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In this new millenium, how smart you are will be seen by all—by how healthy you are!

ORAC - Questions and Answers

What does ORAC mean?

ORAC means Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. According to the University of Michigan, Comprehensive Cancer Center, the measurement of ORAC is just a fancy way of saying, "How well does a certain food help my body fight diseases like cancer and heart disease?" The higher the number... the more that food will help you.

What are Oxygen Radicals?

Oxygen Radicals are chemicals that are constantly inside our bodies. They are a normal everyday part of living. But, even though we all have these oxygen radicals, they are bad for us. These oxygen radicals can damage our cells. They do this damage by a process called oxidation. If our bodies can neutralize or cancel these oxygen radicals before they do damage, then they won't hurt us.

What is Oxidation?

Oxidation is a natural process that occurs around us all the time. One example of oxidation is rusting. For instance, you can think of a metal bridge that is rusting. Rusting is oxidation. What happens when metal rusts? It becomes weak and flaky. It doesn't serve its function anymore. It can't support the weight of the bridge. It doesn't do what it's supposed to do, because it is damaged be becoming old or weathered. THIS EXACT SAME PROCESS HAPPENS IN YOUR BODY! Just like a rusting bridge, the cells, organs, and other parts of your body can be made weak by oxidation. This can lead to diseases, like cancer and heart disease.

Is there anything I can do to stop this oxidation damage from happening in my body?

YES!! One of the best ways to stop oxidation is by choosing the right foods to eat. This is where ORAC is important. ORAC is a way to measure how many oxygen radicals a specific food can absorb. The more oxygen radicals a food can absorb, the higher its ORAC score. The higher its ORAC score, the better it is at helping our bodies fight diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Which foods are best at fighting disease? Which foods have high ORAC scores?

This is easy. Plant foods have the highest ORAC scores! Plant foods are best at fighting disease. By plant foods we mean:
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and many other things. Brightly colored foods are the ones with the highest ORAC scores. This means these are the foods that help fight disease the best by stopping oxygen radicals from causing damage in our bodies. Think bright reds, greens, oranges, blues, purples, yellows, and oranges. What foods do these words describe? Strawberries, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, yellow peppers, carrots, and oranges. Nearly all of the ORAC protection is in the skin of these foods. Any brightly colored fruits and vegetables that you can think of are good for you to include in your diet EVERY DAY! As a matter of fact, research shows that people who eat more of these plant foods have lower risk of cancer. See the following chart for an understanding of the relative anti-aging protection of various foods:

Do ORAC rating and antioxidant value mean the same thing?

Yes. They are essentially synonymous.


Now, that you know what ORAC is and how important it is, you should know Seven Essentials scored off the above scale... exceeding the far right side of the scale by 3,000 percent (30 times better than the best food, which was blueberies). Seven Essentials ORAC value per 100 grams (similar to above chart) is nearly 96,000 units.

seven_essentials6Absolutely nothing can comes close to the value of Seven Essentials in terms of protecting the body against aging, cancer and other diseases... and at the same time, it is delicious and very easy to incorporate into one’s life.sevenessentialsdrink02

We urge you to drink delicious Seven Essentials and add years of healthy living to your life. With more antioxidant protection than any other food... you’ll be doing the smartest thing possible to stay healthy.

Look at this chart comparing E7 to other leading anti-aging/nutritional supplements. (Units Per Serving)


Seven Essentials™ is the “JUST SAY NO ANSWER TO AGING”.

Stopping the aging process has so much to do with antioxidants... and nothing on earth provides more of these than Seven Essentials.

  1. Seven Essentials is concentrated, pre-digested food with health benefits from pounds of vegetables, rice, deep sea minerals, whey protein (casein a lactose free), fiber, probiotics and more... all concentrated and made easy for you to drink in less than two minutes.
  2. Seven Essentials doesn’t including damaging megadoses of individual vitamins or minerals.
  3. Now, instead of partaking of a single nutritional musical instrument (found in isolated-form nutrient supplements), get the whole nutritional orchestra of Seven Essentials whole super food plus more antioxidant units than you could possibly eat any other way.

If you’ve ever complained or heard someone else complain of discomfort or poor health brought on by aging... the reply heard is always — “that’s part of aging”, or “you’ll just have to learn to live with it.”

Seven Essentials can rescue you from that concept!

Seven Essentials can keep you young. It’s affordable because it contains everything.

Seven Essentials is NOT just a green drink... not just a bunch of vitamins... nor is it just minerals... and it is definitely NOT a man-made conglomeration of Vitamin Isolates that the body cannot fully utilize. It is a TRUE COMPLETE SUPERFOOD with a synergistic combination of nutrients that your mind and body has been craving

Official Government Standard for Antioxidant Effectiveness

Scientists at Tufts University have developed a scale for the U.S. Department of      Agriculture called the ORAC (ORAC-Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) test. The higher the ORAC score, the more capable that particular food is of destroying free radicals, thus retarding the aging process and other diseases.

Getting the antioxidants or ORAC units needed each day to “stave off” aging should be a prime objective of every person desiring a productive, long life. But, after that, What good is superior knowledge if we don’t apply it.

Dr. Nick Pomonis recommends 7 Essentials - as a premier ORAC food

Get a free sample of Seven Essentials and a CD with an interview of Dr. Nick Pomonis describing the superlative health benefits of Seven Essentials.



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Healthy-Living.Org makes no claims or representation that the products available on this site or through links on this site are intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease or any medical condition. We urge you to to contact a licensed health care professional concerning any medical condition.

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