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Tonalin CLA

Tonalin — A Pure Conjugated Linoleic Acid Product That Facilitates Fat Burning and Thickens Muscles!

  • A good plan executed starting today... is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
  • Tonalin can be your good plan today... for weight loss.
  • Unfortunately, many people overlook using Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) for re-countouring their body, IE, removing fat and increasing lean muscle, yet it is a potentially valuable tool. CLA supplementation is typically able to reduce one's weight by about a 0.10 pounds a week (result of fat loss and muscle gain). 
  • CLA helps by both reducing fat and thickening muscles. For the average person, supplementing daily with Tonalin for a year means about eleven pounds of fat gone with three pounds of muscle added. The Tonalin habit is a very simple one, one capsule three times a day. And you can start immediately no matter what else you're doing or not doing. Merely adding the Tonalin habit daily for a year is a simple way to have a healthier, leaner, better functioning body. Tonalin really works... kind of like the tortoise and the hare!

What Tonalin or Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Is:

Our Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is derived from safflower oil (a rich source of linoleic acid) through a bio-friendly, photo-isomerization process. It is purified through chromatography and then encapsulated.

Why You Should Consume Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

The regular consumption of Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (LA) causes steady weight loss and muscle thickening. Its inclusion in one's daily routine virtually assures slow and steady body remodeling as fat is burned and muscle increased.

Tonalin Is An Inexpensive and Effective Fat-Loss Supplement When Used Consistently!

Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) History:

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) was discovered about thirty years ago and has been very well studied. Researchers first discovered that it appeared to help fight cancer in mice. Later, they discovered that it also helped mice to reduce body fat. Several gold standard studies have been done to date. Here's what we know so far:

  • CLA has been found to reduce food intake, increase fat burning, stimulate fat breakdown, and inhibit fat production.
  • The most encouraging human studies indicate that CLA can cause minor, but consistent, fat loss in humans (there were studies that showed no fat loss as well). But, the majority of the studies showed consistent, minor fat loss and body recomposition by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.
  • Although conjugated Linoleic Acid is found is found in the meat and milk of cows, goats and sheep, if they are grass fed, nevertheless, it is not viable to get 3,000 mg per day from food source (it would take 50 glasses of milk a day). 3,000 mg daily is the amount required to stimulate a meaningful fat loss. The average intake in the U.S. is about 151 mg per day from food. Therefore, a supplement like Tonalin® is needed.

Tonalin® Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Ordering Form

Comparative Retail Price: $34.95
Our Price: $31.00 per 90 Count Bottle



Tonalin® Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per Bottle: 90
Ingredient Per Serving %DV
Calories 10  
Calories from Fat 10 54%
Total Fat 1 g 2%
Tonalin contains 78% Conjugated Linoleic Acid 1,000 mg
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
†Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients: gelatin, glycerine, purified water.
Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

How to Use

  • Take one capsule three tiimes per day, with or without food.
  • The very best results come when taking an equal number of PEO capsules.

Tonalin® – Frequently Asked Questions

Who Should Take Tonalin®

Tonalin® is recommended for the following types of people:

  1. Those who wish to live as long as possible. Studies show that lowered levels of body fat (correlating to lowered levels of Leptin and blood sugar) are among the most predictive factors in regard to longevity.
  2. Persons who desire to improve the results they will get from an effort to diet or lose weight. Regardless of what else you're doing or not doing, Tonalin will help the body lose fat and thicke muscles.
  3. Persons who want to switch their metabolic mode to fat burning. Excess body fat is bad for your health and enjoyment of life. The first problem of having excess body fat is that Leptin is made in one's living body fat cells. The more fat one has on his or her body the more Leptin (a metabolic hormone that drives energy management) will be produced and circulate in one's bloodstream. The more Leptin in the bloodstream, the greater the likeliood that one will develop Hypothalamic Leptin resistance, which leads to sugar burning mode, rising blood sugar and eventual insulin resistance which leads to hypoglycemia, constant blood sugar problems, inflammation, diabetes and more. Truly, when you choose the very first step on the road of allowing your body to acccumulate too much fat, you also choose the last steps on this road, IE, reduced lifespan, inflammatory problems such as chronic disease, joint stiffness, eyesight problems, cardiovascular disease and the list of problems is almost endless.

Who Should NOT Take Tonalin®

Tonalin® is NOT recommended for the following types of people:

  1. Pregnant or nursing mothers (because we have no information about its potential effect on a fetus or breast-fed child).

Additional Suggestions Regarding Tonalin® Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) consumption has the very best results when consumed with the Parent Omega Oils 3 and 6 (ALA and LA).

  • These are found in raw seeds, and raw, unadulterated seed oils (cold pressed kept in dark bottles), or in the PEOs supplement.

We also recommend consuming Liquid Curcumin while supplementing with Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).

Taking these two products with Tonalin helps ensure cell membrane integrity and reduction in inflammatory processes that is common to releasing toxins from fat storage. This is a simple way of consistent, almost, perfect fat loss and successful body contouring.

  1. Those for whom a doctor has recommended against its use (we've never heard of this, but it could happen).
  2. Pregnant or nursing mothers (because we have no information about its potential effect on a fetus or breast-fed child).

Studies and Research About Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.