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The key to health is eliminating toxicities and deficiencies! - Dr. William R. Kellas

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Healthy Habit # 2 — Maintain a Body That is Free of Toxins

Your Body is Like a Car or Household Appliance

It Needs Maintenance


If you could only have one car or one particular household appliance to last your entire lifetime, what good maintenance practices would you establish to make it last your whole life? More importantly, with the one and only body you will ever have, what maintenance practices are you implementing so that your body will stay optimally healthy through a long life?

Six Habits of Health

  1. Maintain a Fat Burning Mode
  2. Detoxify Continuously
  3. Have No Nutrient Deficiencies
  4. Keep Cellular Oxygen and Hydrogen High
  5. Maintain an Optimal Daily Schedule of Sleep and Activity
  6. Stimulate DNA Repair and Survival Mechanisms


Detoxify Your Body — Because if You Don't, You Will Lose Significant Quality of Life.

Question: Would you run your car with bleach, metal shavings, sand, soda-pop, or sugar in the gas tank, for years... knowing that the longer the engine ran with those damaging elements going through it, the more likely that serious, life-shortening engine damage would occur?

Answer: No you wouldn't. Yet people do that with their bodies. We need to continuously clean damaging elements out of our bodies. Next to burning the correct fuel, keeping toxins out of our body is the most important thing we can do to extend our health and longevity.

go long long term strategy

Maintaining internally clean cells, bloodstream, lymph fluids and gastrointestinal tract is for "long-term strategists".

Everone needs to make a goal for maintaining a toxin-free body. It takes implementing wise lifestyle habits through all the seasons, twists, and turns of life to arrive in tact at the end of life with health still optimum

Internal cleanliness is not important for those whose decision making processes are focused primarily on the next few hours, days or weeks. That's why strategists who can correlate current actions to future consequences outlive non-strategists by decades.

clean water

Cleanliness — Externally, but Especially Internally — Is Perhaps the Greatest Key For Health

Sanitation in food and water supplies and sanitation in having garbage, wastes, and contagion far away from living quarters is the single greatest health advancement that mankind has made in all of recorded history.

Sanitation put an end to devastating health plagues of past centuries. In point of fact, the practices of external cleanliness — having clean municipal water, garbage removal from living spaces, sewage treatment and the washing of food and hands have saved more lives than all the world’s doctors, medicines, hospitals and medical procedures combined.

Clean Blood is Like Clean Water - Essential to Optimal Health

External cleanliness enables internal cleanliness, which is the real goal.

clean blood
  • Toxic elements inside the body are worse than those outside the body because they are doing damage now, while those outside the body won't do damage until they get inside.
  • Many cutting-edge health practitioners declare that clean blood and clean intestines are the most important factors behind quality of life and longevity. So, in today's pervasively toxic world, we need to strive for cleanliness of both the external and internal.
  • This will require vigilance regarding everything around us and everything that goes into our body.
  • And beyond that type of vigilance, since we know we will fail to prevent the entrance of some of those toxic elements, we need to routinely have a habit of continuously removing toxicity from our bodies or it will accumulate to levels that will deteriorate our health.

Detoxify Daily!  Or Else, Deteriorate, Lose Your Health, and Die Way Decades Soon!

Toxins (debris, pathogens, harmful chemicals, heavy metals, metabolic wastes, etc.) accumulate and take foothold in the human body over time. This toxicity must be regularly removed or health will be undermined.

Toxins suppress, impede or interfere with normal biological activities and damage our cells and tissues. The effect of toxins on our health is cumulative. It is paramount, therefore, to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible after they enter the body so that inflammation, irritation, repeated damage, inhibited processes, high levels of internal stress end and healing and normal, healthy biology is enabled.

The bottom line is that unremoved toxins will stop you from having a long, productive, healthy, and quality type of life. They will destroy your health over time. Some of the health-reducing toxins that people have in their bodies include:

  • Self-produced free radicals and nitrogen wastes — that result from one's normal metabolism. Coincident to releasing energy from fuel, mitochondria generate trillions of free radicals that go into the body each day. Also, as part of digestion, numerous nitrogen wastes are created and released into the body. Both free radicals and wastes need to be detoxified as thoroughly as possible daily to avoid the damage that would otherwise result.
  • Living pathogens and parasites that try to inhabit our bodies — bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas, flukes, worms, amoebas, etc. They eat our tissues and release toxic wastes that undermine health.
  • Chemicals such as gasoline, insecticides, halogenated hydrocarbons, solvents, and more more — commonly found in fuels, cleaners, paints, industrial and home use products.
  • Heavy metals such as aluminum, asbestos, cadmium, lead and mercury — commonly found in dental metals, cooking-ware and vaccines.
  • Bromine and fluorine — commonly found in baked goods, water and pesticides.
  • Allergens, biological toxins, alcohols, and chemicals — that result from inadequate digestion of foods or from stress responses, fermentation in our intestinal tracts. These toxins would be produced if the body was operating optimally.

Internal Cleanliness's Rewards Are Powerful!

70 year old woman who looks 25 years old
The reward of daily vigilance is Several Decades Extra of Healthy,Youthful Life!

Both for automobiles and people, cleanliness of the internals is paramount for achieving optimal functioning and longevity.

I'm building up too many toxins inside me... that are damaging my body and brain!

not getting old, getting poisoned

I'm becoming filled with toxins. Rather than thinking, my brain isn't working so good because I'm getting older, people should realize that they are starting to forget things because they have allowed their body to fill with toxic elements that are destroying brain cells and neuron connections.

This memory loss has a cause (toxicity) that can be reduced or eliminated.

We don't get senile, Alzheimer's or Dementia because of the number of years that have transpired since our birth but because of the toxins we have accmulated since birth. toxic babyBrain tissue that has been poisoned by toxins can regain good function as we reduce the toxic load.

Newborn babies today can have toxic loads at birth that exceed the accumulated toxic load of old people of generations past. The reason is the high level of toxins in the food, water, air and toiletries today. The high toxic load of a young mother today means that those toxins will pass into the fetus from the mother's body. Although not yet proven, the environmental toxic load going into a fetus combined with toxins in early childhood vaccinations is what many people now believe to be the true cause of autism in children.

panic attack from toxins

Panic attacks, especially agoraphobia (or sudden panic attacks in stores, malls, offices or when driving a car) are often considered to be a psychological disorder, but may actually be the result of chemical exposure.

In panic attacks, the body perceives a dangerous situation — that is really just an internal toxin — and the sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenals to secrete adrenaline to prepare for a fight or flight situation. The rush of adrenaline what is perceived as a feeling of panic.

Although toxins take decades to deteriorate the cells of the body enough to cause serious disease and death, there are many warning signs that toxins are doing their job of undermining your health slowly. These warning signs include:

  • Brain fog and difficulty in completing projects, concentrating, making decisions, remembering appointments, or problem solving, or a feeling of spaciness.
  • Headaches, head pressure or stiff neck or back can be caused by chemicals affecting the meningeal system.
  • Sunlight sensitivity - do you feel that you can't go outside without sunglasses?
  • Sensitivity to sounds - do you feel that some noises are too loud or that you experience difficulty concentrating with a radio playing?
  • Sensitivity to certain penetrating smells - Cologne, diesel fumes, and paint seem to bother you more than they bother most people. Colognes may smell like bug spray, as a chemically overloaded person is often more sensitive to the penetrant used in both cologne and insecticide.
  • Sensitivity to cigarette smoke, dust, or grass may indicate a fungus infection secondary to chemical exposure.

Trying to Avoid Toxins Is Good, But No One Can Do This Perfectly

  • Even with our best efforts toxins will get into our bodies. It's impossible to avoid metabolic free-radicals and it's very difficult to avoid atmospheric pollutants from car exhaust and industrial pollution or chemicals in potable water or food colorings, agrochemicals, additives and preservatives in our food.
  • To get these toxins out we have to detoxify at a cellular level, a lymphatic level and a gastrointestinal level.
  • If you love life, don't even think about not doing ALL OF THESE BELOW detoxifying activities on a daily basis.

Iodine is a Gate Keeper to Our Cells

gate keeper is iodine
  • Each cell in the body is like a walled city and Iodine is like a gate keeper that opens the gate to invite nutrients in and to enable toxins to get out!
  • Because of Iodine's key role in allowing nutrients, hormones and toxins to pass in or out of cells, iodine is essential to many cellular processes. Beyond its gate keeper role, iodine is involved in hormone creation and immune system component production lines. Iodine is germicidal – antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-cancer.

Up to 96 percent of everyone is deficient to some degree in Iodine.

  • Iodine is under-supplied in all but 4 percent of Americans. That low level of Iodine in most people should be a “sound-the-alarm” topic.
  • Low Iodine is believed by many to be a big contributor to Autism and Asperger's since without sufficient iodine, toxins will accumulate in nerve and brain cells. For one thing that means that no woman should become pregnant until she has saturated her body with Iodine so that toxins can get out of cells and the baby will have the best chance of not being damaged by toxins. This should be done long before getting pregnant so that exit toxins will not hurt the fetus.

Iodine Helps Toxins Out of Cells

  • When Iodine enters a cell, it immediately increases the rate of excretion of numerous toxic elements, including bromine, fluorine, mercury and lead. Bromine (bromide) and Fluorine (fluoride) cannot be removed by any other detoxifying or chelation techniques. Iodine is the only way to get these harmful elements out of the body.

    It should be noted that bromine and fluorine will always concentrate in cells whenever there is insufficient Iodine to keep them out. Obviously, this is bad because, beyond a very tiny amount, Bromine and fluorine are toxic in all soft tissues of the body.

Iodine Has a Role in Improving Spirituality and Sociality

  • Iodine is at least a partial anti-dote to the depressive effects of fluorine intake on spirituality and sociality by helping to expel fluorine out of the body. In the absence of Iodine, Fluorine concentrates in both the Thyroid gland and the Pineal Gland with the following harmful consequences to one’s life:
    • The Thyroid gland is responsible for directing energy production throughout the body and when the Thyroid is disrupted with fluorine, the body’s energy levels are reduced.
    • Fluorine interferes with Pineal Gland functions. The Pineal gland is responsible for intuition, spiritual feelings and connectedness with others and sleep (produces Melatonin).
    • Some believe that a lack of Iodine in the diet (Iodine is now almost totally gone from our soils) is responsible for increasing social problems and lessened spirituality, as well as an inability of many to sleep well.

Atomic Iodine is Instantly Absorbed

  • Keeping the body well supplied with Iodine is an important way to to prevent problems in regard to pervasive toxicity, optimal hormone communication, energy, body temperature, and normal social behavior.
  • Although there are numerous beneficial Iodine supplements (and we recommend virtually any and all of them) we particularly recommend an atomic iodine known as Magnascent Iodine. It is not an iodine compound (some people are allergic to iodine compounds), but is elemental iodine that the body utilizes without conversion, and therefore, instantly begins working.
  • Please note that when supplementing with Iodine (and saturating one’s cells with Iodine), it is recommended to ensure adequate supplies of magnesium, selenium, sodium and a variety of antioxidants. The reason is that the flushing of bromine, fluorine and other toxins from the body are likely to create very uncomfortable reactions and free radical overloads, which the magnesium, selenium, sodium and antioxidants can reduce. E7 is a good source of Selenium. A quarter-teaspoon a day of sodium bicarbonate or table salt, plus a few sprays of Magnesium oil will supply the needed sodium and magnesium. These things help reduce the amount of “exit damage” caused by toxins.

How to take Magnascent Iodine

Iodine is almost always missing from the American soil and American food, so supplementing is a must for most people who want to stay optimally healthy. The average adult (160 pounds) needs 1 to 2 drops of Magnascent Iodine daily in order for his or her iodine level to not go down.

  • For maintenance: take 4 drops daily or 30 drops once a week
  • For those with depleted levels of iodine, we recommend starting at a lose dose of 1 drop and increasing the dosage gradually to avoid too rapid detoxing. A schedule like the following might be appropriate (go more slowly than this if detox reactions are experienced):
    • Start with 1 drop daily
    • Add 1 drop daily until reaching 30 drops daily
    • Then drop down to 15 drops, but do it twice daily
    • Add 1 drop do your twice daily regiment until reaching 30 drops twice a day
    • Stay at that dosing level for up to one year until you have saturated your body with iodine
    • Also, supplement with magnesium, selenium and sodium to maximize iodine benefits

Choline is an under-supplied (it's deficient in 90 percent of Americans) nutrient that’s highly important for helping the liver to maintain its capabilities for detoxifying the body (the liver is the most important detoxifying organ of the body). Choline is also quintessential for keeping toxins out of the brain. People with low choline levels are more likely to develop fatty liver and other liver disorders, but far worse, they're more likely to develop Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Symptoms of choline deficiency (IE, increasing toxicity) may include:

  • low energy levels of fatigue
  • memory loss
  • cognitive decline
  • learning disabilities
  • muscle aches
  • nerve damage
  • mood changes or disorders

Where to Get Choline

  • Choline is naturally found in egg yolks, fish (like salmon), meat, dairy, and broccoli. The best source are egg yolks. One large hen's egg can provide 25 percent of a pregnant woman’s daily choline needs and more than half the choline required for 4- to 8-year-old children.
    • Less than 9 percent of pregnant women meet the minimum daily requirement, another reason for rampant autism levels.
  • For vegans, the best source would be lots of cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or supplements (that contain much more choline than are easily obtained from vegetables):
    • Methylate — a normally daily amount provides 200 mg of Choline.
    • Better B Complex is another good source of Choline — normal daily amount provides 150 mg of Choline

There is Something Truly Magnificent about Magnesium!

Magnesium is critical to healthy in many ways (Magnesium ions regulate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body through their role as enzyme co-factors). Magnesium is highly involved in many detoxification pathways.

After Iodine, magnesium is next on the list in importance for enabling maximum cellular detoxification. It needs to always be available to one’s cells. Here's how magnesium works to detoxify the cells:

  1. Magnesium stimulates the sodium potassium pump on the cell wall which regulates intracellular electrolyte levels and the intake of nutrients and elimination of waste products, including elimination of heavy metals.
  2. Glutathione is the master toxin binding molecule that the body makes and utilizes continuously in all cells of the body neutralize free radicals and bind with toxins. Without Magnesium, Glutathione won’t be made — and without Glutathione, free radicals will build up within one’s cells. So, since Glutathione production is dependent on having available magnesium, we should all sure that our body has plenty of Magnesium.

When our bodies are replete with magnesium we are much more protected from heavy metal deposition than without that magnesium, and we are also being protected from the development of associated neurological diseases.

brain toxins

If You're Low in Magnesium, You'll be High in Brain Toxins

As Dr. Carolyn Dean explains, “Research indicates that ample magnesium will protect brain cells from the damaging effects of aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel.

Low levels of brain magnesium allow the deposition of heavy metals in the brain that heralds Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It appears that the metals compete with magnesium for entry into the brain cells. If magnesium is low, metals gain access much more readily… There is also competition in the small intestine for absorption of minerals. If there is enough magnesium, aluminum won’t be absorbed.

”Magnesium deficiency is endemic in our modern world, with 70% of people estimated to be deficient in Magnesium. That’s why Magnesium supplementation comes right after Iodine supplementation as the most important factor for keeping an internally clean body.

There is as much as a 500-fold difference in the ability among individuals to detoxify the same chemicals or radiation as well in a person with ample magnesium as compared to one with very little magnesium. Deficiencies in magnesium greatly lower the body’s ability to detoxify and chelate heavy metals and radioactive particles.

So, simply put, if you’re low in magnesium, you will be high in toxins. Two great sources of Magnesium include Ace Ormus and Kona Deep Sea Minerals.

It's best to intake "magnesium", either as magnesium-rich foods or as supplements — multiple times a day not just once in the morning.

Even Slight Reductions in the Amount of Sulfur in the Body Interfere with Human Health and Especially With Detoxification

To most people, sulfur is merely the smell of rotten cabbage or eggs. Most people don’t think of sulfur when they think of being clean internally. The truth is, however, that sulfur deficiency can have a very big impact on the body’s ability to detoxify harmful chemicals. Here's how sulfur works to keep us clean internally:

  1. Sulfur compounds bind with environmental chemicals so that they don't do damage to our cells, hanging onto them until eventually they are carried out of the body within stool or urine. Sulfur is especially good at doing this with mercury, barium and aluminum.
  2. Sulfur is essential for the production of the protective molecule, Metallothionein, produced mostly in our intestines. Metallotheionein binds with mercury and other toxic metals that enter our digestive tract resulting in its excretion.
  3. Sulfur is needed to create and regulate the activity of many important enzymes that cleanse our bodies by breaking down wastes.
  4. Sulfur helps to maintain the integrity of cell membranes, and gastrointestinal linings which produce both enzymes and transport molecules that move toxins into detoxification pathways.
  5. Sulfur is an ingredient for forming glutathione, which is a very powerful antioxidant for detoxifying free radicals. Glutathione also optimizes the function of other antioxidants in our body and is nicknamed "the master antioxidant".
  6. Sulfur is required for the detoxification pathways of the liver, which is a key detoxifying organ. One of the major pathways is called cytochrome P450 (if you want to do further research).
  7. Sulfur is important for energy production and insulin function. Both of these are needed for detoxification processes to occur.
  8. Although inflammation is the result of toxicity and not the lack of sulfur, there is much evidence to suggest that sulfur and glutathione work collaboratively with other minerals, fatty acids and vitamins in many healing processes throughout the body. In particular, they (sulfur and glutathione) help our body to make prostaglandins, which reduce inflammation.

Sources of Nutritional Sulfur

The body has a limited ability to store excess sulfur. Unused sulfur is either used to make glutathione or sent out of the body via the urine. In other words, we need plenty of daily dietary sulfur intake to maintain adequate detoxification activity! These are some excellent sulfur sources:

  • Protein foods such as beef, poultry, fish and eggs are rich in sulfur. Sulfur is also found in smaller quantities within certain plant foods including garlic, onion, legumes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and kale.
  • Some berries, figs, pineapple, grapefruit and banana contain minor amounts of sulfur. Dandelion greens, chives, parsley, Brazil nuts and kelp are other sources.
  • An excellent source is Organic Sulfur powder. Just take one or teaspoons per day, either spooning directly in the mouth or mixed in any liquid.

You Need to Constantly Remove Pathogens From Your Body!

pathogens after mePathogens (parasites, pathogenic bacteria, mycoplasmas, fungi and viruses) cause untold suffering and deaths — despite antibiotics because pathogens have learned to live subversively, below the radar and have adapated to not die from modern anti-biotics.

Ask people who have experienced MRSA, black mold, Lyme’s bacteria, energy-sapping parasites, or acute influenza and cold viruses how much good medicines did for them? Many will tell you the medicines did almost nothing or gave more side-effects than benefits. Smart" pathogens make people's lives miserable across the globe unless you know the habits that can "outsmart" them.

*Note: even the common cold virus has a cost to the U.S. of 25 billion dollars annually in direct medical costs and lost productivity because medicines don't curtail the cold virus. The only thing that can really make a difference are safeguarding habits.

  • Much of the time when a person doesn’t feel "right”, it’s because of microorganisms that have invaded his or her body and are multiplying in the sinuses, gastrointestinal tract or bloodstream.
  • If the direct suffering caused by pathogens isn't enough, the internal stress from pathogens can cause sleeping problems and a reduction in immune strength that can allow cancer to grow when if the immune system was stronger it wouldn't have done so.
  • Microorganisms create a paradox for us because modern medicine can kill some of them — but only with “cell damaging” medicines (antibiotics, antivirals and anti-fungals). That means that these medicines aren’t worth taking unless the pathogens reach the levels in the body where they are doing more damage than the medicine will do.
  • And in some cases, modern medicines aren’t up to the task of killing certain pathogens. They just don't help much with viral infections (colds, Herpes), Lyme’s Disease, MRSA, black Mold, Flesh Eating Bacteria and they have bad side-effects.

Thankfully, there is much that one can do preemptively via habits that essentially say to pathogens, "Not in my body, you won't". Keeping toxins and pathogens out of the human body is the last frontier in health. It is challenging because many pathogens (the most successful ones) try to “hide” quietly in our blood stream, tissues and intestines... escaping notice even with blood tests... and just making us miserable.

How to Get and Keep Pathogens Out Your Body!

The key is having daily habits that help eradicate pathogens before they take up permanent residence in the body. Once pathogens change their status from having a visitor visa to being permanent residents, they camouflage themselves and release chemicals that suppress the immune system so that immune soldiers have a harder time to locate and kill them. Thankfully, when pathogens first enter our bodies, they are vulnerable and that's the time to fight them hard.

Here's the habits we recommend to help expel and destroy pathogens before they get "residence status":

  • Prevent Pathogens from multiplying in your lungs, throat, and sinuses (these are major entry way into the body for pathogens):
    • Each night rinse your sinuses, with a Netti-pot and saline solution, or even better with a teaspoon of Silver-Biotics. This will reduce pathogen populations in the sinuses so that those bugs don't go into the lungs during the night.
    • Also, each night gargle with two teaspoons of Silver-Biotics so that pathogens don't go down your throat in your lungs during the night.
    • Anytime, that you experience the slightest, slightest cough, or even preemptively if you have the feeling to do so, you may wish to nebulize BION silver or Silver Biotics into your lungs. Just use a half-teaspoon and nebulize for 5 or 10 minutes. This will help deactivate pathogens in the lungs so they don't multiply there.
  • stomach
  • Don't Let Pathogens Live in Your Stomach (If your digestive juices become weak, pathogens will live in your stomach (especially the upper part), crawl up into the esophogus, cause heartburn, Barret's, ulcers, and interfere with digestion):
    • Take Cleanzym daily to boost your digestive abilities. This supplement will increase your production of gastric juices and enzymes and literally digest pathogens that enter your body with food or drink.
    • One or more times daily take two or three teaspoons of Silver Biotics on an empty stomach (needs to stay empty only for ten or fifteen minutes) to help deactivate any pathogens in the stomach.
  • intestines
  • Don't Let Pathogens Live in Your Intestines or Blood Stream (many pathogens, especially parasites and fungi will survive digestive juices and travel into the intestines and take up residence there, and perforate intestinal linings and move into the blood stream. — Don't let them stay.):
    • Take Body Biotics daily (to occupy the intestines so that pathogens have no place to implant). This is like keeping your lawn planted with good grass seed so weeds don't have a place to start growing.
    • Take Paragon every few months. This supplement will help expel or destroy parasites in the intestinal tract. It is Dr. William R. Kellas's (of the Center for Advanced Medicine) most advanced formulation for controlling parasites.
    • Take Mal-X in one of two ways, either daily or, occasionally. When taken daily, TAKE one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening. The purpose is to help keep pathogens from multiplying in the bloodstream. When taken occasionally, take three to five capsules in the morning and three to five capsules in the evening. This protocol's goal is to help the immune system eradicate a large population of pathogens living in the bloodstream.


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Moving Your Lymph is So Important — You've Got to Do it!

lymphatic vessels

Lymph is a colorless plasma (fluid) that constantly moves past the cells of the body and collects and transports one’s cellular garbage to organs in the body where the garbage can be taken out of the lymph and disposed. These garbage removal organs are the lymph nodes, liver and kidneys. The cleansed lymph fluid then goes back to the heart to become part of blood plasma and repeat the cycle of being pushed out to the cells to go collect more garbage. Lymph is so important to human health that it has a total volume in the body that is three times greater than the amount of blood residing in the circulatory veins, arteries and capillaries of the body.

The sewage carried by lymph away from the cells is comprised of the byproducts of cellular metabolism, as well as toxins in the food we have eaten, pesticides, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, illicit drugs, cigarette toxins, airborne pollutants, the living and dead bodies of pathogens, and other toxins. The lymphatic system, or lymph system includes one’s lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland, tonsils, lymph glands (where lymph is made) and the lymph fluid itself.

Despite the fact that there is three times more lymph fluid than blood in the circulatory systems of our bodies, there is no organ to pump lymph through the body like the heart does for blood. The main way to move and clean lymph is via body movements or massage so that motion or friction pressure pushes lymph through the lymph valves, drainage and cleansing systems.

It is estimated that 80% of everyone has a sluggish lymph system, meaning that their lymph hardly moves at all. Thus, otherwise hygienic human beings (who wash the outsides of their bodies religiously, and maintain spotlessly clean kitchens and bathrooms, while giving no attention to their lymphatic systems), are causing their cells to live in a toxic cess‑pool despite their body's exterior cleanliness. That filthy internal water detrimentally affects their quality of life and lifespan.

Here are the main ways to keep your lymph moving:

  • Breathe deeply. Spend four minutes twice a day deep breathing — inhaling as much air as you can, holding for 20 seconds and exhaling out of the air, repeated until the four minutes are up. Your lymph system relies on body movement for transporting lymph toxins into the blood so that they can be detoxified and removed from the body by your liver and kidneys. Breathing deeply expands the upper torso and moves lymph from the neck to the navel into lymph nodes and into the blood and to the heart.
  • Large body movements. Large movements of the body’s major bones and muscles also ensures that the lymph flows (properly) to take garbage away from cells. The best kind of movement (in terms of both effectiveness and safety) is rebounding on a mini trampoline, which can dramatically improve lymph flow in just twenty minutes, but stretching and aerobic exercise also do this job.
  • Gentle massage, including dry brush massage and salt rubs are also helpful. An hour-long massage has been shown to move as much as 78% of stagnant lymph back into circulation. Make sure the massage is gentle, as painful massage is less likely to move lymph.
  • Sauna or hot baths or showers combined with cold showers also help to move lymph because warmth makes lymph vessels expand and cold makes them contract, helping to squeeze lymph and encourage it to move. (Avoid temperature extremes if you have heart conditions or are pregnant).
  • Whole body vibration causes micro-circulation of lymph — enough to move the lymph into the lymph collection systems to be cleaned and recirculated. Some of these vibration units cost less than $200 to purchase.
  • Electronic and magnetic stimulation devices such as the BEMER also cause the lymph to move and are especially useful for persons who cannot do any of the above.

Our Recommended Detox Habits:

  1. Iodine (increases cellular detoxification) — regularly take Magnascent Iodine or Oyster Max
  2. Choline  (increases conversion of the toxic homocysteine molecule into methione) — regularly take Better B Complex and/or Methylate
  3. Lymph  Cleaning   (moving toxic interstial fluid surround cells) into lymph pathways for elimination greatly helps the body stay clean) — Engage in Daily Exercise, Stretching, Deep Breathing
  4. Magnesium — regularly consume magnesium rich foods and supplement such as E7, Ace Ormus, Deep Sea Minerals
  5. Sulfur — regularly consume sulfur-rich foods and/or supplements such as Organic Sulfur
  6. Soil Based Organisms — Body Biotics
  7. Pathogens — Eight Day Cleanse

The Above Magnificent Seven Habits for Staying Detoxified Ought to Be Standard Required Memorization in our Public Schools

  • Both soils and people are mostly devoid of iodine. We need a daily intake. Part of the reason people's bodies are nearly devoid of iodine is that we have switched to non-iodized salt. For most people it doesn't matter which iodine one uses on a daily basis, just get a source of iodine and and take it daily. For those who are sensitive to iodine, then an atomic iodine like Magnascent Iodine is safer. **Please note that iodine can provoke serious toxin release from cells, so it is wise to start with a very lose dose, 1 drop or even less and increase very slowly until one's body is saturated with iodine as it should be.
  • People who are fat burners have low Leptin levels, low Insulin levels and a Hypothalamus gland that is sensitive to Leptin. They live longer and have less inflammation and disease.
  • People who are sugar burners have high Leptin levels, high Insulin levels and a Hypothalamus gland that is insensitive to Leptin. They have higher levels of blood sugar, free radicals and inflammation. They will have a reduced longevity and much more incidence of disease conditions.
  • The main secret, therefore, of the fat burning lifestyle is maintaining low blood sugar. In addition to a lifestyle of eating foods that don't raise the blood sugar (or immediately burning of the blood sugar with exercise), this kind of lifestyle includes not going to bed with significant amounts of food in the stomach, which would cause elevated blood sugar, elevated Leptin and fat storage during the night. Here's the salient points:
    • Eat meals that don't spike blood sugar. Such meals consist mostly of healthy fats, proteins and non-starchy vegetables. That means uncooked, non-starchy, non-sweet vegetables and sprouts are great to eat in virtually unlimited amounts. Also, uncooked, undamaged, unsaturated fats would be great to eat.
    • Sleep sufficiently. The body uses sleep to repair itself and clear Leptin from the blood.
    • Fast 13 to 20 hours daily. Having 13 to 20 hours daily of no eating time (including sleep time) is about the most powerful thing one can do to reset metabolic systems. 13 hours is doable for anyone, but longer times are difficult.
    • Exercise daily. Exercise is very helpful for establishing the fat burning mode, by helping to keep blood sugar very low, which keeps Leptin production low and forces fat burning to occur. Exercise should be significant enough to promote deep breathing and should continue for 30 minutes or more in order to ensure that the body enters a fat burning mode. (When all blood sugars are used up, the body must burn fat to continue its exertions.) The graph below shows the effect of exercise duration in terms of stimulating fat burning.
    • Lastly, repairing damaged Hypothalamic sensors (the ones that detect Leptin) can be critical for quickly moving from sugar burning mode to fat burning mode. Two supplements that help repair these sensors include: Embla Arginine and Risotriene.

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