Our Fibroblast Growth Factor Product Contains Carefully Dried Avian Egg Blastocysts Plus Powerful Supportive Ingredients
What Our Fibroblast Growth Factor Product Is:
It is a fibroblast growth factor supplement with additional strategic ingredients designed to help boost stem cell replacement of damaged tissues and cells in the body.
Why You Should Consume Fibroblast Growth Factors:
The basic reason is to reverse the aging process in your body. So far as scientists have learned stem cells are the only way to reverse aging, and that's why Fibroblast Growth Factors do, namely, they stimulate and/or call for stem cell differentiation and replacement of damaged cells in one's body with newly formed, perfect cells, and they stimulate and call for greater production of stem cells in the body.
One can pay for expensive stem cell injections, or one can utilize our Fibroblast Growth Factor product at a fraction of the cost. But, there is no other way to overcome DNA degradation than getting stem cells to recreate perfect new cells.

What are Fibroblast Growth Factors? should be the question in your mind, now.
They are specialized molecules that are responsible for life in the first instance. They are "the engineers" (polypeptides, oligopeptides, etc.) for creating new life. FGFs exist in all germinal cells. Germinal cells are called blastocyst, endosperm, embryo, zygotes, and basement membrane molecules.
Our FGFs source is Norwegian 9.5 day-fertilized chicken eggs. Before fertilization, a hen egg blastocyst is just a small tiny speck (group of cells). The number of blastocyst cells (FGFs) grows exponentially after fertilization. The blastocyst in this image is the white spot on the left side of the yolk.
Before fertilization a germinal disc (blastocyst) consists of only eight cells. Once fertilized, during the next 9.5 days, germinal cells multiply into more than sixty thousand fibroblast growth factor cells. Starting from the 9th day, these FGFs (life-engineering molecules) create the tissues, organs that become a new living creature. From the 9th day, it takes only twelve more days of stem cell differentiation and activation for a baby chicken to be created and hatched.
- What Fibroblast Growth Factors do is to stimulate stem cell creation and activation.
- While in a situation of "egg development", FGFs stimulate creation of life,
- but with an an already existing life (such as a human supplementing with them), FGFs stimulate stem cell repair or replacement of damaged cells.
FGFs may be the best way yet discovered to stimulate cells, tissues and health to return to a youthful, perfect condition. Two doctors independently discovered the amazing health value of fertilized avian germinal cells. Continue reading to learn more:

- The first discovery of FGFs was in 1929 in Canada. Dr. John R. Davidson wondered if the germinal cells of fertilized eggs could help human health and found that yes they could, documenting many miraculous health recoveries. It took a lot of work back then (before machine extraction) to extract the little tiny germinal tissue (a lighter-colored, circular spot of tissue, 2-3 mm in diameter, attached to the egg yolk). Unfortunately, before his discovery became widely known, he died and his work went with him to the grave.
- The second discovery of FGFs took place in Norway, when just prior to the year 2000, Dr. Bjodne Eskeland, independently realized the human health value of avian egg blastocysts. His discovery achieved market traction by 2012 when the commercial Fibroblast Growth Factors product was created for public use. Since then Fibroblast Growth Factor products have helped thousands of people to attain improved health and faster recovery from exercise or trauma. In 2006, Dr. Eskeland published "Fertilized Tissue Extract: Norway's Anti-Aging Miracle". The mechanisms of action behind health improvement from extracts of fertilized eggs is that the germinal cells with their fibroblast growth factors attract and direct stem cells in the creation or replacement of defective cells, restoring correct cellular and tissue function.
How Fibroblast Growth Factor Products Are Made?
Fibroblast Growth Factors are derived from fertilized hen eggs. Fertilization activates germinal cell growth (the germinal cells or blastocyst is the white spot attached to the egg yolk). After fertilization, fibroblast growth factors multiply at exponential rates, eventually increasing in mass by a factor of more than 8,000 times the initial mass. During incubation, FGFs and other nutritional peptides increase to peak concentrations, creating a powerful and unique combination of amino acids, glycopeptides, and oligopeptides (aka Fibroblast Growth Factors).

These fertilized eggs are incubated for nine days reaching at that time a point where that maximum Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) content is achieved. After nine days, the levels of FGFs decline as the future chicken begins to rapidly develop.
It takes large numbers of fertilized chicken eggs (sourced from a Salmonella free area of Norway) to create our Fibroblast Growth Factor capsules. Even with the the fertilized germinal tissue increasing from .0002 grams to 1.53 grams it still requires many dozens of fertilized eggs to create one bottle of Fibroblast Growth Factor capsules.
The blastocysts with their peptides and fibroblast growth factors are machine extracted. This material is then carefully dried and encapsulated. Some other ingredients that assist the Fibroblast Growth Factors to assist cellular rejuvenation throughout the body. Due to the stem cell replacement of damaged cells that can be accomplished with Fibroblast Growth Factors, this is truly a breakthrough opportunity for creating renewal and youthing that was not possible previously.
The Numerous Nutritional and Health Benefits of our Fibroblast Growth Factor Products Include:
- Increased apoptosis and renewal of cells — when cells are renewed more frequently, the result is a "younger", more perfectly functioning body. This is the mechanism of action and the main benefit — changing out damaged cells for undamaged ones.
- Less Stress — fibroblast growth factors help bring about the renewal of those tissues (such as enterchromaffin tissues) that secrete neurotransmitters. This results in more youthful hormone levels which is felt as improved stress response, and can be validated by observation of reductions in markers of physical stress, including a reduction in cortisol levels (stress hormone). Huge reductions in Cortisol result from FGF supplementation.
- Improved Memory — results from renewal and youthing of brain cells. Thus, regular consumption of fibroblast growth factors helps to improve brain function and activity.
- Increased Stamina and Energy — again, increased cellular renewal from consumption of fibroblast growth factors helps to make youthful cells out of old cells. This helps one to have increased stamina and energy and promotes faster workout recovery.
- Better skin and eye health — likewise, fibroblast growth factors help skin cells to renew resulting in healthier skin and eye tissue.
- Better focus and clarity in thinking — other benefits of fibroblast growth factor consumption include improved emotional balance, enthusiasm and sense of capability, plus increased alertness and improved focus.
- Improved muscle and tendon tone and strength — a major benefit of fibroblast growth factors is in regard to muscle building and improved workout recovery.
- More Restful Sleep — lowered cortisol levels allow more restful sleep.
- Feeling better overall — regular use helps improve the overall sense of well-being, increased DHEA production and increase libido/sexual desire.
What Are the Ingredients In Our Fibroblast Growth Factor Product:
- Fertilized Tissue Extract — is the main ingredient source, This Fertilized Tissue Extract is the source of Fibroblast growth factors. There is twice as much FTE in our product as in any other FTE product created previously. FTE has a full complement of signaling molecules that "activate" our stem cell pool as we did in our mother's womb and in our youth. A new-born baby has 200 times more stem cells than an 80 year old person, which is why babies heal so quickly, have a sharp memory, possess beautiful skin, and stay energetic. Put simply, FTE with Fibroblast Growth Factors is one's best bet to reverse aging, sleep better, feel happier, get younger, leaner, and achieve 100 years or more of healthy living.
- Aloe Gel — Our aloe vera gel extract is the highest quality, most bio-available, immunomodulatory aloe vera available. It is unsurpassed in biological activity. By itself, this one ingredient, has the ability to stimulate an increased release of our body’s stem cells dramatically (200- 300%).
- Chaga Mushrooms — Chaga mushroom is one of the most medicinal foods and overall tonics known to man. Its healing properties were known by the Siberians as the “Gift from God” and the “Mushroom of Immortality,” by the Japanese, and by the Chinese as the “King of Plants”. Today we know why due to its phytochemicals that have been shown to strengthen and reinforce the immune system, boost the regulatory function of the endocrine system and demonstrate very unique and powerful radio-protective properties. They are most promising as a shield from the massive and pervasive radiation bombardment from the 5G technology we are now experiencing. Also, the vast amounts of melanin found in Chaga extend its health benefits far beyond simply protecting the human body against radiation. Recent studies propose that the biological role of melanin is responsible for generating the majority of the body’s energy due to its ability to both protect and convert sunlight and ionizing radiation into metabolically useful energy.
- Marine collagen — collagen peptides are the glue that holds your body together. They are most prevalent in the connective tissue structures like your skin, hair, nails, bones and joints. Collagen is loaded with amino acids, especially glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. Your body uses these specific amino acids to make more of its own collagen. It supports glowing skin, flexible joints and a vast number of other whole-body benefits. Our Marine Collagen contains zero carbs, so it won’t kick you out of ketosis during intermittent fasting.
- L-Arginine — is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax, and as a result improves circulation. Evidence shows that L-arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide that causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow in the arteries of the circulatory system and may improve symptoms of congested arteries, chest pain or angina, and coronary artery disease. L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances vital to the body. There are many studies regarding the efficacy of L-Arginine and like all of our ingredients has a GRAS status (“Generally Regarded as Safe”) with a long list of clinically proven benefits.
- Rhodiola Rosea — is surprising in its versatility within the nervous system as shown in its ability to help the body adapt to stress by affecting the levels and activity of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These are powerful neurotransmitters (signal molecules) found in different structures in the brain influencing the central nervous system. It appears that Rhodiola inhibits the breakdown of these chemicals and facilitates the neurotransmitter transport within the brain. In addition to its impact on the central nervous system, Rhodiola can increase the chemicals of the cardiovascular system that provide energy to the muscles of the heart and prevent the depletion of adrenal hormones induced by acute stress supporting the endocrine and musculoskeletal System. At a time of increasing emotional stress due to political, economic and social pressures as well as heavier workloads and greater exposure to environmental stressors such as an increasingly toxic environment and rising health care costs, it’s worth considering such a multipurpose nutrient in your daily routine.
How to Supplement with Fibroblast Growth Factors
- The more Fibroblast Growth Factor one consumes, the better results.
- We recommend consuming from two to sixteen capsules daily (usually, in divided doses, and always on an empty stomach. One should wait half an hour before consuming other food or protein supplements.
- Goals (No medical guidance intended; for any health concerns, consult a health care provider):
Take two to four capsules of FGFs or one half to one full scoop of powder in the morning and two to four capsules before bed or one half to one full scoop of powder before bed (requires one to two bottles of capsules per month one half to one tub of powder per month).
Start, by taking four capsules in the morning and four before bed... increase gradually to a maximum of eight in the morning and eight before bed and stay at this dosing level for 6 to 9 months. Could also be done as one to two scoops of powder in the morning and one to two scoops of powder in the evening (requires between two to four bottles per month or one to two tubs of powder per month).
Take 12 to 16 capsules or three to four scoops of powder in place of dinner. Eat food for only six hours in each 24 hour period. (requires 3 to 4 bottles of capsules or one and a half to two tubs of powder per month).
Fibroblast Growth Factors Ordering Form
120 Capsule Count Bottles
$110 per bottle of 120 capsules or $200 per tub of powder (equivalent to two 120 count capsule bottles)
Fibroblast Growth Factors

How to Use
Capsules of Fibroblast Growth Factors:
Take two to sixteen capsules in one or two divided doses. (The more one takes the fastger the results of cell upgrade.)
For example: one to eight capsules in the morning, and one to eight capsules in the evening. Click here to see additional ideas for dosing.
Take with a glass of water on an empty stomach.
The more capsules that one can afford to take the greater the stem cell activation results that one will experience.
Fibroblast Growth Factor Powder (Each scoop equals four capsules):
Take one to four scoops daily, in one or two divided doses.
For example: one to two scoops in the morning, and one to two scoops in the evening. Click here to see additional ideas for dosing.
Mix in a glass of water on take an empty stomach.
The more powder one can afford to take the greater the stem cell activation results that one will experience.
Videos about Fibroblast Growth Factors (Fibroblast Growth Factors)
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.