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The key to health is eliminating toxicities and deficiencies! - Dr. William R. Kellas

Healthy Habit # 2 — Maintain Internal Cleanliness


If you could only have one car to last your entire lifetime...
What Healthy Habits Would You Have to Maintain It?

Your Body is Like a Car

Six Habits of Health

  1. Be a Fat Burner
  2. Maintain Internal Cleanliness
  3. Nourish Your Body
  4. Stress Your Body
  5. Be At the Cutting Edge of Health Practices
  6. Change It Up Periodically


Detoxify Your Body: It is virtually impossible to overstate the importance of being clean internally. Toxins in your body's gut, cells and bloodstream undermine your health.

toxins are like snakes

Toxins Are Like Rattlesnakes Except They Take Decades To Kill You Instead of a Few Minutes

Our senses become highly attuned to dangers that kill quickly — like the vibrating or hissing of a rattlesnake. But, toxins have no rattle and they take decades to degrade health and to finally kill. Despite the delayed kill, wise people will take action to avoid and remove toxins from their bodies. You know the saying, "wise people do sooner what fools do later".

Question: How long would you run your car with water, sand or sugar in the gas tank, knowing that the longer it ran with those damaging elements going through the engine, the more likely that serious, life-shortening engine damage would occur?

Answer: Not very long... meaning we need to get damaging elements out of our bodies quickly. Next to burning the correct fuel, keeping toxins out of our body is the most important thing we can do to extend our health and longevity.

Both for automobiles and people, cleanliness of the internals is paramount for achieving optimal functioning and longevity.

Although toxins take decades to deteriorate the cells of the body enough to cause serious disease and death, there are some warning signs that toxins are doing their job of killing you slowly. These warning signs include:

  • Sunlight sensitivity - do you feel that you can't go outside without sunglasses?
  • Sensitivity to sounds - do you feel that some noises are too loud or that you experience difficulty concentrating with a radio playing?
  • Brain fog and difficulty in completing projects, concentrating, making decisions, remembering appointments, or problem solving, or a feeling of spaciness.
  • Sensitivity ot certain penetrating smells - Cologne, diesel fumes, and paint seem to bother you more than they bother most people. Colognes may smell like bug spray, as a chemically overloaded person is often more sensitive to the penetrant used in both cologne and insecticide.
  • Sensitivity to cigarette smoke, dust, or grass may indicate a fungus infection secondary to chemical exposure.
  • Headaches, head pressure or stiff neck or back can be caused by chemicals affecting the meningeal system.
panic attack from toxins

Agoraphobia is a disorder characterized by sudden panic attacks in stores, malls, offices or when driving a car. It is often considered to be a psyhological disorder, but may actually be the result of chemical exposure.

In panic attacks, the body perceives a dangerous situation — a toxin — and the sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenals to secrete adrenaline to prepare for a fight or flight situation. The rush of adrenaline is perceived as a feeling of panic.

not getting old, getting poisoned

It may come as a great relief to understand that symptoms which sound like mental problems may actually have a cause (toxicity) that can be reduced or eliminated. In other words, you are probably not getting senile or old, as much as you are being poisoned.

toxic babyNewborn babies today can have toxic loads at birth that exceed the accumulated toxic load of old people of generations past. The reason is the high level of toxins in the food, water, air and toiletries today. The high toxic load of a young mother today means that those toxins will pass into the fetus from the mother's body. Although not yet proven, the environmental toxic load going into a fetus combined with toxins in early childhood vaccinations is what many people now believe to be the true cause of autism in children.

Detoxify or Die (Slowly like a frog being boiled so slowly that it never jumps out of the warm water)


Toxins are substances that damage our cells and tissues and/or impede normal biological activties. They must be removed so that inflammation, irritation, repeated damage, inhibited processes, high levels of internal stress can stop, and healing and normal biology can proceed. Some of the toxins that people have in their bodies include:

  • Bromine and fluorine — commonly found in baked goods, water and pesticides.
  • Heavy metals such as aluminum, asbestos, cadmium, lead and mercury — commonly found in dental metals, cookingware and vaccines.
  • Chemicals such as insecticides, nitrogen, halogenated hydrocarbons, and more more — commonly found in cleaners, paints, industrial and home use products.
  • Biological toxins, alcohols, etc. — created by living entities, bacteria or fungi.
  • Living pathogens and parasites — these would be bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycoplasms.

Burning The Most Efficient Fuel In Our Cells Is A Key to Long Term Health

Think about what would happen to a car’s gasoline engine if you filled the gasoline tank with the wrong fuel such as diesel or high octane aviation fuel. You can correctly predict that the engine would be damaged much more quickly than if it burned the appropriate fuel.

It’s the same with the cells of your body. If they don’t burn the most appropriate kind of fuel, they will be damaged much sooner than if the best fuel had been burned.

According to Dr. Ron Rosedale:

“If I were to summarize in a single sentence what practice would best promote health, it would be this:

dr ron rosedale - longevity

Ron Rosedale is an Internationally known expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose work with diabetics is truly groundbreaking. Very few physicians have had such consistent success in helping diabetics to eliminate or reduce their need for insulin and to reduce heart disease-both without drugs or surgery. Dr. Rosedale was founder of the Rosedale Center, co-founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine (Boulder, CO USA) and founder of the Carolina Center of Metabolic Medicine (Asheville, NC). Through these centers, he has helped thousands suffering from so-called incurable diseases to regain their health. One of Dr. Rosedale's life goals is to wipe out type II diabetes in this country as a model for the world. He also has written a book, "The Rosedale Diet", covering his proven treatment methods for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases of aging.

"Health and life span are determined by the proportion of fat versus sugar people burn throughout their lifetime and so the more fat that one burns as fuel, the healthier a person will be, and the more likely he or she will live a long time; and the more sugar a person burns, the more disease ridden and the shorter a life span a person is likely to have."

What If I Choose to be a Sugar Burner, Instead of a Fat Burner?

sugar burner versus fat burner

— Most people don't choose this on purpose, but nevertheless become sugar burners because of their lack of knowledge regarding metabolic mode. If your body operates in the sugar burning mode, this is what you'll get:

  • You'll live 10 or more years less than you could have lived.
  • You'll eventually experience significant memory loss that could have been avoided, because your brain tissue will cross-link with sugar. You may experience Alzheimer's.
  • You'll eventually lose a great deal of your muscle tone and bone density because while you're sleeping, your body will dismantle proteins to make sugar to keep your heart beating.
  • You'll eventually experience high blood sugar and its hosts of unhappy challenges — cardiovascular disease, joint stiffness, kidney disease, etc.
  • You'll be more prone to addictive behavior, because your Hypothalamus will constantly be stressed by its inability to measure sufficient Leptin in the bloodstream and will seek to remedy this stress through other stimuli.
  • You'll eventually become overweight (unless you constantly diet or exercise).
  • You'll be irritable if you miss a meal.

How to Be in the Fat Burning Mode Instead of the Sugar Burning Mode

Keep your Leptin levels in the fat burning range.

  • Leptin is a signaling molecule made in fat cells that tells the brain how much stored energy exists in the body. The purpose of Leptin is to prevent starvation.
  • If Leptin levels are too low, the brain (Hypothalamus gland) perceives a famine and signals the body to store fat and burn sugar in order to raise fat levels (stored energy).
  • Unfortunately, if Leptin levels go too high (because one has gained too much fat), the Hypothalamus gland can become deaf to Leptin and believe that the Leptin level is zero and, therefore, believe that a famine is occurring. It will then signal the body to go into the fat storing, sugar burning mode. This creates a huge challenge because it's difficult to get fat burning to occur while the Hypothalamus believes a famine is occurring and is signaling the body to store fat and burn sugar.
  • We will show you "methods" to reverse Hypothalamic deafness to Leptin and to cause Leptin production to decrease even before fat goes away, thus coaxing the brain into signaling for fat burning. This is the main secret of the WIN diet. Keep reading!
leptin level meter

Understanding the Hypothalamic Leptin Switch For Fat Burning!

The overarching key to being in the fat burning mode is ensuring that the Hypothalamus correctly reads the amount of Leptin in the body... which amount needs to be adequate so that Hypothalamus will signal the body to burn fat. If the level is too low or if the Hypothalamus cannot read the level of Leptin because the amount of Leptin in the blood is too high (deafening Leptin receptors), then the Hypothalamus signals the body, instead, for sugar burning to occur. That means that the first order of business for ensuring fat burning mode is maintaining one's serum Leptin level in the fat burning range. This is done by ensuring the following six things:

  • Repair Leptin receptors in the Hypothalamus by consuming Risotriene, Iodine and Embla Arginine.
  • Avoid high glycemic foods and generally eat the type and amount of foods that will maintain low blood sugar (between 70 and 92). High blood sugar accelerates Leptin production in fat cells. Low blood sugar decelerates Leptin production in fat cells. The importance of low blood sugar cannot be overstated. If one is going to seek to enter the fat burning mode while Leptin is high... blood sugar has to be significantly lowered.
  • Burn up blood sugar in exercise or work so that it doesn't get stored as fat. Physical exertion is a powerful method to lower blood sugar that lasts for several hours after the exertions end (if one doesn't immediately eat).
  • Don't eat before bed. Don't eat during the three to five hours just prior to bedtime or else blood sugar and Leptin production will rise. Food eaten close to bedtime raises Leptin during sleep.
  • Get adequate sleep. Serum leptin is cleared during sleep. So, for Leptin to get into fat burning range, adequate sleep is quite helpful.

Leptin is the Key to Metabolic Mode

  • The amount of the signaling molecule Leptin that exists in the blood stream is the main trigger for which metabolic mode your body operates in, IE, fat burning or sugar burning metabolic mode.
  • Learn how to manage Leptin, and everything else falls into place.
Habits of Health

Six Habits of Health

If you implement the Healthy-Living six habits of health, you will be on a path that leads to a longer and healthier life. We recommend that you seek to understand the Six Key Habits of Health. Click on each link below to learn why this habit is critical to help ensure that your body stays as healthy as possible for as long as possible:

  • Be a Fat Burner
  • Detoxify Your Body
  • Nourish Your Body
  • Stress Your Body
  • Be At the Cutting Edge of Health Practices
  • Change It Up Periodically

Why is Being a Fat Burner So Important?

  • Burning fuel (either fat or sugar) to create energy in our cellular mitochondria (power generating organelles) is necessary to life, but, also, destructive to our mitochondria — by releasing free radicals (oxidants) that do damage to our mitochondria and cells. This is very similar to how burning gasoline in an automobile engine is necessary, but destructive to the engine of the automobile (by releasing heat). Fat burns more efficiently than sugar. In fact, for the same amount of free radicals released, you can get twice as much energy from fat as from sugar. That means that being in the fat burning mode instead of the sugar burning mode will "age" you much more slowly than being in the sugar burning mode. In other words, at age 70 chronically, you can feel and look decades younger if you had been a fat burner your whole life.
  • Fat burners get to avoid most of the problems typically associated with high blood sugar, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, joint pain, etc. Having a life more free of pain and discomfort is the main reason a person should want to be a fat burner.

Tricks of the Fat Burning Way of Life —

Secrets Regarding the Kind of Life That Ensures Fat Burning

  • A human body burns fat or burns sugar in its cells based on lifestyle and food choices. Technically, whether a person functions in a sugar burning mode or in a fat burning mode depends on the condition of one's Hypothalamus and how much Leptin (messenger molecule made in fat cells) is in one's blood and how much Insulin is in one's blood.
  • People who are fat burners have low Leptin levels, low Insulin levels and a Hypothalamus gland that is sensitive to Leptin. They live longer and have less inflammation and disease.
  • People who are sugar burners have high Leptin levels, high Insulin levels and a Hypothalamus gland that is insensitive to Leptin. They have higher levels of blood sugar, free radicals and inflammation. They will have a reduced longevity and much more incidence of disease conditions.
  • The main secret, therefore, of the fat burning lifestyle is maintaining low blood sugar. In addition to a lifestyle of eating foods that don't raise the blood sugar (or immediately burning of the blood sugar with exercise), this kind of lifestyle includes not going to bed with significant amounts of food in the stomach, which would cause elevated blood sugar, elevated Leptin and fat storage during the night. Here's the salient points:
    • Eat meals that don't spike blood sugar. Such meals consist mostly of healthy fats, proteins and non-starchy vegetables. That means uncooked, non-starchy, non-sweet vegetables and sprouts are great to eat in virtually unlimited amounts. Also, uncooked, undamaged, unsaturated fats would be great to eat.
    • Sleep sufficiently. The body uses sleep to repair itself and clear Leptin from the blood.
    • Fast 13 to 20 hours daily. Having 13 to 20 hours daily of no eating time (including sleep time) is about the most powerful thing one can do to reset metabolic systems. 13 hours is doable for anyone, but longer times are difficult.
    • Exercise daily. Exercise is very helpful for establishing the fat burning mode, by helping to keep blood sugar very low, which keeps Leptin production low and forces fat burning to occur. Exercise should be significant enough to promote deep breathing and should continue for 30 minutes or more in order to ensure that the body enters a fat burning mode. (When all blood sugars are used up, the body must burn fat to continue its exertions.) The graph below shows the effect of exercise duration in terms of stimulating fat burning.
    • Lastly, repairing damaged Hypothalamic sensors (the ones that detect Leptin) can be critical for quickly moving from sugar burning mode to fat burning mode. Two supplements that help repair these sensors include: Embla Arginine and Risotriene.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.

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