A warning needs to be made at the outset to not utilize Silver Sol, or any type of self-prescription, in lieu of or instead of seeking competent, personalized, medical help in the face of a health challenge. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. These uses are included only as information in regard to uses that others have made. No guarantee is made to their efficacy or suitability for a particular individual.
Applications & Uses for Silver Sol
(Unless otherwise noted, all information on this page is sourced and inspired from Dr. Gordon Pedersen’s book, A Fighting Chances,” pages 42 to 124.)
Because it is an open wound, an abscess can expose the blood flow and the lymph system to possible bacteria contamination. It is very important to kill the bacteria in the wound. Silver Biotics can be used as a mouth rinse for an abscess in the mouth. Hold one ounce of liquid in your mouth for at least six minutes, two to three times a day. It can then be swallowed, providing an internal rinse as well.
You can also use liquid Silver Biotics as a rinse for an abscess on the outside of your body. When you first clean the abscess, rinse it with liquid Silver Biotics. If it requires a bandage, soak the gauze bandage in liquid Silver Biotics and put a drop of gel on the surface before taping it into place. For a very small abscess, you can simply put a drop of the Silver Biotics gel on a Band-Aid and place it over the abscess. For a large abscess, place the gel or spray the liquid Silver Biotics on the wound one to four times a day.
Acne attacks people of all ages, from infants to adults. Bacteria getting inside of a hair follicle or a sweat gland called a sebaceous gland can cause acne. Once the bacteria gets under the skin it will duplicate itself, dissolving healthy tissue in the process and leaving scars behind. To get rid of the acne, you must get rid of the bacteria.
To kill the bacteria, take two teaspoons of silver twice a day. Silver should also be applied topically twice a day. You can use the gel or spray the liquid topically.
You can expect to see reduction in the size and in the damage of the acne within 24 hours. Total improvement of the skin will take about four weeks, which is the amount of time necessary for new skin to grow from the bottom to the top layer.
Age Spots
Age spots develop when the liver does not produce enough enzymes to detoxify what is circulating through the blood stream. Certain toxins can be deposited in the fats underneath your skin, creating an age spot ‐ usually a permanent effect like a tattoo.
You can get the liver working properly again, and get the proper production of enzymes at the same time, by drinking liquid Silver Biotics on a regular basis. Putting Silver Biotics gel on the age spot can help excrete that which has been stored under the skin. For the best benefit, apply topically two to four times a day and take one teaspoon orally twice a day. In addition, we have seen age spots diminish with the use of Conscious Essentials taken daily.
Found on the skin, in the blood stream, in the intestines, or in the hair, bacteria cause countless diseases. When serious diseases are examined in the lab they find that every serious chronic disease is associated with the presence of pleiomorphic bacteria or mold. These damage the immune function that normally protects the cell from foreign invaders. When the bacteria or mold invade a cell and reduce the immune protection, they allow toxins and contagions to enter the cell and damage the DNA, allowing serious disease to originate. Silver Biotics starts killing bacteria in as little as fifteen seconds. If you put Silver Biotics gel, liquid, or mist in direct contact with bacteria, the bacteria will usually be totally destroyed within six minutes. Some bacteria may take longer but can be destroyed with regular Silver Biotics use.
For preventative use, drink one teaspoon of Silver Biotics each morning and night. That dose can be doubled to fight an aggressive bacterial infection. It may be applied topically to any affected areas one to four times a day. Immune-supporting remedies may also be of great use, such as Magnascent Iodine, Body Biotics, and others.
Fungus can get into any warm, moist area and often feeds off of sugars. Cutting off sugars can combat intestinal fungus or yeast. For a yeast or fungus infection in the armpits or vagina, apply Silver Biotics directly to the yeast or take liquid Silver Biotics internally. It can be applied topically one to four times a day, or as needed. The recommended liquid use is two teaspoons, one to three times a day. Body Biotics and MAC Immune Support are also useful in dealing with fungal issues.
Yeast and fungus can get inside your intestines, causing muscle pain and symptoms of depression and attention deficit disorder. It can also result in all the symptoms of headaches, lymph problems, lupus and autoimmune disorders, including fibromyalgia.
Many people have resolved these symptoms by taking two teaspoons of Silver Biotics daily as part of an intestinal yeast and fungus cleanse. The cleanse may be accompanied by one to three weeks of flu-like symptoms while the yeast leaves the body. Silver Biotics colonics have been used in the rectum, and douches are being successful in the vagina. For these applications use only distilled water with Silver Biotics.
Tumors can have a myriad of causes. Tumors are almost always caused by a combination of problems. One bacterium is not usually the cause of a tumor, but when bacteria get into the cell and neutralize your immune function, you become more susceptible to other toxins in the air and water. This allows DNA to be damaged and a tumor to form. Bacteria such as hepatitis B can contribute to conditions favorable for cancer; viruses also, including the human papilloma virus that can contribute to cervical cancer in women.
With the above in mind, those with a tumor may find it very useful to drink one to four ounces of Silver Biotics liquid a day, sipping the Silver Biotics every hour for the first 4-8 hours. Drink two ounces a day for the next five days ‐ two tablespoons in the morning and two tablespoons in the night. Apply topically two to three times a day to the tumor if it is visible. Other immune boosters such as Body Biotics, Vitamin D3 and Glutathione boosters are also undoubtedly beneficial. For more acute problems, drink four ounces one day and sip it every hour the next day.
If cancer runs in the immediate family, two tablespoons of Silver Biotics in the morning and evening can be used as a preventive method.
Maintaining a diet that is low in trans fat and sugar and high in vegetables, fiber, fruits and proteins will also help. In addition, get at least eight hours of sleeps a night. Take supplements that have immune enhancing capabilities. Exercise if possible on a daily basis. Not strenuous, but a walking type of exercise to make sure your circulation is good and your body’s immune function is properly working in concert with your lymph system. Neutralize toxins in your air and water using proper filtration in your home. Cleanse the intestines and your blood. Cleanse the intestines with an intestinal cleanse such as the Eight Day Cleanse or with soil based organisms. Cleanse your liver with Liver Boost, and then cleanse the blood stream of heavy metals and chemicals with Zeolite and Methylate.
Viruses cause many diseases that we don’t have pharmaceutical drugs to cure. For this reason, the human race is at a high risk for virus activity. We have viruses that are being treated incorrectly with antibiotics. Antibiotics do nothing to destroy or cure viral infections. Silver Biotics is very powerful and patented against both reversing transcriptase and DNA polymerase viruses, interfering with the replication process.
By drinking two tablespoons of Silver Biotics in the morning and night, you can potentially defeat an existing viral infection. Inhaling a nebulized form of silver works best for a viral infection in the lungs or sinuses. Drops can also be placed in your ears, eyes, nose, or throat twice a day.
To prevent a cold or flu, drink one teaspoon twice a day. If you are exposed to a lot of coughing and sneezing, the dose can be doubled. Immune-stimulating supplements like PN Immune, C2It and MaxGXL are also beneficial.
Antibiotic Alternative
According to Dr. Rustum Roy (Penn State University) Silver Biotics is more broad-spectrum than anything found in the drug world or nature. This means Silver Biotics kills more than just a tiny segment of bacteria, like antibiotics do. Silver Biotics kills all the bacteria except the healthy (probiotic) bacteria. This can happen because the healthy flora (lactobacillus) secretes a protective layer or lactobacillus around itself to protect against the acidic stomach acids.
This protective layer prohibits the silver from rupturing the cell membrane because it cannot penetrate through the lactobacillus outer coating. This is demonstrated when a person takes antibiotics, and the action of the drugs kill the healthy flora, resulting in diarrhea. This is not seen when a person takes a quadruple dose of Silver Biotics. In fact, some have swallowed 8 ounces at one time (a 48 times normal dose) and never produced diarrhea.
Silver Biotics improves antibiotic function and makes antibiotics up to ten fold stronger when taken with Silver Biotics. It should be noted that a person taking Silver Biotics daily (1 teaspoon 1-3 times a day) should destroy bacterium, viruses and yeast that cause the majority of illnesses, so you may never need to take an antibiotic again. According to a study performed by Nelson labs, Silver Biotics was found to completely kill all tested bacteria and cause NO resistance. This is important because it proves that Silver Biotics is not going to cause the bacteria to get stronger or have the problems that plague antibiotic drugs.
Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is basically a fungal infection on the skin. It occurs when we put our feet in shoes and keep them in a warm, moist area where fungus can grow. The first step to prevention is to wear clean shoes and reduce the amount of time that your foot stays in a moist sock.
Silver Biotics can be sprayed into your socks or directly on the foot. Silver Biotics gel is an even better option in this situation. It can be applied between the toes to kill any yeast growth. You can also spray silver into your shoes to kill any bacteria. In addition to athlete’s foot, fungus can get underneath your toenails. By soaking your feet for 30 minutes every other day in a Silver Biotics bath, you will kill the toenail fungus and the athlete’s foot. The fungus will return if you continue to wear shoes or socks that are housing bacteria or fungus.
By killing the bacteria and yeast, Silver Biotics will also remove the odor associated with athlete’s foot.
Bacteria are single cell organisms that actually grow within or outside your body. Left uninhibited, bacteria can cause disease or death. Many of today’s health problems result from bacteria. Pneumonia, one of the leading causes of death in America, comes from bacteria inside of the lungs.
Silver Biotics will destroy bacteria in approximately six minutes. You will feel the effects within the first two hours of use and the benefits will continue as long as you use the product.
Bad Breath
Bacteria residing in the mouth and gums or between the teeth usually cause bad breath. Using Silver Biotics rinse can destroy these bacteria. By rinsing the mouth for six minutes in the morning and at night, you will get rid of the bad breath. Swallow the silver to continue cleansing the rest of the body.
Bad breath can also be caused by strep throat or a staph infection. In these cases, bacteria destroy the healthy tissue, causing red blisters and white pus to form in the back of the throat. The odor comes as a result of the degenerating tissue. Silver Biotics is the fastest way to remedy the problem. Spraying Silver Biotics into the nose four times a day can treat odor caused by a sinus infection.
When a bed does not have proper balance, pressure points can form. Irritation or rashes on the skin then lead to open wounds. To treat bedsores, get a good bed with a neutral balance. Do no use too much laundry detergent on bedding and sheets.
Silver Biotics gel can be applied directly to the bedsore one to four times a day. The gel should be kept in place with a sterile bandage. You can expect improvement to begin very quickly after Silver Biotics is introduced to a wound. Improvement in diabetics may take two to three times longer because of circulation problems.
Black Mold
Black mold is a fungus or yeast that grows in wet areas of the home like showers or walls. The mold will release spores into the air. If these spores reach your lungs, they will produce asthma and chronic fatigue-like symptoms.
To remove the mold, spray liquid Silver Biotics on it and let it stand for 10 minutes before wiping it off. This will destroy the mold and likely prevent it from re-growing.
Bladder Infection
Urine remains in the bladder for about six hours before it is drained. If bacteria get into the bladder, they will duplicate every 20 minutes ‐ a bladder infection can become serious very quickly. The infection will degrade the lining of the bladder and possibly travel up the tubes from the bladder to the kidneys, causing a kidney infection.
To help the body naturally overcome a bladder infection, two tablespoons of Silver Biotics could be taken hourly for the first two days. Then, for the next two weeks, take two tablespoons twice a day. Often, this will help the body naturally overcome a bladder infection within the first 12 to 24 hours. Silver Biotics liquid can be taken with cranberry juice or juniper berries.
Body Odor
Since bacteria cause most body odor, Silver Biotics can help the body to control the production of the odor. Spray or apply silver to the affected area and drink one teaspoon twice daily. This can also help with bad breath.
Blood Cleanser
Bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites, and other toxins can get inside our blood. Silver Biotics is one of the best tools for blood cleansing. It will enter a single red blood cell and cleanse at the cell level.
For acute blood cleansing, take one ounce every hour for four hours. For less serious conditions, possibly just take one four ounce dose every day for the first three days, followed by a maintenance dose of two tablespoons twice a day. To cleanse your blood each day, take one to two teaspoons, one to three times a day. We also recommend PN Immune
Boils occur when bacteria or viruses get under the skin and duplicate, destroying the healthy tissue. The duplication produces a pustule, which is similar to cystic acne; only it does not need a hair follicle or sebaceous gland to get down into the skin. Boils can be caused by simple irritations such as the rubbing of a belt on the skin or agitation on the side of a foot.
Applying Silver Biotics gel topically one to four times a day can treat a boil. In some cases, you may want to cover the boil with a bandage. In addition, you will want to drink two teaspoons of Silver Biotics liquid twice a day.
As soon as the liquid and the gel comes in contact with the bacteria, the boil growth with stop. Within about two hours you will feel inflammation reduction. You will see improvement of the boil within four hours.
Bones can have a number of problems ‐ breaks, infections, stoppage in the production of bone marrow and red blood cells ‐ and pain is almost always associated with these problems. Silver Biotics liquid taken on a daily basis can help reduce the bacteria, virus, and mold within the system, thus reducing the impact on the bones.
Silver Biotics can help reduce the infection rate associated with broken bones or compound fractures, allowing the immune system to repair the bone much quicker.
Bowels can have a lot of problems ‐ from constipation and colitis to infections, diarrhea, and yeast infections. Taken regularly, Silver Biotics liquid can help destroy the bacteria and yeast that cause many of these problems.
While regular cleanses are very efficient at removing constipation and toxins, often they do not remedy the cause of the problem, which may be yeast or bacteria. Silver Biotics can help destroy the cause of the problem. You should expect to see benefits within the first two days. We also highly recommend soil based organisms and standard probiotics.
Bronchitis can be bacterial or a virus that causes the inflammation of the bronchioles ‐ the tubes that pass air from the throat down into the lungs. Bronchitis results in excess mucus production, clogged lungs, and coughing.
Bronchitis can be cleared up by drinking two teaspoons of Silver Biotics two to four times a day, inhaling from a nebulizer 15 minutes twice a day, and by using an intra-nasal spray twice a day for congestion.
For those living, working, or traveling with someone with bronchitis, spray Silver Biotics into the nose for prevention. The gel can also be applied to the inside of the nostrils. Immune-stimulating supplements such as ASEA and PN Immune Supportwill also help. A cellular cleanse will prevent toxins and bacteria and viruses from gaining access to the blood stream.
Burns occur from the sun, radiation, x-rays, fire, heat, and from other chemicals in our environment. Silver Biotics is at its very best when it is used to treat a burn. It reduces pain and inflammation and improves wound healing. Silver Biotics liquid can be sprayed on the burn or used to soak the burn, and the gel can be applied to the wound where a significant reduction in pain, inflammation and tissue damage will be visible in the first hour.
Often burn wounds are so painful that you will want to spray on Silver Biotics liquid or apply the gel. The gel will stay on the wound for a long period of time. The liquid will get into the wound very quickly, but needs to be reapplied every few hours. Drink one ounce of Silver Biotics liquid twice a day until the burn is gone.
While silver has proven promising against many health conditions, those who have cancer or who may suspect they have cancer should always consult a physician before pursuing any course of treatment.
Cancer is always caused by a multiplicity of factors that degrade oxygen content within a cell. Toxins, poisons, and pesticides have all been demonstrated in studies to contribute to cancer. Bacteria also contribute to cancer by keeping the immune system so busy fighting them they they have less time to eradicate cancer cells from the body.
Silver Biotics is a broad-spectrum help to the body in getting bacteria, viruses and mold handled efficiently, leaving them freer to deal with other invaders such as cancer cells.
We recommend that anyone with cancer help their body in this way by drinking four ounces of Silver Biotics per day. Similarly, we also recommend PN Immune Support.
Cellular Abnormalities
According to the Journal of Chem. Medicinal Chem. (Nov. 2007), beams of ultraviolet light can be used to destroy tumors and cancers. Special molecules are injected into the bloodstream and then activated by a beam of ultraviolet light. It only takes a few minutes of light beam therapy to actively attack the cancer cells. The top research scientist (Colin Self) stated: “I would describe this development as the equivalent of ultra-specific magic bullets.” This break-through in cancer treatment is significant to Silver Biotics because, according to Penn State University Professor Roy, Silver Biotics has been published to resonate at a frequency of 910 terahertz, which falls in the same category of ultraviolet light frequency as the anti-tumor lights (Curr. Science Invest, 2007).
It has been shown that infectious agents are associated with causing solid tumors (Kaposi’s sarcoma), blood-based cancers (Leukemia) and other forms of cancers such as cervical cancer, which is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. (Townsend Letters for Doctors, May 2006). As you can see, bacteria, viruses, mold and other infectious agents have been reported to cause cancers. Taken daily, Silver Biotics can prevent cellular bacteria, viruses, and mold so that the single-cell abnormalities never go beyond a single cell.
This is important because once diagnosed, doctors often prescribe chemotherapy or radiation that can cause immune suppression. This suppression of normal immune function allows for multiple pathogens to seed or spread. In this situation Silver Biotics may have the potential to play a dual role: either destroy the infectious agent that causes the cancer and/or destroy the pathogenic load arising from the Immuno-compromised patients (Townsend Letters for Doctors, May 2006).
Doctor Rentz (Am. Academy Environmental Medicine, 2003) reports that the following cancer-associated infections are susceptible to Silver Biotics treatment: HIV (Bull Cancer, 2006), Kaposi’s sarcoma (Eur. Neurology, 2002), Epstein Barr Virus (J. Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2005), Respiratory syncytial virus (Pediatrics, 2005), Influenza, Parainfluenza, Fungemia (J Support Oncology, 2005), Rotavirus (Bone Marrow Transplant, 2005), Cytomegalovirus (Cancer, 25), and streptococcus pneumoniae (Medicine, 2005).
According to a NASA Technical report done at the University of Wisconsin, Silver Biotics can be skillfully administered and due to its picoscaler diffusion capabilities will impregnate all collective atoms within each tumor cell or pathogenic cell with silver ions (Final technical report, University of Wisconsin, and NASA CR-114978, code 3, cat 04). This saturation potential supercharges silver’s ability to displace the potassium-dependent glucose transport mechanism, which is the exclusive means by which cancerous cells feed themselves, thereby selectively starving cancer cells without harming normal cells (Townsend Letter for Doctors, May 2006).
Published cancer results include:
“We studied malignant fibro sarcoma cells (cancerous fibroblasts) and found that electrically injected silver suspended their runaway mitosis.” (Becker, 1995).
“Women with breast cancer (confirmed by biopsies), each received a single dose of Silver Biotics at a concentration of 10 ppm. The 30 subjects were re-tested by biopsy at day 19 post injection, resulting in 100% normal tissue” (Antelman, MS. 2000).
Canker Sores
Canker sores have a myriad of causes. Too much acid in the mouth is the number one cause. Stomach acid, too many sugars, and bacterial or viral infections destroy the tissue in the mouth.
Silver Biotics can help improve the issues quickly. Hold one ounce of Silver Biotics liquid in your mouth for six minutes and then drink it. Repeat this process twice a day. Silver Biotics gel can also be applied topically to the wound.
If the canker sore is a result of the herpes virus, the sooner you get the gel on the wound, the sooner you can stop the virus from replicating and getting worse. You should expect the wound to improve twice as fast with Silver Biotics gel applied to the canker sore than if it were to run its course normally.
Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease)
Cardiovascular disease affects the heart, veins, arteries, and the circulation of blood and nutrients throughout the body. It is estimated that as much as 80 percent of all cardiovascular disease has its origin as a bacterial infection that originates in the mouth.
Cardiovascular disease can come from a bacterial infection like strep throat or a staph infection. By rinsing the mouth with Silver Biotics liquid, you can kill the bacteria in the gums that lead to cardiovascular disease. This will also kill the bacteria that cause gum disease and bad breath.
Teeth are susceptible to cavities. Though the enamel is very hard, sugar and bacteria have the ability to eat away the enamel and cause cavities.
Rinsing your mouth with Silver Biotics regularly will kill cavity-causing bacteria. Rinse your mouth for six minutes with one ounce of liquid silver two times a day. Then swallow two teaspoons to benefit your entire body.
Chafing occurs when skin rubs against skin or when another piece of clothing rubs against skin. The skin becomes reddened, a rash forms, and bleeding may occur. When applied to affected areas, Silver Biotics gel will speed improvement and reduce pain.
Silver Biotics is safe for use with children. Children require a smaller dose of liquid Silver Biotics than adults. A 50-pound child, for instance, would take one-third the dosage of a 150-pound adult. Children will utilize the gel much more frequently, however, because they have poorer hygiene habits.
Silver Biotics gel can be given to children one to four times a day, and they can drink Silver Biotics liquid once or twice a day. For prevention, we recommend children take one-half teaspoon once or twice a day. This general dosage may be doubled during times of illness.
Chicken Pox
Because chicken pox is a virus, Silver Biotics can be very beneficial in neutralizing the problem. It can also help with the associated blistering and scarring. By applying the gel within four hours of the first outbreak, Silver Biotics will help reduce the impact to the skin. Often the blisters will not completely arise and scarring will be lessened.
If you already have blisters, applying the gel topically one to four times a day will help conditions improve quickly. In addition, you should drink two teaspoons of Silver Biotics twice a day. Chicken pox can return years later in the form of shingles. The dosage will also help with shingles. We also recommend PN Immune Support.
Colds are a virus. A cold gets in your nose and your sinuses and starts to duplicate there, producing a lot of mucus. Many will experience postnasal drip ‐ mucus dripping down the back of the sinuses into the throat ‐ when they go to bed. The mucus contains a virus or bacteria. When it reaches the back of the throat, it causes swelling and inflammation and can even spread into the ears.
Taking one tablespoon of Silver Biotics three times a day, and spraying intranasal four or five times a day, will help reduce congestions and inflammation. Mouth rinse, eardrops, eye drops, nose drops, and throat spray can all be used as well.
Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Diverticulitis
Colitis is an inflamed colon. Irritated and swollen bowels and alternating constipation and diarrhea characterize irritable bowel syndrome. Diverticulitis results from overstretched intestines that collect toxins ‐ the body starts absorbing the toxins that should be passing out of the body and the toxins can get into the bloodstream.
By taking two teaspoons twice a day, Silver Biotics will kill the yeast that causes these ailments. We also highly recommend soil based organisms.
Congestion ‐ including nasal, lung, and upper respiratory ‐ can stop you from breathing properly. Congestion leads to high production of mucus and can clog the nose, throat, sinuses, and lungs. If bacteria cause the congestion, it can last for months if the bacteria are not destroyed.
To remove congestion, spray Silver Biotics into your nose one to four times a day and drink two teaspoons of the liquid twice a day. Inhaling silver 30 minutes a day will help lung congestion. Congestions can create a poor sleep pattern and lead to decreased immune function. A hot, steamy shower will help you clean out your sinuses. Once the sinuses are clean, spray Silver Biotics high into the nostrils. Rinse your mouth with Silver Biotics as well, swallowing the solution when finished.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Conjunctivitis results when bacteria build up on the surface of the eye. It can actually change the white of your eye, causing it to swell and turn pinkish red. If the inflammation is not reduced, the eyesight can be permanently damaged.
Silver Biotics can help when you spray two or three drops of liquid Silver Biotics directly into the eyes one to four times a day. Silver Biotics gel can be placed directly into the eye where the gel will stay in place longer. Drink two teaspoons twice a day for one week or until the problem is remedied. This will usually remedy the problem within the first two to three days. Additional products that help are bilberry, eyebright, and lutein.
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammation of irritable bowel syndrome. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea (which may be bloody, though this may not be visible to the naked eye), constipation, vomiting, weight loss, or weight gain.
Though it is an infection, it is not clear if bacteria, a virus, a parasite, or all three cause it. By drinking four ounces of liquid Silver Biotics the first day and two teaspoons of Silver Biotics per day thereafter, you can destroy all three potential causes of the symptoms. Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disease because the body attacks itself. For this reason silver is very good at destroying pathogens without inflaming the immune system.
In addition to Silver Biotics liquid on a daily basis, we recommend soil based organisms.
Cysts are usually the result of bacteria that collects under the skin. It grows and produces puss or other kinds of toxins. Take two teaspoons of liquid Silver Biotics twice a day and apply the gel topically four times a day.
Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is an acute febrile disease found in the tropics and Africa. Four closely related viruses cause it. Silver Biotics can help when inhaled from a nebulizer 30 minutes a day and by drinking two teaspoons twice a day.
Unfortunately, Dengue fever can often get into parts of the body the silver has difficulty reaching. If this happens, increase the dosage to one teaspoon six times a day. If this does not work after two days, drink one full ounce and then return to the original dosage.
Diarrhea and Dysentery
Diarrhea can be caused by a bacteria or virus. Dysentery is a bacterial infection. By taking a teaspoon of Silver Biotics in the morning and at night, you can prevent these infections.
If you already have diarrhea or dysentery, you should swallow two teaspoons every hour for the first eight hours. The Silver Biotics will help in as little as four hours. Complete improvement may take up to two days. We also recommend soil based organisms.
Diaper Rash
When babies wear diapers their skin can be in contact with urine for long periods of time. This warm, moist area of the skin will allow bacteria and fungus to grow very quickly. The skin becomes red and can even crack or bleed. By applying Silver Biotics gel to the diaper rash you will be able to kill the cause of the diaper rash in the first two hours. The redness and pain can be remedied in as little as five minutes in mild cases.
To prevent diaper rash, you can spray a thin layer of Silver Biotics on the inside of the diaper and then allow it to stand for about two minutes. The approach can also be used in children’s socks to prevent athlete’s foot.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are a serious problem. In fact, Centers for Disease Control has requested that physicians no longer prescribe antibiotics for ear infections. The antibiotics make the problem worse by making the bacteria more resistant. We now have bacteria that we can’t kill with antibiotics. An ear infection can be a result of bacteria that gets in the inner ear and duplicates itself, destroying healthy tissue along the way. This could possibly leave a person deaf. These bacteria can be destroyed by Silver Biotics liquid after just five minutes of contact.
Use a dropper to place five drops into the ear canal while the ear is pointed towards the roof. Keep the ear tilted up for 12 minutes. This will allow the Silver Biotics liquid to get as far down behind the ear as possible. Repeat the process in each ear every 12 hours.
Endometriosis can be a very nasty inflammatory response in and around the uterus, through the fallopian tubes, and even on the ovaries. It causes very painful menstruation and stabbing pains that come and go on an irregular basis.
Silver Biotics can be taken orally, two teaspoons daily. It can also be used as a douche by pumping two ounces of liquid silver intervaginally, holding it for 12 minutes, and then releasing. This will kill bacteria and viruses in and around the cervix.
Epstein-Barr Virus
Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Silver Biotics has the ability to destroy viruses.
Drink four ounces for two days, sipping every hour. Drink two ounces a day for the next five days. For maintenance, drink two tablespoons in the morning and at night. Use topically as needed.
If you have a uterine yeast infection at the same time, you can use Silver Biotics as a douche, holding it for twelve minutes before releasing. If you need the gel for sore muscles, apply it topically and recognize that supplements that have immune enhancing capabilities, such as Liver Boost, MaxGXL.
Bacteria, viruses, mold, foreign pathogens, and even sunburns cause fevers.
To break a fever, drink one teaspoon every hour (up to eight hours) until the fever breaks. Silver Biotics gel can also be refrigerated and then applied topically to the forehead, temples, or anywhere else the fever is found. If a fever does not break before it reaches 104 degrees, seek the care of a health care professional.
Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disorder with multiple symptoms. Though a single cause has not been identified, yeast seems to be a common factor. Yeast can leave the intestines and go into the brain. It can also be a neurotoxin, producing fermented fruits and vegetables in the intestines that cause low dose alcohol toxicity.
By cleansing yeast out of the system, most fibromyalgia patients at least help their immune system do its job better. Drinking two tablespoons of Silver Biotics two or three times a day can destroy yeast. Additionally, we highly recommend removing sugar from the bloodstream that contributes to microorganism growth. WIN may be very helpful for this.
Food Poisoning
Food poisoning typically includes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea. It occurs suddenly (within 48 hours) after consuming a contaminated food or drink. Bacteria and viruses usually cause it.
To fight food poisoning requires aggressive Silver Biotics use, drinking about one ounce immediately, followed by two tablespoons every hour for the next eight hours. For prevention, drink one to three teaspoons a day. This can be especially helpful when traveling to a foreign country.
You can actually spray Silver Biotics on food to kill the pathogens that cause food poisoning. After spraying, let it stand for two minutes before eating. Taking liquid Silver Biotics can also kill E.coli and salmonella.
Foot Odor
A very aggressive way to treat the feet is to soak them in warm water for 15 minutes. This will soften the dead skin on the surface, which can be scraped off with a loofah. Now the skin is ready and open for the gel to be applied to the entire foot. There are some sea salt scrubs that seem to help scrape the dead skin off with much more aggression. The EPA has approved the following claim for Silver Biotics: “Silver Biotics kills the bacteria that causes foot odor.”
Flu (taken from “The Silver Solution”, Dr. Gordon Pedersen, pages 24-25)
Gargling for several minutes with silver three times a day can help with the onset of the flu as well. Once the flu has set in, it is harder to combat, but taken at the first sign of illness, it can reduce symptoms to one to three days. Like treatment of the common cold, silver may best be a preventive treatment when dealing with the flu. Consider regular consumption during the flu season.
Gastritis and Gas
Gas can be produced from yeast and sugar mixing with fruits and vegetables in your intestines. It can also be produced directly from certain fruits, vegetables, and bacteria. Most people think that eating beans produces gas. In reality, a bacterium on the surface of the bean produces gas.
Silver Biotics can help because it destroys bacteria that cause gas. If you have a gas outbreak ‐ including painful air pressure in the intestines ‐ take two teaspoons every hour for the first few hours.
In addition, you might want to use soil based organisms or standard probiotics anytime you have intestinal gas.
Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a virus affecting the genital area.
Applying Silver Biotics gel topically can help the outbreak improve more quickly. It should be placed on the genitals as soon as the outbreak occurs. In addition, drink two teaspoons of Silver Biotics liquid twice a day. Daily silver use will also help prevent future outbreaks.
Silver Biotics can be placed into the dental floss container and disinfect the floss that carves food off the tooth and gums. It also cuts into the gums and can cause infections, so pour two tablespoons of liquid Silver Biotics into the dental floss container and use this disinfectant floss between your teeth.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that destroys its function and can be caused by viruses or bacteria. It is very difficult to treat but Silver Biotics can be used in high doses to be beneficial. Silver Biotics liquid can be swallowed 4 ounces a day for the first two weeks and then swallowed two tablespoons twice a day for the next 3.5 months. This is a four-month attack on hepatitis. Gel can be used anywhere there might be contamination or transfer of germs.
Several successful subjects have used the drugs interferon and ribavirin at their lowest prescribed doses in combination with this protocol of Silver Biotics. The liver numbers were reduced to near normal in one month and back to normal in two months and symptom-free in four months.
Household Suggestions for Silver Biotics
We normally target the use of Silver Biotics as an all-natural antibiotic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral product for internal use, but we at MBS use it for so much more. Apparently so do others, as we recently received this and thought it useful to share with you.
Drinking Water Dispensers - The reservoir or holding tank in your bottled drinking water dispenser is largely unseen, and can easily become contaminated with bacteria or mold. To help prevent this potentially serious problem, add 1 tblsp. of Silver Biotics per gallon of water each time you change bottles.
Food Leftovers - Food poisoning is serious business. Thousands of Americans die from it every year. Restaurant leftovers are particularly susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially if the food sat in the car very long after leaving the restaurant. Use a pump spray bottle to lightly spray leftovers with Silver Biotics to keep them fresh longer. This works well for leftover pet foods, and household leftovers, too.
Canning and Preserves - To prevent mold and fermentation when canning and making preserves, simply add 1 tsp. of Silver Biotics per quart to your jars before sealing.
Underneath Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks - Lightly spray Silver Biotics under your kitchen and bathroom sinks to prevent mold and mildew, and to disinfect and eliminate musty smells. Be sure to ventilate and let dry thoroughly.
Mopping - Even well-rinsed mops can harbor bacterial and mold, which you can inadvertently spread all over your floors when mopping. Help keep your mop free from potentially harmful microbial growth by adding ½ cup of Silver Biotics to your mop water as a safe, powerful antimicrobial.
Toilet Bowls and Tanks - Toilet tanks can harbor a plethora of pathogens, which in turn will contaminate your toilet bowl. You can easily disinfect both by adding a cup of Silver Biotics inside the toilet tank once a week.
Toilet Seats and Handles - These are probably the most bacterially contaminated surfaces in your entire house. Between regular cleanings, lightly spray Silver Biotics onto toilet seats and handles in order to prevent excessive microbial buildup. Allow it to air dry.
The Floor around Your Toilets - It is likely that the floor around the toilets in your home harbor more bacteria and other pathogens than any other visible surface in the house. After all, every time you flush your toilet, many thousands of extremely fine droplets of toilet water are sprayed up into the air in an invisible mist. These droplets fall to the ground, and can harbor millions of intestinal bacteria.
To prevent excessive bacterial buildup on the floors around your toilet, lightly spray Silver Biotics onto the floor around busy toilets in between your regular cleanings. Allow it to air dry.
Toilet Brushes and Plunger - Have you ever found one of your young children sitting on the bathroom floor playing with the toilet brush? Yecch. You'd be hard-pressed to find a bathroom implement with more germs on it. Be sure to disinfect your toilet brushes after each use by spraying them thoroughly with Silver Biotics. Do the same thing every time you clean your bathrooms.
Like your toilet brush, your bathroom plunger is probably rife with invisible microbial growth. Simply spraying the plunger with Silver Biotics after each use, and during your normal bathroom cleaning, will go a long way toward stopping the spread of microbes in your bathrooms.
Jacuzzis and Hot Tubs - Many forms of bacteria and mold are becoming resistant to chlorine and bromine. You can enhance the antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness of either of these popular disinfectants simply by adding a small amount of Silver Biotics to your Jacuzzi or hot tub once a week. Just add 1 tblsp. per gallon of water. Many hot tub owners go completely chlorine and bromine-free simply by adding a half gallon of homemade Silver Biotics to their Jacuzzi or hot tub, and then adding a quart a week afterwards. It works like a charm, and unlike harsh pool chemicals, it's great for the skin!
Kitchen and Bathroom Sponges - Kitchen and bathroom sponges are notorious bacterial holders, so be extra sure to spray them with Silver Biotics after each use, especially in warm or humid weather.
Kitchen Counters and Cutting Boards - No matter what type of cutting board you use, wash and rinse as usual after each use, then spray lightly with Silver Biotics and allow it to air dry.
Countertops in your home can harbor far more bacteria than you may think, even if you clean them frequently. But you can alleviate this problem simply by spraying them lightly with Silver Biotics and allowing them to air dry, or by wiping them with a cloth that has been soaked in Silver Biotics, and wait six minutes before drying with a dry towel.
Door Knobs and Other Contact Surfaces - Similarly, you can spray Silver Biotics lightly on your door knobs and other contact surfaces, in order to reduce the buildup and spread of microbes throughout your home.
Mold on Walls and Ceilings - To dramatically retard the growth of mold and mildew in your home, lightly spray Silver Biotics onto the walls and ceilings in your bathroom, basement or other rooms where mold growth is a problem, particularly in corners and along seam lines where the walls and ceiling meet. Ventilate these areas to allow the Silver Biotics to dry. Repeat weekly where necessary. It works like a charm!
Toothbrush - We've often stated that next to your kitchen can opener, your toothbrush is probably the filthiest implement in your home, in terms of the potential for microbial contamination. Of course, cleaning and rinsing your toothbrush after each use alleviates a large part of this problem. Go one step further by lightly spraying the bristles and handle with Silver Biotics after each usage, and microbial overgrowth will never be a worry again.
Kitchen Can Opener - Several studies have shown that the can opener is generally the #1 filthiest implement in your house. That's why regular cleaning of the handle and rotary blade is a must, and why most kitchen can openers allow for the handle and rotary blade to be easily removed for cleaning. After cleaning and drying you can go one step further by lightly spraying the handle and rotary blade with Silver Biotics, and allowing it to air dry before reattaching it to the mainframe.
Oral Irrigators - To prevent bacterial buildup in your oral irrigator, and to help further limit bacterial and plaque buildup around your teeth and gums, add 15 to 30 drops of Silver Biotics to the reservoir of your oral irrigator every time you use it.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
The human Papilloma virus is usually what causes cervical cancer in women.
To reach the cervix, place Silver Biotics gel on a tampon and insert it for at least 90 minutes. Another way to affect HPV is to pump two ounces of liquid Silver Biotics as a douche intervaginally. Hold it for 10 to 12 minutes before releasing. This will allow the liquid to have access to the cervix for a long enough time to destroy the virus.
Immune Modulator
In HIV patients Silver Biotics liquid was used 1 oz. twice a day for four months and improved immune function an average of 40%. This means in an autoimmune and virus induced compromise, the Silver Biotics liquid can help. We also recommend every other immune enhancer such as Vitamin D3, MaxGXL, ASEA, soil based organisms, etc.
Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin that shows up as blisters usually around the mouth.
For prevention, drink one teaspoon of Silver Biotics twice a day. If you already are suffering from impetigo, drink two teaspoons twice a day and, more importantly, apply the gel topically one to four times a day. By keeping impetigo moist with Silver Biotics gel, it will spread less and improve much quicker. Since impetigo is contagious you will want to apply the Silver Biotics gel to your hands as well in order to prevent contaminating yourself or others.
Inflammation and Swelling
Bacteria, viruses, parasites, or mold almost always causes inflammation. Silver Biotics can fight these causes.
Drink two teaspoons twice daily and apply the gel to inflamed areas as needed. Sometimes an inflammatory response is found around an open wound like an MRSA or staph infection. In this case, spray the gel on the affected area twice daily.
Itching and Scaling
Itching and scaling can occur for a lot of reasons ‐ bacteria, viruses, fungi, and allergies are just some. Regardless of the cause, dry skin is always a factor. Silver Biotics gel will reduce pain, inflammation, itching, and scaling.
The gel can be applied to children and adults of any age. Silver Biotics can also be used to remedy poison ivy.
Jock Itch
Many men suffer from jock itch, or red, inflamed skin. If you live in a warm, humid, or tropical climate, you may have a fungal or bacterial infection that grows in the warm, moist folds of the skin, including the groin.
Simple application of the Silver Biotics gel twice daily should keep it under control. For more aggressive cases, it can be used five times a day. In addition, one teaspoon for Silver Biotics liquid should be taken twice a day.
Many people have precancerous lesions from sun damage on their shoulders, chest, and face. It presents itself as dry, flaky skin spots or small, reddened, inflamed areas on the skin for years before it becomes a skin cancer.
Silver Biotics gel can be applied topically once or twice a day, and one teaspoon of liquid silver can also be taken twice a day. Cases of Keratosis remedied in as little as two weeks. Treatment should generally be followed for at least two months.
Kidney Disease
Silver Biotics passes through the body totally unchanged and does not produce harmful metabolites. It will pass through the intestines, bloodstream, kidneys and urine, producing anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.
To help kidney disease, drink two teaspoons four times a day. (A smaller person will use one teaspoon four times a day.) This high dosage is necessary because it needs to pass through the kidney on a regular basis. As it passes through, it will disinfect and help bring the kidney infection under control in as little as 12 hours.
Leprosy is bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. In biblical times, it was the worst contagious disease in existence. Those suffering from it were quarantined to leper colonies. It may surprise you to know that there are still leper colonies today in Hawaii.
Silver Biotics can destroy leprosy. By drinking two teaspoons two to three times a day and applying Silver Biotics gel topically three times a day, you can fight even the most serious leprosy wounds. Lepers have been able to bring their disease under control within two days using Silver Biotics.
Leichmaniasis is a parasitic infection. It shows up just under the skin as a purple rash and raises welts and boil-like symptoms all over the body. Soldiers in Afghanistan have been suffering from this infection and it has been very difficult to remedy.
The army hospital at William Beaumont Army Medical Hospital conducted a study on Leichmaniasis, using Silver Biotics liquid and gel. They found that drinking two teaspoons two to three times a day could destroy the parasite. The gel should also be applied two to four times as needed. You can expect to see a benefit over the course of eight weeks.
Liver Disease
The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. It detoxifies the blood and secretes over 4,000 enzymes. When the liver is inflamed, like in the case of hepatitis, it won’t secrete as many enzymes and the blood will not be purified quickly.
Silver Biotics can destroy the bacteria and viruses that harm the liver. By restoring proper liver function, all systems of the body are benefited, and overall wellness is increased. For these results, drink two tablespoons of Silver Biotics twice daily. For severe cases of hepatitis, this amount should be doubled. Liver Boostwill also help cleanse and rebuild the liver.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, heart, lungs, blood, kidneys, and brain. Because it is an autoimmune disease, you can’t use major immune stimulation products. Silver Biotics can be used to kill the bacteria, viruses, mold, and parasites that may be the cause of the lupus. It will do this without making the lupus symptoms worse.
Silver Biotics can be of benefit when you drink one teaspoon three times a day. It can also be applied topically to facial rashes commonly caused by lupus. In addition, you can use Immune-modulating supplements.
Malaria is probably the world’s most significant disease. According to the World Health Organization, over a million children under five years old die from it every year ‐ the majority in Africa. As the earth becomes warmer and more humid, the mosquitoes that transfer malaria will start to invade all areas of the earth, not just the warm and tropical areas.
To fight malaria, drink a total of one ounce of Silver Biotics each day. On average, the disease will be neutralized within five days. The dosage should be continued for two weeks. To prevent malaria from infecting the ears, eyes, or causing diarrhea, put Silver Biotics on your hands, mouth, and nose. Liquid silver can also be sprayed on these areas.
Mold and Fungus
Fungus and mold grow in warm, moist, and sugared areas such as the intestines or vagina. Taking sugar out of your diet and using silver both topically and internally can treat these.
Take two teaspoons of silver three times a day and apply it topically one to four times a day, if needed. This dosage should be continued for at least two weeks longer than symptoms are present. You can expect to see a benefit within the first 30 minutes. It will take at least 10 minutes for the liquid to kill a fungal infection on the skin.
Silver can also be sprayed on household items. In about 10 minutes it will kill the fungus, bacteria, or viruses on your table, food, clothes, phone, refrigerator, or toilet.
Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA)
On any given day in America there are 30,000 new cases of MRSA. This is a bacterial staph infection that has become resistant to our antibiotics. It can affect the skin, eyes, or any other part of the body. It can be fatal. Silver Biotics gel and Silver Biotics liquid have been tested and documented to destroy MRSA and staph infections.
To prevent these infections, drink one teaspoon of liquid Silver Biotics twice a day and apply silver gel to the hands at least twice a day.
MRSA can enter any wound and all of us have some form of staph bacteria on our skin at any given time. By using public restrooms, shaking hands, hugging, kissing, or any other skin-to-skin contact, you may be at risk of getting or sharing staph MRSA infections.
The World Health Organization estimates that one in four people have a chronic parasitic infection of some kind. It may be in the intestines, under the skin, or in the lungs. Parasites can come from the food we eat, including pork and fish. Once they are inside our bodies, they lay eggs. The eggs hatch and take up residence in the body, and then the process is repeated. It is important to get rid of parasites permanently.
Silver Biotics can help. It does not kill all parasites, but it does help in the intestines, in the blood, and with Leichmaniasis. Silver Biotics will need to be used for three months, as the lifecycles of each generation of parasites is about 45 days. During this time, drink two teaspoons twice a day.
Pet Use
You can use Silver Biotics liquid or gel for your pet.
If a pet weighs 20 pounds, it should receive one fourth of the human dosage. In most cases, pets take one fourth to one sixth of the normal human dose, but they can safely take up to quadruple doses when they have a problem.
Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung and is caused by both viruses and bacteria. The lungs can become so filled with fluid that asphyxiation occurs. Silver Biotics can destroy the bacteria or the viral infection that causes pneumonia.
The recommended dosage is two teaspoons, two to four times a day; 15 minutes of inhalation from a nebulizer; and intranasal spray twice a day to reduce congestion. You should expect to see benefits in the first 12 hours. In severe cases an IV protocol is an option.
Post Surgical
Surgery opens the possibility of infection in wounds, stitches, and incisions. Hospital-acquired Methicillin-resistant staph Aureus infections (MRSA) are one of the most dangerous infections you can get.
Silver Biotics gel should be applied to the wound, stitches, and the surrounding area immediately after surgery. This will prevent infection, help wound healing, and reduce scarring.
Silver gel can be placed on a body part and then wrapped in place as a poultice. This allows the wound to remain uncontaminated and to improve quicker. Silver poultice has been used in horses for years to treat infections. It can be mixed with any other desired herbs.
Prostrate Disease
A prostate is the gland that closes off the flow of urine from the bladder. When the prostate relaxes, urine will flow out of the bladder and into the toilet. The prostate gland then tightens back up on the ureter and stops the urine flow. Over time, the prostate muscle becomes bigger. If it becomes infected with bacteria, it will swell and become too large and shut off the flow of urine, making you unable to urinate.
Silver Biotics can destroy the bacteria that cause the prostratitis. By drinking two teaspoons twice a day you will have enough circulating in your system to go through your urine and kill the bacteria in your bladder and prostate. Some people have felt a benefit by placing the gel between the rectum and scrotum. Using saw palmetto twice a day should also reduce inflammation in the prostate. For those who have access to a catheter, 2 oz. of liquid Silver Biotics can be pumped directly into the catheter and into the bladder for ten minutes where it will kill pathogens.
Psoriasis is a disorder that affects the skin and joints. It commonly causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. This condition makes you very susceptible to secondary bacterial infection getting into the cracked areas of the skin.
To fight the bacteria, apply Silver Biotics gel two to four times a day, keeping skin, wounds, or rashes very moist. Drink one teaspoon of Silver Biotics liquid twice daily. For very dry, scaly skin, Silver Biotics liquid and gel can be mixed with Vaseline (one part gel, liquid, and Vaseline). This will keep the affected areas moisturized for a much longer period of time. Aloe vera can also be used and mixed with the gel. This will help with the most difficult situations, including Morgellon’s disease.
Pus is produced when bacteria break down and destroy healthy cells.
Apply Silver Biotics topically to affected areas one to four times a day and drink two teaspoons of Silver Biotics twice a day. If pus is being produced in your throat, e.g. sore throat or strep throat, rinse your mouth with Silver Biotics liquid or apply gel to the throat. Try to keep in place for 6 minutes.
Pyorrhea (Gum Disease)
In addition to causing bad breath, gum disease erodes the gums and bones around the teeth, causing the teeth to fall out.
Gum disease can be prevented by rinsing your mouth with one ounce of Silver Biotics six minutes each day ‐ the remaining rinse should be swallowed. You may also brush your teeth with Silver Biotics gel.
Rashes can occur on any part of the body. They can come from irritation or chemicals that irritate.
By putting Silver Biotics gel right on the rash, you will moisturize, detoxify, and quicken healing. Apply one to four times a day and swallow one teaspoon of Silver Biotics liquid twice a day.
Rosacea is a form of bacteria that grows on the nose, making it red and swollen with pimples. This can leave very large scars. Because it is difficult to treat, doctors generally prescribe antibiotics.
Rather than use antibiotics, you can drink two teaspoons Silver Biotics liquid twice a day and apply gel four times a day. Wash the nose lightly between each application. You should see a reduction of redness within the first two hours and a reduction of pimples in the first day.
Sore Throat
A sore throat is generally caused by bacteria, but may also be a result of a virus.
To kill the bacteria that cause pus, swollen tonsils, and red spots in the back of your throat, rinse your mouth with one ounce of Silver Biotics for six minutes. Allow a small amount of the solution to trickle down the back of your throat and swallow every 30 seconds. Swallow the remainder when you’re done. Pump Silver Biotics into your nasal cavity as needed for sore throat, congestion, or postnasal drip. Sinuses and throat need to be treated simultaneously so one does not infect the other.
The thyroid gland is the major gland for the hormone system of the body. Damage to this gland can result in lack of energy, too much energy, weight gain, or weight loss. Silver Biotics can help because often the thyroid is damaged by a viral or bacterial infection.
Drinking two teaspoons twice a day and applying Silver Biotics gel to the throat will result in significant thyroid benefit.
Toenail Fungus
When Silver Biotics comes in contact with toenail fungus; it will kill it within minutes. The problem is getting underneath the nail.
If possible, get through the nail and clear out as much fungus as possible with a blunt instrument. Soaking the toe in Silver Biotics for 30 minutes every other day can then treat the toenail fungus.
If you can’t get the Silver Biotics through the nail, file down the top layer of the nail until it becomes water-soluble. This will allow the silver to reach the fungus and kill it. It will take several months for the nail to grow out completely.
Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils. Bacteria almost always cause it. Once it begins, it often has to be resolved surgically. This is unfortunate since tonsils are a key organ in the immune system.
By rinsing with one ounce of liquid Silver Biotics for six minutes each day, you will kill the bacteria. This process can be repeated daily for a very serious tonsillitis flare up. Spraying silver into the nostrils will also help. The more contact the silver has with the back of the throat, the faster it will work.
The tongue can suffer from a number of maladies, including canker sores and bacterial and viral infections.
Whatever the cause of the problem, you should rinse with one ounce of liquid Silver Biotics for six minutes twice a day.
If you have a white pasty substance on your tongue, it is likely a yeast infection. You may want to brush your tongue with Silver Biotics gel in addition to the rinse. For cankers, you can also apply Silver Biotics gel directly to the tongue.
Tuberculosis is a common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria. Tuberculosis has been destroyed by Silver Biotics in laboratory studies.
By drinking two teaspoons twice daily and inhaling from a nebulizer 30 minutes each day, you will affect the tuberculosis in both the lungs and the bloodstream. Tuberculosis is not easy to beat. This dosage of Silver Biotics may need to be followed for weeks or months. You should see benefits after the first dose and each repeated use.
Ulcers are caused by a bacterium called H. pylori. It destroys the lining of the stomach and intestines, sometimes causing a bleeding ulcer.
By drinking one teaspoon of Silver Biotics three to five times a day, it can enter the stomach and destroy the bacteria causing the ulcer. It should take two weeks to get the H. pylori under control, but treatment should be continued for at least a month. H. Pylori can return just by having poor hygiene, eating out at restaurants, or not washing your hands. Using Silver Biotics gel can prevent its spread.
Vaginal Odor
Vaginal odor can often be caused by a yeast or bacterial infection.
Silver Biotics can be used as a douche by pumping two ounces of Silver Biotics liquid intervaginally, holding it for twelve minutes, and then rinsing. Apply Silver Biotics gel to a tampon and insert into the vagina. For continued problems, Silver Biotics gel can be applied to the outer areas of the vaginal opening or placed on a panty liner.
A virus is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. We generally fight viruses with antibiotics. However, antibiotics do not actually destroy the virus. For many viruses, such as influenza or the bird flu, there are virtually no beneficial drugs or treatment.
Silver Biotics resonates at a frequency that can actually suppress and contain viral infections by interfering with the duplication and replication of viral infections. If you can stop a virus from duplicating in the first four hours of infection, you have a good chance of stopping symptoms entirely.
When the herpes virus infects the skin, we call it a canker sore or cold sore. If you use Silver Biotics within the first four hours of feeling the sore, it will not even erupt. However, if you don’t get it in the early phases, viral infection will duplicate and become much more difficult to control. This is why regular, preventative use is so important.
To fight viruses, Silver Biotics can be taken internally as a liquid, topically as a gel, or inhaled to combat sinus problems. You can expect a noticeable benefit to be felt within the first two hours and significant benefits within the first two days.
Warts are usually viral infections that have gotten under the skin and reproduced in a way that makes thickened, callused tissue around it. If you can get the Silver Biotics down inside the wart it will actually kill the virus and it will die.
By drinking two teaspoons of Silver Biotics twice a day, it will circulate in your blood stream. Combined with topical application of the gel, you should see significant benefit. For quicker, more complete results, pare down the ware with a sharp instrument. (Warts do not have pain receptors. When you feel pain, you’ve reached the skin.) Put the Silver Biotics on the exposed portion of the wart.
Water Purification
Water can be purified using Silver Biotics liquid.
By applying four drops of Silver Biotics liquid into an eight-ounce glass of water, and letting it stand for about two minutes, it will purify even raw river water. Add 32 ounces of liquid Silver Biotics to a 55-gallon drum of water to keep your water storage purified for years.
Wound Healing
Wounds come in many forms ‐ burns, cuts, lacerations, bruises, broken bones. Silver Biotics™ has been documented to help improve wound healing. In a study done at the University of Utah, pigs healed substantially faster and had less bacteria, viruses, and mold when treated with Silver Biotics.
Silver Biotics gel can be applied topically to any wound one to four times a day. By keeping the wound moist, it will improve quicker and with less scarring. Drinking two teaspoons of liquid Silver Biotics twice a day will help improve wounds in the nose, ears, eyes, nose, throat, or any part of the body.
Yeast grows in the skin, vagina, and digestive system. It can be very damaging because it feeds off the very cells that are healthy and normal inside our intestines. Yeast lives in warm, moist areas and feeds off sugars.
Silver Biotics has been documented to kill yeast both inside and outside of the body. It will even kill stachybotrys, the black mold or yeast that grows in showers and on walls.
If yeast is in the intestines, it is important to remove sugars from the diet, as it feeds on sugars. Silver Biotics gel can be placed in the vagina or on a tampon or panty liner for about 90 minutes to fight a vaginal infection. You should expect to find a benefit in the first two hours after use. Systemic problems may take months to resolve.