Mycellized Curcumin
Nanofy™ Liquid Curcumin Micelle is less than 30 nm in diameter
and is water soluble — enabling penetration of all tissues.
It provides 185 (average and 277 times greater for women) times greater serum levels of Curcumin than natural Curcumin powder.
There are thirty 10 Drop Servings per Bottle
Ten Drops Equals Is More Than Equal to Twenty-Seven 500 mg Capsules of Curcumin Because of Exceptional Tissue Saturation
The benefits generally speaking of curcumin consumption derive from its anti-inflammation and anti-glycemic properties, meaning consuming curcumin may help to wonders in regard to maintaining more comfortable joint operation, less free radical attack of tissues throughout the body and brain, less glyaction damage to brain and body tissues, and more normal blood pressure. In other words, you may likely have a healthier life, more free from chronic diseases of the body and brain and less joint discomfort.
Curcumin is especially beneficial for the liver, joints, eyes, and brain (which are main targets of free radicals and to help prevent sugar cross-linking or glycation).
The specific reason for consuming our Liquid Curcumin is that it up to several hundred times more effective than other curcumin products.
If there is a more beneficial natural food product for health, science has yet to identify it. Its primary benefits are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, brain health, joint support, and cardiovascular health. Thousands of studies, have done but because curcumin is natural, we are still awaiting large-scale, long-term human trials. However, while early research on curcumin is promising, the benefits described are still primarily anecdotal, folkloric, or based on preliminary studies. Comprehensive, double-blind, peer-reviewed research that meets FDA standards is still needed in order to make definitive health claims. Unfortunately, the scientific process is slow and may take decades. But, the growing interest and reported benefits of curcumin are significant — making it worth considering for those who prioritize their health. Do not overlook our liquid curcumin
Liquid Curcumin
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.
Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.
The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.