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Eight-Day Cleanse Testimonial
Dr. Mark Siegal



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In this new millenium, how smart you are will be seen by all—by how healthy you are!

Dr. Mark Siegal is a successful chiropractor in the Los Angeles Area.

Dr. Mark Siegal’s Experience

“Being a successful chiropractor. I am always approached by people in the Health Industry from various companies and asked to look at products to sell or promote. People have approached me to sell vitamins, Essentially Yours oils, Nikken magnets, Noni Juice and many others. Finally, I came across a company with incredible all natural nutritional products and wanted to share my experience of them with you.

While I've tried various products through the years, I could never tell if they were really doing anything for me or not. I am relatively healthy, but have concerns, like many people, about my heart. My father died from a heart attack at the early age of 46. He did not have high cholesterol, but he did have a high triglyceride problem.

So for the first time, I decided to "test" these new products and track my blood levels to see what they were doing for me and to me -- on a cellular level.
...I was completely amazed.”

Here are “actual” before and after results and pictures of my blood cells. The whole difference was the Eight Day Cleanse.

  • My Cholesterol came down 52 points to 167 — a 24% DECREASE!
  • My LDL level came down 42 points to 105 — a 29% DECREASE!
  • My Triglycerides down 24 pts to 71 — a 25% DECREASE!


Warning and Disclaimer: The information and testimonials on this web site are intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and are not to be considered by anyone as medical advice.

Testimonial experiences are exceptional, rather than typical. Endorsements, opinions and studies discussed herein are are not conclusive and do not represent the consensus of accredited, scientific opinion.

All of our information is offered as “food for thought”, as a stimulus for your further research and without implying that a health benefit is likely to be had by any particular person. Also, information presented may not represent the latest conclusions of forward thinking researchers into health and nutrition and the web site owner disclaims any responsibility if the material has been supplanted by new insights. Keep in mind that anyone who is setting out on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change should first consult with and request a green-light from and be monitored by a qualified healthcare provider. None of our suggested products/ideas are intended to cure, treat or prevent a disease or to replace information found on or in any other health product label or literature.

*No statements herein (unless otherwise stated) have been approved by the FDA.
See additional disclaimer information.

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