It is a liquid solution of picosized, recombined plant esters and plant oils, made into high-tech detergent for helping in the removal of the residues of pathogens and toxins from human cells, blood, and interstitial fluids.
You should supplement with Miror EPF to help remove toxins and pathogens from your body.
Miror EPF helps with two of mankind's biggest health challenges — namely, pathogens and toxins which are the cause of more human suffering through all history than any other factor from which mankind has suffered.
Let's talk more about — "out there". During the last century, human beings have made fantastic progress in reducing suffering and death caused by microorganisms and their toxins, primarily via sanitation, meaning external cleanliness, IE, sewerage systems to remove feces and urine from homes, weekly garbage collection to remove food wastes from the home, chlorinated drinking water systems to remove bacteria from water used for bathing and drinking, and via hand sanitation with soaps. Sanitation has saved more lives and will continue to save more lives than all the hospitals, doctors, nurses, and medicines of the world combined.
The new frontier of health is internal cleanliness, IE, keeping our bloodstream and cells clean. Miror EPF adds a new ability — the ability to actively dissolve and cleanse pathogens and their deposited toxins from our bodies. This is an important tool that has been added to mankind’s arsenal for supporting health, by assisting the body in undoing and helping to prevent damage from pathogenic microscopic organisms. We invite you to learn more and obtain the benefits of Miror EPF in your life!
Miror EPF is a high-tech recombination of pico-sized plant oils, and plant esters. It is essentially, a cellular-level detergent. To make Miror EPF, the plant esters and herbal oils are first pico-sized (Pico means one trillionth of a meter) and then re-combined in such a way that the product acts not only as an antioxidant and ligand but also as a salt-bridge sensing array. Due to its unique ligand property, Miror EPF molecules can attach to and dissolve organic materials that lack human-identifiable functional salt bridges (acid/base bonds in large human protein molecules). Not only is Miror EPF safe for internal use, but it can strengthen salt bridges in cells that are merely weak and can be repaired.
Miror EPF dissolves all pathogens, including those with biofilms by breaking their molecular bonds and releasing their constituent peptides and atoms. Miror EPF, likewise, dissolves endotoxins (toxins released when a pathogen dies) and excreted toxins (metabolic wastes or substances released by pathogens to help them colonize the host body) into peptide components that can be readily eliminated from the body. This unique capability makes it a supportive tool for helping restore health to persons with old, chronic infections of Lyme and other pathogens and their deposited toxins.
Ancient Mesopotamians were first to produce a kind of soap by cooking fatty acids – like the fat rendered from a slaughtered cow, sheep or goat – together with water and an alkaline like lye, a caustic substance derived from wood ashes. The result was a greasy and smelly goop that lifted away dirt.
In comparison, Miror EPF is extremely high tech. It utilizes plant oils and esters instead of animal oils. And instead of a strong alkali and heat being the driving factors for changing oil into soap, the process for making EPF utilizes picosizing technology for reducing and recombining those elements to make a molecular detergent.
Synergy means a sum that is far greater than the part. Herbal synergy is not easily achieved since haphazardly adding herbs together can produce both positive and negative results, rather than a multiplication effect such as has been achieved in the case of Miror EPF. Creating a multi-herb synergy requires painstaking work, since each single herb is like a single musical note and incorrectly combining them creates dissonance rather than harmony and synergy. Miror EPF is a perfect herbal composition.
With continued use, Miror EPF has shown the ability to reduce previously overwhelming pathogenic and toxin burdens in the body that prevent cells and tissues from, otherwise, ever regaining optimal health.
Thus, Miror EPF helps one’s body achieve a healthier cellular composition and function. Persons with decades of poor health associated to pathogenic, chemical or heavy metal damage are achieving revitalized life as a result of this powerful product.
Miror EPF supports health by strengthening weak molecules in cells. Through its ability to detect and strength weakened acid/base (salt bridge) bonds in molecules, Catalyst Foundation adds an additional capability for promoting health by revitalizing weakened tissue. Miror EPF can essentially go through the whole body, molecule by molecule, and dissolve unrecoverable molecules, pathogens and toxins while revitalizing salt bridge bonds in weakened, but recoverable molecules.
Catalyst Foundation has the following health supportive actions in the human body:
Lab tests have verified that the following organisms are dissolved by Miror EPF. There are billions of organisms and toxins that could be tested; but, so far of those pathogens that have been tested, none were not dissolved by Miror EPF.
Comparative Retail Price: $129.95 (1 Oz)
Our Price: $89.95 (1 Oz)
Miror EPF
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.
The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.