
Senior’s Health Risks
Stopping the countdown to poor health!!!
By the time one is officially a senior, hundreds of billions of the cells of one’s are being damaged daily through free radical assaults and through glycation (protein changes because of high blood sugar). Free radical and glycation damage results in cross-linked DNA or cells that are no longer perfect — and that means:
- Tiredness
- Stiffness
- Poor memory
- Sub-optimal performance
- Disease
- A higher rate of loss of telomeres
Doctors can keep people alive much longer before and with pain medications that can turn off much of the pain, but they haven’t been able to give quality of life.
Most seniors don’t worry as much about the prospects of dying as they do about the prospects of living with pain and a lessened quality of life. In other words, they would prefer to just die than to live in a tired, pain filled body, unable to do the things they used to do.
Fortunately, science has recently learned quite a bit about improving quality of life in senior years. What they have learned is that our qualify of life depends upon intracellular communication. When that communication breaks down, energy doesn’t flow normally so that we have no energy in the morning and by the time we feel human at midday, shortly thereafter, we’re exhausted again. Loss of communication within the body also means an increase in inflammatory processes which means joint pain and lessened blood flow from arteries that calcify and that don’t relax fully with each heart beat. This leads to heart attacks and strokes.
The Telomere Countdown to Death
One of the life-shortening aspects of damage to DNA is when a telomere (DNA binding bud or replicating bud portion of DNA) takes a free radical hit or is otherwise damaged during replication. When this happens, the telomere loop is shortened by one telomere...
Human DNA (at birth) has between fifty and sixty telomeres. Each telomere is a replication bud (binding protein) from which a cell will replicate itself every few months. If an oxidative (free radical) event damages a telomere then that telomere is cut off the telomere loop. When the number of telomeres in this loop goes to zero... no more cell replications are possible... meaning death is imminent. Therefore, preserving our telomeres is the scientific way to ensure maximum longevity.
Most Senior’s Don’t Have to Word About Running Out of Telomeres
Even though, theoretically, running out of telomeres can be the cause of one’s death, most people in the civilized will die, instead, from a degenerative disease.
Half of all Americans die from cardiovascular disease (including strokes) and the other half die from a combination of cancer, kidney and lung disease or doctor error in drug prescriptions. So, running out of telomeres just isn’t a problem for most people... yet... but, if we took good enough care of our bodies to avoid degenerative disease, then our next hurdle in the quest for long life would be to extend our telomeres for as long as possible.
Stopping and Reversing Degenerative Disease
Half of all Americans die from cardiovascular disease (including strokes) and the other half die from a combination of cancer, kidney and lung disease or doctor error in drug prescriptions. So, running out of telomeres just isn’t a problem for most people... yet... but, if we took good enough care of our bodies to avoid degenerative disease, then our next hurdle in the quest for long life would be to extend our telomeres for as long as possible.
We recommend you endeavor to make your body degenerative disease proof in the following ways:
- Cleanse your body once, twice or even three times per year with the Eight Day Cleanse. The Eight Day Cleanse helps remove blood sugar and lipids from the body as well as microorganisms and complement (or in other words, autoimmune markers in the blood). The Eight Day Cleanse helps open up the capillaries through enzymatic action that clears away fibrins and plaques.
- Stop homocysteine damage and help your DNA repair itself through enhancing your body’s methylation.
- Help keep sugar levels lower in the body and antioxidants high by consuming Aloe Vera Power and Seven Essentials or RiSoTriene daily. Each of the above also have healing functional polysaccharide’s that can undo cellular damage.
Telomerase Can Lengthen the Telomere Chain
Preserving telomeres is a paramount consideration in achieving maximum longevity. There is a way to lengthen a telomere chain which though little understood yet involves a substance called telomerase. Telomerase cannot be eaten, injected or otherwise obtained from outside sources. So far, the only way we know to increase telomerase is to through optimal nutrition so that your body creates it. And, optimum nutrition isn’t sufficient. Telomerase levels increase when good nutrition is coupled with exercise.
Scientists are rapidly proving what habits of health will prolong our lives and give us the kind of vibrant health that makes life good.
So, before it’s too late, learn and implement the habits of health. You, can even learn how to make up for lost time!!!.


New focus for Senior’s Health
Because the focus and great success of public health during the last century was with medicine, most seniors look to doctors and medicines in order to solve their health problems.
Doctors and drugs and surgeries have stopped the primary causes of death 100 years ago, which were infections; and traumas from accidents. By doing so, people now live long enough to reap the consequences of their nutritional choices and lifestyle.
Therefore, today, the single most important paradigm shift that seniors can make is to look to dietitians, wellness coaches and naturopathic doctors instead of medical doctors for preventing health problems.
Better Nutritional Education is Coming for Our Grand Children, but Seniors Need to Learn On Their Own About Health or Miss Out on Enjoying Those Grand Children
Within twenty to fifty more years, quality nutrition will be standard education. Unfortunately, now, there are millions of currently uneducated seniors (uneducated in the ways of optimum nutrition) who will be paying the ultimate price for their ignorance of correct nutritional laws. They will pay with their lives, both in quality of life and longevity.
The Standard American Diet does not provide sufficient nutrition to maintain our bodies in good health for the many extra years of life medical science has provided. Even though the Standard American Diet tastes good, is popular, is adored by our mothers, friends, companions and family, it does not maintain health.
Seniors have far less time than others to remedy the problems that have resulted from many years of bad nutrition practices in industrialized countries. Seniors must take action now before it is literally too late.