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The key to health is eliminating toxicities and deficiencies! - Dr. William R. Kellas

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Seven Essentials

Seven Essentials (E7)

Ensuring that one's body has no nutrient deficiencies is the #3 rule for staying healthy through a lifetime.

Many Americans turn to vitamins, hoping to compensate for the essential nutrients they intuitively realize their diets lack. This awareness stems from our school learning that modern farming practices, rely heavily on monocropping and replenishing soil with only basic elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). This strips our soil, and upstream all food, both plant and animal, of essential nutrients. Additionally, the highly processed foods that most Americans eat have been further depleted of any remaining nutrients.

The misguided approach of Americans to rely upon synthetic vitamins as a fix is a wrong approach that will never work. True health and vitality come from consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods that provide the broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients our bodies need — something that vitamins alone cannot accomplish. The real solution to optimal health is found in enriching our diets with whole, unprocessed foods that nourish the human body on a deeper level.

Vitamin supplementation, alone, doesn’t lead to better health.

life expectancy versus expenditureUnited States health statistics as shown in this graph (click to enlarge) make one thing clear:

Despite Americans spending more on vitamins than any other country, their health ranks among the worst of all industrialized nations—and it's declining. While improvements in sanitation, antibiotics, and medical procedures have extended life expectancy form past eras, America's health statistics have now started to decline because of the poor nutritional quality of the U.S. food supply. If we don't address this critical issue, our health will keep trending downward. The time to take action and prioritize real, nutrient-dense food is now.

The reason for the failure of vitamins to alter the downward trend in health is that vitamins are unbalanced, mega-dosed, and not assimilated well by the body.

Unlike vitamins, and in direct contrast, E7 furnishes thousands of individual, balanced, predigested, absorbable, food nutrients in micro-doses that quickly assimilate into cells. E7 is delicious and fast to prepare (just mix in water, shake, and drink). Your body will immediately let you feel that it has received the nutrients E7 provides (and urge you to eat it repeatedly).

Here are E7's main features:

  • E7 is comprised of numerous foods in seven categories.

    The ratios of each food have been carefully balanced. (Anyone can mix together a bunch of food powders, but, it takes a biochemical genius like Dr. Kellas, the formulator of E7, to combine the ratios of each in a way that helps them to be accepted by one's cells and power up one's cells optimally.

  • The foods in Seven Essentials have been predigested (making food molecules smaller in a process like stomach digestion) so that they more quickly enter into the bloodstream and assimilate into cells.
  • E7's nutrient-dense foods come from progressive farmers who engage in progressive soil renewal. Thus, the food sources for E7 contain considerably more minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients than most commercially grown foods. Note: commercial farms don't renew the trace minerals in their soil. Thus, the foods grown in those soils are far less valuable than they should be.
  • Seven Essentials' food nutrients are natural rather than made in a chemical factory. That allows them to be recognized and welcomed by cells so that they can actually get into your cells and tissues to improve their health and vitality. Because they are seen as food, cells know exactly how to use E7's nutrients.
  • All the co-factors of the many E7 foods arrive simultaneously so that cells don't have to scavenge for needed co-factor nutrients from other tissues. That is the true genius of E7.

Contrastingly, vitamin isolates are:

  • Not balanced with needed co-factor nutrients.
  • Not recognized by cells as food.
  • Not in the form of thousands of balanced micro-nutrients but are mega-doses. A mega dose creates a conundrum for the cells of the body. They must first locate the needed co-factors to use the mega dosed nutrients. If they don't find the co-factors nearby, they must go to the work of sending the mega-doses out of the body in the urine. A mega-dose is extra work and no benefit.

That is why, ultimately, much of a vitamin isolate supplement ends up being un-assimilated and simply goes into the toilet, and why many doctors say that vitamins just make expensive urine and vitamins are a waste of money.

Unlike vitamins, you will feel the difference that Seven Essentials makes in your body quickly. With Seven Essentials, no matter what else you do or don’t do for your health each day, your body will be getting optimized, balanced nutrition THAT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR HEALTH.

E7 has tremendous nutrition, but only 70 calories per serving! It's the ultimate, real-food, nutrient-dense power house nutritional beverage!

You will feel the energy after your first serving!

The main reason E7 is so great is that its main ingredient is Ricotriene. Ricotriene has the most tocotrienols of any food on earth and most Gamma Oryzanol. These are cellular protectors and cellular healers that are unequaled in their cellular effects. They both protect and help heal hormone receptors such as insulin receptors, gastrointestinal linings, muscle tissue, and nerve linings, and they improve cellular communication.

Dr. Kellas has created numerous flavors of E7:

  • Chocolate
  • Berry
  • Vegetable Broth
  • Vanilla-Cinnamon
  • Vanilla

We have lots of great recipes for our various E7 flavors. Chocolate may be the most popular flavor, but Berry (mild Berry) and Vegetable Broth (savory) are Kent's favorite flavors. Vegetable is Dr. Kellas's favorite. He says it's the healthiest. Berry and Vegetable Broth were the original flavors brought to market in 2002 by Dr. Kellas.

Essentials Seven (aka Seven Essential, aka E7) is the favorite nutritional beverage for many thousands of people since it was first introduced by Dr. Kellas in 2002.

The ratios of the nutrients were perfected through tens of thousands of Dr. Kellas's patient trials at the Center for Advanced Medicine. When Dr. Kellas couldn't improve the ratios and results anymore that's when E7 was offered to the public.

E7 has a many times higher ORAC rating than any other tested food or supplement. Its ORAC rating is far greater than it should be if one just adds up the sum of its individual "parts". That's because E7's nutrients work in a tag-team way to do truly powerful work in your cells in boosting their nutrition and response to free radicals. That's why its ORAC rating is so high.

Bottom line: E7's nutrients will get into your cells to support energy and overall health better than any other food or supplement you can buy.

Click here to read some of our customer feedback about E7.

Important Seven Essential Topics

How E7 Solves the Problems of Nutrient Deficient Food, Inadequate Enzymes and Vacuum Foods!

Assimilating Nutrients

Is the Key to Health

  • Today in the United States, people almost invariably eat nutrient-scanty food. The reason is simple — minerals have been depleted from United States farm soils by *short-sighted farming practices that don't ensure future soil health, IE, mono-crop farming and the use of NPK fertilizer. Fewer and fewer minerals in the dirt each year means fewer minerals in food, whether that food is vegetables or fruits grown in the mineral-deficient-dirt, or meat, eggs or milk from animals that are fed mineral deficient produce.

    • *Modern farm grown produce, or animal/poultry products raised on modern farm grown produce is nutrient deficient. It wasn't that way 100 years ago. But, today modern soils are mineral depleted (in some cases, having only 5% of the mineral content that our soils had one hundred years ago.)

  • Most people either eat hurriedly, preventing food from mixing well with enzymes, or they are over the age of 40 and already have insufficient enzyme production capability in their bodies. Either way, without ample amounts of enzymes mixing with their food, they won't be able to digest their food adequately. As a result, they don't assimilate the nutrients in the food well and the nutrients go into the toilet.

    • E7 solves this problem in regard to the E7 foods because it is predigested and includes enzymes to assist in digestion. Thus, all of E7's nutrients will get into the blood and into one's cells.

  • The efforts required for metabolizing food, IE, digesting it and actively transporting it into cells, expends nutrients. If a food one eats supplies less nutrients than the amount of nutrients used up in metabolizing that food then eating that food results in lowering the total supply of nutrients in one's body and one is worse off for having eaten that food. Unfortunately, that includes many of the foods that modern people, especially highly-processed foods, desserts, pastas, and bread.

    • We call foods that deliver less nutrients than they use up in digestion — "vacuum foods" because they suck out your nutrients each time you eat them. Unfortunately, that's most of the food that most people eat. So, without E7 people are going downhill. Eating nutrient empty food lowers one's health and vitality over time. A primary goal of someone striving to remain healthy for a lifetime should be to ensure no nutrient deficiencies.

E7 is nutrient-dense... it is the opposite of a vacuum food. It probably supplies more nutrition in one serving than many people get in a whole week.

E7 Fits With Busy Lifestyles!

foods in E7A drink of Seven Essentials

E7 is a mix in water and drink product. It takes seconds!

  1. Trying to shop at progressive farmer's markets for the many nutrient-dense foods in E7, wash, juice, cleanup the mess, and consume takes too much time and money for anyone but the wealthy. That's the the main value add of E7. We source all the high quality foods, pick them at the peak of ripeness, juice them, lyophilize them immediately to lock in their nutritional value. All you do is mix and drink. E7 literally takes seconds to prepare and consume.
  2. E7 tastes great and has several flavors — so you can surely find one you really like.
  3. One serving of E7 furnishes more balanced nutrition that gets into cells than most people eat a week (including the antioxidant power of more than 42 servings of vegetables per serving of E7.
  4. E7 is gluten free and hypoallergenic, so that virtually — anyone can eat it.
  5. You can add other food powders to E7... to target specific results and the resulting drink will still taste great. Many add, for instance, Beet Root Powder, Body Genesis, Cupuacu, GPS, or Colon Cleanse powders, to name a few of our great powdered foods.
ORAC Rating Compared - Seven Essentials to others

High ORAC Rating of Seven Essentials

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It means how many oxidants (free radicals) a food or supplement can quench (neutralize or destroy). This graph shows that Seven Essentials is the best food you can put in your mouth to do battle with free radicals. Seven Essentials provides more than 600,000 ORAC units per canister, more than 90,000 ORAC units per 100 grams and exactly 21,010 ORAC units per 22 gram serving. That's a per-serving ORAC rating equivalent to 42 servings of raw vegetables.

If you'd like to learn more about the importance of ORAC, this is a great article that explain ORAC very well.

The Seven Essentials food mix was designed by Dr. William Kellas

Dr. Kellas believes that the true foundation of wellness is nutritionally dense food. Dr. Kellas began his search for an ideal diet in 1986... and Seven Essentials was finally perfected in 2002... that's sixteen years of testing food combinations with their tens of thousands of patients and clients. Seven Essentials ended up being what they chose to offer their patients. It consists of seven nutrient-dense, food type, super stars all put together in one easily digested and delicious powder. Check out the "super-star" ingredient types below:

Ricatein or Ricotriene

brown part of rice is where nutrition is brown part of rice is where nutrition is

One of the greatest food discoveries of the 20th century was that of soluble, stabilized rice bran.

For most of earth's history the nutritional value of rice (the third most commonly eaten grain in the world) was unavailable to mankind. Only recently was a technique discovered to unlock that nutrition.

Seventy percent of the nutrition of rice is located in just 8% of the rice kernel. This part is called the bran and germ and it is routinely discarded (shaved off) to make white rice. White rice is more consumed than whole rice because it stores well and whole rice goes rancid quickly. See the pictures showing Risotriene (made from the brown part) as well as white and whole rice kernels.

  • The white portion of rice is mostly starch or calories
  • When whole rice is cooked, most of fragile nutrients are destroyed in the cooking process. The treasure trove of nutrients in paddy (brown) rice are, therefore, difficult to access — because you can't get the nutrients if you cook the rice, and eating uncooked whole rice is not practical because the grain is so hard and difficult to chew. Also, if you ate the whole rice you would get all the calories, which modern people definitely don't need.
  • And, until recently, if the bran was removed from the rice kernel, it would go completely rancid in less than four hours.
  • Fortunately, a researcher named Patty Mayhew discovered an ingenious method of preventing rancidity and accessing those nutrients in just the brown part of rice without heat or chemicals that would destroy the nutrients trying to be accessed. This method is called stabilization.
  • Assimilability of nutrients is improved by removing insoluble fiber and enzymatic reduction of particle size. That makes the soluble, stabilized rice bran product extremely nutrient dense and easily assimilated by both young and old.

Minerals from a Zone of Regeneration

Kona Deep Sea MineralsMinerals are the core of the foundation of health. Interestingly, besides water, carbon and nitrogen, the human body is essentially just a few pounds of dirt (minerals). And most people don't have enough of those minerals to maintain optimal health.

  • The minerals in Seven Essentials are rapidly assimilated.
  • They are virtually all assimilated into the blood within 120 minutes of ingestion. Most other types of minerals assimilate to between 2 to 30 percent only.
  • Our Kona Deep Sea minerals are in a concentration and balance that is very similar to human blood.
  • The minerals in Seven Essentials are devoid of toxins. They come from mineral rich seawater located 1/2 mile under the ocean's surface at a location near Keyhole Point, Kona, Hawaii. This volcanic-mineral rich area is known as a zone of regeneration. The carbon dating of these minerals is between 800 and 1200 years ago... which is long before man-made toxins, radiation and pollution came on the scene.

Your mother always told you to eat your vegetables.

The vegetables in E7 are all raw, low-calorie, nutrient-dense flash-glanced vegetables, grown by progressive-farmers who care for their soils. They were "picked at the peak of ripeness" — locking in those nutrients for your cells to intake. This is so unlike store bought vegetables that have lost almost all their nutrition by the time you buy and eat them). Without Seven Essentials, you're probably not eating the recommended 10 to 20 daily servings of vegetables (eating vegetables is a powerful way to stay healthy, but most people don't do it). seven essentialsHere are the vegetables in E7:

  • cabbage
  • carrot
  • spinach
  • tomato
  • parsley
  • broccoli
  • beet
  • garlic
  • Brussels sprouts
  • kale
digestive tract

Highly Assimilable Small Molecule Whey Protein or Sprouted Brown Rice Protein

  1. Protein only assimilates in a small area of the gut (small intestines) known as the proximal duodenum.
  2. If incoming protein food hasn't been broken down sufficiently by saliva, stomach acid and enzymes before reaching the proximal duodenum, then that protein passes on un-assimilated, and becomes useless for improving health, and just becomes a toxic burden that must be eliminated from the body.

That's why having a healthy gut and consuming readily assimilable protein can be so important. While most protein is 80,000 to 100,000 daltons in size, our whey protein (in Chocolate, Berry and Vanilla flavor Seven Essentials) is pre-digested through a process known as sequential enzyme hydrolysis and is less than 800 daltons in size so that it assimilates virtually completely. The salient features of our small molecule whey protein are:

  • Very small protein chains — more than 55% of peptides are di and tri peptides - so that no further enzymatic breakdown of these peptides is needed.
  • No Casein or Lactose (they both have been removed). Most people, therefore, with allergies to milk products, can consume Seven Essentials with no problem. The non-Chocolate flavors of Seven Essentials use a pre-digested rice protein.
  • The protein used in Seven Essentials will assimilate readily, even during times of stress and high activity making it great for people who eat on the run.
  • Slower transit through the small intestines... the fiber in Seven Essentials slows the transit time so that proteins have longer contact time with the proximal duodenum allowing virtually 100% nutrient extraction.

Pre-digested, organic, sprouted rice protein (with its incredible nutrients and protein) is included in our vegetarian flavors (Vegetable Broth and Natural Vanilla Cinnamon).

fiber is like a broom


The multi-fiber in Seven Essentials is like having a yard broom, regular broom, hand broom and tooth brush to help scrub intestines clean.

Fiber slows the transit of nutrients through the gut for maximum assimilation of those nutrients.

Most people do not eat enough fiber to maintain healthy intestines, which is why Seven Essentials is an important part of one's food each day.

Ensuring Assimilation

cells eat

Enzymes help ensure that the food one eats is broken down in small nutrient particles that can be eaten by cells. After all, its the cells that eat not our mouths or stomach. Adaptogens are catalysts that enable more efficient conversion of food into energy.

Foods that go through a person (mouth to toilet) without getting into the individual cells do no good. If food isn't properly broken down into small particles and chemicals that can circulate in the blood stream and enter into cells then the cells don't eat, don't self-repair, don't make energy and don't thrive. Therefore, one's health goes down. Each person is the cumulative health of his or her trillions of cells vitality.

Besides the predigestion process utilized with E7, E7 contains enzymes and Adaptogens that help ensure cellular assimilation and utilization of the thousands of natural nutrients in Seven Essentials... so one's cells can thrive.

human intestines with probiotics

Health Depends Upon the Condition of the Gut

Adult human intestines should have at least four pounds of probiotics (protective bacteria) in them. These fight against harmful yeasts, mold and bacteria so that the intestinal linings do not get eaten (damaged) by such pathogens, and so that they do not release their harmful endotoxins into your body. Also, protective bacteria function like afterburners on a jet airplane, extracting more energy and nutrients from the incompletely digested food material passing through it.

  • Without ample probiotics one is less likely to get enough food nutrition and is more likely to be damaged by and toxified by pathogens in the gut.
  • Seven Essentials contains a special kind of probiotic (lactobacillus sporogenes) that survives stomach acid to implant in the gut.

Health begins with "brain buds" (intelligence) not "taste buds" (food preferences). Don't let your current, food preferences decide what you eat. Instead, use your desire to be healthy, give you the impetus to create new preferences!

The food industry seeks to entice consumers to over-eat their nutrient-scanty food (that has been laced with tasty and addicting chemical additives).

The success of the BIG food companies is so complete that American food has been named SAD food. That stands for Standard American Diet because virtually everyone has been brainwashed to think that SAD food is tasty and desirable. This marketing ensures that people will die up to decades earlier and that before dying people will have numerous health challenges.

Adding a few vitamin isolates to SAD food doesn't come close to fixing the problem. Americans have proven this over many decades now. The people of the United States of American eat more vitamins than the rest of the world combined, but have among the worst health statistics of all nations.

Countries that eat more nutritious food, such as Switzerland and Japan (see the graph below), have the best end-of-life, health statistics of all nations. We need to eat nutrient dense food because only such food has all the thousands of needed co-factors. E7 is the easy way to do that.

"a person lives on one fourth of the food he eats, his doctor lives on the other three fourths."

The main principle for preserving our health IS that one should over eat nutrition and under eat calories. All anti-aging studies prove this. Unfortunately, most people do the opposite.

percentage of life lived in poor health depends on food eaten

Your Health Will Never Start to Improve Until You Turn To Eating Nutrient Dense Food As Your Main Strategy for Staying Healthy!

That statement by Dr. William R. Kellas, founder of the Center for Advanced Medicine, is as true today as when he began preaching it nearly 40 years ago. We always will be what we eat. The higher quality of our nutrition the higher will be the quality of our health.

If you have eyes to see the above picture says it all. The people of Switzerland (who are the best in the world in terms of avoiding poor health) eat the least amount of fast food and the least amount of vitamins of any nation on earth. The Swiss people eat primarily home-prepared meals.

Seven Essentials is a "best of the best" compilation of nutrient dense food.

Because it is a compilation of nutrient dense foods, E7 contains a multitude of natural vitamins and vital, co-factors that man-made vitamin supplements can NEVER furnish. Because it is balanced and predigested, its arrival into your cells is assured. Vitamin isolates and unbalanced, unassimilable vitamin supplements do not come anywhere close to E7 in value.. That's why we recommend one or two scoops daily of Seven Essentials.

"And the end of all our searching shall be to return to the place where we began and know it for the very first time." —T.S. Elliot.

That place that we need to return to is Nutrient-Dense Raw Food!

Seven Essentials Feeds Your Cells

The food nutrients in Seven Essentials provide a cascade of building blocks and absorb­able nutrients that disperse quickly via the bloodstream and enter your body's cells and enable your body’s cells to maintain and repair themselves and to function optimally. Ricotriene, one of the components of Seven Essentials, is perhaps the single best food on earth and is the world's best source of Gamma Oryzanol, an important nutrient complex of molecules that helps to naturally accelerate healing of bodily tissues. But, even as good as Ricotriene is, it's not enough by itself. No food has everything our body need. The inclusion of the other foods in E7 was crafted by Dr. Kellas to provide the most commonly needed nutrients for most people. By eating Seven Essentials, your body will be able to heal faster from injury or free radical damage. You will have more natural energy and this will help you feel better every day.

Seven Essentials Appear to Help With All The Following

  • Help turn fat into energy using natural lipolytics
  • Seven Essentials furnishes you with large amounts of sterols help your body to correctly process and reduce bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • The nutrients in Seven Essentials help cells more efficiently utilize blood sugar by repairing damaged Insulin receptors (thus lowering Insulin resistance). E7 is a safe food for diabetics and those with hypoglycemia.
  • The antioxidants in Seven Essentials are of great value in terms of slowing down aging by combating one of the main causes of aging — namely free radicals because of its numerous antioxidants (hundreds of antioxidants in Seven Essentials help to quench free radicals).
    • Seven Essentials provides a huge dose of Tocotrienols, slowing the aging process, by absorbing many of the more than 100,000,000,000 oxidative hits that the normal human body encounters each day.
    • The least active Tocotrienol antioxidant is 40 - 60 times more potent than vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and some of tocotrienol compounds in Seven Essentials have over one hundred times greater antioxidant activity than pycnogenol®
  • The essential fatty acids in Seven Essentials, in combination with its many sterols, help produce and balance hormones and help protect the skin from wrinkling.
  • The nutrients in Seven Essentials help bolster energy, muscle power and stamina due to its highly absorbable compounds Ferulic Acid and Pangamic acid (the latter became well known as the Russians' secret athletic performance booster, and it's naturally occurring in Seven Essentials).
  • The totality of nutrients in Seven Essentials combined with the cell-healing Gamma Oryzanol compounds in Seven Essentials stimulate and enable healing of the many tissues of the body. The skin is an easy place to notice such healing and so it makes sense that the most common anecdotal reports we get about Seven Essentials are in regard to skin conditions clearing up, including scarring, psoriasis, eczema, dry hard skin, etc.

You Won't Want to Live Without Seven Essentials

Once your body discovers Seven Essentials, it will let you know that you don’t want to live without the increased energy and wellness its daily use gives. Seven Essentials feeds your body more raw nutrition than you could easily get in any other way. In would take considerable time to shop and prepare the nutritious foods you would need to equal Seven Essentials, and it would also take hundreds of dollars a month.

Feeding your body excellent, assimilable nutrition is so important because over the long haul, excellent nutrition is the best ensurer of health.

Everyone, and especially,
  Busy People,
    Those who want to feel good,
     Stressed people,
      People struggling with Lactic Acid buildup,
       People who want help with blood sugar,
        People who want to sleep better,
         People with with Fibromyalgia or Neuropathy,
          People with gastrointestinal lining damage

  1. Each 22 gram serving of Seven Essentials has the equivalent nutrition of one third pound of original paddy rice, but only 70 calories.
  2. The ingredients in Seven Essentials are uncooked. Cooking destroys many nutrients (between 60% and 90%). Being uncooked is a large part of the reason that Seven Essentials is so “healing” and nourishing to the body’s cells.
  3. The body knows how to use the nutrients in Seven Essentials because it is food, not synthesized vitamins. Laboratory synthesized vitamin isolates present a challenge to the body because they are incomplete or unbalanced which creates additional work for the body, which must scavenge the need balancing nutrients in order to use the vitamins.
  4. Seven Essentials helps the body to utilize fuel better. It helps move sugar molecules into cells and out of the blood, thus helping to lower blood sugar. This makes it a great food for diabetics, hypoglycemics or people with energy crashes and mood swings.
  5. Seven Essentials is particularly nourishing to two particular parts of the body... the skin and nerve/brain cells. This is due to its abundance of sterols and antioxidants. Both the brain and the skin are constantly attacked by free radicals (the skin being the first defense system the body has against the world), and the brain being the highest user of energy in the body. Seven Essentials has over 100 distinct antioxidants. And antioxidants work best in teams. Seven Essentials furnishes your body with a great antioxidant team all by itself. No other food has a higher ORAC rating.
  6. Seven Essentials is a cell proliferant, that is it helps cells repair themselves more quickly. This is so important with slow-repairing nerve and brain cells.
Why and How Seven Essentials Can be Problematic for Some People
  1. Rice bran allergy is rare in the United States. But, someone who is allergic to rice need to avoid Seven Essentials.
  2. Seven Essentials can dramatically lower blood sugar. If you are taking medications for blood sugar, you may need to lower blood sugar medications, so please work with your health professional.
  3. Seven Essentials helps kill fungi. It contains natural anti-fungal chemicals since it naturally grows in wetlands where mold can thrive. Therefore, you may have Herxheimer reactions (die-off from fungi), which can be uncomfortable. So, for people with Candida or other fungal infections, please proceed slowly to increase your dosage and/or work with your health professional.
  4. It contains very few calories (70) so it can be eaten as a part of a virtually any diet regimen. But, is not a substantial source of calories for persons who are trying to consume more calories.
  5. Seven Essentials is a dry powder, hence, it may tend to dry out the stool unless you drink extra water.

Seven Essential’s 21,010 ORAC units per serving is equivalent to the free radical fighting power of 42 servings of fruits and vegetables.

E7's capacity to fight free radicals is important to brain health because fighting free radicals, in of itself, helps prevent brain function loss, but also Seven Essentials is a great source of brain response nutrients including carotenoids (alpha and beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin), lecithin, choline, folic acid, Inositol, betaine, L-Taurine, phospholipids and all the Amino Acids.

E7 contains energy boosting nutrients such as Pangamic acid (Russian athlete’s “edge”), Lipoic acid, and Squalene (a tissue oxygenator also found in shark cartilage). It also contains potassium and sodium to energize the sodium/potassium pump that is responsible for much of our energy.

High blood sugar is one of the most damaging results of the Standard American Diet (SAD). Fortunately, Seven Essentials can help in this regard because its nutrients are able to be used by the body to repair insulin receptors in the trillions of body cells. This helps in transporting blood sugar out of the blood into the cells. E7 is replete with Ricotriene, soluble fiber, glutathione precursors, alpha-lipoic acid, natural B-Vitamins, and minerals that are known for helping the body manage blood sugar, namely, magnesium, chromium, vanadium,

The RiSoTriene component of Seven Essentials helps reduce the adherence of cholesterol plaque to arterial walls (increasing flexibility) and providing electrolytes (potassium, magnesium and calcium) that help optimize blood pumping action

With its potent antioxidants, the most potent of which are well known: quercitin, carotenoids, selenium-grown broccoli, ferulic acid, glutathione precursors, tocotrienols, inositol, lycopene and polyphenols.

E7 furnishes many natural ingredients that help improve cardiovascular function including Coenzyme Q-10, flavonoids, folic acid, Omega-3, magnesium and many others.

RiSoTriene, inside Seven Essentials, has the highest amount of Gamma Oryzanol in nature and has been found to have a lipolytic effect, meaning that it helps to burn fat. This in combination with natural ferulic acid helps build lean muscle, improve strength and reduce recovery time after exertion

A great assistance for feeling one's best is the feeling of energy and wellness coming from inside your body. This is what Seven Essential does best — it increases the feeling of wellness.

Components of Seven Essentials, such as Gamma Oryzanol, Phytosterols (including beta sitosterol), Insoitol and Omega 3 have been shown to be excellent nutrient tools that the body can use to lower LDLs (bad cholesterol and raise HDLs (good cholesterol).


Although the initial response to Seven Essentials is one of wellness and energy, because it delivers a full complement of nutrients and minerals to the body, when taking Seven Essentials, people sleep better than ever before, because the stress in the body reduces when nutrition increases.

Seven Essentials is highly effective at reducing symptoms of stress. Those who have compared Seven Essentials to drugs that are used to control menopausal stress say that Seven Essentials does this job better with no side effects. Several studies performed with Gamma Oryzanol in Japan also indicate improvement with menopausal related issues such as headaches, low back pain, fatigue, dizziness and appetite loss. As usual, nutrition wins over synthetic vitamins or drugs.

The overall nutrition of Seven Essentials aids in tissue growth and repair. Especially they help counter hard skin, psoriasis and skin issues related to free radicals.

Eyes require good nutrients in order to avoid cataracts and macular degeneration. Gamma Oryzanol in Seven Essentials helps eyes repair themselves quickly because it is a cell proliferant. Additionally, lutein, quercitin, lycopene, and zinc all help promote good eye health.

Because of the abundant nutrition in Seven Essentials, many people lose their cravings for unhealthy foods and for snack foods. Others replace nutrient empty meals with Seven Essentials. In both cases, this leads to healthy weight loss.

Studies done in the U.S., Japan and India all show that tocotrienols, a major natural component of Seven Essentials, promote T-cell development and thus immune system enhancement. Also, the glutathione precursors in Seven Essentials, help the immune system function.

Two Japanese studies show that gamma oryzanol had a normalizing effect on TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) with those suffering from low thyroid function (hypothyroid patients). Seven Essentials has a normalizing effect in general upon the endocrine system.

The RiSoTriene component of Seven Essentials has been shown in both animal and human studies to reduce calcium excretion through the kidneys (calcium excretion is linked to the formation of kidney stones). Lessened calcium excretion is also helpful to avoid osteoporosis.

Gamma Oryzanol has been shown to have significant anti-ulcer activity.

The RiSoTriene in Seven Essentials helps those who suffer from blood sugar swings (with resultant energy drops, sweet cravings and irritability). Also, hypoglycemic symptoms such as fatigue, shakiness and brain fog are often relieved within minutes with the great nutrition of Seven Essentials

The fibers and essential oils in Seven Essentials provide the means of removing toxins from the body. People who are deficient in oils tend to absorb more oil-based environment toxins, like a dry sponge soaks up water. A healthy body with sufficient oils with instead repel these toxins, much like the oil in a duck’s feathers causes them to repel water.

All flavors contain the seven major groups of nutrients (Soluble Stabilized Rice Bran and Germ, Deep Sea Minerals, Flash Glanced Vegetables, Highly Assimilable Protein, Advanced Multi-Fiber and Probiotics and Prebiotics

There are in differences from flavor to flavor (to accommodate flavor). So, here's information to help you understand the differences.


Chocolate — is flavored with Organic Cacao (Dark Chocolate). It has the highest amount of antioxidants and it is the most popular flavor.


Berry — utilizes Organic Raspberries. It is the second most popular flavor.


Vanilla — utilizes Organic Vanilla. It is the third most popular flavor.

Natural Vanilla Cinnamon

Natural Vanilla Cinnamon — utilizes Organic Vanilla and Cinnamon and naturally sweet fiber. It has more fiber than any of the other flavors. has moved up in popularity to fourth place. We like to eat it by the spoonful or add it to yogurt or breakfast cereal.

Vegetable Broth

Vegetable Broth — is considered by Dr. Kellas to be the healthiest flavor because it is savory and trains your taste buds to not like sweet so much. Its savory taste comes from very healthy spices (garlic, onions, turmeric) and vegan chicken bouillon.


Protein Source for Different Flavors of E7

  • Small Molecule Whey Protein
    • Chocolate, Vanilla and Berry flavors of E7
  • Organic Sprouted Rice Protein
    • Vegetable, Natural Vanilla Cinnamon and TerraZinc E7 flavors

Sweetener Type for Different Flavors of E7

  • Unsweetened
    • Vegetable Broth
  • Minor Amount of Stevia
    • Natural Vanilla Cinnamon
  • Minor Amounts of Lo Han Guo (Monk Fruit), Stevia, Xylitol and D-Ribose
    • Vanilla
  • Minor Amount of Sucralose (read our statement on Sucralose)
    • Chocolate and Berry

A Little More Fiber

  • The Natural Cinnamon Vanilla flavored E7 has the highest soluble fiber content of any of our E7 flavors. This flavor moves through the gut more slowly and is ideal for someone desiring extra gut transit time for greater digestability.

You Are What You Eat — Which is Why We Recommend Seven Essentials

Dr. William R. Kellas

Forty years ago, Dr. William R. Kellas left a lucrative career in business, to dedicate his life to making healthy people instead of making money. He went back to school and earned his PhD in nutritional biochemistry. He founded several medical clinics, became the host of a popular radio show called "Health Talk - a Second Opinion".

He is famous for co-founding the Center for Advanced Medicine in Southern California where he helped the sickest people on this planet to regain their health. At that clinic Dr. Kellas gained a strong understanding of the ability of food to transform health. He put his nutritional biochemistry education to great use in designing the world's healthiest food supplements. Dr. Kellas most wants to be remembered for saying that “the path to health requires eliminating nutrient deficiencies and toxicities

Food is the way of health not vitamins!

Seven Essentials fits with the “first rule of health” which is that food should be our medicine. Seven Essentials also fits with our second rule of health, which is that food engenders health, not vitamins. The United States has among the worst health statistics of all industrialized nations, yet the people of the United States consume more vitamins that the rest of the world combined. That means that you will eventually find, as so many others have already found, that your health will never really start to improve until you give up on vitamins and turn to food. It's time to turn to food!

  • Vitamins, IE nutrient isolates (often made in a laboratory), may look powerful and awesome on the label, but they don’t work as well in the human body as one would hope because they lack the many needed co-factors. Food comes with many needed co-factors nutrients.
  • The lack of co-factors is the basic problem of vitamin supplements. Without those co-factors, they're NOT as useful to our cells. For instance, Vitamin C is not just ascorbic acid but rather it is: ascorbic acid and numerous co-factors that work in the cells like catalysts or tag teams to make chemical reactions occur. The many co-factors are present in foods, but are not in vitamin isolates. The result, therefore, of taking vitamins is that the body has to scavenge body tissues to obtain the needed co-factors, or wait until they are available or the body may simply discard the nutrients for which co-factors are not available. This is extra work and/or a waste of nutrients, and therefore, vitamin isolates, do far less to improve health than does food.

Seven Essentials Ordering Form

Comparative Retail Price: $69.95 per pound.
Our Price: $59.95 per Canister


Seven Essentials Nutrition Facts

berry e7 nutrition facts
Vanilla e7 seven essentials

How to Use

  1. We recommend putting one or more scoops of Berry Seven Essentials / E7 into water or other liquid (can be ice cold or up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit), stirring, shaking or blending well before drinking.
  2. One may add any other food or supplement desired to E7.
  3. The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people use it as a meal replacement). We designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some other vitamin nutrients for many people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients, in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good.
  4. Refrigeration after opening an E7 canister is not necessary if it will be consumed within a few weeks or a month, but refrigeration is encouraged for those who don't use up a canister within a month, in order to keep product as fresh as possible.
  5. Some of most popular foods to add to E7 include organic blueberries, strawberries, papaya, peanut butter and coconut.
  6. We highly recommend adding our Vegan proteins, Beet Root Powder and Berry Extreme.
  7. We also recommend adding liquid PEOs
vanilla e7 nutrition facts
Vanilla e7 seven essentials

How to Use

  1. We recommend putting one or more scoops of Vanilla Seven Essentials / E7 into water or other liquid (can be ice cold or up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit), stirring, shaking or blending well before drinking.
  2. One may add any other food or supplement desired to E7.
  3. The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people use it as a meal replacement). We designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some other vitamin nutrients for many people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients, in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good.
  4. Refrigeration after opening an E7 canister is not necessary if it will be consumed within a few weeks or a month, but refrigeration is encouraged for those who don't use up a canister within a month, in order to keep product as fresh as possible.
  5. Some of most popular foods to add to E7 include organic blueberries, strawberries, papaya, peanut butter and coconut.
  6. We highly recommend adding our Vegan proteins, Beet Root Powder and Berry Extreme.
  7. We also recommend adding liquid PEOs
chocolate e7 nutrition facts
Chocolate Seven Essentials E7

How to Use

  1. We recommend putting one or more scoops of Chocolate Seven Essentials / E7 into room temperature or other liquid (can be ice cold or up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit), stirring, shaking or blending well before drinking.
  2. One may add any other food or supplement desired to E7.
  3. The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people use it as a meal replacement). We designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some other vitamin nutrients for many people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients, in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good.
  4. Refrigeration after opening an E7 canister is not necessary if it will be consumed within a few weeks or a month, but refrigeration is encouraged for those who don't use up a canister within a month, in order to keep product as fresh as possible.
  5. Some of most popular foods to add to E7 include organic blueberries, strawberries, papaya, peanut butter and coconut.
  6. We highly recommend adding our Vegan proteins, Beet Root Powder and Berry Extreme.
  7. We also recommend adding liquid PEOs
vegetable e7 nutrition facts
Vegetable Broth Seven Essentials E7

How to Use

  1. We recommend putting one or more scoops of Vegetable Broth Seven Essentials / E7 into water or other liquid (can be ice cold or up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit), stirring, shaking or blending well before drinking.
  2. One may add any other food or supplement desired to E7.
  3. The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people use it as a meal replacement). We designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some other vitamin nutrients for many people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients, in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good.
  4. Refrigeration after opening an E7 canister is not necessary if it will be consumed within a few weeks or a month, but refrigeration is encouraged for those who don't use up a canister within a month, in order to keep product as fresh as possible.
  5. Some of most popular foods to add to E7 include organic blueberries, strawberries, papaya, peanut butter and coconut.
  6. We highly recommend adding our Vegan proteins, Beet Root Powder and Berry Extreme.
  7. We also recommend adding liquid PEOs
natural vanilla cinnamon e7 nutrition facts
Natural Vanilla Cinnamon Seven Essentials E7

How to Use

  1. We recommend putting one or more scoops of Natural Vanilla Cinnamon Seven Essentials / E7 into water or other liquid (can be ice cold or up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit), stirring, shaking or blending well before drinking.
  2. One may add any other food or supplement desired to E7.
  3. The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people use it as a meal replacement). We designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some other vitamin nutrients for many people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients, in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good.
  4. Refrigeration after opening an E7 canister is not necessary if it will be consumed within a few weeks or a month, but refrigeration is encouraged for those who don't use up a canister within a month, in order to keep product as fresh as possible.
  5. Some of most popular foods to add to E7 include organic blueberries, strawberries, papaya, peanut butter and coconut.
  6. We highly recommend adding our Vegan proteins, Beet Root Powder and Berry Extreme.
  7. We also recommend adding liquid PEOs


I'm so happy to find the Chocolate E7 available once more

Morning from Oregon. I'm so happy to find the Chocolate E7 available once more, it was my life saver 20 years ago, and ordered from Integris regularly until it became unavailable, and the company went non existent for this product. I believe I started ordering in 2004. I was overcome by trauma and stress of 20 years, and Fibromyalgia and Osteoporosis were ravaging my body to the point I could barely get up, and then I found E7. I believe in miracles, and have been praying for something to help me gain my strength back, so you have a very loyal customer here. Can hardly wait for it to arrive. Yesterday I was talking to a friend about health, and E7 came up , and on a whim did a search and there it is again, thank God. Yes, your product is amazing. I'm now 80 years old, and a year ago had COVID, nearly killed me, and the entire year I've suffered long COVID symptoms. I pray this will end that and I'll be well again, so hurry, send it, auto refill, ordered last night, I see the Chocolate is due today for your stock. — Ruth K.

I love this blend of nutrition!

I love this blend of nutrition!! Nice job you guys!! — Brad I. Hawaii

I am a Seven Essentials Addict

I am quickly becoming a Seven Essentials addict. I mix about 1/2 scoop Chocolate Seven Essentials with about 3/4 C. low-fat yogurt and about 1/4 C. sliced almonds. It is better than ANY Chocolate pudding I have eaten... and super healthy. — Sharon E.

I Swear by Seven Essentials

I started taking Seven Essential shakes almost a year ago. I have noticed a significant difference in my health since then. At first, I took the shakes for a diet. I dropped ten pounds for vacation and then I continued to use them for health purposes. Previous to Seven Essentials, I had been hospitalized 3 years in a row and was always getting sick. Some of the things I have been hospitalized for are dehydration from the flu, pneumonia, and other viruses of unknown origin. I am thankful to say this is the first year in a while I have not been put in the hospital. If I do get a mild cold it only lasts for a few days and that is such an amazing thing for me. I swear by Seven Essentials and will continue to take it everyday! Thank you!!!! — Lindsay S.

Greater Happiness

I saw a result almost immediately with eating Seven Essentials. I had more energy and didn't feel the need to eat chocolate or stuff myself with the wrong things. Seven Essentials supplies all the nutrients that the body is crying out for. After that I suppose it was a couple of months for my face to start going back to it's old shape and my arms firming up, also my breasts. It’s nutrition also seems to have strengthened my nails and thickened my hair so that it doesn't fall out like it used to. I have also stopped taking St. John's Wort to pep me up, I just don't need it any more.

I have been taking it now since May last year, that is for 9 months, and feel 20 years younger. So I face every day in a much happier state of mind. I don't care what anyone says, if you look good, you feel good and ready to face the world, and because I have had a second chance at the age of 58, I really appreciate it. — Anne J.

More Energy

more energy from e7

I’m 33 years old, and one year ago I had no energy, I ached all over, and I was 25 pounds overweight. I felt at least twice my age. I felt terrible! I was diagnosed with [unnamed condition] by my Neurologist. He told me that exercise and nutrition were my only hope. I left his office and went to the health food store, where the owner recommended Seven Essentials. He said to drink it twice a day and it would increase my energy and provide the vitamins that my body was lacking. I started drinking it every morning with lots of water, within six months I lost 23 pounds. It has also helped with the stomach problems I’d had for years. Last year I could hardly walk across the street and now I walk two miles and bike. I feel so much better. I haven’t gone a day without my Seven Essentials; I take it everywhere I go. People tell me that I must eat really well because my skin and eyes look great, but my “diet” hasn’t changed much. Because Seven Essentials is so filling and it provides my body with the nutrients it needs, I just eat less now. I know it’s my Seven Essentials that makes me look and feel better than ever. I love to tell people about Seven Essentials because it truly has helped me feel better and enjoy life again! Thanks for Seven Essentials!!!!!!! Sincerely,— Anne J.

See Videos and More Reviews of Seven Essentials (E7)

  • Single File Water - the only thing more assimilable than Seven Essentials is Seven Essentials mixed into single file water. With single file water, water enters cells up to 6 times faster than with distilled, R.O. filtered or tap water. And the nutrients of any food powder or soup that is made with single file water also enter faster and more completely. The Single File Water Unit is a breakthrough in water technology and belongs in every kitchen.
  • Ultra Mito Restore - this energy infused oil-blend of 45 powerful ingredients helps restore damaged mitochondria to youthful state again. It can help give you the energy you need, the sleep you need, the healing you need because it restores mitochondria to peak operating condition, giving one the energy of a teenager again.
  • Original Glutathione Formula - Dr. Robert Keller's glutathione boosting formula is unequaled and very cost effective. Everyone on earth will benefit from this "keep your mitochondria running cool" formulation.
  • Embla Arginine - boosts human growth hormone and nitric oxide and helps repair damaged endothelial cells (cardiovascular linings) so that the arteries are more elastic (young). If you want to anti-age, this will help you do it!
  • Cardio Pro - a fantastic product for helping to remodel (improve) cardiovascular tissues.

Seven Essentials - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Main Genius of Seven Essentials?

Answer: It provides a multitude of raw food nutrients, rather than cooked foods or vitamin isolates!

While most people tend to eat normal foods and then rely on vitamins to try to meet their total nutritional needs — those who turn to food or juiced, powdered, low-glycemic foods, like E7, enjoy superior health. In our technical age, the predigested, balanced, comprehensive food, and nutrient powders in E7 allow one to get a variety of raw, easily assimilable food with almost no effort.

It would take significant finances and time spent in shopping for and preparing the foods that are contained in Seven Essentials. With E7, it's as ,easy as putting one scoop in a blender bottle of water, shaking, and drinking!

Why does Seven Essentials cause me to feel satisfied, energized and "good" so quickly — within a short time of consuming it?

There are several reasons.

  • The main ingredient of Seven Essentials is RicoTriene, which is a natural powerhouse of natural blood sugar balancers, antioxidants, cellular healers and energy Adaptogens. A key ingredient of RiSoTriene is Pangamic Acid, which was a performance secret of Russian athletes for many years until Western athletes caught on and started using it, too.
  • The ingredients in Seven Essentials are predigested or prepared and ready for easy assimilation. Tests have shown that our Kona deep sea minerals are entirely absorbed into the blood stream in less than two hours.
    • In comparison, most mineral supplements don't absorb well at all, so that in many cases less than 5% of the minerals ever reach the bloodstream.
  • Seven Essentials is balanced with co-factors (that's the way food is) and because all these co-factors arrive at your cells at the same time, your trillions of cells all get fed and energized together. Your body doesn't have to try to find those co-factors elsewhere in the body. So, you feel nourished, peaceful, and capable to take on the tasks of the day without any slow down such as when missing nutrients have to be cannibalized from other parts of the body.

Why Was Seven Essentials Created?

Answer: It was created to assist Dr. Kellas's clients return to health.

Dr. Kellas, founder of the Center for Advanced Medicine, had both himself and his patients in mind while developing Seven Essentials. From his experiences of treating thousands of patients at the Center, Dr. Kellas had learned that a major key to achieving and maintaining health was eliminating nutrient deficiencies so the body could function optimally.

Most food is inherently deficient in minerals since most foods today are sourced from soil-deficient farms. And, even if food came from a local, progressive farm, no single food contains all needed nutrients. And, most food is cooked, destroying 60% to 90% of its nutrients. And, most of Dr. Kellas's patients digestive abilities were already poor. So, Dr. Kellas knew his patients needed a large variety of uncooked, and pre-digested (broken down through fermentation-like processes) food. But shopping for and preparing the large variety of foods needed is very time consuming and expensive. That's why Dr. Kellas decided to put mother nature's greatest food "hits" into a single product, predigesting them, and providing them in optimal ratios to each other for perfect assimilation.

  • Ricotriene is the foundation of Seven Essentials because it is the single most healing food on planet earth. Its large amount of healing chemicals (gamma oryzanol) instruct tissues, hormone, insulin and leptin receptors to repair themselves and get back to optimum functioning.
  • Next, came Kona Gold Minerals (deep sea minerals that are devoid of man-made pollution (they carbon date to a millenia ago). Healing, health and energy aren't possible without minerals because they are what give each type of tissue its unique functionality.
  • A main reason for the abysmal health statistics in America is that people don't eat 10 to 20 servings of raw vegetables each day. Seven Essentials contains ten raw vegetables, flash glanced at the peak of ripeness, so they provide you with maximum nutrient content. No single vegetable has all needed nutrients and that is why we include so many in Seven Essentials.
  • Next in importance is fiber, modern diets have very little fiber, yet fiber is essential to gastrointestinal health. Seven Essentials has several types of fiber that help keep the digestive tract clean.
  • Comprehensive, easily digested protein is included in Seven Essentials as well because without all the amino acids, one will never feel right. Because Seven Essentials provides all the amino acids in a dalton size that is tiny protein chains (small size ensures better assimilation into the body), one will feel good and cellular processes will occur as they should.
  • Seven Essentials also includes a powerful probiotic organism that survives stomach acid and helps ensure that one's gut manufactures numerous chemicals that the body needs.

Is E7 a Complete Meal Replacement?

Answer: The goal of E7 is not to replace food (although some people do use it as a meal replacement). Dr. Kellas designed E7 not to have all needed nutrients, by itself, because everyone's needs are so different. For instance, it doesn't have enough protein to meet most people's needs. Nor, does it have enough of some specific vitamins for all people. But, E7 does have the most often "missing" nutrients in a highly assimilable and balanced format that makes people feel really good and helps their bodies repair and maintain optimum health.

How long will it take before I notice a difference when using Seven Essentials?

Answer: Some people will notice a difference the first time they take it; however, everyone's body is different and we cannot predict how long it will take your body to respond. A good rule of thumb is this: it takes a minimum of three months to change most of your blood cells. When starting any nutritional program allow at least this length of time to give a product a chance to work in your body.

Why hasn't my doctor told me about Seven Essentials?

Answer: Doctors’ lives are focused on drugs not nutrition.

Are There Any Individuals Who Shouldn't Consume Seven Essentials?

Answer: Yes. Some people may be allergic to a food in E7. If that's the case, we highly recommend such a person consume Ricotriene (the main ingredient of E7).

Are there any Seven Essential Recipe Suggestions?

Of course:

  • Mix a scoop (or two) of Seven Essentials (E7) in whatever amount of liquid (whether water, milk, almond or rice milk, soup, or smoothies of any type). Use your imagination. It's also great to add E7 to yogurt and breakfast cereals. (Just don't cook E7).
    • Add other food powders, liquid minerals, or berries to taste. We love to add other powders such as our Vegan Protein powders, Young Young Coconut Milk powder, Berry Extreme, or Cupuacu.
    • If desired, electric blenders and smoothie machines are a delicious way to use ice to thicken Seven Essentials to milkshake consistency
    • Many people prefer a thinner liquid... if that's you, 20 to 30 ounces of water and no ice may be perfect.
    • A blender bottle is fast, convenient, and portable. You can take the blender bottle with you to work, with no water until you're ready to drink. Then, just add water and shake.
    • It's really worth trying to add to yogurts, kefirs, or breakfast cereals. You may be totally amazed and fall in love with this way of spicing up your life.
  • Diabetics should omit fruit or juice.
  • Our Berry E7 uses natural, organic raspberries.
  • It has a very light Berry flavor.
  • Berry E7 is great in water or in almond milk, alone, or in combination with other E7 flavors or other food powders. Kent likes to mix it with Young Coconut milk powder or with Cupuacu.
  • Berry E7 Yogurt: Berry E7 is absolutely delicious mixed into plain yogurt. In fact, this is the preferred way of eating Berry E7 for most people. We highly recommend you try it and promise you won't be disappointed. It's epic!
  • Vanilla Berry Milk: Add Vanilla extract, Almond Milk, or Rice Milk to one or two scoops of Berry E7. Add 3-4 ice cubes, blend for one minute. (Serves 2 people).
  • Savory, not sweet, Vegetable E7 is our healthiest flavor and Dr. Kellas's favorite.
  • Add one scoop of Vegetable Broth E7 for each six ounces of warm water (temperature should not exceed 120 degrees in order not to damage the enzymes).
  • In a world of strong flavors, it's so "soothing".
  • Kent's favorite is with tomato juice or V8 juice and one or two teaspoons of MCT oil. This helps kills fungi in the gut.
  • Extra special with warmed chicken broth or bone broth (being careful to have the temperature under 120 degrees, IE, not so hot to burn your mouth).
  • Adding extra spices can make it extra healthy and different each time - add any of these: basil, cinnamon, curry powder, dill, garlic, ginger, mace, marjoram, nutmeg, onions, paprika, parsley, rosemary, saffron, sage, or thyme.
  • It's delicious in milk, or almond milk, too, for a creamier taste.
  • Our Ricocu Protein powder also goes great with Vegetable Broth E7.
  • Our Vanilla uses natural, organic Vanilla and the flavor varies seasonally (unlike synthetic vanilla flavoring)
  • It is sweetened with Lo Han Guo (Monk Fruit), Xylitol, Stevia and D-Ribose, just a little of each to give perfect sweetness.
  • It's good alone or in combination with other E7 flavors or other food powders. For instance, Melony loves it mixed with a tablespoon and a half each of Hechoco, and Ricotriene.
  • Vanilla Kefir: This boosts the beneficial flora in the intestinal tract and tastes great — two Scoops Vanilla Seven Essentials in 12 Ounces of Any Flavored Kefir. Add 3 to 4 ice cubes, blend for about one minute. (Serves 2 people).
  • Vanilla Milk: Two Scoops Vanilla Seven Essentials in 12 Ounces of Milk, Almond Milk or Rice Milk. Add 3-4 ice cubes, blend for one minute. (Serves 2 people).
  • Chocolate is hard to improve: but Rice Milk, Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, Yogurt, Coffee or plain Milk can be used instead of water for a richer flavor.
  • Extra Protein: We, also, like adding other Vegan protein powders to make the Chocolate E7 even more chocolate-y.
  • Milk Shakes: If you like milkshake consistency, Try putting 2 scoops in a smoothie machine with a tray of ice cubes and a cup of liquid, and the extra energy will keep you going from morning to night.
  • Hot Chocolate: For hot chocolate lovers, put one Scoop of Chocolate Seven Essentials in 6 ounces of hot water or other liquid (temperature should be less than 120 degrees. Mix in blender until smooth. (Optional) Add a pinch of vanilla and half a cinnamon stick.
  • Chocolate Kefir: This boosts the beneficial flora in the intestinal tract and tastes great — two Scoops Chocolate Seven Essentials in 12 Ounces of Any Flavored Kefir. Add 3 to 4 ice cubes, blend for about one minute. (Serves 2 people).
  • Chocolate Milk: Two Scoops Chocolate Seven Essentials in 12 Ounces of Milk, Almond Milk or Rice Milk. Add 3-4 ice cubes, blend for one minute. (Serves 2 people).

Two scoops of Natural Vanilla Cinnamon E7 to 24 ounces of almond milk. Then add three tablespoons of Hechoco Protein, blend for about one minute. Serves 2 people. This is quite delicious. We don't recommend water for this flavor.

  • Melony's favorite:
    • 15 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of Vanilla E7
    • 15 grams (about 2 tablespoons) of Ricotriene/Ricatein
    • 15 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of Hechoco
    • 10 grams (about 2 rounded teaspoons) of GPS
    • Large pinch of Cinnamon powder
    • Blend and drink in 24 ounces of water! It's a meal replacement and it's delicious and SO HEALTHY!
  • Kent's favorite:
    • 1 scoop of Berry E7
    • 1 scoop of Chocolate E7
    • 1 tablespoon of Berry Extreme
    • 1 tablespoon of Ricocu
    • 1 tablespoon of Young Coconut Powder
    • 1 tablespoon of Cupuacu
    • 10 grams (about 2 rounded teaspoons) of GPS
    • You couldn't make anything healthier or more delicious.
    • Add to 24 to 28 ounces of water. It's definitely a meal replacement.
  • Half Chocolate / Half Vanilla: Mix 1 Scoop Chocolate and 1 Scoop Vanilla E7 in 32 ounces of water. This is a delicious variation! Optionally add Hechoco, Richoco or Ricocu protein.

How much Seven Essentials do I need to take to be effective?

Answer: Recommended minimum is one scoop a day. Depending upon your own health (nutritional) situation you may want to take much more or much less. In may a good idea to take small amounts the first few days to allow the body to adjust itself to this concentrated food.

We recommend daily amounts as follows:

  • Infants — Should not take as their digestion cannot handle many of the vegetables in Seven Essentials.
  • Small Children — 1/2 to 1 scoop per day.
  • Most Children and Adults — 1 to 3 scoops per day
  • When recovering from health challenges, the above can be doubled.

Taking a full or half scoop before or with every meal is terrific for keeping blood sugar stable, and for eating less food (it will quickly tell the body's appetite centers to feel satisfied so that one will eat less).

Should I start with one scoop a day of Seven Essentials?

Answer: Perhaps, but it may be better to start with only half a scoop:

When the cells of the body suddenly are able to access the myriad of nutrients in Seven Essentials, they may begin immediately to house clean and repair, causing a lot extra detoxification to be needed. Exiting toxins may cause detoxification headaches or Herxheimer symptoms.

To avoid any potential for such discomforting reactions, we suggest people start with half scoop servings to lessen the detoxification rate for a few days.

For Diabetics: when should Seven Essentials be taken in order to balance or level blood sugars?

Answer: When trying to balance blood sugar, Seven Essentials should be eaten at every meal or even more often. All diabetics are different and so one must find what works best for one's own body. 1/2 scoop four times a day is a great habit (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and just before retiring for the night).

Can I take Seven Essentials with my other medications?

Answer: Yes, in most cases... unless you are allergic to or your doctor does not wanting you eating any of the foods it contains.

Can I Take Other Supplements Along With Seven Essentials?

Answer: Yes. You should consider Seven Essentials to be a general foundation for health. Everyone is unique in their nutritional status and, therefore, their needs. Variety is a key principle, even with something as comprehensive as Seven Essentials, it is great to mix up what you eat (that's why we have seasons to force us to choose to eat differently throughout the year).

There are three challenges to be surmounted in ensuring no nutrient deficiencies.

  1. Modern food is deficient in minerals because of mono-crop farming and use of NPK fertilizer (IE, the dirt is deficient, so all the food derived from the dirt is deficient, too. So, it's important to get food that comes from small, progressive farmers, rather than large agriculture companies.
  2. Eating a large variety of food. No single food has all needed nutrients.
  3. Assimilating the food. Most people eat in a hurry and/or have poor digestion, especially those over 40 whose bodies lack the enzymes to digest the food well.

We occasionally are asked why we include Sucralose in our Berry and Chocolate E7 formulations.

There are a couple of reasons why we continue to do so:

  1. We tried numerous other types of sweeteners. Some of the other sweetener options we tested included Xylitol, Stevia, Erythritol, D-Ribose, Monk Fruit (Lo Han Guo). But, we received too many product returns because of intestinal griping or inadequate sweetness.
  2. Also, sales with other sweetener options weren't as robust, meaning that given a choice between Chocolate E7 with Sucralose and Chocolate E7 with D-Ribose, Xylitol, Monk Fruit, or Stevia, the E7 with Sucralose outsold the other by twenty times. People voted with their pocketbook for Chocolate and Berry flavors to continue with Sucralose.
  3. Also, other sweetener options required so much more of the sweetener to be used that several grams of nutritional foods had to be removed to accommodate the several grams of sweetener needed per 22 gram serving of E7. So, people were receiving less nutrition as a result of using alternative sweeteners (Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar, so very little is required of it to sweeten E7). In fact, the amount in E7 is minuscule. That's all it takes to do the job.
  4. Dr. Kellas decided that selling a product that wasn't as nutritious and wasn't as "well-liked" and therefore wasn't consumed as much, was a disservice, not a good thing, and so we went back to Sucralose for people desiring sweet.
  5. Dr. Kellas also states that chlorinated water is far worse for people than E7 with Sucralose, and that a single shower in chlorinated water does more damage than many months of eating E7 and that breathing the air at a gasoline station while filling up one's car with gas does more damage than a year or two of eating E7 with sucralose.

The formulator of E7, Dr. Kellas, despises "sweet". Dr. Kellas only uses vegetable broth or Natural Cinnamon E7 flavors, which have zero sweetener. He says if something tastes sweet, we should spit it out because it will cause you to desire more and more sweet foods and desserts. Sweet foods are the greatest health problem in the world because they raise blood sugar which results in health problems and a loss of longevity.

That's an extreme position, however. Some people can enjoy a "sweet-tasting" E7 and not develop sweet cravings that cause them to seek constantly sugar-laden foods.

Here is the return on investment in terms of longevity for expenditure on vitamins and medical care. The best results are from countries whose populations still eat a good share of home grown or home cooked food, rather than countries whose people mostly eat processed, commercial food.

Here is the return on investment in terms of longevity for expenditure on vitamins and medical care. The best results are from countries whose populations still eat a good share of home grown or home cooked food, rather than countries whose people mostly eat processed, commercial food.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.