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The Benefits and Effectiveness of American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Products

Proven Safe and Effective at Destroying Pathogens!

American Biotech Labs has invested millions of dollars in research and testing of its products, and has independent data from numerous universities and private institutions about the effectiveness of Silver Biotics in regard to killing of pathogens that no other company has access to. That’s why American Biotech Labs can with certainty proclaim their Ag4O4 Silver Sol - Silver Biotics products as the ultimate immune system boosting modality for helping to keep your body free of pathogens. Please note, however, that there is a fine line between proclaiming its action and proclaiming a medical treatment. Our products are the best for helping the body overcome and destroy microorganisms, but we do not proclaim their ability to cure or treat anything. Instead, we refer you to a medical professional for any situations that require medical attention. Once you learn more about American Biotech Lab Silver Biotics products you will understand why Silver Biotics products are a must-have for virtually every person or family who cares about health and emergency preparedness planning of virtually any type. Our products support the human body’s immune system in staying on top of its never-ending job of protecting a person from microorganisms. In view of their low cost and proven safety and efficacy, to not utilize Silver Biotics products is unwise. They will always be able to assist the body to do its job of protecting itself from pathogens. Please view the videos below to learn more:
Call 1-800-704-0986 or interact via our Contact Us page.
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The first important question to

ask about any product is not “is

it effective”, but rather, “Is it


We know that ABL Silver Biotics products are safe for two reasons: 1. Numerous studies have been done with ABL Silver Biotics products, all of them showing absolute safety in regard to the internal and external use. 2. ABL Silver Biotics particles are excreted from the body within 24 hours. Therefore, they can usually be ingested daily as a dietary supplement without building up in the body. A human study in 2007 showed that immune-compromised subjects taking 2 ounces of Silver Biotics daily for four months had no adverse effects. In fact, subject lymphocyte counts became normal, and their body weight became normal. A rat study in 2009 showed that an oral dose of 5g/kg (200 times a normal dose) of Silver Biotics liquid produced no signs of toxicity. A mouse study in 2007 involved mice who were fed ABL Silver Biotics Liquid (10ppm) twice a day and then injected with a fatal dose of bird flu virus. None of the mice that were given the ABL Silver Biotics succumbed to the bird flu while all of those that didn’t receive ABL Silver Biotics did. As part of the experiment, control groups were also fed 100 and 200 times normal doses of ABL Silver Biotics Liquid for 28 days with absolutely no adverse effects. A guinea pig experiment in 2004 showed that sensitive guinea pig skin showed no increase in sensitivity after repeated contact with high concentrations of ABL Silver Biotics liquid. A mouse study in 2003 showed that neither 10 ppm Silver Biotics liquid nor 22 ppm Silver Sol Liquid showed any toxicity or adverse effect to mouse tissue, whatsoever. The EPA has given ABL Silver Biotics liquid certifications for: Industrial, commercial and residential use Surface disinfection Hospital disinfection Hazardous spill

Silver Biotics (nanosized silver products) are a latest generation, highly researched, non-toxic, safe product for use in

fighting virtually all pathogenic microoganisms. They are a must have for every medicine cabinet and lifestyle.

Warning and Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional in regard to your medical conditions and needs. Any descriptions of scientific research, product use or other information found on this website are given only as starting points for further thought and research into nanosized silver solution technology and potential benefits. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your licensed health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your health care professional who prescribes according to your unique situation. The biggest danger in self-diagnosing and self-treatment is the delay that may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique body and particular situation. Your licensed healthcare provider is the one who needs to be trusted to evaluate and recommend according to your uniqueness and the serious of your health needs. Although, American Biotech Labs products have been shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms, there may be much more that needs to be considered in any particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart and seek licensed medical help.
it’s the only place you have to live!
In laboratory settings, our products have been shown to kill every pathogen tested, including flesh eating bacteria, malaria, Avian bird flu virus, black mold and much more.
Silver Biotics Products -  with 99.9999% Kill Rate —

The Benefits and Effectiveness of

American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics


Proven Safe and Effective at Destroying


American Biotech Labs has invested millions of dollars in research and testing of its products, and has independent data from numerous universities and private institutions about the effectiveness of Silver Biotics in regard to killing of pathogens that no other company has access to. That’s why American Biotech Labs can with certainty proclaim their Ag4O4 Silver Sol - Silver Biotics products as the ultimate immune system boosting modality for helping to keep your body free of pathogens. Please note, however, that there is a fine line between proclaiming its action and proclaiming a medical treatment. Our products are the best for helping the body overcome and destroy microorganisms, but we do not proclaim their ability to cure or treat anything. Instead, we refer you to a medical professional for any situations that require medical attention. Once you learn more about American Biotech Lab Silver Biotics products you will understand why Silver Biotics products are a must-have for virtually every person or family who cares about health and emergency preparedness planning of virtually any type. Our products support the human body’s immune system in staying on top of its never- ending job of protecting a person from microorganisms. In view of their low cost and proven safety and efficacy, to not utilize Silver Biotics products is unwise. They will always be able to assist the body to do its job of protecting itself from pathogens. Please view the videos below to learn more:


Silver Biotics (nanosized silver products) are a latest generation, highly researched, non-toxic, safe product for use in fighting virtually all pathogenic microoganisms — they are a must have for every medicine cabinet and lifestyle. Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional in regard to your medical conditions and needs. Any descriptions of scientific research, product use or other information found on this website are given only as starting points for further thought and research into nanosized Silver Solution technology and potential benefits. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your licensed health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your health care professional who prescribes according to your unique situation. The biggest danger in self-prescribing is the delay that may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique body and particular situation. Your licensed healthcare provider is the one who needs to be trusted to evaluate and recommend according to your uniqueness and the serious of your health needs. Although, American Biotech Labs products have been shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms, there may be much more that needs to be considered in any particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart - and seek licensed medical help.
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