Getting to the heart of Heart Disease— 1 out of 2 of everyone you know will die from heart disease... needlessly.
Heart Disease has a Cause and a Remedy
We believe that the most common cause of heart disease is damage to arterial linings. We believe this damage is caused by chemicals and substances that make tiny holes or scratches in the ordinarily very smooth linings of the arteries.
We believe that once these abrasions or holes are created... the response of the body is to fill them in with cholesterol. We believe that the body uses cholesterol much like stop leak to prevent further damage to the arterial lining and prevent an arterial blow-out. Unfortunately, whenever cholesterol is plastered onto an the arterial wall in self-defense... the cholesterol may soon oxidize into plaque... causing hardening of the arteries. After that, bacteria may also grow beneath the cholesterol... creating a different kind of inflammatory damage... measured as C-reactive protein and further constricting blood flow through the artery. The disrupted flow through the artery results in more cholesterol adhering... and soon the artery becomes prone for a heart attack or stroke.
Heart Disease starts with arterial lining damage.
The Root Cause of Arterial Lining Damage is Diet:
We believe that heart disease is preventable for normal persons—with diet. We believe that the cure for heart disease is... to change the diet. In fact, it is the height of absurdity for one to maintain the same processed food diet that brings this disease to fifty percent of the civilized world.
In 1998, three persons won a Nobel Prize for showing that the absence of a single nutrient, nitric oxide, that should be in adequate supplies in our bodies from our diet, could lead to arterial damage. Diets that promote the presence of this nutrient are statistically able to reduce heart disease. And, yet there is far more to heart health than a single protective nutrient. Many different nutrients play important roles in protecting our arterial health.
We have lots to teach you about heart health... from the nutrition point of view... rather than the medical point of view. The difference in these points of view... is the difference between maintenance and repair.
For instance, what some experts consider to be the most damaging chemical in regard to arterial damage is homocysteine. Homocysteine is a bad amino acid — a metabolic byproduct of diets that are deficient in fresh vegetables. From the maintenance point of view... we ought to keep homocysteine out of our body... similar to how a mechanic would suggest that you keep sugar or honey out of your car’s gas tank.
Also, from a maintenance point of view... maintaining smooth, slick arterial linings with no holes or scratches is paramount so that cholesterol doesn’t have a place to stick. One of the primary nutrient needs for accomplishing this goal is having Omega fatty acids in the diet and arginine rich foods in the diet. Arterial linings are comprised of these fatty acids as well as the nitric oxide from arginine.
Actually, we have a full section on how to create optimal heart health called the Habits of Health, but here is a summary:
- Good food includes mostly unprocessed food and whole food concentrates. Note... that hamburgers, bacon and other so-called bad heart foods are actually just fine.
- Bad food includes mostly processed foods. This means things like crackers, donuts, pastries, french-fries, etc.
In summary form, here are the most important, specific dietary additions for protecting your heart:
- Nutrient rich foods (fresh vegetables)
- Vitamin B rich foods (fresh vegetables)
- Omega fatty acid rich foods (flax seed, ocean fish)
- Antioxidant rich foods (fresh fruits & vegetables)
- Arginine Rich Foods (brown rice, whole wheat, nuts)
Statistical Predictors of Heart Disease
Studies from various medical researchers have proven that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. It is often an indication of heart disease, much like the presence of firefighters can clue someone into a fire nearby... but firefighters are not the cause of fires nor is cholesterol the cause of heart disease. They both try to fight the real problem.
Again, the cause of heart disease is chemically damaged arterial linings. The body responds to damaged arterial linings by producing and depositing cholesterol into the damaged area, much like “Stop Leak” seals a tire puncture. Some of the known damaging chemicals for arterial linings are listed below in reverse order of the amount of damage they do:
- Homogenized Milk
- Chlorine
- Trans-Fatty Acids
- Homocysteine (byproduct of metabolism)
Starting at the bottom of the list (the most damaging), homocysteine is a toxic byproduct of metabolism that is produced within the human body. Ideally (when people live on good nutrition), homocysteine is rapidly converted to the good amino acid methionine and no damage occurs. A good, nutritional diet is high in B-vitamins and other nutrients that provide methyl donors and catalytic minerals that bring about the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. Without the necessary food components being present, homocysteine levels will build up within the body and damage our arteries.
Simply reducing the level of homocysteine in our blood is touted by many researchers as the most important thing that can be done to reduce the likelihood of heart disease.
Here is one brief excerpt from the Life Extension Foundation: “Homocysteine often causes the initial lesions on arterial walls that enable LDL cholesterol and fibrinogen to accumulate and eventually to obstruct blood flow. Homocysteine also contributes to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and the accumulation of arterial plaque and subsequent vascular blockage. Homocysteine damages cells directly by promoting oxidative stress. Homocysteine also can cause abnormal arterial blood clots (thrombosis) that can completely block an artery. Homocysteine alone has been demonstrated to promote atherosclerosis and thrombosis, even if cholesterol and triglyceride levels are not significantly elevated. That is why homocysteine blood testing is strongly recommended (see Medical Testing protocol).”
A researcher from Brown’s university, Dr. Paul Frankel has created a methylation enhancing supplement that has early indications of effectively reducing homocysteine for people whose diet is insufficient to do this. This supplement is available through this web site.
Trans Fatty Acids have been conclusively proven to cause heart disease and should be avoided by everyone who wants to live as long as possible. Trans Fatty Acids are found primarily in margarine, shortening and frying oils... and we advise everyone to curtail eating these.
Chlorine in water is a causative factor of heart disease according to some researchers. Chlorine is an oxidizer... that’s how it kills biological organisms such as bacteria. It oxidizes our own tissues as well... including arterial tissues. The fact that we need to chlorinate our public water supplies is indisputable. Water chlorination stops water-borne disease. But, it has a public health cost as it damages our arterial walls... placing scratches and holes in these arterial walls... causing cholesterol to begin adhering. We advise everyone to remove chlorine from water prior to drinking.
Drinking homogenized milk is a statistical predictor of heart disease. “Heart disease is proportional to the amount of homogenized milk consumed in a country. Finland has the highest consumption… and the highest heart disease rate followed by the US. Lowest consumption and lowest heart disease rates are found in France, Japan and Sweden.” – The Book Homogenized by Nicholas Samsidis, MS
Homogenization produces a significant increase in surface area of milk fat molecules that react chemically with arterial linings (these linings are also fatty in nature). It appears that Mother Nature never intended for milk to be homogenized. (Note that pasteurization of milk does not cause problems.)
Anything that damages arterial linings causes a buildup of cholesterol and plaque, leading to cardiovascular attacks.
#1 Recommendation is to reduce homocysteine
People can have very high cholesterol, but no cardiovascular disease if their arterial linings stay smooth and slippery. It is only when abrasions or damage to the walls occur... that high cholesterol now becomes a life-threatening problem. One of the major damaging elements to arterial walls is homocysteine.
Homocysteine is internally produced during metabolism. The only way to eliminate homocysteine from our body is to help the body convert it to the good amino acid, methionine... which by the way is about the most important thing we can accomplish in combatting depression, as well. Consuming B Vitamins, tri-methyl glycine, choline, taurine, zinc, copper and magnesium from food sources has been identified by nutritional researchers as key to enabling this conversion process. Dr. Frankel from Brown University has developed a specific supplement that has been proven 100% effective at reducing homocysteine.
The most important thing to keep in mind about achieving heart health is that the more we eat whole food and avoid processed food the better.
What about people who already have heart disease... cholesterol has already adhered to their arterial linings and blood flow through their arteries is already compromised? Is there a way to reverse this?
There is much we can do... and yes, in many cases, we can reverse the damage.
A beginning point is to do a Cleanse of the body. The Eight Day Cleanse will rapidly lower triglycerides and cholesterol and eliminate blood cell clumping. The Eight Day Cleanse often creates a 50 to 150 point drop in cholesterol and a 50 to 800 point drop in triglycerides.
The Cleanse needs to be followed with dietary changes to eliminate harmful foods from the diet.
Over 10,000 cases histories from the archives of the Advanced Center for Medicine (Encinitas, California) prove that the following nutritional support foods will be highly beneficial for preventing and reversing heart disease:
RiSoTriene — Natural Protection Against Heart Disease!
Eating a spoonful of RiSoTriene four times a day is a good idea for everyone and especially for those with a tendency towards high blood pressure and heart disease since RiSoTriene both heals damaged artery linings and lowers blood pressure. RiSoTriene provides a healthy amount of the amino acid arginine which has been proven to increase levels of nitric oxide which has been conclusively shown to protect from cardiovascular disease. Note: ever since the Nobel Prize was awarded a few years in this regard... some people have wanted to just add large quantities of arginine to the diet. This approach is wrong... the reduction approach is wrong. Balance is needed. RiSoTriene is that balance.
RiSoTriene is a name for powdered, water-soluble, stabilized, rice germ & bran. A scoop of RiSoTriene provides more protection against heart disease than would eating a hundred pounds of rice. RiSoTriene is nature’s best source for tocotrienols (related to Vitamin E, but many times more potent). RiSoTriene is also the best source in nature of gamma oryzanol and contains alpha lipoic acid and inositol, all tissue healers that heal arterial lesions or damage.
Learn more about RiSoTriene at this web site.
Remember, RiSoTriene is not a medicine. It is not an isolated nutrient. It is, rather than most nutrient dense part of rice, stabilized through an awesome nutritional discovery that does not damage fragile nutrients in rice... but concentrates them tremendously.
RiSoTriene’s numerous nutrients:
- Reduce lipids in the blood
- Prevent the adherence of fatty tissues to arterial walls
- Heal lesions
- Promote antioxidant activity throughout the body to heal and protect cells.
By adding RiSoTriene to the daily regimen, over a period of a few months to a year, many heart patients have been able to become completely free of heart disease. (See testimonials to right).
RiSoTriene costs about $60 a month. If you can only afford one nutritional aid in your quest to overcome heart disease, RiSoTriene should be it. Stabilized, soluble rice germ & bran, or RiSoTriene, is available through several sources; one of them being this web site.
To hear the amazing RiSoTriene story (RealAudio), click on Rice or Death. Or to have a free audio tape mailed to you about this awesome food click on Free Audio Tape about RiSoTriene.
Studies regarding stabilized rice bran (RiSoTriene) and it’s active components:
Studies of tocotrienols demonstrate that they inhibit thromboxane (reduce blood pressure) and reduce liver production of cholesterol by 20 to 31 percent. Read article about tocotrienol’s ability to reduce thromboxane and liver cholesterol production.
Another study shows that stabilized rice bran was able to reduce the cholesterol of laboratory rats by an approximately 30 points and triglycerides by over 100 points. Read this report about stabilized rice bran reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Two US. patents have been issued for the benefits of stabilized rice bran as regards heart disease. The title of the first patent is: “Method for treating hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.”
Another study demonstrates further benefits from stabilized rice bran in regard to inhibiting cholesterol oxidation (becoming bad cholesterol). This study is titled “Antioxidant activity of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma oryzanol components from rice bran against cholesterol oxidation accelerated by 2,21-azobis(2-methylpropionamideine) dihydrochloride.” and appeared in J. Agric. Food. Chem, 49(4):2077-81.
From another study: “Researchers in several human studies have found that tocotrienols do not always lower blood cholesterol.The most recent studies, however, suggest that a proprietary tocotrienol derived from rice bran extract can improve blood lipids when combined with a low-cholesterol and reduced-fat diet, even in conjunction with statin drug use.The tocotrienols and statin drugs work synergistically for a better outcome.” Read this report.
Other studies have demonstrated that the gamma oryzanol in stabilized rice bran decreases cholesterol absorption and aortic fatty streaks in hamsters. Rong, N., L.M. Ausman, and R.J. Nicolosi. 1997
And yet another study demonstrates the ability of rice bran (tocotrienols) to prevent athersclerosis in humans.
More than 200 scientific publications are available on rice bran. To mention a few more, there are the studies carried out by Robin Saunders of USDA Western Regional Laboratories, clinical studies carried out by Robert Nicolosi of the University of Lowell, MA, USA(2), studies from India by Rukmini Cheruvanky, and studies from Japan by Sugano that are some of the classical examples that establish the striking medicinal properties of rice bran products. Here are a few more of hundreds of web links:
Deep Sea Minerals — The Ultimate Source of Assimilable Minerals!
Dr. David Nelson states, “Over 98% of Americans are deficient in minerals because they are not getting them in their food.”
With heart disease, two particular minerals are known to be required for heart health, as well as one trace mineral. These are magnesium, calcium and selenium.
What is to be done to ensure adequate mineral intake?
The sea provides the answer by giving us the greatest banquet of minerals on earth. Since shallow sea water is polluted, we go to deep sea water... the zone of regeneration, that cold water, thousands of feet deep where pollution does not penetrate...
Plankton and diatoms incorporate minerals from the ocean into their bodies, creating ionized elements that when ingested by humans or animals absorb rapidly into the blood and cell structures of our bodies. During the past hundreds and thousands of years, these plankton and other minute organisms have died and their bodies descended into the ocean depths... where today we can harvest them.
Recently, a scientific project off the coast of Hawaii has allowed deep ocean water to be brought to the surface. This water hasn’t been near the surface in over a millennium. It is free of pollution and is extraordinarily rich in ionized minerals within the expired bodies of plankton and diatoms. University of San Diego studies have proven their rapid and complete assimilation in the blood stream.
The combination of RiSoTriene and Deep Sea Minerals is unbeatable for improving heart health.
Like RiSoTriene, Deep Sea Minerals is a recent discovery that only now is getting significant attention. We recommend it highly. Deep Sea Minerals are available through this web site at a cost of about $30 a month.
Seven Essentials — RiSoTriene, Deep Sea Minerals, 10-Flashed Glanced Vegetables, Probiotics, Small Molecule Whey Protein, Fiber — All Together!
A new product called Seven Essentials contains a full daily serving of RiSoTriene and Deep Sea Minerals, plus 10 flash-glanced, arginine rich vegetables, a glutathione rich whey protein, unique fiber, probiotics and immune system enhancers. Essential-7 is almost a one stop formulation for heart health.
Seven Essentials is available through this web site at a cost of about $90 per month.
Methylate Me — Premier Homocysteine Reducing Aid!
Harvard Researcher, Dr. Paul Frankel designed the ultimate homocysteine reducing food supplement. Mostly derived from raw beets, with additional ingredients including choline, inositol, zinc, copper & B-vitamins, this formulation has been proven 100% effective at reducing homocysteine. It is highly recommended and only $25.00 a month in cost.
Click here to learn more about Methylate Me.
Natural Cox-2 Inhibitors
C-Reactive Protein is the new cardiovascular buzz-word. This term refers to inflammation in our arteries between the plaque/cholesterol and the arterial lining. Natural Cox-2 Inhibitors are effective in reducing this inflammation in our arteries. Check out our recommended effective natural remedy.
Note, any order totaling over $120.00 (before shipping or sales tax) receives a 5% discount off of preferred customer price.
Products Ordering Information
Item #
Preferred Customer Price
RiSoTriene - 1 Canister (Enough for 15 days)
RiSoTriene - 4 Canisters (Enough for two months)
Digestion Boost - 1 Bottle (120 capsules) (Enough for One Month)
The 8 Day Cleanse - Complete withCleansingEnzymes, Seven Essentials Super Food, Parasite Cleanse, Aloe’V’a Power, pH Tape & Dietary Instructions. Seven Essentials has three flavors... choose the flavor desired at the right.
Vegetable Flavor
Berry Flavor
Chocolate Flavor
Seven Essentials - Berry Flavor - 1 Canister (Enough for 2 Weeks)
Seven Essentials - Vegetable Flavor - 1 Canister (Enough for 2 Weeks)
Seven Essentials - Chocolate Flavor - 1 Canister (Enough for 2 weeks)
Seven Essentials - Berry Flavor - 4 Canisters (Enough for two months)
Seven Essentials - Vegetable Flavor - 4 Canisters (Enough for two months)
Seven Essentials - Chocolate Flavor - 4 Canisters (Enough for two months)
Seven Essentials - 2 Berry & 2 Chocolate (Enough for two months)
Seven Essentials - 2 Berry & 2 Chocolate & 2 Vegetable (Enough for three months)
Collastin and Collastin Support - One Month Pack
Collastin and Collastin Support - Three Month Pack (100 Day Guarantee & Free Shipping)
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Note, any order totaling over $120.00 (before shipping or sales tax) receives a 5% discount off of preferred customer price.