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Buffered Vitamin C

Vitamin C — Is Critical to Living Longer and More Importantly to Living Healthy, Longer!

We offer the Most Effective Vitamin C Product of All - It is Sourced from Limes and Oranges not Corn Oil (Like Most Other Vitamin C Products)

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is so important to staying healthy that if you're not consuming on average 1,500 mg of it per day, researchers say you will be more liekly to die or experience poor health up to a decade sooner than could have been!


(Good intentions don't deliver optimum healthspan, habits do that. if you don't wisely take care of your nutrition, you will lose your health sooner than might have been. 1,500 mg is a minimum.)

Nature designed animals so that most members of the animal kingdom make Vitamin C continuously inside their bodies. (That's because Nature knows how important Vitamin C is!)

  • Fruit bats, guinea pigs, primate monkeys and humans are the only ones that do not make Vitamin C inside their bodies, but must eat it.
  • All the rest of the animal kingdom make Vitamin C internally in order to protect themselves from pathogens, and from free radicals and toxins and to support collagen production and tissue formation. The amount of Vitamin C produced in the bodies of animals daily is equivalent to 5 grams of Vitamin C for a human adult. (Of course, that's more important for animals since so much of their food is "dirty" and needs the detoxifying power of Vitamin C.)
  • An abundance of research shows that a decline levels of serum Vitamin C corresponds to aging and decline in function. That means keeping Vitamin C levels high is a primary consideration for staying youthful.
  • Besides helping the immune system function at a higher level, maintaining high levels of Vitamin C is also absolutely essential to maintaining vascular integrity, normal blood sugar, ample collagen production, organ and skin health.
  • Without adequate Vitamin C, tissues to not repair optimally. Since most people don't eat at least 2 grams a day (most eat less than 300 mg per day), or don't assimilate Vitamin adequately, most people are losing their health, quality of life and longevity because their bodies cannot repair themselves as fast as could otherwise occur.
  • Vitamin C is important for energy. It plays an integral role in the production of cellular energy, and is essential for the proper metabolism of carbohydrates and the synthesis of fats and proteins.
  • Vitamin C has been shown to help break down cholesterol, promote wound healing, and help maintain healthy immune function. Our Buffered Vitamin includes a mixture of naturally-occurring flavonoids, including rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin. Although ascorbic acid is beneficial without flavonoids, it works much better when accompanied by flavonoid molecules, due to a tag-team effect and greater antioxidant capacity.
  • Vitamin C is an essential, water-soluble antioxidant that can enhance collagen stabilization. Studies suggest that a Vitamin C deficiency can result in poor collagen cross-linkage and weaker connective tissue
  • Vitamin C promotes wound healing because it is a cofactor in the synthesis of collagen and other connective tissue components.
  • Because bioflavonoids have some of the same mechanisms of action as ascorbic acid, they can potentiate the effect of ascorbic acid.* Vitamin C and bioflavonoids both support immune function, connective tissue formation, cellular energy production, and antioxidant activity.* Factors dictating a need for higher Vitamin C intake include smoking, alcohol ingestion, stress, diabetes, environmental toxicity, and the use of certain medications.
  • Vitamin C also serves as a cofactor in the synthesis of important neurotransmitters in the body, such as dopamine and nor epinephrine.
virtually nothing is more imoprtant for maintaining long term health than consuming ample amounts of Vitamin C

What Are Optimal Doses of Vitamin C?

There are many professional opinions on how much Vitamin C would be wise to take daily, and there is the Minimum Daily requirement for preventing scurvy. The actual question is how much does your body need to be OPTIMALLY HEALTHY. That depends on your personal exposure to pathogens and toxins, and will be different for each situation and person. Researchers believe that for a person living in a clean environment the minimum amount to be optimally healthy is 500 mg of Vitamin C every 5 hours.

  • Renowned Vitamin C proponent Dr. Linus Pauling recommended 2,000 mg to 10,000 mg daily
  • Wolves and cats, which make Vitamin C within their own bodies, make an amount that is equivalent to about 5,000 mg (for an adult male human).
  • Some studies have shown that persons who consumed 500 mg every five hours experienced virtually no arterial calcification.
  • So, higher numbers of Vitamin C may be optimal (rather than the RDA's recommendation of 60 mg daily, which is just sufficient to avoid serious disorders like scurvy in the present tense, not looking forward to longevity).
  • Even though Vitamin C is essential to health, many people don't consume it because the acidic nature of Vitamin C can irritate sensitive stomachs.
  • With our buffered Vitamin C, anyone can get an optimum amount of Vitamin C with virtually no fear of stomach sensitivity issues.

How Much Vitamin C is in a Capsule of Buffered Vitamin C?

  • 500 mg per capsule. Three capsules or 1,500 mg (one capsule every five hours) is a minimum recommended amount for virtually anyone. Double that amount is recommended for people who are recovering their health, and even more with acute toxicity. Due to the buffered nature of this product, one can consume a great many capsules with less worry about stomach sensitivity. Each bottle contains 90 capsules, enough to take three capsules per day for a month. Never exceed bowel tolerance (meaning if one gets diarrhea, then reduce the dose).

What Are the Ingredients in Buffered Vitamin C?

  • Vitamin C (as Calcium Threonate/Calcium Ascorbate Complex). This form of Vitamin C is well assimilated, releasing a small amount of calcium that buffers the stomach linings, Threonate is an active metabolite of Vitamin C and stimulates the uptake of Ascorbate (Vitamin C). This is an exciting form of Vitamin C due to its virtually complete assimilation.
  • Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex: Hesperidin, Rutin, Quercetin. These other natural Vitamin C bioflavonoids additionally buffer the stomach from any sensitivity to Vitamin C ascorbate. They are powerful antioxidants and potentiate the effect of the ascorbate.

Buffered Vitamin C Ordering Form

Forever Friends Price: $24.00

Buffered Vitamin C

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Bottle: 90
Ingredient Amount Per Serving %DV
Vitamin C (as Calcium Threonate/Calcium Ascorbate Complex) 500 mg 833%
Calcium (as Calcium Threonate/Calcium Ascorbate Complex) 58 mg 6%
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex: Hesperidin, Rutin, Quercetin 50 mg *
Buffered Vitamin C

How to Use

Normal use is to take one capsule every four to five hours.

  • However, during a time of health recovery, one can double this dosage.
  • Do not exceed bowel tolerance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vitamin C

Where in Their bodies Do Most Mammals Make Vitamin C?

Virtually all animals produce their own Vitamin C internally, either in the liver or kidneys via an enzyme called gulonolactone oxidase that converts blood sugar to Vitamin C (ascorbate)

Only fruit bats, guinea pigs, primate monkeys lack this enzyme and thus do not have the ability synthesize Vitamin C naturally.

What Is Unique About Our Buffered Vitamin C?

Our Buffered Vitamin C formulation is better absorbed and is buffered so that it doesn't irritate stomach linings. This is accomplished by using the latest discoveries in Vitamin C science, including bioflavonoids and a mixture of Calcium Threonate/Ascorbate, that buffer its impact on the stomach and increase absorption, utilization and retention of Vitamin C.

Does a Decline in Ability to Make Vitamin C in Animals Predict Death?

Yes! In 1983 researchers in Japan reported that Vitamin C levels in humans decline with advancing age apart from variations in dietary intake and that females maintain a higher level of Vitamin C than males at all ages, which correlates with their generally longer lifespan over males.

Researchers who studied content of Vitamin C in the bodies of animals, have concluded that the capacity to synthesize Vitamin C declines over time and is a major factor in age-related diseases in these animals.

What Studies and Scientific References Are There Regarding the Components of Buffered Vitamin C?


Threonate is a metabolite of Vitamin C that greatly enhances Calcium assimilation as well stimulating Vitamin C uptake and prolonging the retention of Vitamin C in human cells. Learn more at: Examine.com - Summary of L-Threonate

Shortened Lifespan Corresponding to Vitamin C levels

Please note that the mice involved in these tests were "bred" so that they would not produce Vitamin C in their bodies. This makes them ideal candidates for Vitamin C studies since they are more like people, IE, dependent upon Vitamin C in the diet.

Vitamin C is essential to immune function in numerous ways as follows:

  • Vitamin C helps encourage the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body against infection.
  • Vitamin C equips lymphocytes and phagocytes to withstand the free radical bursts that they must use to kill invading pathogens. Without the protection of Vitamin C, they would be destroyed by the act of killing an invader.
  • Vitamin C produces beneficial results in regard to nearly all of the immune system's cells.
    Natural killer (NK) cells. These “hit men” of the immune system move in on infectious and malignant targets that have been identified as foreign by other immune system components.
    • Like other immune cells, natural killer cells’ function declines with aging. Detailed scientific studies show that natural killer cell function improves in the presence of adequate Vitamin C, and declines without it.
    • Vitamin C helps natural killer cells track and destroy tumor cells as well by reducing the shielding effect of platelets (blood clotting cell fragments) that would prevent NK cells from destroying them. This effect may help to prevent cancers from producing deadly metastases.
    • Neutrophils are the main immune system cell for fighting bacterial infections. Neutrophils engulf invading organisms, then destroy them with powerful blasts of short-lived oxygen free radicals. Vitamin C supports many aspects of neutrophil function, aiding in their ability to chase down bacterial targets and improving their ability to engulf and kill such targets.
    • Since the bacterial killing process creates potent oxidation products, neutrophils would destroy themselves in short order without ample Vitamin C, which scavenges up the dangerous oxidizing molecules once they have done their work to destroy the bacterial cell.
    • A study published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology showed that when human volunteers took an oral dose of 1,000 mg or more of Vitamin C, neutrophils performed more vigorously than those of unsupplemented subjects.
    • Improved function of neutrophils in the presence of adequate Vitamin C is so evident that clinicians have begun to use Vitamin C at 1,000 mg per day doses for people with chronic granulomatous disease, a disorder in which neutrophils lack proper killing ability once they have ingested bacteria.
    • Lymphocytes are immune system cells that produce antibodies (called B-lymphocytes) and coordinate with other immune cells to guide them towards threats needing destruction.. When they detect such an incipient threat, lymphocytes rapidly reproduce in a proliferative response that is enhanced in the presence of Vitamin C. In older adults, that proliferation is impaired, but Vitamin C treatment restores them to youthful levels of function. Similar enhancements of lymphocyte proliferation have been demonstrated by supplementing aging laboratory animals with Vitamin C, which also boosts lymphocytes’ ability to track down threats.
    • Diabetes, like aging, impairs the production of lymphocytes and the functioning of T-lymphocytes. However, supplementing diabetic rats with Vitamin C pushed lymphocyte production from 57% of that of controls to virtually 100% of control values, essentially creating “non-diabetic” immune cells within a living diabetic body.
    • Antibodies are non-cellular components of the immune system that help identify and destroy invading threats and cancerous cells.36 Vitamin C benefits this portion of the immune system by raising levels of three main classes of antibody immunoglobulins: IgA, which protects against infections mainly on mucosal surfaces, such as the respiratory and digestive tracts, IgG, which provides long-term protection in the bloodstream, and IgM, which is the earliest immunoglobulin to appear in blood in response to threats. Blood levels of antibodies and other protective molecules rose significantly when volunteers took 1,000 mg doses of Vitamin C daily for 75 days, demonstrating the effect in humans.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.