Featuring Super Weight Loss Combo
The Science of Keeping Your Body in the Fat Burning Mode
Scientists are beginning to describe the “survival instinct that fights dieting efforts to lose fat” as the Hypothalamic Leptin Regulated Metabolic Switch.
The concept of the Hypothalamic Leptin Switch is that the Hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) chooses whether the body will burn fat or burn sugar to produce energy a person needs to live and be active. Fat burning is healthier than sugar burning and sugar burning could also be called fat storing because when the Hypothalamus chooses sugar burning, it also chooses to store every possible incoming calorie as fat, even lowering the metabolism so that more calories can be stored away as fat.
So, if the Hypothalamus chooses for the body to store fat, then dieting will not be very successful, or, even if it is successful through sheer will power, then as soon as the dieting ends, the body will go back to storing fat, and erase whatever fat loss had been achieved.
The Hypothalamus chooses whether one’s cells will burn fat or store fat, based on the Hypothalamuses perception of the body’s energy reserves, which energy reserves are expressed in terms of Leptin levels in the blood. If energy reserves (i.e. Leptin levels) are within an optimum range, fat burning mode will be chosen, otherwise, the fat storing mode will be chosen.
For Successful Weight Management, One Needs to Work With the Hypothalamic Leptin Switch, Not Against It
Successful weight loss programs must work with the survival mechanisms of the body, and not against them.
The survival instinct that drives appetite is the result of the functioning of the Hypothalamus gland in the brain which constantly scans the blood to determine if one’s body has enough stored food energy in order to survive any potential famine. The Leptin molecule which is made in fat cells is what is being monitored by the Hypothalamus. The amount of Leptin in the blood is deemed by the Hypothalamus to indicate the amount of energy reserves that the body has.
If enough energy reserves are determined to exist in the body, then the Hypothalamus puts the body into fat burning mode and if not, the Hypothalamus puts the body into fat storing mode.
Again, the Hypothalamus does this determination of how much food energy is stored in the body by measuring the levels of a chemical called Leptin (which is a messenger, molecule made in fat cells that circulates in the blood and is detected by the Hypothalamus).
More specifically:.
If the amount of Leptin in the blood goes below 4.0 ng/ml or above 9.0 ng/ml, then the Hypothalamus switches the body into fat storing mode instead of the more desirable fat burning mode.
When the Hypothalamus signals for the fat storing mode to be implemented (due to low Leptin levels), the cells of one’s body will burn sugar for energy, the metabolic set point will lowered to conserve energy and fat will be stored — all with the goal of increasing energy reserves.
- When Leptin levels are in the optimum range (pictured as green above, between 4.0 ng/ml and 9.0 ng/ml) then the brain switches the body back into the preferable fat burning mode.
In the fat burning mode, fat is burned for energy and the metabolic set point is raised — which increases the available energy one has. The more energy one has the better one feels.
Being in the fat burning mode is important for long term weight weight management and for feeling one’s best.
More about Leptin control:
What we know about Leptin production and Leptin measuring includes these important facts:
- High blood sugar increases the rate of production of Leptin.
- Low blood sugar reduces the production of Leptin.
- Stress, fear and anxiety release stress chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol which put the body into sugar burning mode regardless of Leptin level.
- Leptin levels of 9.0 ng/ml or higher (and this is perhaps the most important thing in this entire discussion to understand) are measured by the brain as zero.
Important Fat Burning Mode Facts:
- The body can only burn fat or sugar in order to gain energy. Burning fat is the healthy mode while burning sugar is the unhealthy mode that leads to fat storage.
- Having the cells of the body operate in the fat burning mode results from keeping one’s Leptin level within the range of 4.0 to 9.0 ng/ml.
- Engaging in moderate exercise (40 minutes or longer) puts the body into fat burning mode regardless of a high Leptin level.
So, the scientific method of weight loss includes Leptin level management and exercise.
One can quickly understand that persons with high percentages of body fat will unavoidably have high levels of Leptin, and especially so, if their blood sugar is also high.
It is critical to reduce blood sugar when one has excessive fat. Here are the several useful methods for getting blood sugar to go lower:
- Fasting (abstaining from food) lowers blood sugar. However, fasting leads to nutrient deficiencies (which can increase stress) and fasting is uncomfortable for most people to do.
- Eating food which has very little sugar and carbohydrate content will also result in lowered blood sugar and has the advantage of avoiding the stress on the body caused by fasting.
The trick is to choose suitably low carbohydrate, easy to purchase and prepare food, good tasting food.
What we have found to be best is to drink nutrient dense liquid food.
- Eating Parent Omega Oils and fat mobilizers such as Carnosine, Acetyl L Carnitine and minerals is also important to encourage fat burning.
- It is, also, very important to have 12 to 14 consecutive hours per day of no food and ample sleep each day so that the body can remove stress hormones from the body.
- It is important to reduce fear and anxiety since those things put one into a sugar-burning, fat storing mode.
- Supplements that help normalize blood sugar such as Glycemic Support and Magnascent Iodine may be useful.
- Finally, supplements and practices that remove stress hormones from the body such as meditation, Laminine and Sleeping Earthed are very useful to ensure that one avoids sugar-burning mode due to stress chemicals in the body.

Products Listing
Super Weight Loss Combo
A Fat Burning Strategy, Based on Real Science — Governing Metabolic Mode
The Super Weight Loss Combo is a powerfully effective Healthy Living weight loss package and protocol. With this program, one mixes the three types of nutritional powders (included in the pack) and drinks that mixture several times a day, in place of all other food. That, plus 40 to 50 minutes per day of moderate exercise, pushes one into fat burning mode, with typical weight loss results of one half to one pound of weight per day.

Whether you have 20 pounds or 200 pounds to lose, this is the simplest and most reliable way to shed those excess pounds of fat.
The Super Weight Loss Combo Works So Well Because It Works With The Hypothalamic Leptin Regulated Metabolic Mode Switch
Scientists have learned that the brain’s Hypothalamus gland sets the metabolic mode of the body (fat burning versus fat storing) based on the Hypothalamus’s sensing of serum Leptin levels. By working with this Leptin regulated Hypothalamic metabolic mode switch in one’s brain, one can lose weight without fighting the survival instinct that derails most diet efforts.
Despite its very technical underpinnings, our package is utterly simple. In fact, it offers a truly simple, “kick the ball approach” to weight loss that enables virtually anyone to reliably lose their excess fat and become their healthiest self.
Examples of Success (these are not predictive; individual results will always vary):
- 60 Year Old Man - 100 pounds lost in three months.
- 70 Year Old Man - 60 pounds lost in eight weeks.
- 70 Year Old Woman - 20 pounds lost in 24 days
More details regarding metabolic mode can be obtained by reading the material in the left hand column or by requesting our free E-Booklet on how to have a Leptin Sensitive Hypothalamus).
How The Super Weight Loss Combo Package Was Created
The Super Weight Loss Combo package that we offer came into existence when a good friend (and neighbor) asked us for help in order for him to lose approximately 150 pounds of weight. He wanted a specific plan to follow since every other plan he had tried resulted in failure. That’s when we created for him what we now call our Super Weight Loss Combo weight loss package with its simple directions for use.
By using the Super Weight Loss Combo package, our friend quickly lost 100 pounds in just three months. Then several interrupting business and family vacation trips, ended his strict adherence to Super Weight Loss Combo plan for nearly four months... in fact during his one month vacation in France and Italy, he enjoyed the foods of those countries to his heart’s content. During these four months, he sporadically followed the plan and lost an additional 30 pounds only. His total loss so far equals 100 + 30 = 130 pounds.
Our friend says that having a method that works is what made all the difference for him because up until now in his life, no diets have ever worked. That’s the power of working with the Leptin Switch in one’s brain.
This Super Weight Loss Com
bo plan and products work because they help the Hypothalamic Switch in one’s brain to choose fat burning for the body, instead of fat storing — by reducing Leptin production through blood sugar reduction and intense nutrition that prevents cribbing (which is a need to eat generated at the cellular level because the cells don’t have enough nutrition and this message gets felt by the brain as a desire to chew on something). This coupled with exercise to put the body into the fat burning mode each morning is why it works. Read more details why this this plan works in the left hand column.
Leptin Metabolic Mode Science — The Simplified Version
A summary of Leptin Science is that if the amount of the Leptin hormone molecule in one’s bloodstream stays between 4.0 ng/ml and 9.0 ng/ml, then one’s body will burn fat for energy, and one will be prone to maintain a healthy amount of fat.
On the other hand, if the amount of Leptin in one’s blood stream goes higher than 9.0 ng/ml, the Hypothalamus will switch the metabolic mode of the body from fat burning to fat storing. This is the beginning of the overweight problem and in actuality, the beginning of most other modern health problems, as well.
What Does Super Weight Weight Loss Combo Plan Entail:
Great plans are very simple. And the Super Weight Loss Combo Plan is no exception to that rule. Here is what it entails:
- Engage in moderate exercise for at least 40 minutes each day - preferably first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening (however, any time during the day will work).
- Drink intense liquid nutrition (our combo kit provides three nutritional powders which are mixed in water). These powders are extremely high in nutrients, extremely low in carbohydrates and encourage fat burning with Parent Omega Oils and fat mobilizers. This nutrition is to be drunk two times to four times daily (enough to totally satisfy nutrient needs of the body’s trillions of cells so that one does not feel hungry).
- Sleep adequately - one should feel completely rested upon arising.
- Continue doing the above - until one’s total body fat has come down to optimum levels.
In case, you’re wondering if something so simple really works... and works every time, let me just say that it does work... for virtually everyone.
- If there is insufficient iodine in the body, this inadequacy could prevent the fat burn rate from going to its maximum possible rate. See recommendations under Additional Notes.
- If one is a brittle diabetic, then one’s blood sugar could going so low as to be unsafe. This requires consultation with your health professional. See Additional Notes below in this regard.
- Fear overrides the Hypothalamic Leptin Switch in the brain because adrenaline which is released when one is afraid forces sugar burning, which is a fat gaining mode. Worry is fear. So, if you are a person that constantly worries, you may need to learn to meditate in order to help eliminate your worrying.
- It is imperative that you continue this program until your body fat percentages have reached their optimum range; and you must thereafter strive to maintain low blood sugar levels. You need to understand that if you permanently stop the Super Weight Loss Combo program before reaching optimum Leptin levels, then the still high Leptin levels in one’s body will cause your body to operate again in the sugar burning, fat storing mode, in which case, fat will be stored anew.
Here are the specific food powders included in the Super Weight Loss Combo (Nutrition Mix). Each serving of Super Weight Loss Combo Nutrition Mix should be as follows:
The above food powders should be mixed together in 25 to 32 ounces of water and constitute one meal. We recommend drinking two to four of these “meals” per day. There are 30 servings in each product.
Why This Nutritional Program Works
This plan works because:
- The above food powders are very low in total carbohydrates, which means one’s blood sugar will become very low, which will help reduce the amount of Leptin produced by your body (see explanation to left), which helps ensure a fat burning mode.
- Also, these powders are extremely high in antioxidants and nutrients, including essential fatty acids and amino acids. These will ensure that cells are happy, unstressed and working correctly to burn off fat.
- The food powders when mixed in water are palatable. We wouldn’t call this mixture delicious, but the taste is good enough that the program is sustainable for a long period of time.
- Morning exercise or late evening exercise ensures that one starts a new day in the fat burning mode.
- Low blood sugar keeps Leptin production at a minimum so that the fat burning mode is maintained longer.
- Twelve hours of no food each night (including sleep time) with sufficient sleep ensure that stress hormones and metabolic hormones such as Leptin (which might encourage fat storing) and insulin are removed from the blood.
- With the large amount of nutrition provided in the above food mixture combination, your cells will be very happy and will be able to function optimally. Your health will soar while on this program and you will burn fat.
Additional Notes:
- Exercise is ESSENTIAL while utilizing the Super Weight Loss Combo Plan.
- You should have plenty of energy for that exercise while utilizing our mix of nutritional powders. They are designed to nourish the cells in a totally superior manner to what most people have ever known before.
- If your iodine levels are low, then your metabolic set point may be lower than ideal, meaning less fat burning would occur. We suggest doing an iodine patch test to determine your iodine level, and if low, to supplement with Magnascent Iodine.
- If your blood sugar is high, and especially, if you are a brittle diabetic, then we recommend an herbal support product such as Glycemic Support to help ensure stable, low blood sugar. You will need to consult with your wellness professional who knows you personally in this regard.
Super Weight Loss Combo Products Ordering Form
Item #
Retail Price
Your Price
965+ 967+ 381 |
Combo Pack A: One Canister Each of Green Powder SuperDrink, HeChoco and Chocolate Flavored E7 (Original) |
$144.00 |
$117.00 |
965+ 967+ 387 |
Combo Pack B: One Canister Each of Green Powder SuperDrink, HeChoco and Chocolate Flavored E7 (Lo Han Guo) |
$144.00 |
$117.00 |
965+ 966+
381 |
Combo Pack C: One Canister Each of Green Powder SuperDrink, RiChoco and Chocolate Flavored E7 (Original) |
$144.00 |
$117.00 |
965+ 966+
387 |
Combo Pack D: One Canister Each of Green Powder SuperDrink, RiChoco and Chocolate Flavored E7 (Lo Han Guo) |
$144.00 |
$117.00 |
965 |
Green Powder SuperDrink |
$69.00 |
$55.00 |
966 |
HeChoco |
$30.00 |
$18.00 |
967 |
RiChoco |
$30.00 |
$18.00 |
381 |
Chocolate Flavored E7 (Original) |
$60.00 |
$49.00 |
387 |
Chocolate Flavored E7 (Lo Han Guo) |
$60.00 |
$49.00 |
926 |
Magnascent Iodine |
$40.00 |
$36.00 |
250 |
Glycemic Support |
$35.00 |
$29.00 |
923 |
PEOs (softgels) |
$49.00 |
$39.95 |
933 |
PEOs (liquid bottle) |
$49.95 |
$44.95 |
Quantity discounts available for E7, Magnascent Iodine and Glycemic Support: 3 to 5 units: 5%, 6 to 8 units: 10%, 9 plus units: 15%
View Cart
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Question: Can one utilize other favorite supplements along with the nutritional powders?
Answer: Yes, vitamin and mineral type supplements that have no calories will not interfere and may be of benefit — we especially recommend (for bowel cleanliness) probiotics such as Body Biotics, and products that enhance metabolism such as Glycemic Support or Magnascent Iodine.
- Question: Can one utilize other flavors of E7?
Answer: Yes, most people prefer Chocolate, but any flavor is okay. To purchase other flavors of E7, click here.
- Question: Can one replace E7 with a different nutritional powder?
Answer: Yes, we especially recommend Zeal for Life as an alternative to E7. It has many food compounds that are not in E7 (and variety is a great thing in nutrition). The important thing is that whatever other nutritional powder you chose in place of E7 has considerable nutrition and less than 80 calories per serving. We don’t recommend substituting the Hechoco/Richoco or GPS. Those specifically help achieve a fat burning mode with fat mobilizers.
- Question: Will the Super Weight Loss Combo plan work for any amount of desired weight loss?
Answer: Yes. Just continue with the plan until reaching your desired weight.
- Question: Is exercise required for this plan to work?
Answer: Yes, in most cases it is required. The reason is that most people have Leptin levels that are significantly higher than 9.0 ng/ml. It takes, therefore, BOTH THE lowering of blood sugar to reduce Leptin levels AND THE FORCED temporary SWITCHING into fat burning that exercise causes in order to enable fat burning for much of the day. Once the body switches into fat burning mode (you can see this occurring very significantly after about 40 minutes in the chart to the right), it stays in the fat burning mode for several hours, if blood sugar is low.
For people who are very near to the 9.0 ng/ml threshold, exercise might not not be required. But, exercise always makes fat loss occur faster, and it is important for optimum health.
- Question: How long should one continue with the Super Weight Loss Combo plan?
Answer: Until one’s Leptin level is consistently between 4.0 ng/ml and 6.0 ng/ml. (Your doctor can arrange periodic blood tests for determining your Leptin level and making sure that it is permanently in this range) Or, what we recommend, in most cases, is to just continue until you have eliminated your excess body fat.
- You can just compare your shape to the below picture:
The simple reality is that if you persist until losing your excess fat and lowering your Leptin levels, then you will be able to stay in the fat burning mode and you will not regain the fat weight that you have just lost.
But, if you have to stop the Super Weight Loss Combo plan before reaching that situation of having lost excess fat and lowering your Leptin levels to an optimum range, then you need to be sure to resume as soon as possible because if you stop completely before reaching 20% body fat or Leptin levels of 4.0 ng/ml to 9.0 ng/ml, you will unavoidably go back into a fat storing mode, and begin to store fat.