Ricatein — Stabilized, Soluble Rice Bran and Germ

Ricatein is stabilized, soluble Rice Bran.
Ricatein is a fantastic, health supporting food. It is comprised of 100% stabilized, soluble, rice germ and rice bran.
It contains only 61 calories per serving. It is a superior, health-supportive food for newborn babies, centenarians, and everyone in between, furnishing high amounts of nutrient tools for all human cells. It is especially supportive for those with the below health challenges:
- Stress - Particularly Persons Undergoing Chemotherapy/ Radiation/ Surgery
- Lactic Acid Buildup (take note runners and Parkinson's sufferers)
- Diabetes or Insulin Resistance Challenges
- Sleeping Problems
- Chron’s or IBS
- Fibromyalgia
- Candida
- Ulcers
- and much more
In saying health-supporting, we mean that the natural and balanced nutrients in Ricatein can be used by the cells of the body as a toolkit or as building blocks to be used in whatever way the cells choose. Unnatural products (i.e. prescription drugs — override the cell’s choice and force a reaction in the cell. That’s why we believe natural is better. Natural empowers.
For most of earth’s history, the majority of nutrition in rice, the nutrition in the bran and germ, was “inaccessible” — completely locked up inside the germ/bran.
Rice is the most important food crop in the world. Yet, for most earth's history, mankind could not access the most valuable nutrients of the rice kernel, namely the rice germ and bran. That's because separating bran and germ from the white part of the rice kernel causes rancidity in the bran and germ to occur in about four hours (unless cooked or chemically treated). Unfortunately, cooking or chemically treating the bran and germ also destroys the nutrition. A little over a decade ago, a method was discovered for separating out the germ and bran from the remainder of the rice kernel without cooking or chemicals, thus preserving the fragile nutrition in the rice germ and bran!
This non-destructive separation technique has been perfected that prevents rancidity from occurring. The result is that single spoonful of Ricatein supplies more assimilable, balanced, food-form, health-improving nutrient tools than your body may have ever had access to before. Your body can use the fabulous nutrition that was previously locked up in the rice to heal itself.
So, for the first time in the history of man, rice’s tremendous nutrition is available without having to eat all the carbohydrates in the whole rice kernel. Previously, a person would have to eat a many pounds of white rice to equal the nutrition in a single serving of Ricatein.

This picture shows paddy or whole rice kernels next to white rice kernels. The kernels appear to be about the same size, because the brown part of the rice kernel makes up just 8% of the mass of rice kernel. Interestingly, that 8% contains two thirds of the total nutrition of rice. The brown part of rice is 20 times more nutrient dense than the white part.
This begs the question, why don't we care more about this nutrient dense part of rice?
Rice is the most commonly eaten food in the world. It's very nutrient rich, growing in fertile soils and soaking up the sun's energy with which to make phytonutrients. Yet, most of rice’s nutrition is in the brown part that is routinely discarded. And, when people do eat the more nutritious “brown” rice, they cook it — destroying virtually all of the tremendous, but fragile nutrition in the germ and bran.

- Paddy, or unmilled rice doesn't store well. It goes rancid in a few months, while milled, white rice will store for many years. Because it stores so well is the reason that most people eat white rice.
- Since most people only eat the white part of rice, with the brown part being discarded, mankind is not accessing the tremendous phytonutrients and antioxidants that the sun, water and soil have put into bran and germ of rice. This is a huge and sad waste. But, until Ricatein was discovered most of the nutrition of rice was always wasted.
- Unfortunately, when people do eat the whole rice (IE, brown rice), they routinely destroy the potential nutrients through cooking. Most of the fragile nutrients in the brown rice are inactivated by cooking. Of course, the carbs aren’t killed. They will still be assimilated perfectly. But, how many carbs does a person need?
- In past ages of history, carbs were always needed... because people worked extensively and used up many thousands of calories daily in their labors. But, today is a different time. If you’re like most people, you’re overfed on carbs, but underfed on nutrients. And, that's the reason to add Ricatein to your daily diet.
The Great Need of Modern People Is Not Calories, But Rather Today's Need is Nutrients

- Here is a blowup of a Rice Kernel showing the bran and germ from which Ricatein comes. The bran and germ of the rice kernel contains nearly 70 percent of rice’s total nutrients, but comprise only 8% of the mass of rice.
- Most people in the industrialized part of the world get plenty of calories/carbohydrates, i.e., fuel. We are, in fact, virtually always overfed on calories.
- At the same time, however, we are almost without exception underfed in terms of nutrients, the building blocks that maintain our cells in good operating condition.
- Since the white part of the rice contains most of the calories and the brown part contains most of the nutrients it would be desirable to separate these two parts and focus our efforts on eating more of the nutrient dense bran and germ.
A Breakthrough Discovery Allows The Brown Part of Rice to Be Separated From the White Part Without the Onset of Rancidity
During the 1980s, while visiting rural India, researcher Patty Mayhew noticed that when Indian children became sick, Indian mothers would rush to rice mills and obtain freshly discarded rice millings, mix these discards in water and feed it to their children, who would then often quickly recover. She learned that this procedure had to be done immediately, within just a few hours, or else the rice millings would become rancid and unusable. When she came back to the U.S. she and her team worked tirelessly to create a way of preventing the onset of rancidity in rice bran that had been separated from the white part of the rice. Her team found that the culprit was the lipase enzyme which would cause the bran to be destroyed. They found that cooking or chemical processing could stabilize the rice bran but would also destroy the very nutrition they were trying to access. Finally, she and her team were able to perfect a non-destructive method for stabilizing the rice bran so it wouldn't go rancid. This process involves mechanical extrusion of the rice germ and bran, breaking the lipase enzyme which causes the onset of rancidity. So, now, the nutrient dense portion of the rice kernel could be separated without rancidity occurring, and the shelf-stable product, Ricatein came into existence.
With this discovery, for the first time in the history of man, rice’s tremendous nutrition is available without having to also eat all the carbohydrates in the whole rice kernel. A person would have to eat a a bushel of white rice to equal the nutrition in a single canister of Ricatein.
For vitamin pill takers, take note that because Ricatein is a food, rather than a vitamin supplement, it contains numerous natural vitamins and other nutrients that man-made supplements can NEVER furnish. Laboratories cannot match nature in furnishing balanced nutrition.
How Ricatein Is Made
Ricatein is a granulated powder that is extracted from the outer layer of the paddy rice kernel in a three step process.
- The germ and bran are stabilized by fracturing the lipase enzyme that otherwise causes rancidity. The fracturing is done in a proprietary mechanical extrusion process (like homogenization) with correctly sized holes through which the bran and germ are pushed.
- Insoluble fiber is removed via water filtration.
Ricatein Helps Heal Human Tissue
The most common things that consuming Ricatein has been reported to help with include:
- Scars - has helped lighten them until they aren't noticeable anymore
- Lactic Acid buildup - many runners finish races with their muscles still feeling fresh
- Blood sugar swings - helps blood sugar stay more stable
- Wounds - helps with ulcers inside the body or outside on the skin
- Nerves - especially nerve linings
- Brain Tissue - helps people think more clearly, sleep better, etc.
What Ricatein Does Inside the Body
The nutrients in Ricatein become part of a cascade of building blocks and signals provided to your body’s cells to “repair” themselves. Ricatein is the world's best source of Gamma Oryzanol, an important nutrient complex of molecules that is believed to naturally accelerate healing of bodily tissues. By eating Ricatein, your body’s natural healing capacity will be accentuated and will feel better in many ways!
Once your body discovers Ricatein, it will let you know that you don’t want to live without the increased energy and wellness its daily use gives.
Ricatein feeds your body more raw nutrition than you can get in perhaps any other way. This is so important because over the long haul, excellent nutrition is the best ensurer of health.
Here are ten reasons why Ricatein is the preferred food supplement of thousands of people:
- Ricatein is FOOD! — and provides us with numerous nutrients that scientists will never be able to synthesize — in a balanced format that doesn’t cause extra work for the body to utilize.
- Ricatein contains very few calories (61 per serving).
- Ricatein is gluten free. So, even people suffering from IBS and celiac disease can eat it.
- Ricatein tastes great (something in between malt and ground up nuts) and is great in water, milk, juice or mixed in food.
- Ricatein is powerful for assisting cells and tissues of the human body with tools and nutrients to be used in their process of healing and maintenance. It naturally contains Gamma Oryzanol, one of the most important group of healing nutrients known to man and the subject of numerous use-patents Gamma Oryzanol instructs the cells to repair themselves.
- Ricatein is an antioxidant power house with numerous distinct antioxidants. Antioxidants work better in teams and in Ricatein there are at least 107 distinct antioxidants including numerous powerful tocotrienol antioxidants.
- Tocotrienols are more mobile and more reactive than other antioxidants. So, in this sense they’re better. They have been shown in some preliminary studies to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Also, tocotrienols have been shown in some preliminary studies to reduce the risk of breast cancer by over 90%. The least potent antioxidant of Ricatein is sixty times more potent than Vitamin E and the most powerful antioxidant in Ricatein is 6,000 times more potent at neutralizing free radicals than Vitamin E.
- Ricatein is great for enhanced athletic performance because it contains a powerful comprehension of natural B-Vitamins (rice is the source of many if not most B-Vitamin products) that have been shown to increase energy and stabilize blood sugar (including those B-Vitamins that cannot be synthesized in a laboratory such as Pangamic Acid or B-15, that has been called the Russian athletic performance secret
- Another outstanding characteristic of Ricatein is that it contains all of the amino acids to help maintain organs, glands and tissues.
- Ricatein is highly digestible and assimilable. It is hypoallergenic (new born babies, allergic to their own mother’s milk, have thrived on it)
- Ricatein is prepared with quality standards that go beyond ordinary food and nutritional products — every batch is tested for residue of pesticides and chemicals before and after processing. The bran and germ from which Ricatein is captured comes from rice grown in Montana and California’s Sacramento Valley within 7 seconds of milling. This nutrient dense portion of the rice kernel is then stabilized via extrusion and further filtered to remove insoluble fiber.
Potential Mechanisms of Action of Ricatein
- It is believed that Ricatein helps turn fat into energy using natural lipolytics
- It is believed that its large amounts of sterols help the body to correctly process and reduce bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
- It is believed that Ricatein helps cells more efficiently utilize blood sugar by repairing damaged Insulin receptors (thus lowering Insulin resistance). It is considered a safe food for diabetics and those with hypoglycemia and has been endorsed by the Diabetes Research Institute.
- Is believed that Ricatein is is of great value in terms of slowing down aging by combating one of the main causes of aging — namely free radicals because of its numerous antioxidants (over 107 antioxidants in Ricatein help to quench free radicals).
- Furnishes over 100 antioxidants, including tocotrienols, slowing the aging process, by absorbing many of the more than 100,000,000,000 oxidative hits that the normal human body encounters each day.
- The least active tocotrienol antioxidant is 40 - 60 times more potent than vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and some of tocotrenol compounds in Ricatein have over one hundred times greater antioxidant activity than pycnogenol®
- It is believed that the essential fatty acids in Ricatein, in combination with its many sterols, help produce and balance hormones and help protect the skin from wrinkling.
- It is believed that Ricatein helps bolster energy, muscle power and stamina due to its highly absorbable super B vitamins like ferulic acid and Pangamic acid (the latter became well known as the Russians' secret athletic performance booster, and it's naturally occurring in Ricatein).
- It is believed that the totality of nutrients combined with the cell-healing Gamma Oryzanol compounds in Ricatein both stimulate and enable healing of the many tissues of the body. The most common anecdotal report we get about Ricatein is in regard to skin conditions clearing up, including scarring, psoriasis, eczema, dry hard skin, etc.
Five Important Facts to Remember About Ricatein's Ability to Heal
- Each 12 gram serving of Ricatein has the nutrition from one pound of original paddy rice, but only 61 calories.
- Ricatein is Uncooked. Cooking destroys many delicate nutrients, which is part of the reason that Ricatein is so “healing” and nourishing to the body’s cells.
- The body knows how to use the nutrients in Ricatein because it is food, not synthesized vitamins. Laboratory synthesized vitamin isolates present a challenge to the body because they are incomplete or unbalanced which creates additional work for the body, which must scavenge the need balancing nutrients in order to use the vitamins.
- Ricatein helps the body to utilize fuel better. It helps move sugar molecules into cells and out of the blood, thus helping to lower blood sugar. This makes it a great food for diabetics, hypoglycemics or people with energy crashes and mood swings.
- Ricatein is particularly nourishing to two particular parts of the body... the skin and nerve/brain cells. The reason is that the skin is constantly attacked by free radicals (the skin being the first defense system the body has against the world). Ricatein has over 100 distinct antioxidants. And antioxidants work best in teams. Ricatein is a great antioxidant team all by itself. The second reason is that Ricatein is a cell proliferant, that is it helps cells repair themselves more quickly. This is so important with slow-repairing nerve and brain cells.
Why and How Can Ricatein be Problematic for Some People
- A very few people in this world (less than one out of a million) are allergic to rice. They need to avoid Ricatein.
- Ricatein can dramatically lower blood sugar. If you are taking medications for blood sugar, you may need to lower blood sugar medications, so please work with your health professional.
- Ricatein kills fungi. It contains natural anti-fungal chemicals since it naturally grows in wetlands where mold can thrive. Therefore, you may have Herxheimer reactions (die-off from fungi), which can be uncomfortable. Again, please proceed slowly to increase your dosage and/or work with your health professional.
- It contains very few calories (61) so it can be eaten as a part of a virtually any diet regimen. But, is not a substantial source of calories for persons who are trying to consume more calories.
- Ricatein is a dry powder, hence, it may tend to dry out the stool unless you drink extra water.
Antioxidants in Ricatein
- Gamma Oryzanol (2200-3000ppm) Gamma Oryzanol is not a single component. It is a mixture of 20 components having different antioxidant properties:
- Cycloartenol trans-ferulate
- Cycloartenol cis-ferulate
- Cycloartanol trans-ferulate
- Cycloartanol cis-ferulate
- Cycloeucalenol trans-ferulate
- Cycloeucalenol cis-ferulate
- 24-Methylenecycloartanol trans-ferulate
- 24-Methylenecycloartanol cis-ferulate
- 24-Methylcholesterol trans-ferulate
- 24-Methylcholesterol cis-ferulate
- β-Sitosterol trans-ferulate
- β-Sitosterol cis-ferulate
- β-Sitostenol trans-ferulate
- β-Sitostenol cis-ferulate
- Stigmasterol trans-ferulate
- Stigmasterol cis-ferulate
- Stigmastenol trans-ferulate
- Stigmastenol cis-ferulate
- Campesterol trans-ferulate
- Campesterol cis-ferulate
- Tocopherols and Tocotrienols (220-320ppm) Tocopherols and tocotrienols belong to the same chemical group but exist in 10 different isomeric forms having different antioxidant properties.
- α-Tocopherol
- β-Tocopherol
- γ-Tocopherol
- δ-Tocopherol
- αTocotrienol
- β-Tocotrienol
- γ-Tocotrienol
- δ-Tocotrienol
- Desmethyl-tocotrienol
- Didesmethyl tocotrienol
- Polyphenols
- Ferulic acid
- α-Lipoic acid
- Methyl ferulate
- ρ-Coumaric acid
- ρ-Sinapic acid
- Isovitexin
- Proanthocyanidins
- Metal Chelators
- Magnesium (6250-8440ppm)
- Calcium (303-500ppm)
- Phosphorous (14700-17000ppm)
- Carotenoids (0.9-1.6ppm)
- α-Carotene
- β-Carotene
- Lycopene
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthine
- Phytosterols (21 Components) (2230-4400ppm)
- β-Sitosterol
- Campesterol
- Stigmasterol
- Sitostenol
- Δ5-Avinasterol
- Δ7-Stigmastenol
- Sterol glucoside
- Acylsterol glucoside
- Oligoglycosylsterol
- Monoglycosylsterol
- Cellotetraosylsitosterol
- Methylsterol
- Dimethylsterol
- Gramisterol
- Isofucosterol
- Obtusifoliol
- Branosterol
- 28-Homotyphasterol
- 28-Homosteasteronic acids
- 6-Deoxycastasterone-Amyrin
- β-Amyrin
- Amino Acids
- Tryptophan (2100)
- Histidine (3800)
- Methionine (2500)
- Cystein (336-448)
- Cystine (336-448)
- Arginine (10800)
- B-Vitamins
- Thiamin (22-31)
- Riboflavin (2.5-3.5)
- Niacin (370-660)
- Pantothenic acid (36-50)
- Pyridoxine (29-42)
- Betaine
- Dimethyl glycine
- Inositol (12000-18,800)
- Biotin (0.1-2.2)
- Choline (930-1150)
- Folate (0.20-0.30)
- Phytates (1500-1750)
- Polysaccharides
- Cycloartenol-ferulic acid glycoside
- Diferulic acid complex
- Diferulic acid-calcium complex
- Hemicelluloses
- Arabinogalactan
- Arabinoxylan
- Xyloglucan
- Proteoglycan
- Glycoprotein
- Arabinofuranoside
- Phospholipids
- Phosphatidylserine
- PhosphatidylCholine
- Phosphatidylethanolamine
- Lysophophatidylcholine
- Lysophosphatidylethanolamine
- Enzymes
- Glutathione peroxidase
- Methionine reductase
- Superoxide dismutase
- Polyphenol oxidase
- Catalase
- Coenzyme Q10
- Aspartate amino transferase Isozyme AAT-1 & AAT-2Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Chromium (<1 ppm)
- Copper (0.07)
- Iodine
- Selenium
- Zinc (1.75)
How to Use Ricatein in Your Daily Life

Ricatein tastes great no matter how you eat it (or drink it). Some people eat it from a spoon. It has a taste in between ground-up nuts and malt. Others add several tablespoons to a smoothie, bowl of breakfast cereal, yoghurt, or mix it into no-bake desserts. The only wrong way for taking Ricatein is to cook it.
We recommend amounts as follows:
- Infants — 1 to 2 teaspoons from one to four times per day.
- Children — 1 tablespoon from one to four times per day.
- Adults — 2 to 4 tablespoons from one to four times per day.
Taking it more than once per day is very useful for healing and keeping blood sugar stable, while taking one serving a day is recommended for health maintenance.
Endorsements by wellness professionals are not scientific proofs. They are opinions. You must not rely on anyone’s opinion, that is not your own health professional. But, opinions are still nice, they give you a starting point for your own research and discussions with your health advisor. Click here to listen to an audio presentation by some of the health professionals below.

Dr. Mark Drucker, M.D. and Director for the Center for Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, California, states
“As a family physician and the medical director of the Center for Advanced Medicine, I'm in a great position to help patients who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. While most doctors still practice medicine with the goal of just suppressing symptoms (they have accepted the disease as part of their patient), I've tried to take a more holistic approach. Hypocrites, the father of medicine, said, "Nutrition shall be your medicine." So, at the Center, we use nutritional products to restore the body's biochemical balance, and we draw on the expertise of different specialists, such as chiropractors and massage therapists, to help people feel better.
For a long time we used different combinations of vitamins and minerals, all which had been synthesized in a laboratory. But what we really wanted to find was a natural food product that could achieve better results for our patients. Ricatein was our answer. When we began using Ricatein, we found that its nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bringing fast results.
Our patients using Ricatein make steady progress. There are also fewer allergic reactions because it's a natural food with no additives. Many of the chronic illnesses that we see are the result of improper membrane function. A membrane acts like a fence - it keeps your cow and horses separated. When it's not working right, allergies, high blood pressure, and other problems can get even worse and you general health degenerates.
Essential fatty acids are critically important, yet these are the nutrients people are least likely to have in their diets. People need the fat found in fish and cold-weather oils such as flax, sesame, and canola oils. However, the fat most people eat is not essential fat. It's commercial hydrogenated fat, the kind in chips, crackers, and fast food, and is like putting diesel fuel in a gasoline engine - it doesn't work. And if people are not ingesting the right kinds of fats, their bodies don't have the ability to convert commercial fat into essential fats like Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. Products like Ricatein provide these essential fats.
It's a matter of getting back to basics. I learned all about nutritional medicine back in medical school, but I'm only beginning to realize its full importance to a persons health. Today's medical industry is based on a pharmaceutical approach - doctors take the easy way out by giving people drugs. If the medical profession would go back to thinking about the nutrients the body needs to function properly, we should all be more careful to incorporate nutrition and look at the whole picture of a patient's health, and use nutritional knowledge to help a patient get started on the road to better health.
Ricatein improves my patients' health because it is a whole food that contains a symphony of nutrients.”

Dr. David Nelson, ND, nutritional consultant for the Center of Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, California says
“Ricatein is the result of a specialized processing of rice concentrates and extracts. It's a superfood that provides the most nutritious complex available. It has 107 antioxidants, including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand times more effective than vitamin E. The product is yeast-free, starch-free, and sugar-free, and its arsenal of antioxidants and fatty acids help boost energy and stamina and help regulate blood sugar.
We have athletes using this product as well as individuals with hypoglycemia and diabetes. Because Ricatein is a food instead of a drug or supplement, there's no danger of overdosing on its antioxidants or its other substances. In fact, we need these nutrients. If we're eating right, we get them from our food. But sadly, most Americans eat the standard diet of refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, and refined flours. They're not getting the necessary complex sugars and complex grains - most people don't even know what millet and whole-grain rice are. Therefore, they're not getting much in the way of nutrition, especially antioxidants.
Ricatein provides the nutrition and protection that our diets often don't and because it's a water-based, soluble product, it allows for faster, more complete absorption. This benefit is critical for individuals who experience fatigue and low energy as a result of poor absorption. Ricatein gets into the system and immediately provides the body with nutrients.
Everyone wants more energy, more stamina, and less fatigue. Because we don't always receive these benefits from our diets, we often turn to coffee or other stimulants. Here is where Ricatein can be so helpful. It gives us natural support so we don't have to take stimulants of any kind. Instead of riding a roller coaster all day, our energy level stays more stable. We can be more productive throughout the day and need less sleep at night.
Here at the Center for Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, California, we have recommended Ricatein to literally every patient We rely on the more natural health benefits that Ricatein provides as we try to find the root causes of disease With this product nobody is left out. People who are seriously ill or even those who are just bothered by a few allergies find it useful. It helps everyone from children to senior citizens. Ricatein is even safe for pregnant women.
We all need Ricatein because of the way we're eating. It especially benefits vegetarians, who often find it difficult to get all the nutrients they need. It takes a lot of discipline to follow a vegetarian program correctly, so we try to educate vegetarians. We typically recommend Ricatein to them as a complete food complex.
Ricatein is a food - a complete food - safer than any other product on the market. It's a benefit to everyone.”

Dr. Michael G. Samuels, D.O., Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth says
“I was happy to learn that scientists had finally found a way to stabilize the bran. As I see it, the greatest benefits of this product are that the rice bran's nutrients can now be easily absorbed by the body and the product is palatable - even tasty. This matter of absorption is essential. You can take all the vitamins you want, but if you can't absorb and distribute them where they're needed, they're useless.
Before I use any product in my practice, I test it first and check the patient's blood using a powerful, darkfield microscope, we take blood samples a couple of times a day. It didn't take but five days of this testing for Ricatein to impress me. Blood cells that showed marked signs of nutritional deficiency were improving greatly in those few days.
I gave some of the product to a couple of my patients and told them to call and tell me what they thought of it. Both called me back with great results. In fact, one man is in a nursing home, and he's doing so well on Ricatein that he's got almost everybody in the nursing home on it. Some of the most dramatic results I've seen with this product are in older people. If a patient is fifty-five years of age or older, I automatically put them on the product to establish a nutrient baseline. Elderly people need the better absorption of nutrients that Ricatein offers.
I treat a lot of people who, for various reasons, have nutritional deficiencies. I feel my job is to teach people how to take care of themselves so they don't have to be dependent on a physician. I want them to know how to keep their internal houses clean. Nutrition is the key and because Ricatein is so easily absorbed by the body, it's proving an integral part of my educational and treatment programs.”

Dr. K. George Kelly has been a chiropractic physician
Dr. K. George Kelly has been a chiropractic physician for nearly ten years. He is board certified in chiropractic internal disorders. Dr. Kelly served for many years as a qualified medical examiner. The following endorsement of Ricatein was published in in “Health News” on the front page. He says, "Ricatein consists of perfect chains of essential fatty acids, trace minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, which, because they're in perfect ratio, are absorbed into the body - not as bits and pieces, but as whole organic structures. These structures then repair different organ systems on the cellular level!
People in America and around the world face a serious challenge today, finding a dietary food supplement that will give them everything they need. There are so many supplements available, people often get confused and have no idea what to take. I believe that Ricatein will take care of all of these issues and give people results that they can feel almost immediately. I believe that everybody should seriously consider taking this product.
Ricatein is having a profound effect on all kinds of people - from those with debilitating diseases to those who want to bring their health to a higher level".

Dr. Steve Lutes is a medical epidemiologist and anthropologist. He says in regard to Ricatein:
“I’ve been using Ricatein for five years and it's the single best nutritional supplement ever to come along. I’ve introduced Ricatein to many hundreds of other people with moderate to serious health challenges and watched as they experienced truly life changing results."

Dr. Joe Hymer is a deceased medical doctor from Castroville, Texas.
We include his endorsement since he was one of most passionate voices for Ricatein and because he passed away from causes unreleated to nutritional deficiency. He was an avid user of Ricatein for many years. He taught everyone who would listen about Ricatein saying:
“For the past 50 years, every major rice growing country in the world has searched for a way to stabilize the bran, but without success. A major break through in extrusion technology has now unlocked the means to stabilize the rice bran while maintaining and enhancing its nutritional value. The stabilization is accomplished without the use of chemicals or any additives. The rice bran has been transformed into one of the most valuable food resources ever discovered. I personally and many of my patients love Ricatein and its many benefits."
These stories must not be construed as being possibilities for anyone else. Other factors may exist of which the persons telling the stories are not aware. No health claims are made or emplied. They are recounted here merely to provide starting points for further research.
- My son is 3 1/2 years old and takes the Ricatein either by spoon or in a drink. He loves it and it helps his immune system. Our entire family knows the positive difference when we take this perfect food into our bodies.
Vincent F. - When initially using Ricatein, I felt as if I had the flu for about three weeks, but I was just too cheap to throw it away. I figured I had paid for it, so I would eat it. I am glad I didn't quit because in the fourth week I began to feel better than I had in several years. The all of the sudden one day my energy returned! I would rather die than give up Ricatein. I’m a former multiple sclerosis sufferer and today I have no symptoms. Ricatein was part of the nutrition that made the difference for me.
Joanne F. - I have had a chronic skin problem on my hand that has been treated by many specialists with no success. I have tried about every ointment and every technique available. About two weeks after using the Ricatein the severe itching stopped and now my skin is like velvet. I also feel much stronger - it's wonderful!
Ruth M - I am a lot more relaxed and feel good about myself, and I also have a lot more energy. My wife says that I am not as shaky as I used to be, and other people are saying that I sound different, that I am talking much clearer. I am feeling much stronger physically.
R. Tesch - Getting the right nutrition is very important now that I've found this product, I can tell my body is working much better. I've tried other herbs and natural products over the last twelve years and gotten only marginal results. But Ricatein has really made a big difference. I'm very impressed with it.K. LaBrenz
- I have an eighty-two-year-old father whose health has been really poor. One day I called him, and his wife told me he'd been taking Ricatein and loved it. He started with just a teaspoon twice a day, but he felt so much better that he decided to take a teaspoon every few hours.
In just a few days he seemed like a different person - his energy was up, he was eating more than ever before, and even his voice was stronger. The best part is that he and his wife can go out and do things again.
L. Barnard
- I fell in love with me again because of Ricatein. I’m not sure what happened, but from the first day I ate Ricatein, my mood improved. I was happier, I no longer craved food and my energy was “there”.
Merina H. - My husband and I started on the Ricatein about six weeks ago. We have to be honest and say that we did not really expect anything life changing, but we decided to try the product because we are both interested in keeping good health. After a few weeks, my husband noticed that he had not been experiencing his usual headaches. He owns a very stressful business and used to take a minimum of eight aspirin a day. The last and most important thing I want to mention is our overall health. We have not had a cold or flu symptom this season! Yea! Ricatein!
Scott and Patty M. - I am so glad to have known about Ricatein - it works wonderfully. I wish everyone would know about it. I still can't get over how it works for my eyes and my well being in general.
Zina A - Ever since grade school, I have had a problem with severe headaches. They would occur two to three times a week and last an entire day at a time. I took everything I knew of - both over-the-counter and prescription drugs - but nothing seemed to work. Then during high school I was told that I had the early signs of hypoglycemia and would need to watch my diet. The older I got, the worse my symptoms became - they were usually triggered by caffeine or too many carbohydrates.
I started taking Ricatein when it first came out on the market. Within an hour I noticed a difference in how I felt. Gradually the intensity and duration of my headaches have decreased.
Before trying Ricatein, I was having a hard time building muscle when I worked out. Now I take Ricatein with me when I exercise and I have already noticed considerable improvement in my overall tone and definition. It has even made a difference in my strength and I don't even have any more huffing and puffing when I run.
I used to drink a pot of coffee per day, and I could eat a whole bag of chocolate candy in one sitting. Now I take four or five spoonfuls of Ricatein daily and both cravings have gone away. What's more, it provides a real boost in energy - but it's a natural type of high. I no longer need the boost caffeine used to give me. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning because I enjoy it, not because I need the energy, and candy just doesn't taste as good anymore.
Ricatein is incredible. If you're not taking it, you should be.
M. Harper
Arsenic is In Most Soil
Arsenic is found in most soils on earth. In trace amounts, arsenic is actually beneficial to human health, as is zinc, copper, lead, selenium, etc.. The concern of many people is that rice uptakes arsenic from the soil at a much higher rate than occurs with most other plants and grains. The result of rice uptaking arsenic more readily than other plants is that arsenic is found in much higher amounts in rice than in most other foods.
Most of the arsenic that rice uptakes from soils goes into the bran part of the rice, and not in the starchy, white interior (the part that has little nutrition). It is conjectured that arsenic in the outer layers of rice helps rice to be more resistant to mold and fungus and mold that tend to grow in wet soils — which is where rice grows.
Because arsenic exists in the bran and Ricatein is made from rice bran it follows that arsenic will exist in Ricatein, too. Tests show that there are .00061 milli grams of inorganic arsenic per gram of Ricatein. This amount is significantly lower than for many other rice bran products since our rice bran comes from non-pesticide treated crops (and fields) in Montana, California and Louisiana and therefore, is only uptaken from the soil and not from those pesticides (as is the case with lesser quality rice products).
Is the Amount of Arsenic in Ricatein a Concern For Those of Us Who Eat Ricatein Regularly?
Answer: No. Here's why:
To answer this question we have to compare the amount of inorganic arsenic that is in a serving of Ricatein with the PTWI (provisional tolerable weekly intake) maximum for Arsenic and see if sufficient inorganic arsenic would be consumed in Ricatein to exceed that limit.
- The amount of inorganic arsenic in Ricatein is .00061 mg/gram. Therefore, a 12 gram serving of Ricatein contains 12 * .00061 mg or .00732 mg.
- The PTWI (provisional tolerable weekly intake) for arsenic, meaning the amount of arsenic that scientists have determined that a person can continuously eat over a lifetime, without any appreciable harmful effect on the body) is .015 mg per kilogram of a person’s body weight.
- That means for an average sized female adult, the maximum weekly intake could be calculated to be .015 mg * 60 kg (equivalent to 132 pounds) = .9 mg. That amount (.9 mg) divided by .00732 mg (the amount of inorganic arsenic in a serving of Ricatein) means that a person would have to consume 122 servings per week of Ricatein (or 17 servings per day) to approach that PTWI amount. Obviously, that’s never going to happen. That means that the body can easily handle the amount of arsenic in Ricatein. Even for a very small child, the amount of arsenic in Ricatein is well beneath the PTWI.
Finally, to keep all this in perspective, it is important to recognize that every naturally occurring food contains some kind of element that the body will have to detoxify. In fact, detoxifying our food is the main purpose of our largest organ, the liver. For instance, apples have cyanide in them, which the liver detoxifies and makes harmless so that we can get the nutrients from apples, but not be harmed by the cyanide. Also, green leafy vegetables and herbs always have natural pesticides and irritants in them to make them a less desirable food for insects. Again, the liver detoxifies those natural pesticides and irritants very handily, so that we get the nutrition, but not any damage from the chemicals used to protect them from predators. And, it’s just the same with arsenic — our body is designed to handle quite a bit of arsenic, much greater amounts than we could ever ingest in the Ricatein supplement.
And, many of us who have consumed Ricatein for decades in large daily amounts have never had arsenic show up in our bodies in amounts that exceed general populations. This is consistent with the above thought process
So, is the amount of dietary, inorganic arsenic in Ricatein significant? The bottom line answer is no!
A huge amount of research has been compiled regarding the benefits of stabilized rice bran. Here is just a sampling:
- Itaya, K., J. Kiyonaga, and M. Ishikawa. 1976. “Studies of Gamma-Oryzanol (2). The Antiulcerogenic Action.” Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 72(8): 1001-1011.
- Itaya, K. and J. Kiyonaga. 1976. “Studies of Gamma-Oryzanol (1). Effects on Stress- Induced Ulcer.” Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 72(4): 475-481.
- Hata, A., S. Koga, H. Shigematsu, S. Kato, et al. 1981. “Study on Effects of Gamma-Oryzanol on Hyperlipemia: – Multicenter Cooperative Pilot Study for Dosage Finding. Geriat. Med. 19: 1813-1840.
- Ieiri, T., Kase, N., Hashigami, Y., Nakumura, T., Shimoda, S., (1982) “Effect of gamma oryzanol on the hypothalamo-pituitary axis in the rat.” NipponNaibunpi Gokkai Zasshi, 58(10): 1350-6.
- Ohkawa, T., Ebisuno, S., Kitagava, M., Morimoto, S., Miazaki, Y., and Yasukava, S., (1984): “Rice bran treatment for patients with hypercalciuric stones: Experimental and Clinical studies.” The Journal of Urology, 132: 1140-1145.
- Ichimaru, Y., M. Moriyama, M. Ichimaru, and Y. Gomita. 1984. “Effects of Gamma-Oryzanol on Gastric Lesions and Small Intestinal Propulsive Activity in Mice.” Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 84(6): 537-542.
- Saunders, R.M (1986) “Rice bran composition and potential food uses.” Food Rev. Int.8: 455-498.
- Raghuram, T.C., U.B. Rao, and C. Rukmini. 1989. “Studies on Hypolipidemic Effects of Dietary Rice Bran Oil in Human Subjects.” Nutr. Rep. Intl. 39: 889.
- Nicolosi, R.J. 1991. “Health Benefits Attributed to Derivatives of Rice Bran.” Cereal Foods World 36(8): 720. Nicolosi, R.J., L.M. Ausman, and D.M. Hegsted. 1991. “Rice Bran Oil Lowers Serum Total and Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Apo B Levels in Nonhuman Primates”. Atherosclerosis 88: 133-142.
- Qureshi, A.A., N. Qureshi, J.O. Hasler-Rapacz, F.E. Weber, V. Chaudhary, T.D. Crenshaw, A. Gapor, A.S.H Ong, Y.H. Chong, D. Peterson and J. Rapacz. 1991. “Dietary Tocotrienols Reduce Concentrations of Plasma Cholesterol, Apolipoprotein B. Thromboxane B2, and Platelet Factor 4 in Pigs with Inherited Hyperlipidemia.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53: 1042S-1046S.
- Quershi, A.A., N. Quershi, J.J.K. Wright, Z. Shen, A. Kramer, A. Gapor, Y.H. Chong, G. DeWitt, A.S.H. Ong, D.M. Peterson, and B.A. Bradlow. 1991. “Lowering of Serum Cholesterol in Hypercholesterolemic Humans by Tocotrienols.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53: 1021S-1026.
- Hirose, M., K. Ozaki, K. Takaba, L. Fukushima, T. Shirai, and N. Ito. 1991. “Modifying Effects of the Naturally Occurring Antioxidants g-Oryzanol, Phytic Acid, Tannic Acid, and n-Tritriacontane-16, 18-Dione in a Rat Wide-Spectrum Organ Carcinogenesis Model.” Carcinogenesis 12(10): 1917-1921.
- Hiramitsu, T. and D. Armstrong. 1991. “Preventive Effect of Antioxidants on Lipid Peroxidation in the Retina.” Ophthalmic Res. 23: 196-203.
- Qureshi, A.A., Qureshi, N., Hasler-Rapacz, J.O., (1991) “Dietary tocotrienols reduce concentrations of plasma cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, thromboxane B2 and platelet factor 4 in pigs with inherited hyperlipidemias.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53: 1021S.
- Nicolosi, R.J., Ausman, L.M., and Hegstead, M (1991) “Rice bran oil lowers serum and LDL lipoprotein cholesterol and apo B levels in non-human primates.” Atherosclerosis. 88(2-3) 133-142.
- Rukmini, C., and Raghuram, T.C., (1991) “Nutritional and biochemical aspects of the hypolipidemic action of rice bran oil: A review.” J. Amer. Coll. Nutrition. 10: 366-375.
- Tomeo, A.C., Geller, M., Watkins, T.R., (1995) “Antioxidant effects of tocotrienols in patients with hyperlipidemia and carotid stress.” Lipids, 30: 1179.
- Kahlon, T.S., F.I. Chow, M.M. Chiu, C.A. Hudson and R.N. Sayre. 1996.
- “Cholesterol-Lowering by Rice Bran and Rice Bran Oil Unsaponifiable Matter in Hamsters.” Cereal Chemistry 73(1): 69-74.
- Bouic, P. J. D., Etsbeth, S., Liebenberg, R.W., Albrecht, C. F, Pegel, G., Van Jaarsveld, P.P., (1996) “Beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol glucoside stimulate human peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation: Implication for their use as an immunomodulatory vitamin combination.” International J. Immunopharmacology, 18(12): 693-700.
- Kahlon, T.S., and F.I. Chow. 1997. “Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Oat, Rice, and Barley Dietary Fibers and Fractions.” Cereal Foods World 42(2): 86-92.
- Qureshi, A.A., Bradlow, B. A., Salser, W. A., Brace, L. D., (1997) “Novel tocotrienols of rice bran modulate cardiovascular disease risk parameters of hypercholesterolemic humans.” J. Nutrition Biochem 8: 1-9. Rong, N., L.M. Ausman, and R.J. Nicolosi. 1997. “Oryzanol Decreases Cholesterol Absorption and Aortic Fatty Steaks in Hamsters.” Lipids 32(3): 303-309.
- Fry, A.C., E. Bonner, D.L. Lewis, R.L. Johnson, M.H. Stone, and W.J. Kraemer. 1997. “The Effects of Gamma-Oryzanol Supplementation During Resistance Exercise Training.” International Journal of Sport Nutrition 7(4): 318-329.
- Sugano, M., and Tsuji, E., (1997) “Rice bran oil and cholesterol metabolism.” Jl of Nutrition 127(3): 521S-524S.
- Nesaretnam, K., R. Stephen, R. Dils, and P. Darbre. 1998. “Tocotrienols Inhibit the Growth of Human Breast Cancer Cells Irrespective of Estrogen Receptor Status.” Lipids 33: 461-469.
- Kim, J.S., J.S. Godber, J.M. King, W. Prinyawiwatkul, and H.Y. Chung. 2000. “Vitamin E Vitamers and g-Oryzanol from Rice Bran Inhibit the Formation of 7-Ketocholesterol in Aqueous Dispersion System.” (51E-1). Book of Abstracts: IFT Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas. June 10-14.
- Cheruvanky, R., McPeak, P., Cherukuri, R.S, and Lynch, I., (2000)“Method for treating hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.” US Patent 6,126,943 and US Patent 6,350,473 B1.
- Xu Z, Hua, N., Godber, J. S., (2001) “Antioxidant activity of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma oryzanol components from rice bran against cholesterol oxidation accelerated by 2,21-azobis(2-methylpropionamideine) dihydrochloride.” J. Agric. Food. Chem, 49(4):2077-81.
- Qureshi, A.A., Sami, S.A., and Khan, F.A., (2002)“Effects of stabilized rice bran, its soluble and fiber fractions on blood glucose levels and serum lipid parameters in humans with diabetes mellitus Type1 and Type11." J. Nutritional Biochem 13:175-187.
- Qureshi, A.A., Sami SA, Salser WA, Khan FA, (2002) “Dose-dependent suppression of serum cholesterol by tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF(25)) of rice bran in hypercholesterolemic humans.” Atherosclerosis 2002; 161: 199-207.
You Are What You Eat — Which is Why We Recommend Ricatein

Rishi Ternes, owner of New Earth Super Foods, left the study of medicine in Germany, came to the U.S. and turned his life over to the pursuit of nutrient dense food and seeking to understand the ability of food to transform health. He believes that “we are what we eat” and that “food should be our medicine”. Rishi owns a Super Food Cafe and Health Transformation Center in Grover Beach, California. He continues to search the world for foods that enable to the body to repair itself. As Rishi says, “the nutrients that your body needs are in the foods you aren’t eating.”
Rishi seeks out farmers and food suppliers that are progressive, meaning they are adding minerals and trace minerals to their soils, not using pesticides or GMO, and harvesting their foods at the peak of ripeness. Rishi then ensures that those foods are juiced and freeze dried immediately before nutrient loss.
Food is the way of health not vitamins!
Ricatein fits with the “first rule of health” which is that food should be our medicine. Ricatein also fits with our second rule of health, which is that food engenders health, not vitamins. The United States has among the worst health statistics of all industrialized nations, yet the people of the United States consume more vitamins that the rest of the world combined. That means that you will eventually find, as so many others have already found, that your health will never really start to improve until you give up on vitamins and turn to food. It's time to turn to food!
- Vitamins, IE nutrient isolates (often made in a laboratory), may look powerful and awesome on the label, but they don’t work as well in the human body as one would hope because they lack the many needed co-factors. Food comes with many needed co-factors nutrients.
- The lack of co-factors is the basic problem of vitamin supplements. Without those co-factors, they're NOT as useful to our cells. For instance, Vitamin C is not just ascorbic acid but rather it is: ascorbic acid and numerous co-factors that work in the cells like catalysts or tag teams to make chemical reactions occur. The many co-factors are present in foods, but are not in vitamin isolates. The result, therefore, of taking vitamins is that the body has to scavenge body tissues to obtain the needed co-factors, or wait until they are available or the body may simply discard the nutrients for which co-factors are not available. This is extra work and/or a waste of nutrients, and therefore, vitamin isolates, do far less to improve health than does food.
Ricatein Ordering Form
Comparative Retail Price: $45.00 per pound.
Our Price: $37 per 1 lb bag

How to Use:
Eat one to two tablespoons, one to four times per day.
Videos and Audios about Ricatein
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.