Smart A-Z Minerals — are pure, soluble, ionic, virtually instantly-assimilating minerals that can quickly integrate into your cellular structures and raise your cellular operational health.
What Smart A-Z Minerals Are:
Smart A-Z Minerals are ultra-pure, highly assimilable, water solutions of the eight minerals and trace minerals that are under-supplied in most people's bodies. Smart A-Z minerals are prepared and offered as bottles of single minerals or combinations of minerals.
- Created from high purity mineral ingots and pure water, utilizing a highly technical, proprietary process, Smart A-Z minerals are offered as water solutions not mineral compounds. That means the minerals are dissolved in water and are in an ionic state. Because of their small angstrom size and ionic state, Smart A-Z Minerals avoid normal digestion and assimilation processes in the stomach and intestines. By avoiding losses from poor digestion and competition with other nutrients, Smart A-Z minerals are quickly and 100% welcomed into the bloodstream and cells of the body.
- Teaspoon servings of single minerals are recommended for average-sized people and most situations. The teaspoon amount is easily increased or reduced based on body size, activity, or stress level.
- Smart A-Z Minerals can be consumed on an empty or full stomach. Smart A-Z mineral liquids can be swallowed alone, or can be consumed with other foods and liquids. Swishing the Smart A-Z Mineral liquid around in the mouth for a minute or two before swallowing is the absolute best way to take the minerals as this allows the minerals to strengthen the teeth and gums and to enter the bloodstream quickly prior to getting into the stomach.
Why You Should Consume Our Smart A-Z minerals:
The ultimate reason is to be optimally healthy. Minerals are a major key to having long-lasting and superior health. Statistically speaking, Smart A-Z minerals are the minerals and trace minerals North Americans most need. They are highly absorbable and easy to take.
Most People are Deficient in These Eight Minerals
Click on each to learn more.
- 67 percent of Americans are deficient in Magnesium
- 60 percent of Americans are deficient in Calcium
- 40 percent of Americans are deficient in Zinc
- 25 percent of Americans are deficient in Copper
The above deficiency statistics are a clarion call for people to make minerals a health priority. Youc health depends upon having the small and simple habit of ensuring optimum mineral levels in your body. In simple point-of-fact, seeking optimum mineral levels should be your prime health goal. Anyone who aspires to optimum health will have to have a strong foundation of minerals.

By consuming Smart A-Z Minerals, with their far superior assimilation, you are guaranteed to overcome the most common mineral deficiencies of mankind.
Why, Technically, Minerals Are So Important to Life
Generally speaking, minerals and trace minerals have a capability that other elements in nature don't have, namely, their electrons can move to higher transitional orbits. This allows them them to combine with other elements in ways that non-minerals cannot do in order to catalyze reactions at lower energy requirements.
Without minerals, biochemical life COULD NOT EXIST! Optimal cellular function and the total body health that results from trillions of correctly functioning cells DEPEND ON the presence in cellular structures and intra-cellular and extra-cellular fluids of most all the minerals on the periodic table.
Why People Are So Deficient
Because modern farm soils are extremely deficient in minerals, foods derived from those soils (including meat, milk, and eggs) are deficient, too. Human beings, who are at the top of the food chain, unless they supplement or seek mineral-rich food sources from non-commercial farms, will inexorably become mineral deficient. That is why anyone who cares about health must supplement with minerals.
Why Other Supplements May Not Be Enough
Yet, supplementing with an average-quality mineral product or with mineral-rich foods, in general, may not be the full solution to mineral deficiencies. That's because one's digestive abilities may prevent one from assimilating the minerals. For instance, most chelated minerals are digested and assimilated at rates less than 35%, and carbonate-type minerals at less than 10%.
Why Smart A-Z Minerals Can Get Into Cells Better Than Other Mineral Supplements
Smart A-Z Minerals assimilate completely because they're in ionic form and don't depend on a person having good digestion in order for the minerals to assimilate into one's blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.
Smart A-Z Minerals can pass into the bloodstream (even from the mucosal membranes of the mouth) without digestion and without having to go in via mineral access sites in the intestines. This is important because intestinal access sites may get damaged by pathogens or inflammation with the result that mineral assimilation doesn't happen efficiently.
Also, Smart A-Z minerals don't compete for entrance at these access sites. That means zinc and copper will both get into the bloodstream together (unlike what occurs with mineral-rich foods or supplements where zinc and copper compete with each other.
The difference between Smart A-Z Minerals and most other mineral supplements is huge. When consuming other mineral supplements up to 95 percent may be unassimilated.
You Are Dirt!
Minerals are the most important component to your body. You are made of the dust of the earth. That's what God says and science is catching up to the realization that minerals and trace minerals give your tissues their unique functioning and life capability.
- During gestation each person takes from their mother's body the minerals needed to grow.
- After being born, however, one's mineral levels are never as good as they were at birth.
- That's because modern soils are deficient in minerals, which means that grains, vegetables and fruits derived from the soils are deficient and also, meat, milk and eggs derived from animals eating mineral-deficient produce is deficient.
- Therefore, you need to add mineral and trace mineral supplements to your diet.
Smart A-Z Minerals allow you to address intelligently your unique deficiencies. If you believe you're deficient in copper only, you can supplement with just copper. Or, if you believe you're deficient in both copper and boron (very common), you can supplement with both our copper and boron liquid mineral supplements.
Or you can supplement with our EZ8 mineral supplement that furnishes your body with the eight most likely-to-be-deficient minerals.
Learn More About Each of our Great Smart A-Z Mineral Products:
Click on each Mineral to learn more about its great benefits, and read Kent's comments as to which Smart A-Z Minerals are (in his estimation) the most important.
Add Smart A-Z Boron Mineral To Cart
Boron is Not Boring!
Boron is one of the most important trace minerals for the human body and most people are deficient in Boron. Boron is involved in all of the following activities and functions of the human body:
- Boron Helps in Preventing Vitamin-D Deficiency.
- Boron Helps in Production, Transmission, and Reception of Hormones. In other words, it beneficially impacts the body’s production and use of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, vitamin D and other hormones.
- Boron Improves Bone Growth and Maintenance. Scientists have known for many years that boron is essential for healthy bones.
- Boron Improves Wound Healing. Since 1990, studies with boron show that it has been able to significantly improve wound healing.
- Boron Boosts Magnesium Absorption. And since magnesium is so important to detoxification, studies show that Boron helps protect against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity.
- Boron Boosts Brain Tissue Health. Boron improves the brain's electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory.
- Boron Reduces Levels of Inflammatory Bio-markers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor μ (TNF-μ).
- Boron Boosts Expression of Extracellular-matrix Proteins. Boron facilitates the activity of key enzymes in fibroblasts, improving extracellular-matrix turnover.
- Boron help in the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). SAM-e and NAD+ helps keep the cardiovascular and mental tissues in tip-top shape.
$24.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (26 cents per day)
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Calcium is crucial to electrolyte signaling in the body.
Calcium functions, along with potassium, sodium, phosphorous, and magnesium, to move electrical signals through nerves and muscles to make them function. Calcium is essential for hydrating the the body, balancing blood acidity and blood pressure, and signaling for the rebuilding of damaged tissues. The muscles and neurons are sometimes referred to as the “electric tissues” of the body and calcium is cardinal among the electrolytes in managing that electrical function. Calcium ions are critically important for the overall health of these tissues. Nearly half of all calcium in the blood plasma is in exactly the same form as found in our Liquid Calcium. Calcium also combines with phosphate and collagen to make up bone structure.
- Ionic calcium, such as in our Calcium Supplement, is important for sending messages from cell to cell and organ to organ. Your body needs ionized calcium in order to circulate blood into capillaries, move muscles, and release hormones. Calcium helps carry messages from your brain to the many parts of the body.
- Calcium is important for helping to avoid calcium deficiency challenges including: Dental decay, Anxiety and depression, Acidic digestive pH, Cardiovascular stress and high blood pressure.
- Our Liquid Calcium is ideal for ensuring tooth health.. Many people don't realize that calcium enters into teeth and makes them strong as it is absorbed in the mouth from food and drink. That's why thoroughly chewing calcium rich foods is the best habit for having strong teeth. Swishing our Liquid Calcium in the mouth for at least a full minute is even better.
- Many people have come to realize that calcium is important. Therefore they supplement. In many cases, however, people intake too much calcium or they take poorly-absorbed calcium supplements. In either case, the likelihood is increased that calcium deposits will end up in soft tissue such as in the arteries, joints, or in the kidneys.
- Our ionic calcium completely overcomes both of these problems by being completely assimilable and by being in a small dose that will not exceed the body's ability to immediately utilize.
$38.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (41 cents per day)
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Copper needs to copiously exist in all parts of the human body, but copper is especially needed in the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, bones, muscles and blood.
Trace amounts of Copper are present in all cells of the body in order to fulfill its role as part of the immune systems’ response to bacteria, virus, and especially yeast and mold. When copper levels decline in tissues, the ability of pathogens, especially mold and yeast to damage the body increase. So, keep your copper high or your cells will capitulate their health to invading pathogens.
Copper is absolutely essential for making red blood cells and enabling optimal function of nerve and immune cells. Copper is essential to maintaining color in the hair and pigmentation in the skin. It also is essential in the formation of collagen, a key part of bones and connective tissue. Copper also is essential to the formation and production of enzymes and antioxidants which help digest food and neutralize free radicals and toxins that would otherwise damage cells and DNA.
Copper influences how your body perceives pain. Having optimum amounts of copper in the body ensures that the pain circuits are not always "on".
Copper is integral part in the formation of RNA (RNA carries out thousands of functions in our cells, so copper has a profound effect on overall health).
Graying hair may be an indicator of diminishing amounts of copper in your body.
- Preliminary on the effect of copper upon health shows that it may assist the body in avoiding these kinds of health challenges (more research is needed, but the research is already very promising):
- Osteoporosis
- Low white blood cell count
- Unsteady walking and dizziness
- Anemia
- Hair loss and graying hair
- Rapid heart rate
- Prostatitis
- The uptake of our Smart A-Z Copper is unaffected by the presence of zinc. Unlike copper and zinc in other foods or supplements that must compete for uptake, one can take our liquid copper and zinc at the same time and still absorb both.
$19.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (21 cents per day)
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Our Copper + (Plus) product is a super concentrated version of copper, zinc and calcium. It is designed to rev up the immune system quickly and powerfully.
Because of its ionic, form, all of these minerals assimilate without competition. It is one of our premier immune boosting supplements.
Just one dropperful (20 drops) contains 1.6 mg of copper, 5 mg of zinc, and 83 mg of calcium, all in quickly assimilable, non-competing, ionic form.
When one desires to quickly and sustainably boost the immune system, taking several droppersful a day, may be a great practice to establish, for a week or several months.
$91.00 per 120 Serving, 2 Ounce Bottle (75 cents per serving)
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EZ-8 is formulated with one thing in mind, convenience.
EZ-8 has all of our minerals that are in the Smart Pack (eight different mineral products). A serving is one tablespoon instead of eight teaspoons (one teaspoon for each mineral). Just one tablespoon of EZ-8 gives you the same amount of minerals that you would get with one teaspoon each of our standard eight minerals. EZ-8's benefits are:
- You'll receive your daily dose of Boron, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Indium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Zinc faster.
- Especially if you're going to swish and swallow the minerals, EZ-8 is the easier way to do it. Just put a tablespoon in your mouth (EZ- can be mixed in other liquid such as E7 to improve taste) and swish and squirt the liquid through your teeth and all parts of your mouth for at least a minute. This method lets you absorb the minerals directly into your bloodstream and buildup your teeth strength.
- Staying healthy just became simpler.
$75.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (79 cents per day)
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Indium is an obscure trace mineral (least abundant minerals on Earth) that is difficult to obtain, isn't in fresh water or crops. The scientists who studied it believed (they may be wrong in the interpretations but Indium study isn't being done presently, so all we have are previous scientists opinions) that it supported the health of the body by increasing reception of nutrients and signaling molecules. Proponents of Indium benefits believe that it is a health treasure, doing more than any other single mineral to boost mood, productivity and happiness. Proponents describe its mechanisms of action in terms of:
- Increased intra-cellular signal transmission
- Increased assimilation of nutrients
- Increased elimination of toxins
- Increased flow of Qi (IE, Chi energy along energy meridians)
- A more balanced flow of energy signals in endocrine glands
According to the limited study tests, the self-reported beneficial effects of indium occur quickly.
- Improved sleep after 15 days
- Increased feeling of well-being after 1 week
- Better physical resistance to stress after 2 weeks
- More Normalized blood glucose after 3-5 weeks
- Improvement of libido after 4 weeks
- More normalized blood pressure after 10 weeks
- More normal of menstruation after 3 months
- More normal eye pressure after 4 months
Proponents also assert (through observation of its effects balancing hormones processes) that Indium has beneficial effect on both the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands. These glands are highly important in producing essential hormones and are responsible for the maintenance and control of most hormone processes of the body.
Again, anecdotally speaking (meaning rigorous testing is absent), Indium helps some people feel a greater sense of energy, focus, and satisfaction with routine tasks. Some have said that it has helped them in regard to being able to stick to tasks rather than getting bored or side tracked.
Non-rigorous studies have shown that Indium supplementation resulted in increased absorption of zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium.
Other non-rigorous studies report that Indium stimulated the Pineal, adrenal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands, and helped stabilize the Limbic System and increased the body's metabolism set point. Japanese researchers Yukawa et al reports that Indium balances out 23 of the 24 hormonal systems in the body.
Indium is absent from most soil and is virtually never found in water or food, making it a treasure to be prized for those who can get it. Supplementing with Indium is the only way to experience its benefits.
People who take indium often experience benefits very quickly. Most often reported benefits of Indium include:
- Increased Energy
- Deeper Sleep
- More Balanced Responses to Stress
- Healthier Body Weight
- Returning of Moons on Fingernails (indicating increased oxygenation of the body and cells)
- Anti-Aging and Youthing effects
$24.95 per 16 Ounce Bottle (26 cents per day)
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The mineral Iodine is extremely important to optimum health, hormone production and communication, and cellular detoxification. Up to 96% of Americans are deficient in Iodine.
Iodine is in short supply in most modern soils that have been over farmed.
It's important to consume enough iodine in your diet because hormone transmission and reception, as well as embryonic growth, detoxification, and passage through cell membranes are all controlled by Iodine.
Iodine is especially important for thyroid health. The thyroid gland regulates energy set-point, appetite, and many bodily functions. Not having enough iodine, therefore, can be a huge "downer" on how one feels.
Iodine's brain-development benefits continue into early infancy for developing babies and infants. Iodine deficiency raises the risk of learning disability in infants.
$20.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (22 cents per day)
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There is Something Truly Magnificent about Magnesium!
Magnesium ions regulate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body through their role as enzyme co-factors. Magnesium ions are essential to cellular detoxification being highly involved in many detoxification pathways.
- Along with Iodine, Magnesium is a gatekeeper. Its electrical signaling allows nutrients into cells and ensures waste products are removed from cells.
- Its electrical signaling also stimulates food digestion and enzyme activation.
- Its presence in tissues ensures healthy muscle contraction and relaxation, including contraction and relaxation in the heart and in the blood vessels, making it important for blood pressure management.
- Magnesium is known as the "anti-stress mineral" because it helps to calm nerves and ease everyday stresses.
- Magnesium promotes a restful night's sleep.
It's not easy to have too much magnesium in your body.
- Because of all that it does, Magnesium is quickly spent and must be replaced regularly.
- As a person ages, absorption rates for Magnesium also decrease (most likely due to loss of Boron from the body).
- Please note that Boron may reduce the rate at which Magnesium is excreted from the body. So, it's a good idea to take Boron or EZ-8 along with Magnesium.
Magnesium is essential for efficient cellular detoxification.
After Iodine, magnesium is next on the list in importance for enabling maximum cellular detoxification. It needs to always be available to one’s cells. Here's how Magnesium works to detoxify the cells:
- Magnesium stimulates the sodium potassium pump on the cell wall which regulates intracellular electrolyte levels and the intake of nutrients and elimination of waste products, including elimination of heavy metals.
- Glutathione is the master toxin binding molecule that the body makes and utilizes continuously in all cells of the body neutralize free radicals and bind with toxins. Without Magnesium, Glutathione won’t be made — and without Glutathione, free radicals will build up within one’s cells. So, since Glutathione production is dependent on having available magnesium, we should all sure that our body has plenty of Magnesium.
Studies show that when our bodies are replete with magnesium we are much more protected from heavy metal deposition than without that magnesium, and we are also being protected from the development of associated neurological diseases.
$29.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (22 cents per day)
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Potassium is one of the potentates for ensuring healthy cellular life. 98% of Americans don't have enough to have the healthiest possible life.
Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body, and the third most likely mineral deficiency any person has, right after Indium and Boron, even for people who think they are supplementing with lots of it.
- Potassium helps the body regulate fluid and sugar levels, send nerve signals and regulate muscle contractions.
- Roughly 98% of the potassium in the body is found in the cells. Of this, 80% is found in muscle cells, while the other 20% can be found in the bones, liver and red blood cells.
- Potassium functions as an electrolyte to ensure electrical signals get transmitted well, to coordinate fluid balance, nerve signaling, and muscle contractions.
Studies show that persons who consume the most Potassium (even though they're still in the category of not consuming enough) have better:
- Cardiovascular Health and Blood Pressure
- Nerve Function
- Bone Health
- Muscle Strength
- Blood Sugar Levels
Remember less than 2% of Americans have adequate amounts of Potassium in their diets. So, if you want to be wiser than 98% of Americans, supplement with Smart A-Z Potassium
$34.99 per 16 Ounce Bottle (36 cents per day)
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Silver: Powerful Proven Immune System Support
At least two millenia ago, Silver was recognized as having Immune assisting properties. For instance, it was discovered that Silver could delay the spoilage of food and reduce the symptoms of illness. In the 19th century, Silver became a prominent "goto" treatment for everything from colds to skin infections. Silver was put in eyes of newborns to help prevent eye infections. Several modern studies suggest (but don't conclusively prove) that taking Silver internally helps the immune system to reduce pathogen levels.
The mechanism of action of silver in supporting the immune system is by neutralizing bacteria and viruses. Silver has been shown in test tubes to stop the growth of certain strains of fungi.
Other studies have shown that silver was able to help skin ulcers and wounds to heal faster. Silver is often in nasal sprays to help with sinusitis (rhinosinusitis).
Silver works by binding to pathogen protein cell walls, and eventually enter the pathogen cell and interfere with pathogen metabolic process and DNA, eventually leading to the pathogen death. Silver also is able to stop pathogen cell division.
$19.95 per 16 Ounce Bottle (21 cents per day)
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Smart Pack
This Liquid mineral supplement Smart Pack includes each of our 8 dietary minerals in a 16 ounce bottle at a 9% discounted price. The pack will last 96 days (a little over three months) at a teaspoon per day of each mineral.
Why order each mineral one at a time when the Smart Pack provides them all! The Smart Pack is a perfect way to get all of our Smart A-Z minerals to try out.
$199.99 for Eight 16 Ounce Bottle ($2.08 per day)
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Zinc helps the immune system and metabolism to function efficiently. Zinc is also important to wound healing and your sense of taste and smell.
Studies suggest that Zinc has the potential reduce the risk of age-related diseases, such as pneumonia, infection, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), oxidative stress and to help improve immune response by boosting the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, which help protect the body again infection
- It supports good immunity. “Zinc is essential for a robust immune system — it helps in the development and function of immune cells, supports the body's defense against pathogens that can make you sick, and plays a role in regulating a healthy immune response,” explains Basson. Zinc has even been shown to potentially shorten the duration of the common cold when taken in lozenge form, Poon adds. You’ll know that your immune system needs some love if you notice you’re getting sick more frequently or can’t seem to heal as well from injury or infection.
- It helps reduce inflammation. It’s important to keep tabs on inflammation because when it becomes chronic (translation: it’s constantly present in your body) it may increase your risk for things like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and certain cancers. But, “zinc has anti-inflammatory properties,” says Laura Iu, R.D., a certified intuitive eating counselor in New York City.
- It boosts bone strength. Studies suggest that it’s an essential mineral for building and maintaining strong bones, which is super important to help prevent fractures or conditions such as osteoporosis. “Zinc supports the activity of cells responsible for bone formation and helps regulate bone remodeling processes that occur throughout life,” Basson says.
- It is important for reproductive health. You may not realize how much nutrition can impact your hormonal balance and function, and in turn, your reproductive system. “Zinc contributes to hormone regulation and supports normal ovarian function,” Iu says. “It’s also essential for sperm production and maintaining healthy testosterone levels.”
- It helps you smell and taste. “This mineral helps maintain the integrity of taste buds and olfactory receptors, which contributes to how we perceive flavors and aromas,” explains Basson. This means that zinc may be helpful for people who are malnourished or going through cancer treatment, Iu adds, two scenarios when appetite may be an issue.
- It is great for your brain. It plays a role in brainpower by supporting cognitive processes and neurotransmitter function, Iu says, and “some studies even suggest that zinc may protect against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.”
- It aids in wound healing. If you have a cut, scrape or other ouch, loading up on this mineral may help you heal better and faster. “Both minor and more serious injuries can benefit from zinc’s healing powers,” says Iu. “It helps with cellular health and collagen formation.”
- It is good for your skin. The antioxidant activity of zinc may be why it’s beneficial to skin health. “Zinc’s antioxidant properties help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and helps reduce oxidative stress,” explains Basson. And zinc’s anti-inflammatory action may also help improve acne, Iu adds. It helps your eyes. “Zinc is part of a collection of vitamins and minerals that may slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration,” says Poon. It also plays a role in overall vision health, particularly that of the retina. “Zinc is involved in the synthesis of melanin, a pigment that helps protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays,” Basson adds.
- It plays a role in heart health. It helps maintain healthy blood vessels and regulates blood pressure — all factors in maintaining a strong heart. "Some studies have shown the association between zinc deficiency and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but more research is needed,” Basson says. It is crucial for growth and development. Little ones need zinc to grow big and strong. “It supports DNA synthesis, cell division and protein production, which sets the foundation for bone development, maturation and overall healthy growth during these critical stages of life,” says Iu. It helps keep blood sugar balanced. Steady blood sugar helps with everything from mood to energy, and if you have diabetes, keeping it in check is an important factor in preventing complications; research shows that zinc is a nutrient that can be beneficial in this area. “Zinc is involved in the synthesis, storage and release of insulin, a hormone that helps with blood sugar regulation,” Basson explains.
$24.99 for 16 Ounce Bottle (26 cents per day)
Add Smart A-Z Zinc To Cart
Complete List of Smart A-Z Minerals and Ordering Form
Mineral Levels in One's Body Go Down From Birth and Have A Huge Impact on Health:
Trying to build anything on a faulty foundation is an exercise in frustration because without a strong and adequate foundation that superstructure will eventually fail and everything built on it will come to ruin.
An important foundation of human health is minerals and trace minerals.
We are made from the "dust of the earth" being comprised in elemental descending order of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen (these atoms make up 99.1 percent of all the atoms in the human body) and a relatively small amount of minerals (less than 0.9 percent of the atoms in the human body). Minerals (including trace minerals), with their capability for transitional electron orbits, give our biological compounds their unique capabilities and functions.

Infants start their lives with all the minerals and trace minerals that their bodies need because during gestation, babies' bodies simply take those minerals from their mothers' body. That's one of the reasons why pregnancy is so hard on mothers and why mothers need to have superb mineral nutrition while growing a child within their womb.
After being born, a child's mineral levels will probably never be again as good as they were at birth, because his or her mineral levels will constantly go down from that point as a result of lack of minerals in modern soils and as a result of the standard American diet that causes minerals to be used up in processing excess sugar and dealing with stress.
Two Factors Destroy the Mineralization of the Human Body
The Standard American Diet Reduces Mineral Levels in the Body

Any food or drink that one eats or drinks will use up already-stored nutrients in the body in order to metabolize the food just eaten.
Metabolize means to extract and put to use the nutrients and fuel from food. If such metabolic effort does not obtain more nutrients than was expended then one's nutrient reserves go down. So, nutrient-empty foods are vacuum foods because, ultimately, they suck nutrients out of the body and health becomes worse in the long run for having eaten them.
The goal of eating is to obtain fuel to energize the body and to increase nutrients or at least to maintain nutrients after the expenditure of nutrients during metabolism. That's why the Standard American Diet is so bad — it reduces nutrition over time, bite by bite, drink by drink, day by day and month by month — until the body's ability to maintain health is gone.
The Standard American Diet consists of processed foods that are essentially stripped of nutrients. These SAD foods mostly carbohydrates, sugars, denatured oils and tasty chemical additives and preservatives that damage the body and reduce nutrient levels, inexorably creating poor health.
Commercial Farm Produce is Deficient in Minerals
Since the 1900s, farming has changed in a big way. Big companies have purchased the majority of small farms and on their mega-farms they push high yield farming techniques that do not focus on soil renewal and nutrient-dense produce, but rather on profits. They routinely fertilize with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium only (and even so, potassium levels are declining).
Pulling more produce out of the soil with high yield techniques is contrary to the God-given farming principles given in the Bible of renewing soil by allowing it to lie fallow periodically. Little soil renewal runs counter to the health of people, although it enriches big agriculture companies.
The below graph shows that in a past 36 year period (this study was done from 1963 to 1999), macro-minerals in the crops below dropped significantly (even potassium levels dropped, which is amazing since farmers unfailingly add nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to make their crops look big and healthy).

Declining levels of macro-minerals isn't the biggest problem, in our viewpoint, but rather declining trace minerals are the real deficit because of their essentialness to optimum health. According to one government estimate, trace mineral nutrients (elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine, silicon, boron, etc.) have dropped from 40 to 80 percent as compared to levels that were present a century and a half ago.
Only progressive farmers are renewing trace elements.
Please note that general discussions about minerals cannot be applied without precautions to everyone because people have unique circumstances and individual gene defects. Some people have a gene defect, for instance, where they cannot eliminate copper from their bodies. These people would be harmed by taking additional copper. So, always seek the guidance of your wellness professional who knows you well.
- Many mineral supplements have great-looking labels, but the supplements themselves don't improve one's health much. Often, the reason is either that those supplements lack important minerals or trace minerals or they assimilate very poorly (see below).
- For instance, Indium is very valuable to health, yet there is no detectable Indium mineral in any tested water or food in America. Very few supplements offer it. Indium is both present and perfectly assimilable in Smart A-Z Minerals.
- Most chelated forms of minerals offer assimilation rates between 3 and 35 percent. That's because mineral-rich foods and mineral compounds as in most supplements must be digested (broken apart into small sizes and enter the bloodstream through "mineral access" sites in the intestines. Most mineral products are very ineffective at actually entering the bloodstream and simply go on out of the body into the sewage, rather than being assimilated into the cells of the body.
- Smart A-Z minerals are in a highly assimilable, water solution form. There is no Tyndal effect when shining a light through the Smart A-Z mineral solution, proof that the minerals in these liquids are dissolved, rather than being colloidal particles.
- Being Ionic and in water solution, Smart A-Z Minerals offer virtually instant and complete assimilation of its minerals to the blood and cells of the human body. It follows that with Smart A-Z Minerals, mineral inadequacies in the body will more rapidly be remedied.
Videos about Smart A-Z Minerals
We disclaim any claims (if there are any) made in these videos or audios. They are for information, education, enlightenment and entertainment only.