Auto Immune Disease

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In this new millenium, how smart you are will be seen by all—by how healthy you are!

“For every thousand hacking at the leaves of a problem, there is one getting at the roots.” Henry David Thoreau

This web page is about “getting at the roots”:

Auto immune disorders have the same “roots”, which is the intermingling of toxins and the body’s own tissues... provoking immune system attacks against the body’s tissues.

Auto immune diseases grow out of the immune system logic—this logic being to defend the body from foreign invaders!

The immune system seeks to ensure that inside your body exist only two things:
  1. Self
  2. Food
Anything else is attacked.

The Immune System Is Like a Large Powerful Army

THE PRESENCE OF perceived ENEMIES in the Body causes the immune system to ATTACK

When the immune system detects what it believes to be enemies (non self, non food molecules) inside the body the immune system sends attacking forces with instructions to engage the enemies. For instance, leukocytes (white blood cells) are sent... or antibodies are created and sent forth... and/or the inflammation process is initiated against that location or perhaps the fever process is initiated to destroy the enemies.


As in any war, there is collateral damage... that is while destroying the intended enemy targets... damage is also done to the surroundings—in the case of a military attack, to civilians and property. In the case of the human body, to normal tissues. This damage must be repaired after the attack is over for things to get back to normal.


As we have often seen in military battles... mistakes are routinely made in identification of friend and foe... we call these—friendly fire incidents... when a soldier or weapon system mistakenly attacks what it believes to be enemies, but are in reality not enemies.

It is the same in our human body. Especially, when the number of foreign molecules in the body increases and the immune system attempts to simultaneously attack many targets at the same time, it begins to make “identity” mistakes... and attacks result against many of the body’s own tissues.

When friendly fire incidents become chronic and/or when collateral damage becomes chronic... we apply the label of autoimmune disease such as Lupus, Arthritis, Myasthenia Gravis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

The grand secret behind ending auto immune disease is to understand the auto immune process and to counter this process with three steps as follows:

  1. Cleanse the body of foreign molecules
  2. Help the immune system de-escalate and cease attacking
  3. Repair the damage that has been done.

Now, we explain how to do these three things so as to end an auto immune disease:

Cleanse the body of foreign molecules

First, an explanation regarding foreign molecules. These are molecules that are not recognized as “self” or as food... in other words the immune system believes them to be enemies. Such molecules can be any of the following:

  1. Foreign protein molecules, including:
    • undigested foods
    • genetically engineered food
    • invading parasites, fungus, bacteria, mycoplasmas, and viruses
  2. Bodily tissues that have been altered because of:
    • radiation
    • chemicals
    • heavy metals
    • microorganisms
    • dietary insufficiencies
    • incorrect DNA programming

Here are important habits for keeping the body clean of foreign invaders:

Cleansing Habit #1 - Keep our digestive/eliminatory systems clean and efficient

A large part of the stress of our immune system is the result of lack of attention to keeping clean our digestive/eliminatory systems.

Of all modern medical advancements — drugs, surgeries, hospitals, etc. — the single most important element of modern health during man’s history is sanitation and washing of hands.

In other words — garbage collection and washing hands has saved more lives than all of our modern drugs and technology put together. The next step along this path internal cleanliness of our digestive/eliminatory systems.

Our digestive eliminatory systems deal with the microorganisms present in the food we eat. So, we must pay frequent attention to clean these organ systems... to hose them down so to speak. Otherwise, our clean outward sanitation may not fully save us... because our bodies will become host to foreign invaders... that although not immediately life threatening, will nonetheless overwhelm our immune systems... evoking friendly fire incidents... and eventually chronic autoimmune system attack/collateral damage.

We recommend a minimum once yearly major cleansing habit and also some daily habits that will keep us internally clean.

Our daily habit is to consume antioxidants to counter free-radical toxins, probiotics to help fight bad bacteria, cleansing enzymes, liver strengthening foods and upper GI cleansing.

These daily habits are easily accomplished by

The Eight Day Cleanse, the Seven Essentials and Cleansing Enzymes products populate our intestines with good bacteria that keep our intestines squeaky clean. The Aloe Vera Concentrate product kills bacteria, fungus and virus that have taken up residence in our mouth and esophagus. We also highly recommend that people avoid Root Canals that make a breeding place for bacteria beneath dead teeth.

Cleansing Habit #2 - Avoid foods that foster microorganisms within us

Problematic foods are outlined in our Habits of Health.

Typically, high sugar foods support the growth of microorganisms that toxify and damage our bodies. Think of sugar as MOSTLY BAD... to be used only infrequently in times of celebration.

Also, think of foods that contain microorganisms AS BAD. This means unwashed food, undercooked food, leftovers that even though refrigerated will grow mold, fungus, etc.

Cleansing Habit #3 - Avoid and/or remove heavy metal sources from our lives

Heavy metals are a potent immune system problem for modern people... particularly those whose bodies have been depleted of minerals. In these people... heavy metals such as mercury, nickel, cadmium, leads, etc. will invade bodily tissues occupying the positions that the desirable minerals should occupy. The result of tissues that have heavy metals in them is to create an autoimmune target. For instance, if, myelin sheath molecules undergo a replacement of manganese or zinc with mercury... the immune system will no longer recognize the myelin sheath as “self” and will mount an attack. When this attack succeeds at damaging the myelin... then scarring or lesions will result. We call this multiple sclerosis and the result is devastating for many people.

Again, it appears that this problem of heavy metals replacing lower valence minerals is especially prevalent in populations where there is insufficient dietary intake of minerals.

Cleansing Habit #4 - Avoid and/or remove chemical irritants from our lives

Pesticides, cleaning solvents, airborne gases, chlorine in water, additives to food and so forth are not good for us. We recommend infra-red sauna to remove existing chemicals. We also recommend avoiding these chemicals in the first place.

In addition to cleansing the body of foreigners, we can hasten obtaining relief from autoimmune disorders by instructing the immune system to cease attacking.

A product known as Collastin is remarkable at modulating autoimmune responses. Completely natural and therefore unpatentable, Collastin has no potential profits for drug companies, and therefore very little interest for the medical community. Nonetheless, it is very valuable at lessening autoimmune attacks... along with their collateral damage and friendly fire to our body’s tissues.

We recommend you learn more about Collastin. In general, it is best to use Collastin after one or more sessions of doing the Eight Day Cleanse to lessen the amount of autoimmune targets in the body and increase the effectiveness of the Collastin.

Repairing the damage that has been done by immune system attacks.

Repair work means optimum nutrient supplies. We believe that the following should be done by nearly everyone attempting to overcome autoimmune disease.

  1. Seven Essentials - the single best nutrient choice anyone can make. This product is concentrated food, not vitamin isolates. It contains RiSoTriene, that appears to hasten healing of damaged cells. Seven Essentials contains more than 21,000 ORAC units of antioxidant power... equivalent to 42 servings of vegetables in each serving of Seven Essentials.
  2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids - cell membranes are comprised of fatty acids. Everyone’s diet should be rich in essential fatty acids to ensure our membranes do not lack their building blocks. Fish oil, borage oil, flaxseed oil are all good sources.
  3. Additional Minerals - we recommend Kona Deep Sea Minerals because they are highly assimilable (fully within the blood stream within 90 minutes) and because they contain no heavy metal pollution.


Warning and Disclaimer: The information and testimonials on this web site are intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and are not to be considered by anyone as medical advice.

Testimonial experiences are exceptional experiences, rather than the typical experience. Endorsements, opinions and studies discussed herein are are not conclusive and do not represent the consensus of accredited, scientific opinion.

All of our information is offered as “food for thought”, as possibilities for your further research and without implying that a health benefit is likely to be had by any particular person. Also, information presented may not represent the latest conclusions of forward thinking researchers into health and nutrition and the web site owner disclaims any responsibility if the material has been supplanted by new insights. Keep in mind that anyone who is setting out on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change should first consult with and request a green-light from and be monitored by a qualified healthcare provider. None of our suggested products/ideas are intended to cure, treat or prevent a disease or to replace information found in any health product label or accompanying literature.

*No statements herein (unless otherwise stated) have been approved by the FDA.
See additional disclaimer information.

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