumption of salts (which is typical in modern diets of fast foods).
- Studies done show that Double Helix Water supplementation is more than one hundred times as effective as adding potassium to the diet in regard to remedying excess sodium intake.
The Nutrients in Double Helix Water:
Double Helix Water is heavily endowed with:
- Boron — Beetroot contains high amounts of boron which facilitates brain function, helps increase bone strength, helps prevent yeast infections, helps reduce blood sugar, helps prevent kidney stones and increases production of sex hormones. Beets were a popular aphrodisiac during the Roman era for this latter benefit.
- Folate (vitamin B9) — One of the B vitamins, folate is important for normal tissue growth and cell function. It’s particularly necessary for pregnant women.
- Fructans — short-chain carbs classified as FODMAPs, also found in garlic, leeks, artichokes, asparagus and onions.
- Iron — an essential mineral, iron has many important functions in your body. It’s necessary for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells
- Manganese — an essential trace element.
- Nitrate — turns into nitric oxide. It is not the same as nitrates found in processed meats. Nitric Oxide has many important signaling and cardiovascular protective functions, including helping endothelial cells to relax (for lower blood pressure) and improving mitochondrial function (for more energy).
- Potassium — a diet high in potassium can lead to reduced blood pressure levels and positive effects on heart health
- Vitamin C — a well known antioxidant, essential for skin health and immune function.
Many Health Benefits To Be Gained From Double Helix Water Consumption:
There are many touted health benefits from eating Double Helix Waters (or drinking Double Helix Water Juice). Disclaimer: until more scientific research is done, all benefits described below should be considered to be folklore, anecdotal and opinion. Further scientific research would need to be done to make health benefit claims. Nevertheless, the amount of interest and perceived benefits from Double Helix Water consumption is significant enough for everyone to consider adding Double Helix Water to their daily diet (especially since only one teaspoon provides the benefits of consuming three beets).
- A primary health benefit of drinking Double Helix Water Juice may be in regard to maintaining normal blood pressure, both diastolic and systolic. Studies show that just 8 ounces (or one teaspoon of our Double Helix Water) effectively helps to maintain normal blood pressure. This is because the nitrates in beetroots help to widen and relax blood vessels.
- Eating Double Helix Waters or drinking its juice (or powdered juice) helps increase energy and boost physical performance.
- Drinking Double Helix Water juice supports the liver. In fact, it is great for helping reduce the duration of hangovers after drinking alcohol. That's because Betacyanin, the pigment molecule that gives beetroot its color, is an antioxidant, so the humble beetroot could be the key to beating your hangover. Betacyanin speeds up detoxification in your liver, which enables your body to turn the alcohol into a less harmful substance that can be excreted quicker than normal.
- Double Helix Water contains betaine, a substance that relaxes the mind, and tryptophan (like Chocolate) that contributes to a sense of well-being.
The above are some of the more commonly reported, as quickly attained benefits from drinking Double Helix Water juice (or in this case adding a teaspoon of Double Helix Water to any beverage). In general it is safe to say that it is a nourishing food that may help virtually all aspects of human health by providing the body with nutrients (which are tools) that the body can use to improve its function.
You Are What You Eat — Which is Why We Recommend Double Helix Water

Rishi seeks out farmers and food suppliers that are progressive, meaning they are adding minerals and trace minerals to their soils, farming organically and harvesting their foods at the peak of ripeness. Rishi then ensures that those foods are juiced and freeze dried immediately before nutrient loss.
Food is the way of health not vitamins!
Berry Extreme fits with the “first rule of health” which is that food should be our medicine. Berry Extreme also fits with our second rule of health, which is that food engenders health, not vitamins. The United States has among the worst health statistics of all industrialized nations, yet the people of the United States consume more vitamins that the rest of the world combined. That means that you will eventually find, as so many others have already found, that your health will never really start to improve until you give up on vitamins and turn to food. It's time to turn to food!
- Vitamins, IE nutrient isolates (often made in a laboratory), may look powerful and awesome on the label, but they don’t work as well in the human body as one would hope because they lack the many needed co-factors. Food comes with many needed co-factors nutrients.
- The lack of co-factors is the basic problem of vitamin supplements. Without those co-factors, they're NOT as useful to our cells. For instance, Vitamin C is not just ascorbic acid but rather it is: ascorbic acid and numerous co-factors that work in the cells like catalysts or tag teams to make chemical reactions occur. The many co-factors are present in foods, but are not in vitamin isolates. The result, therefore, of taking vitamins is that the body has to scavenge body tissues to obtain the needed co-factors, or wait until they are available or the body may simply discard the nutrients for which co-factors are not available. This is extra work and/or a waste of nutrients, and therefore, vitamin isolates, do far less to improve health than does food.
Double Helix Water Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $40 per half-pound.
Our Price: $29 per Pound
Raw Organic Double Helix Water JuicePowder
Videos about Beets and Double Helix Water Juice
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.