From Miserable to Fine
I was miserable and didn’t know why — dizzy,
stomach pain, back pain, and was really tired all day
for four days straight. But, I didn’t have a fever, nor
swollen glands, nor any “bowel issues”. Finally, my
husband said, either go the doctor or take Silver Sol
(Biotics). He brought me one ounce every two hours
and within 24 hours of his forcing me to take
Silver Sol every two hours, I was completely fine.
All my energy is back and no pain anywhere. And
the fatigue is gone. Melanie G
Sinus Headache Gone
Wow, I can't believe it! I had a terrible sinus head
ache which I usually get this time of the year and it
turns into a sinus infection. Well, I had this for 4
days and I inhaled the Silver solution this morning
and within 1/2 hour the terrible headache was
gone and has not returned all day. My sinus has
cleared and I can breath again! All I can say is the
Silver solution is worth its weight in GOLD!! Not even
anti biotics have worked this fast ever! I will never be
with out Silver Solution in my home! Thanks Folks!
Susan C
Toothache Gone
I had been having some discomfort in a
tooth/gum area for about a month. Went to the
dentist, was told I had an inflamed 'periodontal
pocket'. My Dentist recommended an antibiotic
injection into the pocket, but he was only 50% sure
that it would help. It would not be covered by my
insurance and it would cost $138. I decided not to
have it, to wait and see if it got better or worse on its
When I got home I was reading about the Silver Sol,
and it's bacteria killing effectiveness, so I thought I
would try it on my tooth/gum area. I took a drink
stirrer, the kind with a hole like a little straw. I put it
in the bottle, put my finger over one end and laid
down and let it drip out around my tooth.
In just a couple of hours it was better! It hasn't
hurt once since! Now when I take it I just swish it
around my mouth before I swallow it. Joan H
No Flus/Colds
I am exposed to every "bug" from two school
districts here in PA, and every winter (used to) spend
5-10 days "downtime" with some variation of "flu".
For as long as I can remember, usually during
January, I come down with something nasty, but...
I've been taking Silver Sol since October, and while
everyone in my family and most of our friends have
been ill this winter, I've not even had a cold! Dave
Getting Rid of Boils
I have successfully treated boils with the silver sol.
After taking a lab swab, and it returning positive for
MRSA, on one of the larger open boils I started
using the silver sol gel used under a dressing which
was changed twice daily and three teaspoons silver
sol orally three times daily. The boils immediately
showed signs of improvement after 1 day and the
core of the larger boil was able to be removed. They
healed very quickly and completely disappeared
after approximately one week. To prevent them
spreading I also used the silver sol liquid sprayed
around the area for a couple of days during
treatment and two days after they had healed. By
taking teaspoon of silver sol once to twice daily
(sometimes forget a dose if out) they have not
recurred. For sore throats/snuffles I have taken a
three to four teaspoon dose when going to bed and
wake up fit with no signs of a sore throat /cold. I
haven't had any cystitis since starting the silver
solution. I have had numerous customers and
clients with similar positive results. I have also
treated my pets on many occasions saving heaps on
vet bills. It is so much easier to use the silver than
using an antibiotic - which usually gives a dose of
diarrhea/nausea as well. Treatment was able to be
started immediately as there was no waiting for an
appointment for a prescription as I had the silver on
hand. I highly recommend the Silver Sol liquid and
gel. Yvonne Y
Running Out Of Silversol Was A
Big Mistake
I've been taking Silver Sol for 3 years now, and I've
noticed that I never get sick with an infection such
as a cold, or flu when I take a little every day. But a
year ago around Christmas my daughter moved to
Utah and I let her take my Silver Sol with her
thinking I would probably not get sick before my
next shipment. Boy was I wrong! After running our
of my supply of silver solution, I came down with a
terrible cold and flu, but a day or two later my
shipment came and I starting taking a tablespoon
every four hours, and in ONE day I was completely
well! It is almost tasteless, and seems like I'm just
drinking water, but it works like magic to get me
well! Rodney C
Feeling Better After Respiratory
I was being treated for an upper respiratory
infection and didn't seem to be getting any
better. I had been back to the Doctor twice and had
my medicine change both times. After taking just
ONE dose of the Silver Sol I felt a whole lot better.
I took another dose before going to bed that night
and when I woke up the next morning I literally
jumped out of bed and found that I was feeling
better than I had in a long time. Penny U
Stomach Ache Gone
One night I had a really bad stomach pain that was
just hurting really bad. Felt like my insides were
twisting up really bad. I went to bed restless with the
pain still there every time I took a breath. When I got
up in the morning feeling really frustrated, I had
remembered that I had the new Silver Sol. I took
only a tablespoon full of the stuff and 10 minutes
later, my pain was GONE. Coincidence? Maybe, but
maybe not! Nhut L
No Grafting Required After
Serious Burn
I was burning a brush pile early one morning.
Although I was over 30 feet from the brush pile,
some gasoline fumes ignited and severely burned
both my legs.
I immediately went into shock. I put ice on the
burns, but incredible pain kept coming back. I then
sprayed the silver sol on the burns, and immediately
the pain went away. Although my legs were numb, I
continued to spray silver solution on the burns
every 15 minutes most of that day.
Now 4 months later, my legs are almost completely
healed. I initially thought I would have extensive
scarring and possibly need a skin graft. Now, the
scars are barely visible. David N
Infection Finally Gone
I came down with a serious bladder infection. I
went to my Primary Care Physician for a urinalysis,
then a culture. I was put first on Bactrin, to no effect,
then Cipro for fourteen days. Still no effect. I then
went to the head Urologist at the University of
Virginia Hospital, who prescribed an intravenous
pylogram, and a culture, which showed nothing,
although I was still uncomfortable. I was then put on
100 mg. of Macrobid for 14 days, and after another
exam and urinalysis, I was put on Keflex. I then
learned about and swallowed some Silver Sol and
douched once with it. My infection was finally
gone, after five different antibiotics didn't work.
Andree N
No Colds, Sore Throats, Sinus
Infections or Bronchial Troubles
For years I had been suffering with constant sinus
infections, bronchitis, hoarseness, soar throats,
etc. Then my husband and I started taking the Silver
Sol and to this day we have not had even a cold,
much less all of the above problems. We haven't
missed a day of work due to illness in over 3
years, even when people around us were suffering
with flu and other illnesses. What a product. We
wouldn't be without the silver liquid and gel. Pat C
Severe Vaginitis Clearing Up
After 40 Days
A resident in the facility where I work as a male
nurse, a 98 year old lady, had a severe vaginal
infection for 18 months. The doctor and specialist
had tried every kind of treatment with limited
success. She was often in excruciating agony. I gave
her silversol in her drinking water, a douche with
the liquid and later inserted some gel using an
applicator. It cleared up within 2 days. Chris R
Eyes and Ears
I’ve been using the silver sol for several years now.
Just gargling with it makes a sore throat
disappear within one day!
I once contracted a staph infection in my eye.
Thanks to the good results of using the silver I was
able to avoid surgery, which also meant I didn’t have
to worry about scar tissue. The silver saved me a
lot of time and money. Because of my positive
experience with the eye infection, I’ve also used the
silver for pink eye, which usually goes away the day
of application.
I use the silver to wash my hands and for other
antibacterial uses because it works so well. Plus, it
doesn’t destroy the pH of your skin.
My son had his first ear infection in January. I put
the silver solution in his ear and the infection was
gone the next day. It was nice to not have to use
antibiotics. The silver doesn’t cause any harm and
has no side effects, unlike antibiotics. I’ve been
impressed with the silver product. Everyone I have
recommended it to has had great and swift
experiences and results. I’m glad that my family has
it in our lives. Laura S
Help for a Pet
This is a rather long narration about a very sick dog.
I am writing this because I am CONVINCED that the
new Silver Sol is keeping my dog alive and healthy.
Boudreaux is a 10 year old English Spring Spaniel.
Boudreaux contracted a "mysterious" liver ailment.
(The vets still don't have a clue.) He underwent a
biopsy and was treated with antibiotics. The biopsy
showed severe liver destruction. However, he
seemed to mend and we thought he would be all
But ten months later, he showed further signs of
illness. For the next few months we treated him
with antibiotics, but there was no improvement.
The vets then stopped the antibiotics fearing he
would develop immunity. He was not in good
health and we worried that eventually his liver
would fail.
While we did nothing, Boo's greatest danger was
developing secondary bacterial infections because
of his depressed immune system. It was during this
period that I frantically searched the web, and every
place else, looking for something to try and protect
him from this danger. That's when a friend at work
suggested the New Silver Sol. I did as much
research as I could to determine if it was safe for
him. The vets were NO help in answering my
questions or providing any support for any type of
"alternative treatment". In fact, they blew me off.
But having nothing to lose, I started giving it to him.
Two months later, I took Boo back to Tech. The
head vet saw him this time, took one look at Boo
and said he looked great. He thought by looking at
Boo's overall health that we were probably dealing
with a slow infection and could treat and stop the
infection and Boo could probably live on his
reduced liver function for many years. The vets did
do a biopsy to confirm their diagnosis.
I'll never forget the afternoon they called me after
the biopsy. He was absolutely floored. The biopsy
revealed that Boo had less than 20% liver function
and by all rights Boo should have been on his death
bed. The vet had never seen a liver as damaged
and a dog as healthy looking as Boo. He said his
system should have been full of bacteria, yet there
was not a sign of bacteria anywhere. He couldn't
believe it.
His diagnosis was there was nothing we could do to
prolong his life. We'd give him steroids to make him
feel better, but that my dog would be dead in a
matter of months, probably from internal bacterial
infections (like e. coli). I again tried to tell him about
The Silver Sol and his answer was "yeah sure."
Well, guess what, it's been 8 months and Boo's still
with us. In my mind there is NO DOUBT Boo is alive
(and healthy) today because The Silver Sol has
kept him bacteria free. Oh, I know it will not cure
him, but each month that he remains bacteria free
is one more month I have him with me. Deborah B
After Swallowing Lake Water
I use silversol for everything. But the two instances I
want to share are: We were on vacation in Texas and
my two year old grandson, Owen was playing in the
lake with us and he accidentally swallowed some
lake water. It was filthy and stagnant. Later he
started running a high fever and was throwing up. I
gave him about 3TBSB of silversol. He threw up one
more time, his fever went down and he was fine. I
know it was the silversol that killed whatever
bacteria it was in the water. The second example
was when my husband got food poisoning. I had
him take 2 TBSP and he was fine in a couple of
hours. The cramping left immediately. He just felt
sort of icky for two hours. I have also used it for
conjunctives. It has also almost cleared up my
eczema on my foot, which I have had for 30 years. I
also use the gel on my foot. I love silversol! Nancy V
Chronic Jaw Infection Cleared Up
I had a chronic jaw infection in my left upper jaw
that was not being fully cleaned up even though I
had dental work done. I used a lot of herbs that are
natural infection fighters but I could not seem to get
the amounts high enough to fight my chronic jaw
infection. I had pain, headaches, feelings of nausea,
and low energy. It took me away from daily
activities. The only thing that worked for my
chronic jaw infection was the silver product. I
took a tablespoon of silver both morning and
evening for three weeks and started feeling much
improvement. Three months later, the silver has
completely cleared my infection.
Darlene H
Stomach Ache Gone
I cured an infected Toe that had a serious Fungus
Infection. Doctor said it would take months to get
rid of it with normal antibiotics, with Silver Sol it was
gone in 7 days !!
Joseph S
Call 1-800-704-0986 or
interact via our Contact Us page.
Silver Biotics (nanosized silver products) are a latest
generation, highly researched, non-toxic, safe product
for use in
fighting virtually all pathogenic
microoganisms — they are a must have for every
medicine cabinet and lifestyle.
Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional in regard to your
medical conditions and needs. Any descriptions of scientific
research, product use or other information found on this website
are given only as starting points for further thought and research
into nanosized Silver Solution technology and potential benefits.
You are encouraged to discuss this information with your licensed
health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website
information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does
so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned
on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in
virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your
health care professional who prescribes according to your unique
situation. The biggest danger in self-prescribing is the delay that
may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique
body and particular situation. Your licensed healthcare provider is
the one who needs to be trusted to evaluate and recommend
according to your uniqueness and the serious of your health
needs. Although, American Biotech Labs products have been
shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms,
there may be much more that needs to be considered in any
particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart - and
seek licensed medical help.
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© Copyright 2011 to 2017 - All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2011 to 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Blogs - Stories About
Silver Sol (aka Silver
(Both in the Biotics
Liquid Form & ASAP Gel)
Please note that these stories/blogs about Silver Sol use are NOT
typical — they’re just individuals talking about their results, and in no
way constitute scientific validation and therefore, they should not be
relied upon. Also, we don’t vet their stories. So, we don’t know what
other factors were involved. You must not believe that you can “go
and do likewise” and get similar results. The blogs/stories are simply
people sharing their happiness with the Silver Sol products in a caring
kind of way. We hope that their stories could give you ideas for
further research and for you to talk about with your wellness
professional. But, you, without a medical professional assisting you,
must not rely upon stories or anecdotes when faced with a health
challenge, but rather you should see a licensed, medical provider
who can evaluate and recommend according to your unique situation
and condition. See our full disclaimer at the bottom of this page.