Scientific evidence that Silver Sol products work.
Articles, Studies & Research Papers
The following list of resources provide scientific information about Silver Sol technology effectiveness:
- United States Patent
- Bactericidal activity of combinations of Silver-Water Dispersion (another name used by American Biotech Labs for its Silver Sol products) with 19 antibiotics against seven microbial strains, by A. de Souza
- Ultradilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties: role of the system Ag-O-H20, by Dr. Rustum Roy
- Silver Sol Completely Removes Malaria from the Blood of Human Subjects Infected with Malaria, by Gordon Pedersen
- Liquid Silver Supplements - the Technology Difference
- New Applications for Silver, by Michael DiRienzo
- The Safety of Using Silver Solutions and the Risk of Argyria, by Keith Moeller
- Silver Sol Destroys Yeasts and Other Pathogens
- Silver Sol is Non Toxic
- Nano-Silver Proven Safe for Humans, by Keith Moeller
- U.S. Congressional Testimony in Regard to Silver Sol Killing of Malaria and Other Pathogens
- Life Extension of Flowers & Plants, by Josh Yates and Keith Moeller
- Silver Sol and the Successful Treatment of Hospital Acquired MRSA in Human Subjects With Serious Ongoing Infection, by Gordon Pedersen
- Silver Sol Improves Wound Healing: Case Studies in the Use of Silver Sol in Closing Wounds (Including MRSA), Preventing Infection, Inflammation, and Activiting Stem Cells, by Gordon Pedersen and Keith Moeller
Silver Research Supports Efficacy and Safety of New Silver Sol
In addition to rigorous clinical and hospital testing of Silver Sol, silver research conducted by many independent labs provides additional support for its effectiveness and safety. As two examples of efficacy, Brigham Young University Microbiology Laboratory has reported the following:
- When comparing the bioavailability of colloidal silver and this new silver sol, the bioavailability range (how much was required for effectiveness) for the various colloidal solutions was 15% to 65%, while for silver sol it was over 99%. This means that an individual would have to take six times as much of a 15% bio-available silver product in order to absorb the same amount of silver in the new silver sol products.1
- When comparing the effectiveness of silver sol to five different classes of antibiotics against seven different types of bacteria (E. coli B, E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, S. typhimunium, P. aeruginosa, S. gordonii and S. aureus), this silver sol product was able to kill each bacteria tested. On the other hand, not one of the antibiotics tested worked equally well on every bacterial strain that it was tested against.2
Silver Sol Products & Concerns of Argyria Associated with Colloidal Silver
Some people are concerned about cosmetic consequences associated with colloidal silver known as argyria. Argyria is a cosmetic condition (non life-threatening and non-debilitating) that has been associated with the over consumption of colloidal silver/silver salt compounds of high concentration (30 - 300 ppm). In some cases, persons consuming those highly concentrated colloids of silver find that their skin takes on a bluish or grayish hue.
First of all, it must be stated that Silver Sol products differs from colloidal silver in many ways, including its concentration of the element3. Whereas problematic silver solutions and suspensions contained up to 300,000 ppm (parts per million) of silver, silver sol works very effectively at 5 - 30 ppm.4
Considerable research has been conducted on the safety of this new silver sol, including studies by Dr. Ron Leavitt, NAMSA (an international medical testing laboratory) and Roger J. Altman, Ph.D., to name just a few. Altman consumed many times the recommended dosage of silver for nearly six months and found that silver was purged from the body (mostly through urine) at virtually the same rate at which it is consumed.5
Safe and Effective Silver Sol Product Experience Times, Five Million Times
In addition to studies, we must also state that more than five million bottles of silver sol (under its various labels, Silver Biotics, Guardian, Nutronix, ASAP) have been sold around the world. There have been no reported cases of negative side effects or argyria. Unlike ionized colloidal silver, which can produce potentially harmful metabolic byproducts, Silver Sol is excreted from the body within 24 hours intact.
We encourage you to visit more pages and links on this site to read more silver research and to broaden your knowledge base about the benefits of this new anti-microbial solution.
To purchase silver sol products now, please click here.
- 1The New Silver Solution, Kenneth S. Friedman, Ph.D. © 2006, p. 17, 2nd paragraph
- 2; The New Silver Solution, Kenneth S. Friedman, Ph.D. © 2006, p. 10, 3rd paragraph
- 3Congressional testimony of William D. Moeller, presented April 26, 2005, pp. 2, 4
- 4The New Silver Solution, Kenneth S. Friedman, Ph.D. © 2006, p. 14-15
- 5Roger J. Altman, Ph.D., The Body’s Ability to Eliminate Silver study, 1999
Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional in regard to your health problems. Any descriptions of scientific research, product use or other information found on this website are given only as starting points for further thought and research into nanosized Silver Solution technology and potential benefits. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your health care professional who prescribes according to your unique situation. The biggest danger in self-prescribing is the delay that may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique body and particular situation. Only your licensed healthcare provider can be legally and morally trusted to evaluate and recommend according to your uniqueness and the serious of your health need. Although, nanosized Silver Solution products have been shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms, there may be much more that needs to be considered in any particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart - and seek licensed medical help.
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