Max Your Energy With MaxGXL


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Dr. Robert Keller and MaxGXL

Explore the history of Dr. Keller’s extraordinary medical accomplishments and the creation of MaxGXL.



Increasing Glutathione - MaxGXL

Learn about the significant difference that MaxGXL makes in terms of intracellular glutathione.



Dr Robert Keller Interview with Steve Scott

Learn about MaxGXL by watching a movie interview of Dr. Robert Keller (inventor) with Steven Scott.




One of Glutathione’s major functions is to cleanse the cells of toxins and free radicals. And glutathione can actually resurrect other antioxidants allowing them to fight free radicals again and again. Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.

Glutathione has been shown to (just to name a few):

  • reduce the chances of developing cancer
  • improve athletic performance and recovery
  • detoxify the body
  • fight inflammation
  • improve liver function
  • strengthen the immune system
  • dramatically increase energy
  • improve concentration
  • permit increased exercise
  • enhance your sense of well-being
  • improve heart and lung function
  • slow down the aging process
  • improve mental functions

We Need Max GXL Because Cellullar Glutathione Declines With Age

Due to modern stress, once an individual reaches 20 years of age, his/her body’s supply of Glutathione declines by 10% to 15% or more per decade. The result of declining glutathione levels is that individual cells age faster than they should and are less able to defend themselves against "internal cellular pollution" that creates disease and more rapid degeneration of biological functions.

MaxGXL Raises Glutathione Levels in Every Patient Tested

The good news is that MaxGXL can dramatically raise your glutathione levels. In fact, Dr. Keller was able to verify significant increases in every patient tested. Patients experienced increased glutathione levels up to 400% after only three months of daily use. When MaxGXL was discontinued, those glutathione levels began to decline back to former levels (see below graph).

You need MaxGXL to prevent the free radical encroachment into your body’s cells that would otherwise occur as levels of Glutathione, the master cleanser of your body, diminish over the years.

MaxGXL’s™ Patented Formula Dramatically Increases Intracellular GSH (Glutathione).

MaxGXL™ provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL™ also aids in liver support. by destroying environmental toxins, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

The graph below shows the increase in glutathione levels experienced by 4 groups of patients. Group 1 (normal health patients) were tested after 6 months of use, while Groups 2, 3 and 4 (HIV, Hepatitis C, and Chronic Viral Illness respectively) were tested after only 3 months of the MaxGXL regimen.

Increasing Glutathione Because of MaxGXL

The data indicate MaxGXL‘s effectiveness not only in populations who are immune-suppressed, but also in those who are stressed, aging, lacking sleep, or with any prolonged illness. The data shows that after just three months of using MaxGXL, sick people’s gluathione levels were higher than normal persons who were not using MaxGXL. With sick people, it is so important to note that MaxGXL™ stimulates the body's production of glutathione to compensate for the body's accelerated use of it, strengthening your natural defenses, decreasing your risk of illness, and guarding against the effects of the body's aging process.

More About Glutathione

The body's master antioxidant glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells when certain required elements are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. Although there are more than 78,000 published papers on the beneficial effects of glutathione replacement, it is still largely ignored by mainstream medicine. In the near future the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized because it has the ability to boost the immune system and fight off the damage of free radicals on the cells.

MaxGXL Awarded a Composition Patent

The results from MaxGXL’s proprietary formula are so revolutionary that was awarded a composition patent by the U.S. Patent office. Composition patents are normally reserved for pharmaceutical drugs. MaxGXL was awarded this patent because it not only raises glutathione levels within each cell, it also enables the liver to recycle the body’s used glutathione to manufacture even more, further increasing the body’s reservoir of glutathione.

These products and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended for use in the treatment of any disease.

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