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Double Helix Water Blog

Double Helix Water - Blog

Blog Entries are given under the First Amendment free speech protected right to express one’s opinion.

They are the product reviews, opinions and experiences of the individuals who are sharing them. They are presented for anecdotal and educational value ONLY... and are not to be construed as scientific studies, product claims or representations of what others may expect to experience.

We do not endorse them nor even guarantee them to be accurate because we have not investigated them. The  opinions and experiences of these individuals must not be relied upon in predicting the results of anyone else. No number of Blog entries constitutes recommended use by us or product labeling. They are not scientific data and much controversy exists over whether consumers should even be allowed to share experiences in the health area since some may construe them to be scientific data which they are not.

Blog entries may be missing important data that only properly conducted scientific studies could reveal, and are subject by their nature to many errors to which scientifically derived data is not. We are making these experiences available only in this disclaimed context. Please see our additional disclaimer below.




Individual Experiences:

  • I have been on the Double Helix Water for 5 months now and I wanted to give you feedback from my Kinesiologist. Based on muscle testing, she said that I have no electromagnetic distortion in any fields! After seeing the results, she is now extremely interested in learning more about the Double Helix Water!

  • I used to be an active martial artist, fighter, stunt man and all around athlete. My body was in such pain from the many years of abuse that it has gone through. It got so bad that it was even hard to simply get out of bed from the amount of pain I had been in. I had tried everything from prescriptions, to herbal remedies and acupuncture, to meditation, eastern and western medicines but nothing seemed to help with the pain. One day my friend had received a bottle of Double Helix Water on his birthday from someone, and rather than take it himself, he gave it to me. I started taking it twice a day and I can’t deny its results, about 90% of all my aches and pain were gone! I highly recommend this to everyone. This is the first time I’ve said that about any product

  • I work out two times a day and since taking Double Helix Water for the past 12 weeks, I no longer experience muscle soreness or fatigue; just increased endurance, stamina, strength. My concentration and awareness have risen to a much higher level. Double Helix Water has been a great addition to my already healthy regime and I am very happy to have been introduced to this wonderful product.


Individual Experiences:

  • Nothing, and I mean no other lifestyle change, supplement, or food I’ve ever participated in or done before in my life has affected me as much as Double Helix Water. It has enabled me to have energy to detoxify my body and to function that I thought I would never have. I don’t have words to say how much I appreciate what this product has done for me.

  • I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia in the past as well as bouts of pneumonia. After taking Double Helix Water for just three weeks, my massage therapist that I have seen regularly for many years asked me what I had been doing differently, because the quality of my muscles was so much better! I am breathing much easier, have a new sense of vitality and feel fantastic.

  • A few years ago, I had major surgery and the recovery period was extremely painful and long. For weeks I was unable to move. I had to have the same surgery again this year, and I was dreading the painful healing process. However, this time I took an entire bottle of Double Helix Water each day beginning the same day as my surgery, and within four days of my operation I was able to move around and even return back to work! The difference in recovery between my first and second operation is incredible!

  • I have been taking Double Helix Water for over a month, and I’ve noticed an improvement in my general health and feel much better.


Copyright 2008 - 2017 Healthy-Living.Org. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug  Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose,  treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-
Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and
it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting
any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect
you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific
study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions
of potential benefits are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational
value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be
considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people
may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health
except you in consult with your trusted health professional.